• Title/Summary/Keyword: Business Model Design and Analysis

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A Study on the Financial Service Negotiations in the Korean-Chinese Free-Trade Agreement (FTA) with Respect to RMB Internationalization (위안화 국제화를 고려한 한·중 FTA 금융서비스 협상 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Su;Son, Sam-Ho
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - This paper analyzes the influence of the RMB internationalization on the KRW/dollar exchange rate using an autoregressive distributed lag model. Comparing the parameter estimators from the sample period before and after the global financial crisis, we found that the RMB/dollar exchange rate has increasingly become more influential on the KRW/dollar exchange rate. Moreover, for the past several years, the Chinese government has actively utilized the financial service FTA negotiation as a measure for the RMB internationalization. This paper simultaneously considers RMB internationalization and financial service negotiations in the Korean-Chinese FTA. The purpose of this paper is to explicitly suggest a direction for the financial service negotiations in the Korean-Chinese FTA considering the effects of RMB internationalization. Research design, data, and methodology - The research plan of this paper has two parts. First, for an empirical study, this paper uses the daily exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the currencies of the ASEAN5, Taiwan,and Korea. By using an autoregressive distributed lag model, this paper studies the influence of the change in the RMB/dollar exchange rate on changes in the local currency/dollar exchange rate in seven economies neighboring China. Our sample periods are 06/2005 - 07/2008 and 06/2010 -02/2013. During these periods, China was under the multi-currency basket system. We exempted the period of 08/2008 - 05/2010 from the analysis because there was nearly no RMB/dollar exchange rate fluctuation during those months. Second, after analyzing the recent financial service liberalizations and deregulations in China, we recommend a direction for the financial service negotiations in the Korean-Chinese FTA. In the past several years,the main Chinese financial policy agenda has surrounded the RMB internationalization. Therefore, it is crucial to understand this in the search for strategies for the financial service negotiations in the Korean-Chinese FTA. This paper employs an existing literature survey and examines the FTA protocols in its research methodology. Results and Conclusions - After the global financial crisis, the Chinese government wanted to break away from the dollar influence and pursued independent RMB internationalization in order to continue the growth and stability of its economy. Hence, every neighboring economy of China has been strategically impacted by RMB internationalization. Nevertheless, there is little empirical study on the influence of RMB internationalization on the KRW/dollar exchange rate. This paper is one of the few studies to analyze this problem comprehensively. By using a relatively simple estimation model, we can confirm that the coefficient of the RMB/dollar exchange rate has become more significant, except in the case of Indonesia. Although Korea is not under the multi-currency basket system but under the weakly controlled floating exchange rate system, its coefficient appears as large as that of the ASEAN5. This is the basis of the currency cooperation that has grown from the expansion of trade between the two countries. These empirical results suggest that the Korean government should specifically consider the RMB internationalization in the Korean-Chinese FTA negotiations.

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Effects of Traditional Market Service Quality Factors on Customer Value, Relational Quality, and Behavioral Intention (전통시장의 서비스품질요인이 고객가치, 관계품질, 행동의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choo, Myeong-Jo;Jung, Yeon-Sung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - The aim of this study is to develop an empirical model of the effects of traditional market service quality factors on customer value, relationship quality, and behavior. The specific objectives of the study are as follows: 1) to classify study objects into cultural tourism markets and non-cultural tourism markets as well as to verify the differences in service quality among the two markets and, 2) to present practical service marketing methods that fit with the characteristics of the traditional markets by amending the five quality evaluation items of SERVQUAL (a multiple-item scale for measuring service quality)to suit the characteristics of the traditional markets and establish the relationship among customer value, relationship quality, and behavior intention. Research design, data, and methodology - The study methods of empirical investigation are as follows. First, this study selected for a study object the Suwon Paldalmun Gate Market to represent the cultural tourism market, and general traditional markets to represent the non-cultural tourism market. This study also conducted personal interviews in order to increase the response rate and collected a total of 418 responses between March 18, 2014 and April 05, 2014. The total of 418 responses used for this study excluded 14 responses that had either misleading information or missing values. Results - This study verified the perceived differences of service quality based on traditional market specialization through an independent sample t-test. It appeared that the perceived service quality of the cultural tourism market was generally higher than that of the non-cultural tourism market. This study executed a path analysis in order to examine the effects of service quality factors on customer value, relationship quality, and behavior intention. This study also comprehensively analyzed the specialized market and non-specialized market separately. Although there were some differences among the results, the overall results were uniform. It appeared that convenience, reliability, and empathy, among the service quality factors, exerted meaningful effects on customer value. On the other hand, convenience, reliability, responsiveness, and empathy, excluding the tangibles, exerted meaningful effects on the relationship quality. In addition, it appeared that all service quality factors exerted meaningful effects on the customer value, relationship quality, and behavior intention. Therefore, the study verified that all of the hypotheses formulated in the study were generally adopted. Conclusions - The implication of this study may be classified into academic and practical implication as follows. With respect to the academic implication, it seems that this study is among the early studies to verify the differences between the cultural tourism market and the non-cultural tourism market. The practical implication of this study is that the perceived service quality, such as convenience, reliability, responsiveness, and tangibles, excluding empathy, was higher in the cultural tourism market than in the non-cultural tourism market. This means that customer satisfaction is enhanced by governmental aid such as hardware, software, and information and communications technology.

Impacts of Perceived Innovativeness of Convenience Store on Consumer Brand Engagement and Store Loyalty (편의점의 혁신성이 인지적 인게지먼트와 정서적 인게이지먼트, 그리고 점포충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • LEE, Young-Eun;LEE, Yong-Ki
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: With the rapid changes in the technical development and the trend of consumption trend, the convenience store industry is facing an unprecedented competitive situation in the consumption environment where the boundary between online and offline is broken due to the stagnation of offline distribution channels and the spread of online shopping. The biggest innovation strategy of the major convenience store brands in recent years are introducing the O2O (Online to Offline) platform and presenting new products and services beyond the boundaries of online and offline to transform themselves into Omni Channel stores. The study is designed to analyze the effect of innovativeness of convenience store as a stimulus in O2O platform which customers perceive on store loyalty, the final response to external stimuli, through customer engagement with convenience store brands. Specifically, the innovativeness of convenience stores was divided into types of core activities in corporate marketing and focused on innovations in services, products(proposals), promotions and experiences. Research design, data, and methodology: Various hypotheses have been developed to achieve this research purpose. The data were collected from 1,128 questionnaires the age between 15 and 60 who had experience using retail store apps and delivery apps and were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 and SmartPLS 3.3.7 program. Measurement model analysis was carried out to assess convergent and discriminant validity. Also, common method bias was tested using the values of VIF (variance inflation factor). The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling with SmartPLS 3.3.7 program. Results: First, service innovation has a positive effect on cognitive engagement. Second, product, promotion and experience innovation have a positive effect on cognitive and affective engagement. Third, cognitive influences affective engagement. Finally, both cognitive and affective engagement affect store loyalty, but affective engagement has a stronger effect on store loyalty than cognitive engagement. Conclusions: All four types of innovation and cognitive engagement have a positive effect on emotional engagement, which has a stronger effect on store loyalty than cognitive engagement. Thus, while innovation can build loyalty through emotional engagement, innovation strategies must be designed and pursued with caution in terms of impact through cognitive engagement may not achieve the planned goals.

Modeling and Simulation for Analyzing Efficient Operations on Public Bike System: A Case Study of Sejong City (공공 자전거 시스템의 효율적 운용을 위한 모델링 및 시뮬레이션: 세종시 사례 중심)

  • Bae, Jang Won;Choi, Seon Han;Lee, Chun-Hee;Paik, Euihyun
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2021
  • In recent years, public bicycle systems are widely spread over the world according to the development of ICT technology. Since the public bicycle systems in large cities need to secure both publicity and convenience for citizens, analysis of various their issues from introduction to operation is required. In addition, it is also necessary to prepare for various scenarios for coexistence with the PM business, which is recently in the spotlight as a last mile means and normally managed privately. This paper introduces modeling and simulation for efficient operations of public bicycle systems. In particular, the proposed method was developed in a form that can be easily used in other cities by modeling the general structure and behavior of the public bicycle system, and it was developed to facilitate modification and expansion of the future model with a component-based model configuration. This paper provides a case study of the propose method, which is the public bicycle simulation in Sejong City. The simulation results were derived by applying the data from the public bicycle system of Sejong City, and they were verified with the associated real data of Sejong City. Using the verified model, it is expected that it can be used as a tool to design and analyze various services on the public bicycle systems, which were especially suitable for Sejong City.

Mechanism-based View of Innovative Capability Building in POSCO (메커니즘 관점에서 본 조직변신과 포스코의 혁신패턴 연구)

  • Kim, So-Hyung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - Studies of mechanism as a competitive strategy, a relatively new field in the study of strategic management research, has recently drawn the attention of the business management scholars. The literature has so far proposed the subjective-based view, environment-based view, and the resource-based view in its analyses of firm management. Hence, it is highly likely for the firm management to be reasonably thought of as a combination of and interaction among the three key elements of subject, environment, and resources this is the mechanism-based view (MBV). It is reasonable to consider firm management to be the combination of and interaction among the three key elements of subject, environment, and resources. The overall dynamic process that integrates these three elements and creates functional harmony is identified as the mechanism, the principle of firm management. Much of the extant literatures on MBV has mainly focused on case studies, a qualitative approach prone to subjectivity of the researcher, although the intuition from the study may lead to meaningful insights into a firm-specific mechanism. This study's focus is also on case analysis, but it still attempts a quantitative approach in order to reach a scientific and systematic understanding of the MBV. Research design, data, and methodology - I used both a qualitative and quantitative approach to a single model, given the complexity of the innovation processes. I conducted in-depth interviews with POSCO employees-20 from general management, two from human resources, eight from information technology, five from finance and accounting, and five from production and logistics management. Once the innovative events were selected, the interview results were double-checked by the interviewees themselves to ensure the accuracy of the answers recorded. Based on the interview, I then conducted statistical validation using the survey results as well. Results - This study analyzes the building process of innovation and the effect of the mechanism pattern on innovation by examining the case of POSCO, which has survived over the past 21 years. I apply a new analytical tool to study mechanism innovation types, perform a new classification, and describe the interrelationships among the mechanism factors. This process allows me to see how the "Subject"factor interacts with the other factors. I found that, in the innovation process of the adoption stage, Subject had a mediating effect but that the mediating effect of resource and performance was smaller than the effect of Subject on performance alone. During the implementation stage, the mediating effect of Subject increased. Conclusion - Therefore, I have confirmed that the subject utilizes resources reasonably and efficiently. I have also advanced mechanism studies: whereas the field's research methods have been largely confined to single case studies, I have used both qualitative and quantitative methods to examine the relationships among mechanisms.

Impacts of Relative Advantage of Fast Food Restaurant's O2O Service and Consumer Involvement on Consumer Engagement, and Store Loyalty: Focused on MZ Generationsin Untact Consumption Era

  • LEE, Young-Eun;LEE, Yong-Ki
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Fast food franchise companies are trying a variety of innovative services to increase their competitiveness in response to changes in population composition in the fast food market and rapid changes in consumption trends due to technological development. From this point of view, franchise companies that have focused on offline store operations are providing O2O (offline to online) service as a core service for customer convenience. This new attempt is a strategy to increase loyalty by applying an interaction method based on understanding the characteristics of new generation consumers. However, existing studies are focused on the relationship between O2O service and acceptance, so very little is known about how O2O service affects customer loyalty. Therefore, this study examines the impacts of customer involvement and relative advantages of fast food O2O service on customer brand engagement (cognitive and affective engagement) and store loyalty for MZ(Millennials - Z) generations. Research design, data, and methodology: In order to achieve the purposes of this research, several hypotheses were developed. The data were collected from 247 questionnaires in their 16-30s and were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 and SmartPLS 3.0 program. Measurement model analysis was carried out to assess convergent and discriminant validity. Also, common method bias was tested using the values of VIF (variance inflation factor). The hypotheses was tested using structural equation modeling. Result: First, involvement has a positive effect on cognitive and affective engagement. Second, relative advantages have has a positive effect on cognitive and affective engagement. Third, cognitive influences affective engagement. Finally, both cognitive and affective engagement affect store loyalty, but affective engagement has a stronger effect on store loyalty than cognitive engagement. Conclusions: In the process of consumer-brand interaction, it was confirmed that store loyalty was influenced by cognitive and affective engagement sequentially. However, the results show that affective engagement has a relatively stronger on store loyalty than cognitive engagement. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an O2O service strategy to maintain long-term loyal customers by inducing cognitive participation with high-involved consumer, as well as affective interaction, in order to obtain new customers and increase customer loyalty.

The Moderating Effects of Salesperson's Cultural Intelligence in Intercultural Sales Encounters (문화간 판매접점에서 판매원 문화지능의 조절효과)

  • Kong, Lan-Lan;Kim, Hyoung-Gil;Kim, Yun-Jeong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - Owing to economic development and rapid globalization, the number of people traveling abroad has increased dramatically in recent years. For instance, according to data from World Tourism Organization, approximately 1,724 million tourists traveled abroad in 2016. This phenomenon has resulted in a change for domestic markets, as they no longer serve only domestic customers but also serve foreign customers as well. Therefore, intercultural service encounters between services providers and customers from diverse cultural backgrounds are becoming more frequent. Especially in the field of retailing, salesperson's customer oriented selling behavior is particularly important for the successful interactions. However, it is hard to find some factors that can improve salesperson's customer oriented selling behavior in intercultural sales encounters. Research design, data, and methodology - A quantitative survey methodology was utilized to collect data on 312 salespeople at duty-free shops located on Jeju Island, Korea. As a tourism-based region, Jeju Island has attracted a large number of foreign tourists since being designated as an international free city in 2002. Owing to this phenomenon, intercultural sales encounters between salespersons and customers from different cultures have become commonplace. Compared to other salespeople, salespeople working in duty-free shops have more frequent intercultural interactions, as over 90% of their total customers are from foreign countries. Additionally, regular professional training programs for salespeople help cultivate cultural intelligence. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 20. Results - This paper explores the role of empathy and cultural intelligence in intercultural sales encounters using a theoretical model incorporating the causal relationships between empathy(cognitive empathy and emotional empathy) and customer oriented selling behavior, as well as the moderating effects of cultural intelligence in these relationships. Conclusions - This study is almost the first to explore the influence of empathy and cultural intelligence in intercultural sales encounters. Thus, this study provides a meaningful contribution to the application of empathy and cultural intelligence in the retailing field and will draw the attention of personal distribution practicers and researchers to the importance of empathy and cultural intelligence. Additionally, this study has useful managerial implications for employee selection, training, and development in retailing firms engaged in intercultural sales encounters.

The Effect of Store Characteristics of a Supermarket on Store Loyalty: A Comparative Study of the Local Supermarket and the Super Supermarket (슈퍼마켓 점포속성이 점포충성도에 미치는 영향: SSM과 독립자영 SM의 비교연구)

  • Ahn, Sung-Woo;Kwon, Sung-Ku
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2012
  • Purpose - The entry of Super Supermarkets (SSM), operated by large corporations, into the retail distribution market weakens the competitive power of local supermarkets (SM) and their families leading to a rapid collapse of the local-SM market. Accordingly, this is a very sensitive and urgent issue in Korean society and politics. Therefore, the government is required to take steps to activate a local-SM market and regain the loyalty of their customers. However, in spite of the urgent need of a comparative study on the advantages and competitive power of local-SM in relation to the SSM, little research has been done on this issue to date. One purpose of this study is to analyze the differences in store characteristics of the local SM and SSM, and to explore the relationships amongst various store characteristics, such as consumption emotion, relation quality, and store loyalty between store types to provide an efficient solution to activate a local-SM market. Research design, data, methodology - To analyze the differences in the evaluation of store characteristics between store types, and to test the moderator and mediator effects, data were collected from 488 customers in Seoul, Incheon,and Gyeonggi Province. The theoretical model consists of four hypotheses, and data was processed to test these using factor analysis, t-test, regression analysis, hierarchical regression, and the three step regression proposed by Baron and Kenny. Results - First, the analysis shows that local-SM customers evaluate location characteristic factors significantly higher compared to SSM customers. However, SSM customers evaluate quality of merchandise, sales promotion activities, and store environment significantly higher. Yet, there are no significant differences in the evaluation of consumption emotion, relation quality,and store loyalty between the store types. Second, the analysis of moderator effects of the store type show that sales promotion and store atmosphere factors have a significantly negative moderating effecton positive consumption emotion, while positive consumption emotion has a significantly positive moderating effect on absorption of relation quality, while there are no significant moderating effects between consumption emotion and store loyalty. Third, while both trust and absorption of relation quality are partially mediated between consumption emotion and store loyalty, only absorption is partially mediated between positive consumption emotion and store loyalty. There are no significant mediating effects of absorption between negative consumption emotion and store loyalty. Conclusions - We strongly recommend that location restrictions on entrance of SSM into local-SM market should either be further strengthened or sustained for the activation of the local store market. Government should strengthen financial support to improve the quality of merchandise, sales promotion, employee education, store environment of the local-SM by providing appropriate business consulting. Moreover, the result implies that the owners of alocal-SM should take measures to increase customers' absorption and store loyalty, such as store cleanliness, maintaining a delightful atmosphere at the store, and training employees on attitudes towards customers. As this study is restricted within Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi Province, care needs to be taken in generalizing the interpretation and application to the national level.

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Mechanical Reliability Evaluation on Solder Joint of CCB for Compact Advanced Satellite (Sherlock을 활용한 차세대 중형위성용 CCB 솔더 접합부의 기계적 신뢰성 평가)

  • Jeon, Young-Hyeon;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Lim, In-Ok;Kim, Youngsun;Oh, Hyun-Ung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.498-507
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    • 2017
  • Electronic equipments comprised of high density components with various packaging types have been recently applied to a satellite. Therefore, to guarantee high reliability of electrical equipment, a design approach, which can reduce the development period and cost through an early diagnosis in potential risks of failure, should be established. In the previous research, the reliability assesment of the electronic equipments have based on Steinberg's fatigue failure theory. However, this theory was not enough for further investigation of life prediction and reliability of the electronic equipments comprised of various sizes and packaging types due to its theoretical limitations and analysis results sensitivity with regard to different modeling technic. In that case, if detailed finite element model is established, aforementioned problems can be readily solved. However, this approach might arise disadvantage of spending much time. In this paper, to establish strategy for high reliability design of electronic equipment, we performed mechanical reliability evaluation of CCB (Camera Controller Box) at qualification level based on the approach using Sherlock unlike design techniques applied to existing business.

The Effect of Export on R&D Cost Behavior: Evidence from Korea

  • Chang Youl Ko;Hoon Jung
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.23-38
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - This research intends to find out whether R&D cost stickiness shows differentiated aspects depending on exports in Korea. A cost behavior that indicates a lower rate of costs decrease when sales decrease than the rate of costs increase when sales increase is called cost stickiness. This sticky cost behavior is caused by considering the adjusting costs. This study aims to empirically verify that R&D cost stickiness is greater in export firms than in non-export firms. We also investigate the effect of exports on R&D cost stickiness is nonlinear. Design/methodology - We obtain data for the analysis from Kis-Value and TS2000 from 2012 to 2020. This study tests for R&D cost stickiness of exports using the cost stickiness model developed by Anderson et al. (2003) that is used in a lot of prior literature. To explore the nonlinear behavior of R&D cost stickiness we include a quadratic term of exports in our model. Findings - The results of our analysis are as follows. First, we observed that R&D costs of export firms are more sticky than that of non-export firms. Our result indicated that export firms are less likely to reduce R&D costs in decreasing sales periods in preparation for future sales recovery. Second, our empirical evidence shows that export firms view R&D costs much favorably. However, we hypothesize that the effect of export intensity on R&D costs may not necessarily be linear. Our result shows the effect of exports intensity on R&D stickiness is thus nonlinear, forming a reverse U-shaped curve. When export intensity exceeds a certain threshold, the growth rate of R&D costs appears to be viewed negatively. Firms with relatively high export intensity do not support R&D costs, viewing them as taking away firms' resources from other more productive costs. On the contrary, those with export intensity under the threshold view R&D costs as beneficial and therefore promote further R&D costs when revenue decreases. Originality/value - The results of this research can contribute academically to the expansion of empirical research on R&D cost stickiness. R&D cost stickiness varies by industry. As a result of our research, the managers of export firms recognize the importance of R&D to lead innovation. We expected that this research contributes to further studies on R&D costs and cost stickiness. Second, this research has implications from a business perspectives. Our findings of export firms' R&D stickiness suggest that export firms' managers should consider keeping the stickiness of R&D when revenue decreases because it is essential for exporting firms to maintain their R&D stickiness to secure long-term competitiveness. R&D stickiness can be used on a practical basis to emphasize the need for continuous investment in exporting firms' R&D activities.