• Title/Summary/Keyword: Business Environment

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도서지역 마이크로그리드 사업모델의 경제적, 사회적 편익에 관한 연구: 수요자의 태양광 에너지 공동체를 중심으로 (A Study on the Economic and Social Benefits of the Microgrid Business Model in Island Areas : Consumer's Community Solar Participation in Development)

  • 이상희;이해석;김경남
    • Current Photovoltaic Research
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a business model that efficiently converts diesel power generation systems to renewable energy microgrids (MG) in large-scale islands. Most of the previous studies on the conversion of renewable energy MG in islands had limitations dealing with efficiency from the perspective of suppliers. However, the microgrid has the characteristic of getting benefits through the interaction between the consumer and the supplier. In addition, the efficient MG business model from the perspective of new institutional economics is a structure in which consumers and suppliers jointly participate. Therefore, this study assumed that the MG business model in which the supplier's MG and the consumer's community solar participated would benefit all participants, and verified the assumptions using domestic island data. In terms of supplier investment, the cost of power supply (LCOE) of assumed model was calculated to be 14.0% lower than that of the diesel model and 3.7% lower than that of the supplier-only MG model. From the perspective of consumer investment, electricity bills are expected to be reduced by more than 200,000 won per household per year through self-generation of solar power. Social benefits are expected to reduce external environmental costs. The CO2 emissions of the assumed model were calculated to be 39.5% lower than the diesel model and 1.5% lower than the supplier-only MG model. Therefore, the MG business model with consumer participation proposed in this study is expected to be an efficient alternative to renewable energy MG conversion in domestic islands, and is meaningful as an energy plan that improves the benefits of local residents.

위탁급식 고객, 급식관리자 및 경쟁자 환경이 고객 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 (Influence of Customer, Foodservice Management and Competitor Environment on Quality of Customer's Life in Contract Foodservice)

  • 이진용;한경수
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.629-643
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    • 2015
  • The goal of the current study was to analyze major factors for improvement of quality of life in contract foodservice customers. This study investigated how characteristics of customers, foodservice management, and competitors differ in different contract foodservice business environments in order to understand increasing concerns over health, in-house working, and the environment, which are directly connected to work and life satisfaction and company profits. For the foodservice business environment, this study classified environmental factors reported by Duncan (1972) into three factors: customer environment, foodservice management environment, and competitor environment. Multi-regression analysis was conducted on quality of life using the Korean version of the WHO Quality of Life Scale Abbreviated Version (WHOQOL-BREF). Sub-factors of the contract foodservice business environment included foodservice management environment, customer environment, and competitor environment in the order of importance. The results indicate that the foodservice management environment of the company or organization where the customer is employed has the most substantial influence on quality of customer life.

사용자 주도 비즈니스 인텔리전스 성공요인 고찰: 한국 기업 사례를 중심으로 (The Success Factors for Self-Service Business Intelligence System: Cases of Korean Companies)

  • 이정임;유소영;한인구
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.127-148
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    • 2023
  • 전통적인 비즈니스 인텔리전스 환경은 빠르게 변하는 시장과 기하급수적으로 증가하는 데이터의 크기와 복잡성에 대처하는 데 한계를 보여왔다. 이에 기업들은 경쟁사 대비 더 빠르고 정확한 의사결정을 위해 사용자 주도 비즈니스 인텔리전스(Self-Service Business Intelligence) 환경으로의 변모를 요구받고 있다. 그러나 실제 기업 현장에서는 사용자 주도 비즈니스 인텔리전스 환경 구축과 운영에 어려움을 겪고 있으며, 참고할 만한 사례를 포함하여 성공적인 사용자 주도 비즈니스 인텔리전스에 관한 연구가 부족하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 비즈니스 인텔리전스 시스템의 핵심성공요인에 관한 기존 연구 방법론을 기반으로, 국내 3사 제조업 및 유통업체의 비즈니스 인텔리전스 개발 과정 및 활용 사례를 상세하고 깊이 있게 분석하였다. 조직-프로세스-기술 측면 7가지 핵심 성공요인에 대해 개발 목적과 구현 전략이 상이한 세가지 국내 사례를 비교 분석함으로써 비즈니스 인텔리전스 성공모델의 국내 기업 적용 가능성과 도입 전략의 시사점을 도출한다. 해당 프로젝트를 주도한 전문가들의 심층 인터뷰와 도입효과 평가를 통한 심층 비교 분석은, 사용자 주도 비즈니스 인텔리전스의 구체적인 개발 과정과 난제, 활용에 대한 풍부한 시사점을 제공하고 기업의 비즈니스 인텔리전스 활성화와 사용자 주도 비즈니스 인텔리전스 고도화에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

녹색성장 실행을 위한 그린 6시그마 (Green Six Sigma for Green Growth Implementation)

  • 김동준;홍성훈;신완선
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.521-530
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    • 2010
  • Global regulatory pressures relating climate change and environmental responsibility are asking companies to find out the best way for sustaining their continuous business growths. It could be known that inadequate management for environmental issues are bad for business, negatively affecting brand image, causing unnecessary losses and costs for environmental preservation. For this reason, environmentally conscious green business growth has been recognized as an essential requirement for a company to stay in business. Many companies are looking for green business opportunities of improving their environmental and financial results, and struggling with how green fits into their business. In this paper, the Green Six Sigma, an environmentally conscious Six Sigma methodology, is presented as a way to find solutions for green growths. The Six Sigma is known as a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for achieving world-class performance in any process from manufacturing to transactional. In chronological order, the Six Sigma has been evolved from Motorola's quality-oriented methodology to GE's cost-oriented lean approach, and is being evolved and developed as an environment-oriented green growth approach. There is no doubt that the Green Six Sigma, as an engine of green growth, is a power tool for achieving competitive business performance and reducing the impact on the environment.

비즈니스 프로세스 패밀리 모델을 위한 가변성 분석 방법 (Variability Analysis Approach for Business Process Family Models)

  • 문미경;염근혁
    • 정보처리학회논문지D
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    • 제15D권5호
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    • pp.621-628
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    • 2008
  • 오늘날 대부분의 기업들은 외부상황에 신속하게 비즈니스를 바꿀 수 있도록 하는 온디맨드 비즈니스 (On-demand business)를 구현하기 위해 IT 시스템의 유연성을 필요로 한다. 서비스 지향 아키텍처(Service Oriented Architecture: SOA)는 온디맨드 운영환경에서의 비즈니스 유연성을 가능하게 하는 인프라스트럭처 (infrastructure)를 제공한다. 오늘날의 이러한 요구사항을 충족시키기 위하여 SOA 애플리케이션 개발에 맞게 비즈니스 프로세스의 유연성을 확보하고 재사용을 증진시키기 위한 접근법이 필요하다. 그러므로 본 논문에서는 소프트웨어 프로덕트 라인 방법의 가변성 분석 기법을 사용하여 비즈니스 프로세스 패밀리 (family)에서 나타날 수 있는 가변성을 분석하고 이를 명시적으로 비즈니스 프로세스 패밀리 모델 (Business Process Family Model: BPFM)로 표현하는 방법을 제시한다. 또한 이 방법의 사용을 지원하기 위해 개발한 도구에 대해 설명한다. 이는 BPFM을 모델링하고 BPFM으로부터 가변성 결정과 가지치기 과정을 거쳐 자동 비즈니스 프로세스 모델 (Business Process Model: BPM)을 생성하는 기능들을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서 제시하는 비즈니스 프로세스 패밀리의 가변성 분석을 통하여 비즈니스와 이를 지원하는 IT 시스템은 비즈니스 환경의 변화에 신속하게 대응할 수 있게 된다.

세계 섬유패션시장의 환경변화와 우리 기업의 과제 (Environmental Changes in the Global Textile & Fashion Market & their Implications for Korean Firms)

  • 조경숙
    • 복식
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    • 제63권3호
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    • pp.151-165
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims to examine the implications of the global market for Korean textile and fashion firms with regard to recent changes in the international business environment to improve the corporative management to the level that the global economy demands. The trade and business environment is moving toward the paradigm of glocalism. As the geographical scope of the market and business environment continues to expand with the aid of technological development, demands for global standards as a means to offer universal validity in business settings have been raised. The glocalized society values diversity as a notion beyond global standardization. The world trade orders are subject to free trade; however, protectionism has substantially promoted trade barriers in the name of the environment and safety issues, ethical managements, and intellectual property rights. For sustainable development in the global market, Korean firms should strive to implement global standards related to these issues and corporate social responsibility in their business settings.

Environmental impact assessment for city logistics distribution systems

  • Guo, Jidong;Ma, Shugang
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.363-368
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    • 2017
  • The external diseconomy is hampering sustainable development of the city logistics sector. Burdens on urban environment imposed by the city logistics industry have been put in the spotlight. Based on the principle of Life Cycle Analysis, the comprehensive environment impact for city logistics systems is measured. Firstly, with the city logistics service chain as a whole, its business processes and their interactions with environment are analyzed. In total four types of major environment impact categories are determined. Secondly, case study is made on three city logistics operators located in Jing-Jin-Ji region of China with different business modes, respectively self-operation mode, joint distribution mode and the $3^{rd}$ Party Logistics or 3PL mode. Through analysis of energy consumption and emissions for various business processes, their comprehensive environmental impact values are finally obtained. Thirdly, horizontally comparative analysis is carried out to these three modes of the urban logistics distribution systems. Results show the advantages of the 3PL and the joint distribution modes in developing greener urban logistics distribution. Future research avenues and policy suggestions are proposed finally.

Business Collaborative System Based on Social Network Using MOXMDR-DAI+

  • Lee, Jong-Sub;Moon, Seok-Jae
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2020
  • Companies have made an investment of cost and time to optimize processing of a new business model in a cloud environment, applying collaboration technology utilizing business processes in a social network. The collaborative processing method changed from traditional BPM to the cloud and a mobile cloud environment. We proposed a collaborative system for operating processes in social networks using MOXMDR-DAI+ (eXtended Metadata Registry-Data Access & Integration based multimedia ontology). The system operating cloud-based collaborative processes in application of MOXMDR-DAI+, which was suitable for data interoperation. MOXMDR-DAI+ applied to this system was an agent effectively supporting access and integration between multimedia content metadata schema and instance, which were necessary for data interoperation, of individual local system in the cloud environment, operating collaborative processes in the social network. In operating the social network-based collaborative processes, there occurred heterogeneousness such as schema structure and semantic collision due to queries in the processes and unit conversion between instances. It aimed to solve the occurrence of heterogeneousness in the process of metadata mapping using MOXMDR-DAI+ in the system. The system proposed in this study can visualize business processes. And it makes it easier to operate the collaboration process through mobile support. Real-time status monitoring of the operation process is possible through the dashboard, and it is possible to perform a collaborative process through expert search using a community in a social network environment.

인더스트리 4.0시대에서 전자무역을 활용한 중소기업 수출 확대 방안 (A Plan on Expanding Export of Small Businesses Using e-Trading Application in Industrie 4.0)

  • 송계의
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제78권
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    • pp.53-72
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    • 2018
  • Recently, it has been known that it need to be solved export marketing on expanding export of Small Business Commodity. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyse on expanding export of Small Business Commodity through e-Trading Application in Industrie 4.0. This study deals with the terms of three connection success factors on expanding export of Small Business Commodity through e-Trading Application in Industrie 4.0 which are a firm's subjective factors, a industrial environment factors, and a governmental policy factors. According to analysis results of the three success factors, a firm's subjective factors(4.13 score) are scored at the most ones of the three success factors, to be compared with a industrial environment factors(3.89 score), with a government policy factors(3.72 score). Therefore, first of all, it is important to expanding export of Small Business Commodity through e-Trading Application in Industrie 4.0 through as follows, a firm's subjective factors : (1) to procure concentrated market strategy and real market capacity, (2) to procure speedy satisfaction of customer needs and confidence, (3) to procure ability of export marketing through e-Trading Application, (4) to enhance export expanding strategy coincided in Industrie 4.0. And, the next, we have to expanding export of Small Business Commodity through e-Trading Application in Industrie 4.0 through considering a industrial environment factors and a government policy factors.

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Mediating Roles of Job Satisfaction toward the Organizational Commitment of Employees in the Public Sector

  • INGSIH, Kusni;PRAYITNO, Agus;WALUYO, Dwi Eko;SUHANA, Suhana
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제7권10호
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    • pp.999-1006
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    • 2020
  • This study provides an understanding of the role of job satisfaction as a mediator of compensation and workplace environments for the organizational commitment of employees in the public sector. This study used a structural model using path analysis. The population and sample in this study were all employees at the Population and Civil Registry Office of one of the districts in Indonesia. The sampling technique used was total sampling, due to the considerably smaller amount of the sample size. This study found that compensation and workplace environment could explain job satisfaction variables with a 93.8% confidence level and simultaneously compensation, workplace environment, and job satisfaction that could explain organizational commitment with a variable of 97.4%. This findings also shows that the manifest bonus variable on the latent compensation variable is one of the main indicators that needs to improve to increase job satisfaction and organizational commitment. One of the important things which needs to be done is to increase compensation. The first thing which needs to be done is to increase the bonus. Furthermore, to improve the quality of the workplace environment, facilities, and infrastructure such as stable internet connections, computer specifications are the important criteria that must be met.