• Title/Summary/Keyword: Big6 모형

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Sentiment Analysis for Public Opinion in the Social Network Service (SNS 기반 여론 감성 분석)

  • HA, Sang Hyun;ROH, Tae Hyup
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2020
  • As an application of big data and artificial intelligence techniques, this study proposes an atypical language-based sentimental opinion poll methodology, unlike conventional opinion poll methodology. An alternative method for the sentimental classification model based on existing statistical analysis was to collect real-time Twitter data related to parliamentary elections and perform empirical analyses on the Polarity and Intensity of public opinion using attribute-based sensitivity analysis. In order to classify the polarity of words used on individual SNS, the polarity of the new Twitter data was estimated using the learned Lasso and Ridge regression models while extracting independent variables that greatly affect the polarity variables. A social network analysis of the relationships of people with friends on SNS suggested a way to identify peer group sensitivity. Based on what voters expressed on social media, political opinion sensitivity analysis was used to predict party approval rating and measure the accuracy of the predictive model polarity analysis, confirming the applicability of the sensitivity analysis methodology in the political field.

An effective edge detection method for noise images based on linear model and standard deviation (선형모형과 표준편차에 기반한 잡음영상에 효과적인 에지 검출 방법)

  • Park, Youngho
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.813-821
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    • 2020
  • Recently, research using unstructured data such as images and videos has been actively conducted in various fields. Edge detection is one of the most useful image enhancement techniques to improve the quality of the image process. However, it is very difficult to perform edge detection in noise images because the edges and noise having high frequency components. This paper uses a linear model and standard deviation as an effective edge detection method for noise images. The edge is detected by the difference between the standard deviation of the pixels included in the pixel block and the standard deviation of the residual obtained by fitting the linear model. The results of edge detection are compared with the results of the Sobel edge detector. In the original image, the Sobel edge detection result and the proposed edge detection result are similar. Proposed method was confirmed that the edge with reduced noise was detected in the various levels of noise images.

Traffic Congestion Estimation by Adopting Recurrent Neural Network (순환인공신경망(RNN)을 이용한 대도시 도심부 교통혼잡 예측)

  • Jung, Hee jin;Yoon, Jin su;Bae, Sang hoon
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2017
  • Traffic congestion cost is increasing annually. Specifically congestion caused by the CDB traffic contains more than a half of the total congestion cost. Recent advancement in the field of Big Data, AI paved the way to industry revolution 4.0. And, these new technologies creates tremendous changes in the traffic information dissemination. Eventually, accurate and timely traffic information will give a positive impact on decreasing traffic congestion cost. This study, therefore, focused on developing both recurrent and non-recurrent congestion prediction models on urban roads by adopting Recurrent Neural Network(RNN), a tribe in machine learning. Two hidden layers with scaled conjugate gradient backpropagation algorithm were selected, and tested. Result of the analysis driven the authors to 25 meaningful links out of 33 total links that have appropriate mean square errors. Authors concluded that RNN model is a feasible model to predict congestion.

Numerical Evaluation of Tidal Characteristic Changes after Saemangeum Sea-dike Closing (수치모형(數値模形)을 이용(利用)한 새만금 방조제(防潮堤) 축조후(築造後)의 조석(潮汐) 운동(運動) 예측(豫測))

  • Park, Chang-Kyu;Lee, Nam-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.7 no.1 s.13
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 2001
  • During the performance of large scale tidal land reclamation project along the coast line, the construction of large scale structures such as sea-dikes, closing estuaries will induce big changes of near-shore hydraulic behavior. In this paper, its is aimed to verify the change of tide and currents after the construction of sea-dike of the Saemangeum project along the coast line. Numerical scale model "TRISULA" which development by Delft Hydraulics in the Netherlands was used. "TRISULA" is adopting the finite difference numerical scheme, and mostly using for hydro-dynamic solution along the sea and estuaries. Model boundary is covering $100{\times}170$ Km and constructed with $133{\times}337$ grids. Outer side boundary is divided 48 sections, and input 37 tidal components are gained from another big scale numerical "Yellow Sea" model. Model calibrations & verifications were performed th field tide & current datas which were measured along sea-dike alignment during Aug. $1997{\sim}Apr$. 1999. And then, numerical simulation with the tide condition dated 17 Apr. 1999 was performed with & without sea-dike construction condition for the comparison. Evaluated boundary is 20 km out-side from sea-dike alignment. Four cross lanes were set up, each of lane contains 3 points, for the comparison of sea-dike construction effects. Results showing the tidal amplitude is reducing approximately 20 cm after the construction of sea-dike during spring tide condition, amplitude 6.9m. Currents after construction of sea-dikes along the alignment, the northern part shows 50%(inner), 90%(outer) and the southern part shows 10%(inner) 50%(outer) of the currents before construction.

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A Study on the Continuity of 'One Book, One City' Reading Campaign in the U.S.A. (미국의 '한 책, 한 도시' 독서운동의 지속성에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Cheong-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics and continuity of 'One Book, One City' community reading campaign in the U.S.A. An analysis of 584 'One Book' projects registered in the Library of Congress, the Center for the Books shows that this innovative model of reading campaign has been diffused through three stages: the beginning(1998-2001), the growth (2002-2006), and the second take-off(2007-present). The stability of more than fifty 'One Book' projects was confirmed and the continuing diffusion of 'One Book' model through 'The Big Read' Initiative and some projects' attempt to try new directions seem worth observing.

Characteristics Analysis for RUSLE Factors based on Measured Data of Gangwon Experimental Watershed(II) (강원지역 시험유역에 대한 RUSLE 인자특성 분석 (II) - RUSLE 모형의 시험유역 적용을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Seol;Chung, Jae-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.119-124
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    • 2009
  • In this study, the characteristics of estimating methodology for RUSLE factors such as soil erodibility factor, slope length-steepness factor, and cover management factor were reviewed and then the relative error according to each methodology was analyzed. RUSLE was applied to experimental watershed for 42 storm events and their results were compared with measured sediment yield to examine the applicability of RUSLE. As a result, this paper found that it should be necessary to consider vegetation effect for forest application of RUSLE as cover management was the most sensitive factor. Also, soil erodbility factor was calculated from data of soil series by National Academy of Agricultural Science caused sediment yield to be overestimated because there were big differences between the soil series and on-site soil texture. The 22.7% of maximum relative error was shown according to selecting the rain energy equation. In addition, it will be necessary to verify the RUSLE factors with more data in order to improve their accuracy.

A Study on Social Issues and Consumption Behavior Using Big Data (빅데이터를 활용한 사회적 이슈와 소비행동 연구)

  • Baek, Seung-Heon;Kim, Gi-Tak
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.377-389
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    • 2019
  • This study conducted social network big data analysis to investigate consumer's perception of Japanese sporting goods related to Japanese boycott and to extract problems and variables by recognition. Social network big data analysis was conducted in two areas, "Japanese boycott" and "Japanese sporting goods". Months of data were collected and investigated. If you specify the research method, you will identify the issues of the times - keyword setting using social network analysis - clustering using CONCOR analysis using TEXTOM and Ucinet 6 programs - variable selection through expert meetings - questionnaire preparation and answering - and validity of questionnaire Reliability Verification - It consists of hypothesis verification using the structural model equation. Based on the results of using the big data of social networks, four variables of relevant characteristics, nationality, attitude, and consumption behavior were extracted. A total of 30 questions and 292 questionnaires were used for final hypothesis verification. As a result of the analysis, first, the boycott-related characteristics showed a positive relationship with nationality. Specifically, all of the characteristics related to boycotts (necessary boycott, sense of boycott, and perceived boycott benefits were positively related to nationality. In addition, nationality was found to have a positive relationship with consumption behavior.

An Empirical Study on the Failure Prediction for KOSDAQ Firms (코스닥기업의 부실예측에 대한 실증 분석)

  • Park, Hee-Jung;Kang, Ho-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.670-676
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    • 2009
  • Bankruptcy of firms in Korea can cause distress of financial institutions because these institutions have disterssed bond. Accordingly, social and economical spill-over effects by these results are very big. Even after the difficult times of IMF crisis had ended, bankruptcy of information-based small-medium companies and venture firms listed on the KOSDAQ has been continued. In this context, this study developed and adopted failure prediction models for which discriminant analysis was used. Samples of this study was 81 firms respectively for both failed and non-failed firms listed on the KOSDAQ between the year of 2000 and 2007. The results of this study are as follows. First, the accuracy of classification of the model by years was $74.5%{\sim}76.5%$, and the accuracy of classification of the mean model was $69.6%{\sim}80.4%$. Among the models, the mean model of -one year, -two years, and -three years was highest in accuracy of classification (80.4%). Second, accuracy of prediction of final model adopted on validation samples showed 85% before one year of bankruptcy. The results of this study may be significant in that the results may be used as early warning system for bankruptcy prediction of KOSDAQ firms.

A Mathematical Model for Coordinated Multiple Reservoir Operation (댐군의 연계운영을 위한 수학적 모형)

  • Kim, Seung-Gwon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.779-793
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    • 1998
  • In this study, for the purpose of water supply planning, we propose a sophisticated multi-period mixed integer programming model that can coordinate the behavior of multi-reservoir operation, minimizing unnecessary spill. It can simulate the system with operating rules which are self- generated by the optimization engine in the algorithm. It is an optimization model in structure, but it indeed simulates the coordinating behavior of multi-reservoir operation. It minimizes the water shortfalls in demand requirements, maintaining flood reserve volume, minimizing unnecessary spill, maximizing hydropower generation release, keeping water storage levels high for efficient hydroelectric turbine operation. This optimization model is a large scale mixed integer programming problem that consists of 3.920 integer variables and 68.658 by 132.384 node-arc incidence matrix for 28 years of data. In order to handle the enormous amount of data generated by a big mathematical model, the utilization of DBMS (data base management system)seems to be inevitable. It has been tested with the Han River multi-reservoir system in Korea, which consists of 2 large multipurpose dams and 3 hydroelectric dams. We demonstrated successfully that there is a good chance of saving substantial amount of water should it be put to use in real time with a good inflow forecasting system.

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The Effect of Non-cognitive Skill on Employability: Focusing on the Period of Job Search and Tenure (비인지적 요인이 취업에 미치는 영향: 구직기간과 근속기간 분석을 중심으로)

  • Lim, Chan-young
    • Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.3069-3085
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we examined the effect of non-cognitive factors on job tenure and tenure using KLIPS. We examine the internal consistency of the big5 personality trait and of the locus of control, and use the parameterized proportional hazards model. As a result, we confirmed that non-cognitive skill such as personality traits and locus of control affect individual labor market performance. Conscientiousness has shown that the job seeking period of adult job seekers is lengthened, thereby lowering the unemployment rate. It can be understood that high attentiveness under uncertainty can misinterpret information, and that lack of decision restricts escape from unemployment. In the tenure analysis, people with internal locus of control tendency were less likely to leave the job due to longer tenure. Those who have internal control can not only be preferred by the organization but also the internal control tendency seems to be the factor that maintains the long-term job because of the motivation and self-control of their actions.