• Title/Summary/Keyword: Building History

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A Study on the Establishment of Digital Character Archive - Case Study of Geum-nam Kim as the head of Christian Donggwangwon Monastery - (디지털 인물 아카이브 구축 방안 - 기독교 동광원 수도회 김금남 원장을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hee-Sook;Chang, Woo-Kwon
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.469-491
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of the study is to establish a plan for the development of digital person archives with the case of Geum-nam Kim, the third-generation head of the Christian Donggwangwon Monastery Society. The step-by-step strategy for building digital character archives for Geum-nam Kim is as follows. 1)The reason and expected effect of the character selection are analyzed. Since he was a survivor, he has recorded and typed his life history through several interviews. Considering that the memory of Geum-nam Kim, who is over 90 years old, could be mixed up in the time of the incident, the advice of Sister Donggwangwon and Maj. Gen. Gyuillwon, the lower unit of Donggwangwon, was obtained and verified for accuracy. 2)The contents of the records and the place of collection were identified, and the total content composition(proposal) was presented by reclassifying and relocating the records identified records. The entire contents are divided into recorded contents and explanatory contents, so that they can be linked to each area and collection.

A Study on The Application Concurrent Engineering Concept in Industrial Design Practice - With emphasis on The Building of Design Prototype- (산업디자인 프로세스상의 실체화 단계를 위한 동시공학 개념 도입에 관한 연구 - 디자인 프로토 타입 제작을 중심으로)

  • 김관명;임창영
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 1996
  • With the rapid development of nowadays technologies, the environment of product development is experiencing structural changes than ever. Manufacturers are put under never-experienced pressures to launch their products in the market both faster and less expensively than their competitors while continuously improving product quality These pressures have given birth to so-called, Concurrent Engineering which is a systematic approach to the integrated, concurrent design of products and their related processes, including manufacture and support. Most manufactiring companies now recognize the importance of concurrent engineering and put heavy emphasis on the research and impementation of concurrent engineering. However, with this fundamental change in the process of product development, designers rarely pay attention to this newly demanding process. Designers still stay in the middle of process, satisfying their roles in dealing with aesthetic points of product. Designers badly need to incorporate the concept of concurrent engineering to design to design process and to adapt to this new environment. With these backgrounds, the study sets the objective to understand the nature of concurrent engineering and explore the possibility of it's application to industrial design. Particularly this study focuses on how the concept of concurrent engineering can be applied from the stage of form development to prototyping. At first, background, objectives, and scope of the study are discussed as an introductory part. It is followed by reviewing theories of concurrent engineering such as definition, history, technologies, examples, state of art and so on. Subsequently industrial design is viewed in terms of concurrent engineering and problems in industrial design are identified. Base on the findinss of precedent part of study, new process of industrial design incorporating concurrent engineering is developed. For the demonstration of new process, a case study of design of palm-top printer is introduced. Case study shows how the sketch, and forms can be transformed into prototyping with the simultaneous cooperation with engineering and other related specialists. Finally the study in summarized and future studies are prospected.

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Application of LRBs for Reduction of Wind-Induced Responses of Coupled Shear Wall Structures (전단벽 구조물의 풍응답 저감을 위한 LRB의 적용)

  • Park, Yong-Koo;Kim, Hyun-Su;Ko, Hyun;Kim, Min-Gyun;Lee, Dong-Guen
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2011
  • In general, shear walls are employed as lateral resistance system. Most of shear wall structures require openings in shear walls and thus shear walls are linked by floor slabs or coupling beams resulting in the coupled shear wall structures. In this study, an LRB (lead rubber bearing) was introduced in the middle of the coupling beam of the coupled shear wall structures and the wind-induced response reduction effect of this system was investigated. In order to evaluate the control performance of the proposed method, 20- and 30-story building structures were used as example structures and boundary nonlinear time history analyses have been performed using artificial wind excitation. Japanese vibration evaluation criteria was employed to evaluate whether the proposed system could improve the serviceability of the tall coupled shear wall structures under wind excitation. Based on analytical results, it has been shown that the proposed method that connects shear walls with LRBs can improve the wind-induced response control effect.

A Study on Strategy to Develop Underground Space of Campus - Focused on the Analyses of the Campuses of Main Universities Nationwide - (캠퍼스 지하공간 개발전략 연구 - 국내 주요대학 캠퍼스 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2012
  • University campus has grown and developed along with history of human in connection with transition characteristics of city. In particular, reflecting the features in the times, the masterplan should explore its main roles today when international growth of university is pursued. In particular, center core and quad space, focusing on main components of campus such as main building, student union hall and main lecture facility, are the prototype of campus components and have been pursued to have importance in terms of shape and function as traditional campus space strategy. Recently, however, new strategy has been proposed to explore orders of campus utilizing the underground space focusing on main universities. Design of Hana Plaza of Korea University and Bekyangro of Yeonsei University, the targets of this study, actively explore this strategy. This study analyzed such strategies in terms of concept of space to obtain space, design trend of main universities at home and abroad, and viewpoint of integrated masterplan proposal. Conclusions from this study are as follows. First, concept of quad and center space found in the design of traditional campus is reinterpreted into new design aspects through development of underground space. Second, development of underground space is approached to overcome the limit of existing campus and to present the vision of universities 100 years ahead. Third, ever-changing complicated urban environment has been reflected in space configuration of campus and positioned as strategy to implement this as modern construction technique. Third, implementation of pedestrian-oriented campus has been pursued by reinforcing utilization of inclined topography of urban environment in Korea. This enables to obtain spaces for main activities of students and to implement the space where student support facilities are concentrated and activities are performed actively. Such features can be presented as conclusions of this study.

Inelastic Seismic Behavior of Low-story Standard School Buildings according to Characteristics of Earthquake Loads and Hysteresis Models (지진하중의 특성과 이력모델에 따른 저층 표준학교건물의 비탄성 지진거동)

  • Kim, Jin-Sang;Yoon, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.4294-4301
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    • 2012
  • The inelastic response characteristics of the standard school buildings depending on selection of hysteresis models and variable earthquakes are studied. Three earthquake records of El-centro, Santa-Monica, Taft in accordance with KBC2009 standard and four inelastic hysteresis models such as Degrading tri-linear model, Clough model, Takeda model, and Modified Takeda model are used. The inelastic response characteristics such as story shear force, story drift ratio, story displacement are reviewed. As results, El-centro earthquake shows large response in transverse direction and Santa Monica earthquake shows larger response in longitudinal direction on the contrary. Taft earthquake shows less variation of story drift ratio and story displacement for all hysteresis models and stable response.

The Study of Characteristic of Induced Erythema and Safety by UVB Lamp (UVB조사기의 홍반 발생 특성과 안전성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Rae-Joon;Cho, Yong-Ho;Park, So-Hyun;Lee, Yoon-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The present study purposed to examine induced characteristic or erythema and safety by medium wave ultra violet(UVB) lamp. Methods: We compared sunshine and UVB lamp using spectroradiometer and UV radiometer. For measuring sunshine irradiation, we used spectoradiometer and detected from 8 to 18 o'clock every each hour on the beach, playground and rooftop of a 5 story building. The subjects for erythema examination were 5 healthy subjects who have no pathologic history of photosensitivity reaction, psoriasis and vitiligo. They were exposed to UVB radiation at the abdominal area for 2 hours and after irradiation, we observed the change of skin color every 12 hours over a period of 1 week. Results: Between sunshine and UVB lamp, sunshine had higher data on the chromaticity coordinates, dominant and peak wavelength, bandwidth and purity than the UVB lamp but on the color temperature, brightness the UVB lamp had higher data than the sunshine. In comparison of sunshine and UVB lamp, UVB lamp irradiated constantly such as $3.9-4.4{\mu}W/cm^2$ at a distance of 100cm between bed and lamp which was same as early morning irradiation on the sunshine. The erythema didn't appear to any subject. Conclusion: This results suggest that the UVB lamp has lower irradiance as much as early sunshine. Therefore the UVB lamp had no influence of inducing erythema at a distance of 100cm between bed and lamp.

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Database for Patient Information Management in Radiation Oncology Department

  • Lim, Sangwook;Kim, Kyubo;Ahn, Sohyun;Lee, Sang Hoon;Lee, Rena;Cho, Samju
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to build a database of patient information for efficient radiotherapy management. Microsoft Office Access was used to build the database owing to its convenience and compatibility. The most important aspect when building the patient database is to make the input and management of patient information efficient at every step of radiotherapy process. The information input starts from the patient's first visit to the radiation therapy department and ends upon completion of the radiotherapy. The forms for each step of radiotherapy process include the patient information form, the radiotherapy schedule form, the radiotherapy information form, the simulation order form, and the patient history form. Every form is centrically connected to the radiation oncology department's patient information form. A test revealed that the database was found to be efficient in managing patient information at each step. An important benefit of this database is improved efficiency in radiotherapy management. Information on patients who received radiotherapy is stored in a database. This means that this clinical data can be found easily and used in future, which will be helpful in research studies on the radiation oncology department. Benefits such as these will potentially contribute to improved radiotherapy quality.

A Study on the Meaning and interpretation of Urban Landscape in Architecture of Robert Venturi and Aldo Rossi (로버트 벤투리와 알도 로시 건축에서 도시 경관의 의미와 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyung-Jin;Lee, Jong-Suk;Lee, Sang-Yeon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2012
  • After the modern age, the rapid urbanizationhad a big impact on the then architecture. R. Venturi and A. Rossi are two of the leading architects, developing architecture in cities in the US and Europe respectively. This study shed light on a tangible and intangible meaning and interpretation of urban landscapes through their architectural thoughts and architectures. The followings are the physical and intangible meaning and interpretation in architectural thoughts and works of those two architects. Venturi understood that iconological landscapes at the roadside in large citiesare the nature of physical landscapes. To Venturi, the façades of buildings at the roadside are a part of signage such as traffic lights and road signs, and those façades have the meaning of symbolic systems beyond simple physical landscapes. To A. Rossi, types of buildings as physical townscapes are a key role supporting raw data of classification in architecture. And also, those types have significance of the basic data shedding light on the principles and history of cities. For intangible factors in R. Venturi's architecture, daily routine, function and use, time, a use for a building and others form complex architecture. And also, those factors describe shared values of the same period as the façades of buildings and complex symbols and formative lexicons in metaphorical terms. For A. Rossi's intangible factors, 'collective memory' is buried in inhabitants of the city, and with that, the city is a place for memory to its inhabitants. What is more, cities' monuments have intangible landscapes like 'sustainability', 'permanence' and so on. With lots of events happening throughoutcities, those monuments are the whole images of cities giving the value to the urban buildings that reside in cities. Finally, R. Venturi's all-encompassing complex architecture concept was extended on a tangible and intangible point of townscapes. It was found that A. Rossi's tangible thought was formed from the whole landscape of historic cities in then Italy as the background of time and place. Also, With types of urban buildings and 'collective memory', A. Rossi drew architectural norms and formats of unchangeable types.

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A Study on the Circular Multi-Family Housing for Designing Local Identity (지역성 구현을 위한 집합주택 원형 주거동의 표현 특성 연구)

  • Moon, Eun-Mi
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2013
  • This study was aimed at determining the characteristics of circular multi-family housing under the assumption that the shape of a residential building affects local identity. A total of six case studies were included in this study, three case studies on idle historical industrial facilities turned into residential buildings and another three on multi-family housing located in newly developed residential complexes. The study drew its conclusions as follows. First, the design of circular multi-family housing was intended to maximize security and defense from the outside in older times. This was later developed as the terrace house style with geometric urban squares designed under the urban planning of the Baroque period. This evolved high-density housing with a courtyard in the center offering a green open space, with the aim of restoring a sense of humanity. Second, the six case studies on circular multi-family housing were analyzed from the viewpoint of each factor of local identity, including historical and cultural, landscape, and community. Third, the historical and cultural elements of circular multi-family housing are found in some unused historical industrial facilities remodeled into residential buildings. They provide new capabilities and shapes desired by society at a given time, while maintaining familiar styles and elements of history, integrating a legacy of the past into the present. Fourth, circular multi-family housing with unique shapes and structures often become landmarks of a region with their distinctive appearance against a uniform urban environment and the monotonous scenery of residential complexes. They also show a high level of visual awareness with the distinctive shapes made possible when new elements are added to a historical exterior. Finally, circular multi-family housing with courtyards in the center prompt social contact between inhabitants, especially with dormitories and rental houses for the low-income bracket, which provide a small individual units with high use common space. Circular multi-family housing are planned in a manner similar to a small village or a city. They are designed to enhance sense of community, allocating various public amenities and provide cultural and commercial spaces on the ground floor and courtyard areas.

Implementation of a bio-inspired two-mode structural health monitoring system

  • Lin, Tzu-Kang;Yu, Li-Chen;Ku, Chang-Hung;Chang, Kuo-Chun;Kiremidjian, Anne
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.119-137
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    • 2011
  • A bio-inspired two-mode structural health monitoring (SHM) system based on the Na$\ddot{i}$ve Bayes (NB) classification method is discussed in this paper. To implement the molecular biology based Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) array concept in structural health monitoring, which has been demonstrated to be superior in disease detection, two types of array expression data have been proposed for the development of the SHM algorithm. For the micro-vibration mode, a two-tier auto-regression with exogenous (AR-ARX) process is used to extract the expression array from the recorded structural time history while an ARX process is applied for the analysis of the earthquake mode. The health condition of the structure is then determined using the NB classification method. In addition, the union concept in probability is used to improve the accuracy of the system. To verify the performance and reliability of the SHM algorithm, a downscaled eight-storey steel building located at the shaking table of the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) was used as the benchmark structure. The structural response from different damage levels and locations was collected and incorporated in the database to aid the structural health monitoring process. Preliminary verification has demonstrated that the structure health condition can be precisely detected by the proposed algorithm. To implement the developed SHM system in a practical application, a SHM prototype consisting of the input sensing module, the transmission module, and the SHM platform was developed. The vibration data were first measured by the deployed sensor, and subsequently the SHM mode corresponding to the desired excitation is chosen automatically to quickly evaluate the health condition of the structure. Test results from the ambient vibration and shaking table test showed that the condition and location of the benchmark structure damage can be successfully detected by the proposed SHM prototype system, and the information is instantaneously transmitted to a remote server to facilitate real-time monitoring. Implementing the bio-inspired two-mode SHM practically has been successfully demonstrated.