• 제목/요약/키워드: Brand components

검색결과 191건 처리시간 0.022초

외식기업 브랜드 자산 구성 요인간의 관계 연구 (Relationships among Brand Equity Components)

  • 김영훈;조용범
    • 한국조리학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.128-137
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    • 2008
  • The importance of brand and brand equity has greatly increased not only in the professional perspectives but also in academic viewpoints. Especially, lots of related studies have been focused on the components of brand equity itself. However, this study concentrates on the relationships of brand equity components for understanding consumers' attitudes toward the brands of the food-service businesses. The basic research model consists of 4 brand equity components: brand awareness, perceived quality, brand image, and brand preference. Research data are gathered through survey questions responded by university students. For statistical analysis, correlation analysis, factor analysis, and covariance structure analysis are carried out. The result of this study are summed up as follows. Among the brand equity components, brand awareness had a great effect on perceived quality(path coefficient; 0.476). Brand image highly influenced brand preference(path coefficient; 0.439).

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온라인 브랜드커뮤니티에서의 상호작용성 구성요인이 브랜드 자산에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Components of Interactivity on Brand Equity in on-line Brand Community)

  • 박병권
    • 한국산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.155-172
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구에서는 선행연구를 바탕으로 온라인 브랜드 커뮤니티 내에서의 상호작용성의 구성요인들을 종합적으로 도출하고, 이러한 구성요인들이 브랜드 커뮤니티에 대한 정서적 몰입을 매개로 하여 기업관점에서의 브랜드 커뮤니티의 궁극적 성과인 브랜드 자산의 구성요인들에 미치는 영향을 구조적으로 파악하고자 한다. 상호작용성은 4가지 구성요인 즉, 유연성 개인화 반응성 연결성으로 개념화 하였으며 브랜드 자산은 브랜드 연상, 브랜드인지, 브랜드 충성도로 구성하였다. 온라인 브랜드커뮤니티에 회원으로 가입하고 있는 부산지역 대학생 127명을 표본으로 실증 분석하였으며, 분석 결과, 개인화, 반응성, 유연성은 커뮤니티 몰입에 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며 연결성은 유의적인 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 브랜드에 대한 정서적 몰입은 브랜드 자산의 3가지 구성요소, 즉 브랜드 연상 브랜드 인지, 브랜드 충성도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.

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고객평가에 기초한 패션브랜드 자산의 구성요소에 관한 연구 (The Components of Consumer-Based Fashion Brand Equity)

  • 김혜정;임숙자
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제10권6호
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    • pp.680-696
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    • 2002
  • The aim of this study was to identify the components of customer-based fashion brand equity which was built from customers´perception to equity. As a method, both literature review and empirical research were made. This study performed in three stages from May to November in 2001. In the exploratory step. focus-group interview was conducted 5 times for gathering responses related to fashion brand equity, and free association test of 17 respondents was additionally conducted. In pilot study, 40 university students were surveyed and the data were analyzed in order to identify the components of fashion brand equity and to develop questionnaire. In the main research, 905 university students evaluated fashion brand equity in order to analyze the components of fashion brand equity in customers´perception. Statistical analyses were performed with SAS program using factor analysis, cronbach´α, frequency, and mean. The results of this study was as fellows. First, fashion brand equity was defined in terms of four components; customer-brand resonance, brand imagery/customer feeling, brand performance/customer judgment and brand awareness. Second, fashion brand equity was multi-dimensional brand attitude, which could be measured by 29 variables that were different from uni-dimensional evaluation of previous studies.

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The Impacts of Changes in Brand Attributes on Financial Market Valuation of Korean Firms

  • Lee, Hee Tae;Kim, Byung-Do
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.169-193
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    • 2014
  • The earlier studies have verified that brand values have significant impact on financial values such as stock return and stock price to justify marketing costs for brand building. Except for Mizik and Jacobson (2008), however, little research has addressed what kinds of brand components composing brand values have a significant relationship with financial values. As a follow-up research of Mizik and Jacobson (2008), this research focuses on what kinds of relationships exist between the unanticipated change of each brand asset component and stock return, one of the financial values. The authors selected six brand asset components from the Korea-Brand Power Index(K-BPI) data in which 'Top of Mind,' 'Unaided Awareness,' and 'Aided Awareness' are brand awareness measures and 'Image,' 'Purchase Intention,' and 'Preference' are brand loyalty measures. Out of those six brand components, they found that unanticipated changes of 'Top of Mind,' 'Unaided Awareness,' 'Image,' and 'Preference' have significantly positive effect on unexpected stock return change. Therefore, they conclude that these four brand asset components provide incremental information in explaining unanticipated stock return.

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VMD에 대한 소비자태도가 브랜드자산과 브랜드태도에 미치는 영향:베이커리전문점을 중심으로 (A Study on the Effects of the Consumer Attitude toward Visual Merchandising on Brand Equity and Brand Attitude: Focused on Bakery Shops)

  • 조준상
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제11권6호
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - This study aims to establish the relationships among brand equity, brand attitudes, and Visual Merchandising (VMD) in bakery stores. The results will help bakery franchisees and franchisers in devising appropriate strategies for successfully managing their bakery shops. Research design, data, and methodology - The VMD model for bakery shops comprises harmony, attractiveness, suitability, pandemic, functionality, and reliability. Further, brand equity encompasses brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand image. In this study, the VMD factors of bakery shops are used as independent variables, while brand equity and brand attitude are used as dependent variables. This study aims to ascertain the extent of the influence VMD components of bakery shops have on brand equity and brand attitude. Regression analysis was used to verify those effects. The measurement items, deemed reliable and valid in a previous study, were modified for this study. Questionnaires were distributed to 500 consumers nationwide, of whom 340 were used for the sample. The SPSS 19.0 statistical program was used for the analysis. Results - First, among the VMD bakery shop components, harmony, attractiveness, and pandemic have a positive impact on brand equity (brand awareness and brand image). Second, amongst the VMD components of bakery shops, attractiveness, pandemic, and reliability have a positive impact on brand equity (perceived quality). Third, amongst the VMD components of bakery shops, harmony, attractiveness, and reliability have a positive impact on brand attitude. Fourth, brand equity (brand awareness, brand image, and perceived quality) have a positive effect on brand attitude. Conclusions - This study identifies the relationships between the VMD components of a bakery shop and brand equity and attitude in order to propose a new model. The study has several practical implications. First, the development of brand equity and management can be important components in bakery shops' determination of whether their VMD components have an impact on brand equity. Second, among VMD components, harmony and attractiveness have a positive influence on the choice of bakery shop, while reliability and pandemic have a partly positive influence on the choice of bakery shop. Therefore, store atmospheres should be attractively designed, and store menus and interiors should be reviewed periodically to conform to the latest trends. This study suggests marketing strategies for brand equity formation. First, providing collateral product quality, hygiene, and safety benefits as well as product offerings to complement the season and employees' services should be considered. Second, display methods, illumination designs, and new product ideas should be periodically reviewed. Third, these should complement the overall harmony of the interior and exterior and of the store atmosphere in order to be attractive. Funds should thus be dedicated specifically for the facilities and their interiors. Fourth, it is necessary to build a friendly and relaxed image that can be easily called to mind by the customers.

패션 브랜드 컨셉의 유형 및 구성 요소 분석 (Type and Component of Fashion Brand Concepts)

  • 김세희
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.495-505
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated the type of fashion brand concepts and derived the components of fashion brand concepts. A total of 125 brand concept texts of women's wear brands were collected from "2012/2013 Korea Fashion Brand Annual" (S. M. Kim, 2012). A qualitative research method was employed. To investigate the types of fashion brand concepts, the texts were classified into three types such as functional, symbolic, and experiential concepts, and four complex types such as functional/symbolic, functional/experiential, symbolic/experiential, and functional/symbolic/experiential concepts. Open coding and axial coding provided the components of fashion brand concepts. The results were as follows. First, an investigation of the types of fashion brand concepts indicated differences in the types of fashion brand concepts and the types of general product brand concepts. One content of a fashion brand concept could be interpreted as more than two concept types; consequently, many fashion brand concepts did not fit the notion of the types of general product brand concept. Most fashion brand concepts simultaneously encompassed more than two types of brand concepts at once. Second, the components of fashion brand concepts consisted of 55 subjects, 7 sub-categories (physical/intrinsic product characteristics, symbolic/conceptual product characteristics, target demographics, target consumer behavior, brand capability, brand values, and brand management/marketing) and 3 categories (product, target consumer, and brand).

브랜드 아이덴터티와 공간구성요소의 관계성을 통한 실내 표현 경향에 관한 연구 - 커피전문점을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Indoor Expression Trend through the Correlation of Brand Identity and Space Components - Centered on Coffee Shops -)

  • 김수용;김사라;남경숙
    • 한국실내디자인학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국실내디자인학회 2006년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.135-139
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    • 2006
  • Today, brands are transforming into a strategic structure which emphasize brand image more so that the product itself, and the brand identify that factors in personal preference and taste assume important positions. In particular, space where brand identify is factored in is increasingly in importance these days, which means that it is no longer about selling products themselves, but selling brand image. Accordingly, it is necessary to approach in a strategic manner when it comes to the space that factor in brand value in terms of selling brand image. Accordingly, this research examines the relationship between brand identity and space components through the space in coffee shops where brand identity is applied, to identify how indoor expression trend is utilized.

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Destination Brand Equity: A Perspective of Generation Z on A World Heritage Site in Indonesia

    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.1071-1078
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among the components of brand equity and to examine the effects of these components on the overall customer-based brand equity from the perspective of the Generation Z. This study is applied in the case of Borobudur World Heritage Destination, which is in Indonesia. A survey questionnaire has been collected through purposive sampling from 167 Generation Z who have visited Borobudur World Heritage Destination. The research hypotheses were supported by the empirical test using a Structural Equation Model with AMOS. The result concludes that destination brand awareness has significant, positive effects on destination brand image and perception of destination quality; destination brand image has positive influences on perception of destination quality and destination brand loyalty; perception of destination quality has significant, positive impacts on destination brand loyalty. Except for destination brand image and destination brand awareness, the perception of destination quality and destination brand loyalty have positive and direct impacts on overall destination brand equity. In sum, overall customer-based brand equity of a world heritage destination in the context of a developing economy is directly influenced by only two components of brand equity, namely, the perception of destination quality and destination brand loyalty.

Hotel Reservation Service, Customer Expectations, Brand Attachment, and Brand Loyalty: Effects of Package Product Reservation

  • Chang, Jae-Hyup;Yoon, Ki-Chang;Park, Chang-Soo
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제12권12호
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - This study examines various reservation service components that would increase customers' brand attachment and loyalty, while discussing how reservation service components would affect the customer behaviors. Research design, data, and methodology - This study theoretically analyzed the hotel package product reservation system, the customer expectations, the brand attachment, and the brand loyalty, while reviewing previous studies. Results - This study analyzed the distribution channels of the hotel package products from various angles and, as for more extensive research, the study explained the different results caused by each different reservation system type that may be preferred by each individual customer. Conclusions - It was confirmed that, of the hotel reservation service components, the convenience factors, the reliability factors, the information factors, and the other factors other than the human factors, have a significant influence on the customer expectations. Further, the study also revealed that the customer expectation has an important effect on the brand attachment. In addition, the study improved the prevailing understanding on the relation between the brand attachment and the brand loyalty.

품패자산조성부분간적상호관계(品牌资产组成部分间的相互关系): 관우산품충류조절작용적탐색연구(关于产品种类调节作用的探索研究) (Relationships among Brand Equity Components: An Exploratory Study of the Moderating Role of Product Type)

  • Moon, Byeong-Joon;Park, Won-Kyu;Choi, Sang-Chul
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.98-109
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    • 2010
  • 对于品牌资产的组成, 测量和管理的研究开始于David A.Aaker (1991) 和Kevin Lane Keller(1993). 最近, 很多的研究都集中于品牌资产的组成: 品牌意识, 质量预期, 产品形象和品牌忠诚度. 本文主要针对于这些成分间相互关系, 而且特别主意产品种类(实用或者享受)的调节作用. 基于以上所提及的关系所建立的模型可以参看图1. 本文的假设如下: 顾客的品牌意识对于顾客的忠诚度和品牌形象有积极的影响; 顾客的质量预期对于品牌忠诚度和品牌形象有积极的影响; 品牌形象对于品牌忠诚度有积极影响; 这些品牌资产成分间的关系可以被产品种类所调节. 具体说明就是, 对于实用性产品, 质量预期对于品牌忠诚度的作用会增强, 而对于享受产品品牌形象对于品牌忠诚度的作用会更强. 为了确定适用于本研究的产品, 58名首尔的大学生参加了前测. 结果是计算机被选择成为实用性产品, 而牛仔裤被选定成为享受产品. 每一种产品各选择了两个品牌: 三星和惠普以及李维斯和NIX. 在研究中, 首尔地区的237名大学生回答了问卷. 研究对象被划分为两组: 一组(121名)回答关于计算机的问卷, 其他的116名回答关于牛仔裤的问卷. 搜集的数据通过AMOS 7来验证可信度, 效度以及变量间的相互关系. 验证性因子分析证明本研究的模型是可以用来进一步研究的. 品牌资产成分间的相互关系也通过AMOS 7 来验证. 结果模型的结果展现在图2中. 质量预期对于品牌的形象有积极的影响, 但是品牌意识却没有. 但是品牌意识, 质量预期, 以及品牌形象都对品牌忠诚度有积极的影响. 并且, 这些关系受到产品种类的调节. 本文的研究结果可以增进我们对于品牌资产成分间相互关系的了解, 并且可以支撑对于品牌资产的测量. 本文也对于产品种类的作用进行了阐述. 在现实的营销管理中, 这些结果可以提供一些建议来有效保持品牌资产.