• 제목/요약/키워드: Bio-concrete

검색결과 91건 처리시간 0.028초

Prediction of an Essential Gene with Potential Drug Target Property in Streptococcus suis Using Comparative Genomics

  • Zaman, Aubhishek
    • Interdisciplinary Bio Central
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.11.1-11.8
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    • 2012
  • Genes that are indispensable for survival are referred to as essential gene. Due to the momentous significance of these genes for cellular activity they can be selected potentially as drug targets. Here in this study, an essential gene for Streptococcus suis was predicted using coherent statistical analysis and powerful genome comparison computational method. At first the whole genome protein scatter plot was generated and subsequently, on the basis of statistical significance, a reference genome was chosen. The parameters set forth for selecting the reference genome was that the genome of the query (Streptococcus suis) and subject must fall in the same genus and yet they must vary to a good degree. Streptococcus pneumoniae was found to be suitable as the reference genome. A whole genome comparison was performed for the reference (Streptococcus pneumoniae) and the query genome (Streptococcus suis) and 14 conserved proteins from them were subjected to a screen for potential essential gene property. Among those 14 only one essential gene was found to be with impressive similarity score between reference and query. The essential gene encodes for a type of 'Clp protease'. Clp proteases play major roles in degrading misfolded proteins. Results found here should help formulating a drug against Strptococcus suis which is responsible for mild to severe clinical conditions in human. However, like many other computational studies, the study has to be validated furthermore through in vitro assays for concrete proof.

투수효과를 고려한 친환경 콘크리트 블록 개발 (Development of Eco-Concrete Block Consider of Infiltration Effect)

  • 문영일;유경희;윤선권;손찬영
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2011년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.304-304
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    • 2011
  • 최근 도시화에 따른 인구증가와 더불어 도로포장 등 불투수면적의 증가로 인하여 우기시 빗물 침투가 차단되어 도심의 지하수위가 저하되며 토양의 건토화, 열섬현상 등의 문제가 발생하게 되었다. 이러한 문제점에 착안하여 본 연구에서는 투수효과를 최대한 고려할 수 있는 고강도의 친환경 콘크리트 블록(에크스톤 바이오 블록; ECOSTONE-BIO BLOCK)을 개발하였으며 기존 콘크리트 블록의 자연적 빗물침투 억제의 문제점을 일부 개선하였다. 본 블록은 캡슐공법을 사용하여, 공극률은 높이면서(투수성 향상), 강도와 내구성이 유지됨은 물론 캡슐안에 황토성분을 첨가하여, 바이오적인 기능 및 재생골재를 이용한 친환경적 제품으로 투수성, 내구성, 기능성을 극대화 시켰다. 또한 제품표면은 천연 백색돌맹이, 흑색돌맹이의 배합으로 자연석재 느낌을 구현하였으며, 쇼트블라스트 및 커링 표면공정으로 미끄럼저항지수를 조절할 수 있어, 기존 콘크리트 보도블록에 비해 투수율, 내구성, 기능성, 안전성이 우수하여, 안전한 보행환경이 가능한 것으로 분석되었다. 마지막으로, 주변 환경과 잘 어울리도록 디자인된 바이오기능성 친환경 블록으로 도심지역 시공시 투수효과에 따른 지하수고갈방지 및 침수피해에 도움을 주리라 사료된다.

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Hybrid between Inorganic Material and Biological Photosystem1 for Light Energy Application

  • 김영혜;남기태
    • 한국진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국진공학회 2013년도 제45회 하계 정기학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.272-272
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    • 2013
  • The attractive features of photosynthetic reaction center proteins for energy application make them useful in solar energy conversion to hydrogen fuel or electrical energy. Almost unity charge separation quantum yield and its rapid speed of ~1ns, absorbance region in visible light (480~740 nm) and high proportion of photosynthetically active solar energy of 48.5% allowed photosystem1 to exploited as a bio-material for photo-energy devices. Directionality of photosystem1 in electron transfer can solve main problem in two-step water splitting process where back reaction deteriorates the overall efficiency. In the study, photosystem1 was extracted from spinach and the photo-induced excited electron in the reaction center was utilized in various field of light energy application. First, hydrogen evolving system realized by photodeposition of platinum at the end of the electron transfer chain, with combining specific semiconductor to oxidize water in the first step of Z-scheme. The evaluation by gas-chromatography demonstrated hydrogen evolution through the system. For the further application of photoelectrical material on electrode, photosystem1 have been controlled by copper ion, which is expected to assemble photosystem in specific orientation followed by maximized photoelectrical ability of film. The research proposed concrete methods for combining natural protein and artificial materials in one system and suggested possibility of designing interface between biological and inorganic materials.

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Strength and stiffness characteristics of cement paste-slime mixtures for embedded piles

  • Yong-Hoon Byun;Mi Jeong Seo;WooJin Han;Sang Yeob Kim;Jong-Sub Lee
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.359-370
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    • 2023
  • Slime is produced by excavation during the installation of embedded piles, and it tends to mix with the cement paste injected into the pile shafts. The objective of this study is to investigate the strength and stiffness characteristics of cement pasteslime mixtures. Mixtures with different slime ratios are prepared and cured for 28 days. Uniaxial compression tests and elastic wave measurements are conducted to obtain the static and dynamic properties, respectively. The uniaxial compressive strengths and static elastic moduli of the mixtures are evaluated according to the curing period, slime ratio, and water-cement ratio. In addition, dynamic properties, e.g., the constrained, shear, and elastic moduli, are estimated from the compressional and shear wave velocities. The experimental results show that the static and dynamic properties increase under an increase in the curing period but decrease under an increase in the slime and water-cement ratios. The cement paste-slime mixtures show several exponential relationships between their static and dynamic properties, depending on the slime ratio. The bearing mechanisms of embedded piles can be better understood by examining the strength and stiffness characteristics of cement paste-slime mixtures.

피마자유기반 바이오폴리머를 활용한 다층다공성 호안의 수리적 안정성 검토 (A Study on the Hydraulic Stability of a Multi-Layered Porous Riverbank Revetment Using Castor Oil-Based Biopolymer)

  • 이상훈;강준구;안홍규
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.228-236
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    • 2022
  • 하천의 안정성과 이용도를 높이기 위하여 설치하는 하천 호안이 최우선으로 여기는 가치는 홍수에 견딜 수 있는 치수적인 안전성 확보이다. 이러한 구조물은 물의 하천의 안정성을 확보하면서 호안의 세굴을 막기위해 설치된다. 기존에 하천에 설치된 호안 기술은 사석, 돌망태 및 콘크리트 등으로 구성되어 있다. 하지만 사석 및 돌망태 기술은 급격한 홍수로 인해 쉽게 유실 및 파괴되는 단점을 지니고 있으며, 콘크리트 기술은 소재의 안정성은 강하지만, 물속에 오랜 시간동안 존재할 경우 수생태계에 악영향을 미치는 강염기가 약 10년간 용출되고, 콘크리트 표면에 식생이 성장하지 못하기 때문에 환경 및 생태적인 이유로 문제가 되고 있다. 이에 피마자유에서 추출된 바이오폴리머 소재를 활용하여 다층다공성 하천호안보호기술을 개발하였으며, 한국건설기술연구원 안동하천실험센터에서 실규모 하천실험을 통해 수리학적 안정성 검토결과, 유속 8.0 m/s 및 최대 허용 소류력은 67.25 kgf/m2 (659.05 N/m2)에서 수리적인 안정성을 확인하였다.

Domain Knowledge Based Approach for Design Optimization of Arch Dams Using Genetic Algorithms

  • Dongsu Kim;Sangik Lee;Jonghyuk Lee;Byung-hun Seo;Yejin Seo;Dongwoo Kim;Yerim Jo;Won Choi
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.1321-1321
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    • 2024
  • Concrete arch dams, unlike conventional concrete gravity dams, have thin arch-shaped cross sections and must be designed considering a three-dimensional shape. In particular, double-curvature arch dams, which have arch-shaped vertical and horizontal sections, require careful consideration during design due to their unique shape. Although stress analysis is complex, and various factors need to be considered during the design, these dams offer economic advantages as they require less material. Consequently, numerous double-curvature arch dams have been constructed worldwide, and ongoing research focuses on optimizing their shapes. In this study, an efficient optimization algorithm was developed for the shape optimization of concrete arch dams with double-curvature using genetic algorithms and improved population initializing technique. The developed technique utilized domain knowledge in the field of arch dams to generate an excellent initial population. To assess the relevance of domain knowledge, an investigation was conducted on the accumulated knowledge and empirical formulas from literature. Two pieces of domain knowledge can be gleaned from the iterative structural design experiences associated with arch dams. First, it concerns the thickness of the central cantilever of an arch dam. For minimum tensile stress, it is best to make the thickness as thin as possible at the dam crest and gradually become thicker as it goes down. The second aspect concerns the sliding stability of the arch dam, which depends on the central angle of the horizontal section. This angel is important for stability because the plane arch serves to transfer the hydraulic load from the reservoir to both abutments. Also, preliminary design formulas for arch dams from a manual written by the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) were used. On the other hand, since domain knowledge is based on engineering experiences and data from existing dams, its usability should be verified by comparing it with the results of design optimization performed by classic genetic algorithms. To validate the performance of the optimization algorithm with the improved population initialization technique, a test site with an existing dam was selected, and algorithmic application tests were conducted. Stress analysis is performed for each design iteration, evaluating constraints and calculating fitness as the objective function. The results confirmed that the algorithm developed in this study exhibits superior performance in terms of average fitness and convergence rate compared to classic genetic algorithms.

Cost Optimization of Doubly Reinforced Concrete Beam through Deep Reinforcement Learning without Labeled Data

  • Dongwoo Kim;Sangik Lee;Jonghyuk Lee;Byung-hun Seo;Dongsu Kim;Yejin Seo;Yerim Jo;Won Choi
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.1322-1322
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    • 2024
  • Reinforced concrete (RC) , a major contributor to resource depletion and harmful emissions, fuels research on optimizing its design. Optimizing RC structures is challenging due to the mix of discrete and continuous variables, hindering traditional differentiation-based methods. Thus, this study aims to optimize RC structures cost-effectively using deep reinforcement learning. When the Agent selects design variables, Environment checks design criteria based on KDS 14-20 code (South Korea) and calculates reward. The Agent updates its Neural Network with this reward. Target for optimization is a simply supported doubly RC beam, with design variables including cross-section dimensions, sizes and quantities of tension and compression reinforcement, and size of stirrups. We used 200,000 training sets and 336 test sets, each with live load, dead load, beam length variables. To exclude labeled data, multiple training iterations were conducted. In the initial training, the reward was the ratio of maximum possible cost at beam length to the designed structure's cost. Next iterations used the ratio of optimal values by the previous Agent to the current Agent as the reward. Training ended when the difference between optimal values from the previous and current Agent was within 1% for test data. Brute Force Algorithm was applied to the test set to calculate the actual cost-optimal design for validation. Results showed within 10% difference from actual optimal cost, indicating successful deep reinforcement learning application without labeled data. This study benefits the rapid and accurate calculation of optimized designs and construction processes in Building Information Modeling (BIM) applications.

모형실험을 통한 스파이럴 기초의 인발저항력 검토 (Uplift Capacity of Spiral Bar through the Model Experiment)

  • 최만권;윤성욱;김하늘;이시영;강동현;윤용철
    • 생물환경조절학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.202-209
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    • 2015
  • 스파이럴 기초를 국내 온실 기초로 사용한 사례는 거의 없으며 일본에서 스파이럴을 온실 기초로 사용한 사례가 있다. 현재 국내에서는 스파이럴 기초가 다른 분야에서 연약지반 보강 기초로 많이 사용되고 있어, 앞으로 온실기초의 보강을 위한 기초로 활용 가능할 것으로 기대된다. 본 연구에서는 스파이럴 기초의 기초 설계 자료를 제공할 목적으로 모형실험을 통해 기초의 매립깊이, 흙의 다짐률, 스파이럴 직경, 흙에 따른 인발하중 측정결과를 비교분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 농경지 및 간척지 흙의 극한 인발저항력 비교결과 농경지 흙이 간척치 흙보다 상대적으로 1.2~3.0배 더 큰 값을 나타냈다. 또한 두 흙 모두 매립깊이, 다짐률이 증가할수록 극한 인발저항력은 증가하는 경향을 관찰할 수 있었고, 모두 비슷한 하중-변위 곡선을 보였다. 실험조건에 따른 극한 인발저항력은 매립깊이 증가에 따른 인발하중 상승효과 보다 직경 크기 증가에 따른 상승효과가 더 크게 나타났다. 그리고 다짐률 증가에 따른 극한 인발저항력은 다른 조건들에 비해서 증가 폭이 상당히 큰 경향을 보였다. 따라서 일반적인 농경지뿐만 아니라 간척지와 같이 연약지반에 스파이럴 기초를 설치할 경우에도 기초의 매립깊이, 다짐율, 스파이럴 직경 등을 증가시키면 인발저항력이 높아져 연약지반 보강 기초로 사용가능 할 것으로 판단된다.

하계에 도심지에서 관측된 흑구온도의 특성 분석 (On the Characteristics of Globe Temperature Variation Observed at Downtown in Summer Season)

  • 박종길;정우식;김석철;박길운
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제17권8호
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    • pp.907-918
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    • 2008
  • In order to monitor the impact of high temperature which is seen frequently with climate change, we investigated the monthly change in globe temperature, air temperature, mean radiant temperature and effective radiant heat flow, because the four well reflect thermal radiation from bio-meteorological aspect. Both globe temperature and air temperature showed an increasing trend every month. Compared to air temperature, globe temperature had a wider range of temperature change and was more influenced by meteorological element such as precipitation. Diurnal trends of air temperature, globe temperature and the difference between their temperature had the lowest value before the sunrise and the highest around $1300{\sim}1500$ LST, showing the typical diurnal trends. Globe temperature and the difference between their temperature had a sharp increase around $1000{\sim}1100$ LST, maintained high value until 1700 LST and then reclined, though varied by month. The difference between globe temperature and air temperature was highly dependent on the amount of precipitation and clouds. The duration in which globe temperature was higher than air temperature was the lowest in July. Therefore the amount of precipitation was the most affecting, followed by the amount of clouds and wind. In order to find out the diurnal trends of temperature in city center and city outskirts, we assumed the roof of a concrete build ing as a city center, and the grass-covered observatory of the Gimhae International Airport as city outskirts. The diurnal trends of temperature in the two sites showed a strong correlation. The highest and lowest temperature also had the same trend.

옥상녹화 기술의 특허출원 동향분석 (Analysis of Trends in Patent Applications for Rooftop Greening Techniques)

  • 이은희;강규이;나은정
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.88-99
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    • 2005
  • This research aimed to investigate the current trends of rooftop greening techniques of frequent use within and without Korea. It is also expected that this research will help developing new rooftop greening techniques appropriate for Korean environment. Data for this study have been collected from patent applications for rooftop greening techniques; the web sites of the Korean Intellectual Property Office as well as patent offices in Germany and Japan, where active researches on rooftop greening techniques are in progress. 168 applications within a period from the year of 1984 to December of 2004 were examined, among which Japan excelled with its 81 applications followed by Germany(54), Korea(31)and USA(2). In case of Japan, where more patent applications were found than in any other countries, applications for Plant Base(38) excelled others - System(36), Management(4) and Plant(3) in the number of applications. As for Germany, 25 cases were on Plant Base, 25 cases on System, and 4 cases on Plant; in Korea, 15 cases were on Plant Base, 11 cases on System, 3 cases on Plant and 2 cases on Management; in USA, 1 cases were on System and 1 cases on Plant. Overall, the total number of patent applications in three countries reaches 168 cases; among which Plant Base topped in all four countries, followed by 73 cases on System. Applications concerning Plant and Management totalled to 11 and 6 for each. In conclusion, most patents were concentrated on Plant Base and System while researches on Plant and Management still do not get as much attention as they deserve. Research and development of various techniques on Plant must be a precondition for the formation of diverse Bio-tops suitable for the environments of specific areas. Concrete researches on rooftop greening techniques will contribute to the improvement of urban ecosystem by developing more convenient and easily applicable techniques during the time of actual construction.