• Title/Summary/Keyword: By-pass dust

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Study of Using Carbon Dioxide for Obtaining Potassium Chloride from Cement By-Pass Dust (시멘트 바이패스 더스트 내 염화칼륨 수득을 위한 이산화탄소 적용 연구)

  • Kim, Kyoungseok;Chu, Yongsik
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2017
  • As by-pass dust (BPD) made from cement manufactured process is designated waste, it is required to bury as high cost. The main component of BPD is potassium chloride (KCl), and used for the fertilizer. For using KCl to the fertilizer, the pH value of KCl is required as neutral or weak acid. However, it is not suitable to apply BPD into the fertilizer directly without any other treatment because BPD's pH value is shown 12.0~12.5; a high base. In this study, the carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) was used for removing calcium oxide (CaO) and reducing pH value during manufacturing process of KCl. We fixed inner condition of the carbon test chamber as $25^{\circ}C$-50RH%, and retained 0~7 hours under the 20 vol% of $CO_2$ atmosphere. After experiment, we analyzed the content of CaO and pH value from each samples. The more time exposed to $CO_2$, the content of CaO and pH value are shown. Furthermore, pH value exposed in 6 hours nearly reached 7.


  • Suh, Kyung-Won
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.157-167
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    • 1995
  • OH/IR stars are the most massive and youngest subclass in asymptotic giant branch stars which pass through sporadic superwind phases. We have modeled the dust envelopes around OH/IR stars with close attention to the evolution of the structure of the dust shells. We use various dust density distributions to take account the effect of the superwind due to the helium shell flash by adding a density increased region. Depending on the position and quality of the density increased region, the model results are different from the results with conventional density distribution. The new results fit the observations of some OH/IR stars better. Especially, the OH/IR stars with excessive 30-100$\mu$m emission can be better explained by the new results. The IR two-color diagrams comparing the results of the superwind models and IRAS observation of 95 OH/IR stars have been made. The new results can explain much wider regions on the IR two-color diagrams.

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Fine Dust Suppression by Enzyme Induced Carbonate Precipitation: Indoor Experiment and Field Application (EICP에 의한 미세먼지 억제: 실내 실험 및 현장 적용)

  • Song, Jun Young;Ha, Seong Jun;Sim, Youngjong;Jin, Kyu-Nam;Yun, Tae Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.35 no.10
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2019
  • The efficiency of suppressing fine dust was evaluated by conducting indoor and field experiments for the ground treated with EICP solution, which is an eco-friendly ground improvement method. In laboratory experiments, the EICP solution was prepared with inexpensive materials for the field applicability, and the optimal mixing ratio and optimal spraying volume of EICP solution were calculated. The optimum amount of calcium carbonate was shown when the ratio of urea/calcium chloride and white powder were 1.5 and 15 g/L, respectively. The optimum spraying amount of the EICP solution was $7L/m^2$ determined by fine dust suppression and cone tip resistance experiments. The spraying of water and EICP solution was conducted at the test-bed where dump trucks pass for the effect of suppressing fine dust of each method. The effective fine dust suppression method can be chosen depending on the situation of the site.

Signal Processing for Stabilizing Output of Fine Dust Sensor (미세먼지 센서 출력의 안정화를 위한 신호처리)

  • Jung, Sang-Wook;Park, Jun-Hyeon;Kim, Ju-An;Kim, Jae-Wook;Cheon, Bong-Won;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.344-346
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    • 2018
  • Air pollution has become a social issue. Particularly, interest in fine dust is increasing. Various kinds of sensors are being used to measure fine dust. The most commonly used infrared detection dust sensors operate by sensing the diffraction of light through an infrared receiver and sensing the light reflected by the dust in the air. However, this method has a drawback in which accurate data analysis is difficult due to deviation caused by the noise during measurement. In order to overcome such drawbacks, in this thesis, a low pass filter algorithm of FIR(Finite Impulse Response) filter was designed and implemented.

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Characterization of depth filter media for gas turbine intake air cleaning

  • Park, Young Ok;Hasolli, Naim;Choi, Ho Kyung;Rhee, Young Woo
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.159-170
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    • 2009
  • A depth filter medium was newly designed in order to achieve high collection of dust and low pressure drop in this work. Multilayer depth filter media consist of an upstream layer of highly porous structure which allows particles to pass through and to follow by one or more downstream layers to hold the particles inside the media. For each filter media, flat sheet and pleated module were made of newly developed depth filter media and filter media of commercial products. Commercial depth filter cartridge for gas turbine air intake cleaning were used as reference for filtration area and pleat geometry of pleated modules. This work attempts to evaluate and compare the newly developed depth filter medium and two commercial filter media in terms of filtration parameters such as air permeability, initial pressure drop, particle retention and pressure drop variation with dust loading. According to the close examination the newly developed depth filter showed better performance compared to the commercial depth filter media.

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Process Technology of the Direct Separation and Recovery of Iron and Zinc Metals Contained in High Temperature EAF Exhaust Gas

  • Furukawa, Takeshi;Sasamoto, Hirohiko;Isozaki, Shinichi;Tanno, Fumio
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.393-397
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    • 2001
  • The innovatory process, that is the direct separation and recovery of the iron and zinc metals contained in the high temperature exhaust gas generated from the electric arc furnace fer the inn scrap melting and/or the dust treatment, has been proposed. This proposed process consists of the moving coke bed filter that is directly connected to the electric furnace, and the following heavy metal condenser. The exhaust gas passes through the filter and the condenser right after exhausting from the electric furnace. The moving coke bed filter is being controlled at about 1000℃ and collects iron and slag components contained in the high temperature exhaust gas. Heavy metals such as zinc and lead pass through the filter as vapor. Based on the thermodynamic considerations, the iron oxide and the zinc oxide are reduced in the filter. The solution loss reaction rate is comparatively low at about 1000℃ in the coke bed filter by the analysis using the mathematical simulation model. The heavy metal condenser is installed in the position after the coke bed filter, and rapidly cools the gas from about 1000℃ to 450℃ by a full of the cooling medium like the solid ceramic ball in addition to the cooling from the wall. The zinc and lead vapor condense and separate f개m the gas in a liquid state. The investigation of the characteristics of the exhaust gas of the commercial electric arc furnace, the fundamental experiments of the laboratory scale and the bench scale ensured the formation of this proposed process. A small-scale pilot plant examination is carrying out at present to confirm the formation of the process. It is certain that the dust generation of the electric arc furnace is extremely decreased, and it can save the energy consumption of usual dust treatment processes by the realization of this process.

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Solubility and Yield Characteristics of KCl in Cement By-Pass Dust (시멘트 바이패스 더스트에 존재하는 염화칼륨의 용해 및 수득 특성)

  • Yun, Youngmin;Jeong, Jaehyun;Chu, Yongsik
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2016
  • Cement manufacturing plant uses various kinds of industrial/municipal waste. The waste contains considerable amount of potassium, chlorine and small amount of heavy metal. Many researches were performed to fabricate valuable resources from the waste. In this study, various methods, which dissolves and crystallizes potassium/chlorine to extract potassium chloride, were experimented. Especially amount of water, slurry temperature, and stirring time were controlled. Then kind of heavy metal and content of potassium chloride were analyzed. The yield of potassium chloride increased, as the amount of water for slurry increased but it increased slightly, when the water content was over 200%. The yield tended to increase, when the temperature of slurry was over a certain point. The yield did not increase in case of over 10 minutes stirring time. The kind and content of heavy metal in potassium chloride were various according to stirring time. The main heavy metals were Pb, Cu, and $Cr^{6+}$.

Utilization of cement kiln dust as soil amendment material (토양개량제(土壤改良劑)로의 Cement Kiln Dust 이용(利用)에 관(關)하여)

  • Kim, Tae Soon;Song, Ki Jun;U, Zang Keul;Han, Kang Wan
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 1975
  • The experiment was carried out to investigate the chemical properties of cement kiln dusts, abundantly produced from cement industry as a byproduct, and their effectiveness on rice yield. The field experiment was conducted on the acid paddy soil developed on basalt at Dongsong-Myon, Chulwon-Kun, Gangwon-Do. Two kinds of cement kiln dusts were used ; By Pass (BP) collected from the suspension preheater and Electric Precipitate (EP) from the cottrell electric precipitator. The levels of cement kiln dust applied were 100kg/10a, 200kg/10a and 300kg/10a, and the recommended variety "Nong Back" was adopted for this experiment. The results obtained are summarized as follows ; 1. The component of cement kiln dusts seems to be quite suitable for liming material. BP has 55% alkalinity, 41.7% of soluble calcium, 9.8% of soluble magnesium and 4.5% of water soluble silicate, while EP has 53.5% alkalinity, 41.7% soluble calcium, 8.3% soluble magnesium and 1% water soluble silicate. 2. The relative effectiveness of cement kiln dust in the soil will be superior due to very fine particle size. EP pass through completely 270 mesh screen, and 95% of BP pass through 150 mesh screen, 68% passing 270 mesh. 3. BP application at the rate of 100kg/10a increased 21% of rice yield as compared with control and EP 15%. It was observed that the affected yield components were increased panicle number per hill, grain number per panicle and 1,000 grains weight. 4. The application of optimum amount (100kg/10a) of cement kiln dusts accelerated the uptake of nutrients by rice plant and increased rice yield. However, the excess amounts (200kg/10a, 300kg/10a) of cement kiln dusts retarded the uptake of nutrients from soil.

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Analyses of the current market trend and research status of indoor air quality control to develop an electrostatic force-based dust control technique (정전기적 힘을 이용한 실내공기 미세부유먼지 제거 요소기술의 개발을 위한 기술별 시장현황 및 연구 동향 분석)

  • Yoon, Young H.;Joo, Jin-Chul;Ahn, Ho-Sang;Nam, Sook-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.6610-6617
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    • 2013
  • This study examined the current and future Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) control device markets and analyzed the recent studies on indoor air pollutantr emoval to develop a new technology for fine dust control. Currently, the mechanical filter technique occupies the bulk of the IAQ control market but the electronic technique is emerging as an alternative to control fine dust efficiently. Among the gaseous VOCs and fine dust particles contaminating the indoor air quality, fine dust particles are more problematic because they threaten human health by penetrating deep into the body and producing secondary contaminants by chemical reaction with VOCs. The electronic IAQ control device using dielectrophoretic and electrostatic forces is a good option for public spaces where many people pass, and at the same time, it needs to consider temperature, humidity, and the particle properties of specific areas to highlight the control efficiency. Electronic-related technology is expected to be used widely in many public/private spaces wherever a dust-free environment is required.

The Influence of CO2 Concentration and Carbonation Period on the Carbonation Degree of Cement Kiln Bypass Dust(CBPD) (CO2 농도 및 탄산화 기간이 염소바이패스분진(CBPD) 탄산화에 미치는 영향)

  • Juan Yu;Young Min Park;Taewoo Lee;Jun-Ho Kil;Woo Sung Yum
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.367-372
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the effects of CO2 concentration and carbonation duration on the carbonation degree of cement kiln by-pass dust(CBPD). The results indicated that increasing the CO2 concentration from 5 % to 10 % significantly enhanced the carbonation degree of CBPD(by 2-8 wt% based on the total sample mass). However, at a CO2 concentration of 20 %, the carbonation degree of CBPD was comparable to that observed at 10 %. Regarding carbonation duration, the carbonation degree increased up to two days of curing.