• 제목/요약/키워드: Beijing dialect

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.014초

北京话区别于普通话的词汇特点及发展趋势 (Lexical Features and Trend in Development of Beijing Dialect Distinct from Putonghua)

  • 赵晶晶;나민구
    • 중국연구
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    • 제80권
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    • pp.117-150
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    • 2019
  • 1955年10月召开的"全国文字改革会议"及"现代汉语规范问题学术会议"将普通话的定义规定为"以北京语音为标准音, 以北方话(官话)为基础方言, 以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的现代标准汉语。" 国务院政府办公室(1956)<国务院关于推广普通话的指示>, 《文字改革》, 1982年, 第三期, P33 由此看来, 北京话与普通话渊源较深, 两者既不等同又难以区分。 很多现代人不区分北京话与普通话, 认为学会了北京话就等于学会了标准的普通话。甚至在一些对外汉语教材中也常常出现北京话词汇及表达方式。但北京话与普通话有较大区别。究竟哪些词汇及表达方式属于普通话, 哪些又属于北京话?本文力求通过语料分析将二者加以区别。在现代中国各地方言均逐渐失去特点并向普通话靠拢的趋势下, 区分北京话与普通话的词汇特点在方言记录方面有其意义, 另外这也有助于对外汉语教学的规范。虽然汉语学习者在口语中使用北京话没有任何问题, 但对外汉语教学的目的并不仅限于口语, 在正式的文章书写和阅读方面以及各种公文和正式语体的使用中必须使用规范的普通话。

Coarticulation and vowel reduction in the neutral tone of Beijing Mandarin

  • Lin Maocan
    • 대한음성학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한음성학회 1996년도 10월 학술대회지
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    • pp.207-207
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    • 1996
  • The neutral tone is one of the most important distinguishing features in Beijing Mandarin, but there are two completely different views on its linguistic function: a special tone(Xu, 1980) versus weak stress(Chao, 1968). In this paper, the acoustic manifestation of the neutral tone will be explored to show that it is closely related to weak stress. 122 disyllabic words in which the second syllable carries the neutral tone, including 22 stress pairs, were uttered by a native male speaker of Beijing dialect and analysed by Kay Digital Sonagraph 5500-1. The results of the acoustic analysis are presented as follows: 1) The first two formants of the medial and the syllabic vowel moves towards that of central vowel with a greater magnitude in the syllable with the neutral tone than in the syllable with any of the four normal tones. Also the vowel ending, and nasal coda /n/ and / / in the syllable with the neutral tone tends to be deleted. 2) In the syllables with the neutral tone, there are strong carryover coarticulations between the medial and syllabic vowel and the preceding unvoiced consonant. In general, the vowel is affected to move towards the position of the central vowel with more greater magnitude by coronal consonant than by labial or velar consonant. 3) In the syllable with the neutral tone, when and only when it precedes a syllable with tone-4, the high vowel following [f], [ts'], [s], [ts'], [s], [tc'] or [c] tends to be voiceless. 4) It can be seen from the acoustical results of 22 stress pairs that the duration of the syllable with the neutral tone is on the average reduced to 55% of that of the syllable with the four normal tones, and the duration of the final in the syllable with neutral tone is on the average reduced to 45% of that of the final in the syllable with the four normal tones(Lin & Yan 1980). 5) The FO contour of the neutral tone is highly dependent on the preceding normal tone(Lin & Yan 1993). For a number of languages it has been found that the vowel space is reduced as the level of stress placed upon the vowel is reduced(Nord 1986). Therefore we reach the conclusion that the syllable with neutral tone is related to weak stress(Lin & Yan 1990). The neutral tone is not a special tone because the preceding normal tone.

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