• Title/Summary/Keyword: Brown rice conditioner.

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  • Song, D.B.;Han, K.Y.;Kim, S.T.;Choi, B.J.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.423-429
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    • 2000
  • The water conditioning experiments of brown rice were performed to verify the effect of brown rice conditioner and to decide the optimum operating variables for the conditioner. The initial moisture contents of 13-14%(wb) brown rice were used as experimental samples. The flow rate of brown rice passing through the conditioner was 2,940 kg/hr and water was supplied proportionally from 80 cc/min to 240 cc/min. The differences between expected and measured moisture contents were neglected except 0.25%(wb) of the maximum differences at 0.2920((cc/min)-water/(kg/min)'%-brown rice) of water supply rate. For the initial moisture contents of 13-14%(wb) brown rice, it was found that a proper water supply rate was 0.2415((cc/min)-water/(kg/min).%-brown rice) and the increments of whole rice was 2.3% compared to non conditioned ones. It was considered that the conditioning process did not influence the whiteness of milled rice because the whiteness differences between conditioned and non-conditioned milled rice were negligible.

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Development of a Continuous Type Brown Rice Conditioning Equipment (연속식 현미 조질기 개발)

  • 송대빈;고학균
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.503-510
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    • 2000
  • To improve the milling condition of brown rice a continuous type conditioning equipment was developed. To validate the performance of this machine the experimental operation was done at Sa-cheon RPC(Rice Processing Complex) using short grain rough. The initial moisture contents of brown rice were 15.0∼16.5%(w.b) and the flow rate of brown rice passing through the conditioner were 4,370kg per hour. The moisture content differences of brown rice between conditioned and non-conditioned were showed within 0.5%(w.b) This results means that the water injected to brown rice were absorbed to the surface of brown rice evenly. The moisture contents of conditioned treated milled rice were showed slightly higher than that of non-conditioned ones but it was considered that the conditioning process did not affected the weight increasing of milled rice by water supply. For initial moisture contents of 15.0∼16.5%(wb) brown rice it was found that the proper water supply rate was 0.115(cc-water)/(kg·%-brown rice) and the increments of whole rice were 2.2% compared to the non-conditioned ones. it was considered that the conditioning process did not influenced the whiteness of milled rice because the whiteness differences between conditioned and non-conditioned milled rice were negligible. About 18% of electric power which drives the abrasive type rice milling machine was saved at 0.115(cc-water)/(kg·%-brown rice) of water supply rate.

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Performance Evaluation of a Continuous Type Brown Rice Conditioner with a Milled Rice Recovery Comparison (도정수율 비교를 통한 연속식 현미조질기의 성능 평가)

  • 송대빈;김성태;한구연
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.137-142
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    • 2003
  • The water conditioning experiments of brown rice were performed to analyze the variation of the milled rice recovery using a continuous type conditioner at Jin-ju, Yeo-ju, and Yong-in RPC(Rice Processing Complex). About 8,000 kgf, 6,000 kgf and 10,000 kgf of the brown rice of 13-14 %(wb) initial moisture contents were used as experimental materials at Jin-ju, Yeo-ju, and Yong-in respectively. The broken rice and rice bran were collected and weighted to calculate the milled rice recovery. The amounts of broken rice with water conditioned occurred lower than that of broken rice without water conditioned. And the milled rice recovery of water conditioned ones were increased as 1.22%, 0.87%, and 1.00% compared with those of the non water conditioned ones at Jin-ju, Yeo-ju. and Yong-in respectively. Especially, the result of the experiments of Jin-ju RPC showed that about 33% and 35% of total increased milled rice recovery were the portion of the moisture content increment and the broken rice reduction respectively.

Milling Characteristics of Brown Rice Using a Continuous Type Conditioner - A variation of the milled rice of recovery - (연속식 현미 조질기의 도정특성(2) - 도정수율 변화 -)

  • 송대빈;김성태;한구연
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2002.02a
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    • pp.585-591
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    • 2002
  • 국내에서 개발된 연속식 현미조절기를 이용한 현미 가수처리 여부에 따른 도정수율의 변화를 알아보기 위해 경남 진주 농협 미곡종합처리장, 경기 여주의 미곡종합처리장 및 경기 용인의 농협 미곡종합처리장에서 검증실험을 실시하였다. 현미의 조절을 위한 가수처리 여부에 관한 실험 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 조질에 따른 현미 함수율의 측정값과 예측값의 차이는 진주, 여주의 경우는 각각 0.07%, 0.13%로 미소하게 나타났으며, 용인의 경우는 0.18%로 예측값이 낮게 나타났다. 2. 쇄미 발생량을 분석한 결과, 진주 농협의 경우 2.85 kg, 여주 농협의 경우 5.47 kg, 용인 농협의 경우 5.47 kg 감소되는 것으로 나타났다. 3. 도정수율 변화는 진주농협 1.21 %, 여주 0.87%, 용인 농협 1.00%의 상승을 보였다.

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