• Title/Summary/Keyword: Business Software

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A Leading Study of Data Lake Platform based on Big Data to support Business Intelligence (Business Intelligence를 지원하기 위한 Big Data 기반 Data Lake 플랫폼의 선행 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Beom
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2018.01a
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    • pp.31-34
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    • 2018
  • We live in the digital era, and the characteristics of our customers in the digital era are constantly changing. That's why understanding business requirements and converting them to technical requirements is essential, and you have to understand the data model behind the business layout. Moreover, BI(Business Intelligence) is at the crux of revolutionizing enterprise to minimize losses and maximize profits. In this paper, we have described a leading study about the situation of desk-top BI(software product & programming language) in aspect of front-end side and the Data Lake platform based on Big Data by data modeling in aspect of back-end side to support the business intelligence.

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A study of appropriateness evaluation method for quality activity management of Software R&D Project (융복합 시대의 국가 SW R&D 프로젝트에 대한 품질활동관리 적정성 평가 방안 연구)

  • Seo, Young Wook;Chae, Seong Wook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2015
  • Reviewing the previous researches related to SW quality, we find that they are mostly quality evaluation models for SW quality improvement and maturity-design models for software project management evaluation. There are few studies for the appropriateness of SW quality management by Quality Control(QC) functions. Moreover, they are bound for government's SW R&D projects in the view of the third party. Therefore, we propose means for the objective evaluation of SW quality management's appropriateness by QC functions. For this reason, there are three research proposes in our study as follows. Firstly, we produce problems for the evaluation of the existing government's SW R&D project management's appropriateness. Secondly, to overcome the drawbacks for the evaluation of the appropriateness of SW quality management, new appropriateness evaluation methods are proposed. Lastly, we investigate the availability and effectiveness of the appropriateness evaluation methods for WBS projects.

A Development Method of Web System Combining Service Oriented Architecture with Multi-Software Product Line (서비스지향 아키텍처와 멀티소프트웨어 프로덕트라인을 결합한 웹 시스템 개발 방법)

  • Jung, IlKwon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.53-71
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    • 2019
  • As software systems become more complex and larger, software systems require a way to reuse software components or modules to provide new functionality. This paper designed a development method of web system combining SOA(Service Oriented Architecture) with MPSL(Multi-Software Product Line). According to provides SOA and MPSL, this paper suggested to service providers and service users to provide and reuse variable services. From the viewpoint of service provider, the suggested method identifies and implements reusable variable services as features by syntax-based, functional-based, and behavior-based methods applying feature identification guidelines and manages them as reuse assets. From the user's point of view, it is possible to develop a web system by constructing a service by workflow model as a method of structure and reconfigure services. As a result of measuring the reuse of the web system constructed in this paper by the function point, the cost reduction effect was verified by applying it to the similar project with the increase of reuse.

Information Technologies of Accounting and Analysis in Modern Companies

  • Yaremenko, Liudmyla;Hevchuk, Anna;Vuzh, Tetiana;Vashchilina, Elena;Yermolaieva, Maryna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2021
  • This article addresses the issue of finding optimal solutions using the information technologies of accounting and analysis in modern companies. The aim of the study is to reveal available information technologies for the needs of small, medium and large businesses operating in modern conditions. This goal is achieved by using systematization, comparison, and analysis of information, obtained under the survey and open management statistics. For the first time, the paper systematizes up-to-date information of 2021 about the most popular programs, online services, platforms and cloud services that are used to improve accounting and analytical processes in enterprises of various sizes. The main global trends in software development in terms of COVID-19 pandemic have been identified. In particular, the study defines the countries that occupy the leading positions in the informatization of business processes. An attempt was made to classify information technologies by their use by various volume of businesses. The analysis of research results of the Internet search query frequency regarding the use of information technologies enabled to determine the most popular software products worldwide. The peculiarities of information technologies, their advantages and disadvantages were examined and the common and distinctive features were compared. It was determined that for the new enterprises to implement information technologies, it is necessary to conduct a step-by-step study of all available software products. The software evaluation algorithm was described to help select the optimal software for the specific business processes. The paper also describes the way to solve the problem of using accounting and analysis software for the businesses of a specific kind of activity.


  • Kim, Eyong-B;Sangjin Yoo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2000
  • Management science/operations research (MS/OR) educational software packages are widely used at the present time. Those software packages are expected to help students understand MS/OR techniques better. However, MS/OR educational software packages are often used as computational tools to obtain model solutions efficiently rather than as the tutoring software packages. Several possible reasons for the lack of effective tutoring capacity in MS/OR educational software packages are identified in this paper. The authors believe that the deficiency of tutoring capacity in those software is mainly due to technological limitations (computers and artificial intelligence) and the MS/OR professionals' perception about those software packages. Given technological limitations, feasible design and development approaches are provided to improve the tutoring effectiveness of MS/OR educational software packages.

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A Survey on Characteristics and Application Domains of 3D Factory Simulation Technology (3D 팩토리 시뮬레이션 기술의 특징과 응용 분야에 대한 고찰)

  • Jo, Da-Seol;Kim, Jun-Woo
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.35-70
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    • 2018
  • Purpose Recently, 3D factory simulation technology has emeged as a powerful tool for modeling and analysis of a wide range of production systems, however, it has been not paid much attention in Korea. In this context, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive literature review on discrete event simulation softwares and introduce a promising 3D factory simulation software called FlexSim and its application domains. Design/methodology/approach In order to demonstrate worldwide popularity and technical superiority of FlexSim software, we analyzed the recent list of rankings for commercial discrete simulation softwares released by winter simulation conference and users' opinions collected from business software review site. Moreover, several main application domains are derived from a review of the previous research papers that deal with applications of FlexSim software. Findings FlexSim software recently moved up the list of major commercial simulation softwares, and technical superiorities of the software demonstrate that it is a promising tool for practical 3D factory simulation. Moreover, recent research papers suggest that FlexSim software can be used as a component of smart factory system. In this context, it is expected that FlexSim software becomes more popular in the era of industry 4.0.


  • Dong-Eun Lee
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.569-574
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents the core technology of Construction Business Process Automation to model and automate construction business processes. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Automation (BPA) have been recognized as one of the important aspects in construction business management. However, BPR requires a lot of efforts to identify, document, implement, execute, maintain, and keep track thousands of business processes to deliver a project. Moreover, existing BPA technologies used in existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems do not lend themselves to effective scalability for construction business process management. Application of Workflow and Object Technologies would be quite effective in implementing a scalable enterprise application for construction community. This paper present the technologies and methodologies for automating construction business processes by addressing how: 1) Automated construction management tasks are developed as software components, 2) The process modeling is facilitated by dragging-and dropping task components in a network, 3) Raising business requests and instantiating corresponding process instances are delivered, and 4) Business process instances are executed by using workflow technology based on real-time simulation engine. This paper presents how the construction business process automation is achieved by using equipment reservation and cancellation processes simplified intentionally.

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Innovation Patterns of Machine Learning and a Birth of Niche: Focusing on Startup Cases in the Republic of Korea (머신러닝 혁신 특성과 니치의 탄생: 한국 스타트업 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Songhee;Jin, Sungmin;Pack, Pill Ho
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2021
  • As the Great Reset is discussed at the World Economic Forum due to the COVID-19 pandemic, artificial intelligence, the driving force of the 4th industrial revolution, is also in the spotlight. However, corporate research in the field of artificial intelligence is still scarce. Since 2000, related research has focused on how to create value by applying artificial intelligence to existing companies, and research on how startups seize opportunities and enter among existing businesses to create new value can hardly be found. Therefore, this study analyzed the cases of startups using the comprehensive framework of the multi-level perspective with the research question of how artificial intelligence based startups, a sub-industry of software, have different innovation patterns from the existing software industry. The target firms are gazelle firms that have been certified as venture firms in South Korea, as start-ups within 7 years of age, specializing in machine learning modeling purposively sampled in the medical, finance, marketing/advertising, e-commerce, and manufacturing fields. As a result of the analysis, existing software companies have achieved process innovation from an enterprise-wide integration perspective, in contrast machine learning technology based startups identified unit processes that were difficult to automate or create value by dismantling existing processes, and automate and optimize those processes based on data. The contribution of this study is to analyse the birth of artificial intelligence-based startups and their innovation patterns while validating the framework of an integrated multi-level perspective. In addition, since innovation is driven based on data, the ability to respond to data-related regulations is emphasized even for start-ups, and the government needs to eliminate the uncertainty in related systems to create a predictable and flexible business environment.

A DRM Framework for Distributing Digital Contents through the Internet

  • Lee, Jun-Seok;Hwang, Seong-Oun;Jeong, Sang-Won;Yoon, Ki-Song;Park, Chang-Soon;Ryou, Jae-Cheol
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.423-436
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    • 2003
  • This paper describes our design of a contents distribution framework that supports transparent distribution of digital contents on the Internet as well as copyright protection of participants in the contents distribution value chain. Copyright protection must ensure that participants in the distribution channel get the royalties due to them and that purchasers use the contents according to usage rules. It must also prevent illegal draining of digital contents. To design a contents distribution framework satisfying the above requirements, we first present four digital contents distribution models. On the basis of the suggested distribution models, we designed a contract system for distribution of royalties among participants in the contents distribution channel, a license mechanism for enforcement of contents usage to purchasers, and both a packaging mechanism and a secure client system for prevention of illegal draining of digital contents.

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Developing Digital Games through Software Reuse

  • Neto, Beatriz;Fernandes, Lucia;Werner, Claudia;De Souza, Jano Moreira
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.219-234
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    • 2010
  • Gaming is an old humans' habit. Games help in logical development and encourage learning of theoretical and practical concepts. Besides they offer entertainment and challenge. The advent of the personal computer changed this tradition. Every year new challenges arise in a digital format, which lead the young and adults to spend hours in front of a computer or TV screen in an attempt to overcome hurdles and reach an objective. Quality, sophistication, and constant innovation are attained through complex computer software that almost has an obligation to improve as each new title is released, due to this game development becomes a challenge. Considering that a game title is software and thus faces the same restrictions of business applications, this article intends to analyze, under the optics of reuse, if game development resorts to reuse, and where and how this happens.