• Title/Summary/Keyword: Bring-up Attitude

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A Research on an Actual State of Drinking and Smoking of Elementary School Children (초등학생의 음주 및 흡연경험 실태조사)

  • Kan Kyoung Ae;Kim Young Hae
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the actual state of and the factors in relation to drinking and smoking of elementary school. The subject for this study consisted of 604 students of six elementary schools located in Pusan. The data were collected by using a anonymous questionnaire during the period from Nov. 1, 1998 to Nov. 15, 1998. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1. The rate of drinking of the whole respondents was 20.7% (male 25.4%, female 15.6%), the rate of smoking was 8.1%(male 11.7%, female 4.2%). The user of drink and cigarets together showed 5.6%. 2. The school year of the first drinking and smoking was most at the 5th grade in elementary school(drinking 24.8%, smoking 20.4%). The motivation of beginning drinking and smoking was curiosity for the most part(32.0%, 61.2%). As to a way to get drink and cigarets, using a thing in the house' was most(82.2%). As to a used place, their own home or their friends' home showed 32.2% for the most part. Companion was mostly alone(84.0%). 3. Those who had experience of drinking and smoking took more positive attitude toward drinker and smoker, were more hospitable to exhortation to drinking and smoking, and were more positive about the late intention of drinking and smoking, but his desire for health education was lower than not. And he showed overlooking or keeping step with his friend's drinking and smoking. 4. In the results so far investigated difference of drinking and smoking according to a general tendency of respondents. The experience of drinking was related to sex distinction (P=0.003) and the marital status of parents (P=0.001). And the experience of smoking had relation to sex distinction(P=0.001), the marital status of parents(P=0.001), the parent's attitude of bring up(P=0.020) and making use of leisure (P=0.029)(P<.05).

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The Effect of the Punishment for Internet Piracy on Attitude and Intention: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Piracy Education (인터넷 저작권 침해에 대한 처벌이 태도와 침해 의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 저작권 교육의 조절변수 효과를 중심으로)

  • Park, Joo-Yeon
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.61-78
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    • 2012
  • Internet is widely spreading in everyday life and it makes easy to find and share information on the Internet. Many of Internet users are copying and distributing copyrighted materials freely on the Internet without recognizing that it is unethical and illegal behavior. The rate of Internet piracy is constantly increasing even though the regulation and punishment for piracy behavior are to be strict. However, there is a lack of study about the relationship between the punishment and education for intenet piracy on users' attitude and intention toward piracy on the Internet. The purpose of this study is therefore to find out the effect of the level of punishment for internet piracy on users' attitude and intention. This study also examines the moderating effect of piracy education on the relationship between punishment and piracy intention. The study shows that the punishment is directly associated with the attitude but not associated with the piracy intention. The piracy education has a significant effect on the relationship between punishment and intention. The result of this study could bring up the issue of intellectual property protection on the Intenet and suggest an importance of piracy education to educators, managers and internet users.

A Study on the Systematizing Environmental Course for Sustainable Education in the Elementary School (지속가능성 교육으로서 초등학교 환경교육 체계화 연구)

  • Choi, Young-Boon;Min, Byeong-Mee;Choi, Don-Hyung
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.18 no.1 s.26
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2005
  • Environmental education as worldwide sustainable education is effective when it is carried out as early as possible. But we do not have any aims and textbooks for environmental education in the elementary school. The purpose of this study is systematizing environmental syllabus as sustainable education. To achieve this purpose, firstly, the meaning of environmental education as sustainable education was conceptualized, secondly, the aims of environmental education was set up, thirdly, domains of environmental education was revised, and lastly, the syllabus for environmental instruction were created for each grade. Literature review was practiced over 143 textbooks and teacher's guidebooks from the 4th to 7th curriculum period. The result of this study follows. First, environmental education as sustainable education in the elementary school was conceptualized as an integrative education to keep the lifelong education and welfare. Second, the synthetic aim of environmental education as sustainable education in the elementary school was set up as 'cultivating desirable environmental people that behave for the sustainable future with environment-friendly value and attitude. Third, our environmental domains were divided into 11-12 independent areas, and ESSD (Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development) was located on the subcategory of environmental domain. These domains were revised into three environmental domains and five sub-domains. Fourth, according to the aims of environmental education as sustainable education and five environmental domains, 253 objectives were established. Fifth, objectives of environmental education of 10 subject matters and integrative objectives were presented. Sixth, based on the objectives of domains and subject matters, 255 contents for environmental education in the elementary school were abstracted and distributed to each grade in the consideration of balance among domains and appropriateness of grades. Seventh, analytic results of textbooks of 7th curriculum shows heavy stress on the 'knowledge perception' section and deficiency on the altitudes and behavior section. The environment-related level and contents overlapped and fragmented deeply. Furthermore, 33 parts of textbooks could bring to mis-concept on environment.

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A Study On The Welfare Policies For Nurse Officers (간호장교의 복지정책을 위한 조사연구 - 여성복지와 군복지 일반을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi Cheung Suk
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.15-36
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    • 1996
  • It is clear that the women's participation in social activity is dramatically increased in civilian field as well as military profession. Because of the characteristics of military nursing service, there are many difficulties. Frequent move, medical insurance, baby care. and the education are typical forms of difficulties for nurse officers in the military. The purpose of this research is to contribute to the perfect execution of nursing service. guarantee the active attitude for research and improve the combat strength by solving those private and economic problems. The method of research was analysis of question survey and the review of related literatures. The subject of research was 300 active nurse officers who work at the Army Hospitals. The survey was conducted 14 days from Oct 15 to Oct 28. The collected data was processed by computer using SPSS(Statistical Package of Social Science). Frequencies and percentages were used to examine the demographic characteristics of subject, and T-test was also used in the case of necessity. The result showed as follows; As the general characteristics of subject group; 28.7 years of average age, 73.6 months of service period, 63.4% of married. In regard of specialty; General 57.7%. Intensive Care 12.7% and Psychiatries 8.8%. The dissatisfactory factors about military welfare system were the difficulties in children education (36.9%). disadvantages on the civil medical insurance system (27.3%), and little chance of self education and development (21.5%). The problems in performing their duties were shown as dwelling instability due to frequent move (67.7%), and bring up children (14.2%). The reasons for resigning their job were shown as the instability of living status (64.2%), bring up children (18.8%) and dissatisfaction to the service (11.2%). The residential status was shown that military offered houses (45.2%), rental houses (29.3%) and own houses(14.64). The average numbers of moving residencies were; 3-4 time(34.6%), less than 2 times(33.1%), and 5-7 times(21.5%). Higher than 94.7% of the subject group spent more than 50.000 Won. In regard of education, they wanted to attend graduate school with their own expense(26.2%), computer science(20%) and Office Job Training(20%). The ways of taking care of children were mother-in-low(49.6%), mother(14.6%), and others(25%). The average expenditure per month for children were 20-30 hundred Won(44.2%), 10-20 hundred Won(25%) and 30-40 hundred Won(22.3%). The places of children care selected were public or occupational care center(56.2%), religious organization(20.8%), and other center managed by social organizations(10.4%). The result of survey for general welfare of nurse officers are as follows; By and large they seem to be satisfied with their job. however. there are some dissatisfactory factors. They are children care facilties, promotion. income. welfare facilities. disadvantage in medical insurance and civil hospitals. house purchase. unfair chances in specialty training. influence on promotion by educational status. and insufficient role for their children and husbands. As conclusion. the recommendations for improving nursing service are as follows; 1. Children care center managed by occupation 2. Dormitory system for children by military personnel 3. Equal opportunities in education according to ability 4. Reasonable moving price according to the distance and scope of family and extra allowance

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A Study on the Physician's Behavior of Notifiable Communicable Diseases Reporting and its Characteristics Related (법정전염병 신고행태 및 관련특성 연구)

  • 이윤현;맹광호
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.41-64
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    • 1999
  • The major concern for this research is to discuss and to offer some solutions to bring the effectiveness of existing notifiable diseases reporting system over the physicians' attitudes of reporting, the actual condition of performance and the reasons of inertia in notifiable diseases reporting through examining the physicians of medical institutions in nationwide such as pediatrics, internal medicine and family medicine. The actual conditions of notifiable communicable diseases(NCD) reporting was surveyed by mail objectifying an internal medicine, pediatrics and family medicine in nationwide on the basis of stratified random sampling method divided into the classification of medical institutions and areas. As a result of survey. the rate of respondents showed 145 persons from physicians, 105 persons from hospitals. 120 persons from general hospitals, and 51 persons from tertiary hospitals. The total number of respondents were 421 and was rated 59.0 %. The analysis of collected survey went through a descriptive analysis primarily to grasp physicians' attitudes on the notifiable communicable diseases reporting, and then upon the dependent variables. Following are major findings obtained form the data analysis. 1. The results of a descriptive analysis on physicians' attitudes towards reporting NCD were as follows: First, the respondents who didn't know that yellow fever is reporting NCD were 11.0% of clinic, 10.5% of hospital. 5.0% of general hospital. 11.8% of tertiary hospital. and in case of hepatitis B, were 26.9% of clinic, 35.2% of hospital. 35.0% of general hospital. 23.5% of tertiary hospital. Second, The rate of physicians' knowledge on penalties of not reporting the NCD by their medical institution were 35.2% of clinic, 45.7% of hospital. 36.7% of general hospital. 62.7% of tertiary hospital. Third, among the no-reporting physicians in whole, the major reason of not reporting NCD were uncertainty of diagnosis(78.9%), no need to report(46.4%), no adequate actions from PHC(29.1%), no knowledge of the cases being notifiable ones in the order of their frequencies(30.4%), meddling from PHC(29.1%), concerning of patient's privacy(26.3%). 2. To analyze the characteristics related to the physicians' behaviors to report NCD, univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were applied to the variables related to physician, 4 medical facility, PHC, and reporting system. The result were as follows: First, the result of the univariate analysis on physicians' attitude to report NCD and characteristics related to reporting in odds ratio was in the case of hospital. 3.4 times higher positive responses on physicians' attitude to report NCD came up as compared to the clinic. Second, the result of the univariate analysis on physicians' action of reporting NCD and characteristics related to reporting by the classification of medical institutions showed that the odds ratio of hospital was 2.3 times, the odds ratio of general hospital was 2.0 times, the odds ratio of tertiary was 6.8 times significantly higher than clinic. And the medical institution with significantly higher positive attitudes rate by multiple logistic regression analysis was hospital that rated 2.5 times significantly higher than clinic. Also in the PHC related characteristics of reporting, the rate of action in reporting NCD was significantly higher in medical institution that were endowed with the good condition of reporting. In multiple logistic regression analysis, the medical institution that has a good conditions of reporting showed a significantly higher positive rate on the action of reporting than the others.

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A Study on the Active children's Clothes in the Latter Part of the 18th Century in England -In Relation with Rousseau's Naturalism (18세기 후기 영국에서의 고중적인 어린이 의복 출현에 관한 연구-루소의 자연주의 교육사상과 관련하여-)

  • 이선희;신상옥
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.39
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    • pp.139-166
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    • 1998
  • This dissertation is to help understanding about the emergence of active children's clothes in the latter part of the 18th century in England. In previous ages children had not been look-ed upon as children, but as incomplete and in-ferior men and women, the costume of children had not been distinguishable from that of their elders. The early eighteenth-century chil-d could not play in comfort because they dressed like their parents. But in the third quarther of the eighteenth century children became free from their con-comfortable and became active. English chil-dren's clothes was prevailing even in Europe as well. In the background of this liberation, there were many enlightened ideas, such as philosophers of enlightenment, doctors, writers, educators. Among these John Locke and Jean Jacque Rousseau criticized openly about rampant fashion which was distorting the body by corset and hoop. Rousseau was the one who wrote$\boxDr$Emile$\boxUl$and played the most important role to free children from an old fashioned idea, and emphasized to bring up children by the natural process of mental and physical development as human beings are a part of nature. Fashion reflects politic, economic, social, ideology, culture of the days and these factor function to create fashion which shows“Time Spirit”.Children's clothes, like those of their parents, follow the fashion, but with a difference, the form of which varies with the attitude to the child. Thus this dissertation was to study in relation with the background of the times in the latter part of 18th century in England and Rousseau's Naturalism in connection with the emergence of active children's clothes. The result is that diffusion of the idea of freedom and equality, the growth of bourgeoisie, the development of clothing and tex-tile industry have influenced to the emergence of active children's clothes. Also a great deal of middle and high class parents devoted to their children's education and was influenced by Rousseau's Naturalism. Specially the bourgeoisie who made their fortune by their own effort were eager to educate their achievement and business by their children through education. This factor influenced to the children's clothes as well.

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The Perceptions of Elementary School Children Regarding Environmentally Friendly School Supplies and the Development of Environmental Education Program (환경 친화적 학용품 사용에 관한 초등학생의 인식 조사 및 환경교육 프로그램의 개발)

  • Ahn Sam-Young;Kim Dae-Hee;Kim Do-Hee;Kim Jeong-Ryeol;Cho Gye-Jeong
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.19 no.2 s.30
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    • pp.81-95
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    • 2006
  • School is an excellent place for children to loam environment-conscious behavior and for teachers to bring up environmental education. School has a plenty of teaching materials such as school building, pond, school forest, waste and school supplies. Especially, the environmental education for and with school supplies can be very effective, as it is mostly the first products for children to learn the buying and consumption in their daily life. In this study we conducted a survey on the environmental attitude of two groups of 5th graders towards environmentally friendly school supplies. The experimental group received environmental education on school supplies and the control group did not. The survey results showed that almost 50% of the children did not consider the environmental impact, but rather the price, design and function when buying the school supplies. However, more than 70% of children were willing to use the recycled school products, implying that they are aware of environmental Issues and want to contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment. The children recognized paper/notebooks and paints/crayons as the major environmental problems. Writing appliances such as pens, pencils, highlighters and markers were also considered as environmental concerns, since most of them are made of plastics and they are not easily biodegradable nor refillable. We also exemplify a lesson-plan for environmental education program on school supplies and make suggestions to encourage the use of those eco-friendly school materials.

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The effect of academic achievement and cooperative learning attitudes via differentiated cooperative learning in a class (학급 내 수준별 협동학습이 수학 학업성취도 및 협동학습 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • An, Jong Su
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.465-492
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    • 2014
  • In this study, through the analysis of the mathematics curriculum and textbooks, we produce the cooperative learning activity sheets which was appropriate instructional content for various levels. And, by using them appropriately at the levels of student learning on their own interest, we enhance academic achievement and cooperative learning attitudes. Specific for details for this study are as follows: First, through the applying a variety of the differentiated cooperative learning activity sheets and developing instruction learning, we improve the academic achievement. Second, through the making and utilizing the differentiated cooperative learning activity sheets and the interest and attitudes in mathematics, we improve the cooperative learning attitude. Third, through the levels of the subgroup cooperative learning, we improve the math learning abilities through a learner-centered. Further the purpose of this study is to bring up complementary cooperative spirit among colleagues.

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Fundamental Education on Film Style I : Focusing on Basic Viewing Education Utilizing Sound and Camera (영화의 양식에 관한 교육 사례 I : 사운드와 카메라를 활용한 감상 및 실습교육을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Gye-Joong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.195-203
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    • 2011
  • This case study is based on a fundamental class actually done in the film and video department in Sungkyul University. It aimed at suggesting supportive role for typical film production class in universities in Korea. The list of film styles mentioned in this text is selected from the actual ones for the class and it is focused on utilization of sound and camera. It is ultimately designed to guide students to actual making films. First of all, for example, with a humble camcoder, students are encouraged to record both image and his/her narration which is directly recorded into the built-in microphone. Also directional microphone could be used to experience various positions of 'point-of-hearing'. Regarding camera movements, only distinctive ones out of typical utilization are selected to be dealt with. The movements created by moving vehicle such as dolly or crane beyond the limit of human ability could bring up high imagination of students on movement, besides this could be also easily applied to them for using hand-held technique instead of vehicle. This attitude acquired through the course is important for gettig over the resistance they might have before actual experiencing machinary use in production.

Scholastic Improvement in Mathematics Learning resulting from Changes in Attribution through Structural Preparations by Counseling and Assignment Projects suitable for an individuals′ ability (귀인상담과 능력별 예습과제의 활용을 통한 귀인성향의 변화가 수학학습 능력에 미치는 효과)

  • 오후진;구완규
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 1999
  • For the purpose of turning learners' locus of control into internal-controllable variables, counseling materials were developed, and attribution counseling was given. The counseling effects were practically confirmed by way of teaching and evaluation in the actual classes, and furthermore the efforts to provide learners with successful experiences in learning were repeatedly made. As a result, the conclusions are as follows: 1. The procedure of Individual counseling for learning attribution based on individual standard grades and data of the variable order of merit apparently shows learners that if learners are to try their best in learning, they will surely go far in terms of learning in the near future. 2. The procedure of Individual counseling for teaming attribution based on achievement distribution in individual behavior-oriented fields suggests to learners that how to learn is as important as how much effort they make. Surely enough, learners are required to make more effective and efficient efforts, considering their own learning abilities. 3. With the above 1, 2 procedures involved, learners have attributed locus of causality in achievement to their internal-controllable causes. 4. With preparatory assignments according to learner's abilities provided, even slower learners came to be assured that their constant efforts could give rise to success in learning achievement. 5. Above all, it was confirmed that the learners' struggling attitude might well have a significant correlation with achievement success. The learners who are willing to attribute locus of causality in achievement to their internal-controllable causes or strenuous efforts and intrinsic motivation tend to be convinced that they can address themselves to whatever faces them, so they can set up specific learning goals fit for their abilities. Accordingly, they will bit by bit acquire successful experiences (often called 'Aha' experiences) and in turn, feeling the senses of self-efficacy and self-esteem enough to push their efforts even further, they can grow to form a positive self-concept. With one successful experience after another fed back into learners, they are gradually motivated to bring the oncoming achievement expectation to a higher level. To conclude, it is necessary that instruction leading to internal-controllable attribution should be provided, inducing learners to recognize success and failure in learning achievement as a result of their strenuous efforts.

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