• Title/Summary/Keyword: Basin characteristics

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Development of Meta Model of Transfer Function for Wavemaker of Deep Ocean Engineering Basin (심해공학수조 조파기 전달함수 근사 모델 개발)

  • Seunghoon, Oh;Eun-Soo, Kim;Sungjun, Jung
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.471-482
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to investigate the characteristics of wave generation in a deep ocean engineering basin and to develop a meta-model of the transfer function of the wavemaker that reflects the geometric characteristics of the deep ocean engineering basin. To this end, the two-dimensional frequency domain boundary element method was applied to achieve an efficient analysis that reflects the geometric characteristics of the deep ocean engineering basin. The developed numerical method was validated through comparison with the analytical solution. Numerical analyses were conducted for the boundary value problem of the wavemaker according to various periods and the positions of the movable bottom. The numerical results were used to investigate the effect of the geometric characteristics of the deep ocean engineering basin on the transfer function of the wavemaker, and the effect of depth on wave generation was checked by changing the position of the movable bottom. To efficiently utilize the various results of the boundary element method, a meta-model, an approximate model of the transfer function of the wave maker, was developed using a thin plate spline interpolation model. The validity of the developed meta-model was confirmed through a comparison of the results of the model tests.

Modeling of Earthquake Ground Motion in a Small-Scale Basin (소규모 분지에서의 지진 지반운동 모델링)

  • Kang, Tae-Seob
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.92-101
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    • 2012
  • Three-dimensional finite-difference simulation in a small-scale half-sphere basin with planar free-surface is performed for an arbitrary shear-dislocation point source. A new scheme to deal with free-surface boundary condition is presented. Then basin parameters are examined to understand main characteristics on ground-motion response in the basin. To analyze the frequency content of ground motion in the basin, spectral amplitudes are compared with each other for four sites inside and outside the basin. Also particle motions for those sites are examined to find which kind of wave plays a dominant role in ground-motion response. The results show that seismic energy is concentrated on a marginal area of the basin far from the source. This focusing effect is mainly due to constructive interference of the direct Swave with basin-edge induced surface waves. Also, ground-motion amplification over the deepest part of the basin is relatively lower than that above shallow basin edge. In the small-scale basin with relatively simple bedrock interface, therefore, the ground-motion amplification may be more related to the source azimuth or direction of the incident waves into the basin rather than depth of it.

Paleomagnetism, Stratigraphy and Geologic Structure of the Tertiary Pohang and Changgi Basins; K-Ar Ages for the Volcanic Rocks (포항(浦項) 및 장기분지(盆地)에 대한 고지자기(古地磁氣), 층서(層序) 및 구조연구(構造硏究); 화산암류(火山岩類)의 K-Ar 연대(年代))

  • Lee, Hyun Koo;Moon, Hi-Soo;Min, Kyung Duck;Kim, In-Soo;Yun, Hyesu;Itaya, Tetsumaru
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.337-349
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    • 1992
  • The Tertiary basins in Korea have widely been studied by numerous researchers producing individual results in sedimentology, paleontology, stratigraphy, volcanic petrology and structural geology, but interdisciplinary studies, inter-basin analysis and basin-forming process have not been carried out yet. Major work of this study is to elucidate evidences obtained from different parts of a basin as well as different Tertiary basins (Pohang, Changgi, Eoil, Haseo and Ulsan basins) in order to build up the correlation between the basins, and an overall picture of the basin architecture and evolution in Korea. According to the paleontologic evidences the geologic age of the Pohang marine basin is dated to be late Lower Miocence to Middle Miocene, whereas other non-marine basins are older as being either Early Miocene or Oligocene(Lee, 1975, 1978: Bong, 1984: Chun, 1982: Choi et al., 1984: Yun et al., 1990: Yoon, 1982). However, detailed ages of the Tertiary sediments, and their correlations in a basin and between basins are still controversial, since the basins are separated from each other, sedimentary sequence is disturbed and intruded by voncanic rocks, and non-marine sediments are not fossiliferous to be correlated. Therefore, in this work radiometric, magnetostratigraphic, and biostratigraphic data was integrated for the refinement of chronostratigraphy and synopsis of stratigraphy of Tertiary basins of Korea. A total of 21 samples including 10 basaltic, 2 porphyritic, and 9 andesitic rocks from 4 basins were collected for the K-Ar dating of whole rock method. The obtained age can be grouped as follows: $14.8{\pm}0.4{\sim}15.2{\pm}0.4Ma$, $19.9{\pm}0.5{\sim}22.1{\pm}0.7Ma$, $18.0{\pm}1.1{\sim}20.4+0.5Ma$, and $14.6{\pm}0.7{\sim}21.1{\pm}0.5Ma$. Stratigraphically they mostly fall into the range of Lower Miocene to Mid Miocene. The oldest volcanic rock recorded is a basalt (911213-6) with the age of $22.05{\pm}0.67Ma$ near Sangjeong-ri in the Changgi (or Janggi) basin and presumed to be formed in the Early Miocene, when Changgi Conglomerate began to deposit. The youngest one (911214-9) is a basalt of $14.64{\pm}0.66Ma$ in the Haseo basin. This means the intrusive and extrusive rocks are not a product of sudden voncanic activity of short duration as previously accepted but of successive processes lasting relatively long period of 8 or 9 Ma. The radiometric age of the volcanic rocks is not randomly distributed but varies systematically with basins and localities. It becomes generlly younger to the south, namely from the Changgi basin to the Haseo basin. The rocks in the Changgi basin are dated to be from $19.92{\pm}0.47$ to $22.05{\pm}0.67Ma$. With exception of only one locality in the Geumgwangdong they all formed before 20 Ma B.P. The Eoil basalt by Tateiwa in the Eoil basin are dated to be from $20.44{\pm}0.47$ to $18.35{\pm}0.62Ma$ and they are younger than those in the Changgi basin by 2~4 Ma. Specifically, basaltic rocks in the sedimentary and voncanic sequences of the Eoil basin can be well compared to the sequence of associated sedimentary rocks. Generally they become younger to the stratigraphically upper part. Among the basin, the Haseo basin is characterized by the youngest volcanic rocks. The basalt (911214-7) which crops out in Jeongja-ri, Gangdong-myon, Ulsan-gun is $16.22{\pm}0.75Ma$ and the other one (911214-9) in coastal area, Jujon-dong, Ulsan is $14.64{\pm}0.66Ma$ old. The radiometric data are positively collaborated with the results of paleomagnetic study, pull-apart basin model and East Sea spreading theory. Especially, the successively changing age of Eoil basalts are in accordance with successively changing degree of rotation. In detail, following results are discussed. Firstly, the porphyritic rocks previously known as Cretaceous basement (911213-2, 911214-1) show the age of $43.73{\pm}1.05$$49.58{\pm}1.13Ma$(Eocene) confirms the results of Jin et al. (1988). This means sequential volcanic activity from Cretaceous up to Lower Tertiary. Secondly, intrusive andesitic rocks in the Pohang basin, which are dated to be $21.8{\pm}2.8Ma$ (Jin et al., 1988) are found out to be 15 Ma old in coincindence with the age of host strata of 16.5 Ma. Thirdly, The Quaternary basalt (911213-5 and 911213-6) of Tateiwa(1924) is not homogeneous regarding formation age and petrological characteristics. The basalt in the Changgi basin show the age of $19.92{\pm}0.47$ and $22.05{\pm}0.67$ (Miocene). The basalt (911213-8) in Sangjond-ri, which intruded Nultaeri Trachytic Tuff is dated to be $20.55{\pm}0.50Ma$, which means Changgi Group is older than this age. The Yeonil Basalt, which Tateiwa described as Quaternary one shows different age ranging from Lower Miocene to Upper Miocene(cf. Jin et al., 1988: sample no. 93-33: $10.20{\pm}0.30Ma$). Therefore, the Yeonil Quarterary basalt should be revised and divided into different geologic epochs. Fourthly, Yeonil basalt of Tateiwa (1926) in the Eoil basin is correlated to the Yeonil basalt in the Changgi basin. Yoon (1989) intergrated both basalts as Eoil basaltic andesitic volcanic rocks or Eoil basalt (Yoon et al., 1991), and placed uppermost unit of the Changgi Group. As mentioned above the so-called Quarternary basalt in the Eoil basin are not extruded or intruaed simultaneously, but differentiatedly (14 Ma~25 Ma) so that they can not be classified as one unit. Fifthly, the Yongdong-ri formation of the Pomgogri Group is intruded by the Eoil basalt (911214-3) of 18.35~0.62 Ma age. Therefore, the deposition of the Pomgogri Group is completed before this age. Referring petrological characteristics, occurences, paleomagnetic data, and relationship to other Eoil basalts, it is most provable that this basalt is younger than two others. That means the Pomgogri Group is underlain by the Changgi Group. Sixthly, mineral composition of the basalts and andesitic rocks from the 4 basins show different ground mass and phenocryst. In volcanic rocks in the Pohang basin, phenocrysts are pyroxene and a small amount of biotite. Those of the Changgi basin is predominant by Labradorite, in the Eoil by bytownite-anorthite and a small amount pyroxene.

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Characteristics of Element Geochemistry in Ulleung Basin Sediments During the Late Quaternary (제4기 후기 동안 동해 울릉분지 퇴적물내 원소 함량 특성과 기원지 연구)

  • Um, In-Kwon;Choi, Man-Sik;Shin, Hyung-Sun
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2009
  • Major and trace elements were analyzed in three core sediments to investigate geochemical characteristics of East Sea sediments and provenance changes during late Quaternary in Ulleung Basin. Comparing with Yellow and South Sea sediments, contents of major elements were generally similar while contents of trace elements were significantly different. Furthermore, within this basin, there were some variabilities in trace element compositions. In the western slope sediments (WS), Mo was enriched over 6 times as much as other sites. On the other hand, Zr, Nb, Hf and Ta were enriched in basin sediments (Basin), and Ca and Cs were enriched in southern slope sediments (SS). After excluding elements derived from biogenic, authigenic and diagenetic origins, the lithogenic elements (K, Ti, Cs, Zr, Nb, Hf and Ta) could be classified into three groups from the comparison of element/Al ratios among cores. The first group consisted of elements (K and Ti) that showed the nearly similar element/Al ratios among three cores. The second group contained Cs which showed significant difference between two slope sediments. The third group elements (Zr, Nb, Hf and Ta) showed highly enriched in basin relative to both slope areas. The depth profiles of metal/Al ratios in basin sediments provided the following interpretation for the compositions of sediment and their variation. From 10,000 yr B.P. to 7,000 yr B.P. two lithogenic components (volcanic ashes and western slope sediments) were mixed and deposited in the basin. After 7,000 yr B.P., however, southern slope sediments were mixed with volcanic ashes and deposited in basin area. This event of source change is nearly close to inflow period of the Tsushima Warm Current to Ulleung Basin. Thus, it might be suggested that element geochemistry in Ulleung basin sediment indicate the change of current system in the study area.

Analysis of hydrologic chracterustucs for Milyang river basin with a GIS (GIS를 이용한 밀양강 유역의 지형학적 특성 분석)

  • 유승근;최성규;문상원
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.107-122
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    • 2002
  • Hydrological characteristics would be utilized to apply such as hydrologic modelling or basin management. This study is to extract hydrological characteristics through DEM and stream network analysis using a hydrologic unit map and digital topographic map in Milyang river basin. OEM and stream network was generated from digital topographic map. Especially stream network was allowed direction, stream order, and topology. As a result of the study, it shows that Milyang river has been changing geologically mature stage into old phase and the landform of Milyang river correspond to Horton-Strahler's law on morphology of stream. This methodology can be applicable to other areas related to hydrological characteristics with vector data.

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Analysis of Runoff Characteristics in the Geum River Basin using Watershed Management Model (유역관리모형을 이용한 금강유역 유출특성 해석)

  • Ryoo, Kyong-Sik;Hwang, Man-Ha;Maeng, Seung-Jin;Lee, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.527-534
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    • 2007
  • To operate scientifical and integrated management of water resources, it needs to identify clearly the quantitative variation and moving pathway of water resources in a basin. Moreover, it needs to also estimate more precisely the amount of runoff generating from the precipitation. Thus, in this study, to carry out more reliable hydrologic analyses, the runoff characteristics according to detailed runoff components and water balance in a basin are analyzed. As a result of yearly water balance analyses, during the period of drought year, the loss is bigger than that of 6-year mean loss and the return flow of groundwater is the most dominant component of runoff. During the period of flood year, the loss is smaller about 4% than that of 6-year mean loss and the subsurface water is the most dominant component of runoff. The loss due to the interception and evapotranspiration for 6-year mean loss is about 53% of the total rainfall, the mean runoff ratio is about 27% and the baseflow is about 22%.

Discharge Characteristics of the Chusan Spring, Ulleung Island (울릉도 추산용출소의 용출 특성)

  • Cho, Byong-Wook;Lee, Byeong-Dae
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2018
  • The source of Chusan Spring water in the Ulleungdo is the precipitation in the Nari caldera basin, which permeates in the Trachitic pumice and tuff area and moves downward, outflowing at the lithologic boundary between the trachyte and Nari tuff. It is known that the discharge rate of the Chusan Spring is large enough to be used for the small hydroelectric power generation, but the exact discharge rate and hydrogeologic characteristics have not been known. The discharge rates of the Spring were measured 11 times, which ranged from $15,220m^3/d$ to $36,278m^3/d$. The discharge rates, measured by the automatic level recorder, for two-year period, were $20,000{\sim}38,000m^3/d$. The variation of discharge rates did not coincide with rainfall event, but showed daily increases of $3,000{\sim}5,000m^3/d$. The annual discharge rate excluding the evapotranspiration and the surrounding stream discharge corresponded to 70.6% of the annual precipitation of the recharge area. Therefore, meteorological observations at the Nari basin, rather than the Ulleung-do meteorological station, are more appropriate to properly interpret the discharge characteristics of the Chusam Spring and the recharge rate of the basin.

Watershed Modeling Application for Receiving Water Quality Management in Nakdong River Basin (낙동강 유역의 수질관리를 위한 유역모델링 적용 연구)

  • Jang, Jae-Ho;Ahn, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.409-417
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    • 2012
  • SWAT model was applied for the Nakdong River Basin to characterize water quality variability and assess the feasibility of using the load duration curve to water quality management. The basin was divided into 67 sub-basins considering various watershed environment, and rainfall runoff and pollutant loading were simulated based on 6 year measurements of meteo-hydrological data, discharge data of treatment plants, and water quality data (SS, T-N and T-P). The results demonstrate that non-point source loads during wet season increase by 80 ~ 95% of total loads. Although the rate of water flow governs the amount of SS that is transported to the main streams, nutrient concentrations are highly elevated during dry season by being concentrated. This phenomenon is more pronounced in the lower basin, receiving large amounts of urban point source discharges such as treated sewages. Also, the load duration curves (LDC) demonstrate dominant source problems based on the load exceedances, showing that SS concentrations are associated with the rainy season and nutrients, such as T-P, may be more concentrated at low flow and more diluted at higher flow. Overall, the LDC method could be used conveniently to assess watershed characteristics and pollutant loads in watershed scale.

Evapotranspiration Estimation Study Based on Coupled Water-energy Balance Theory in River Basin

  • Xue, Lijun;Kim, JooCheol;Li, Hongyan;Jung, Kwansue
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.146-146
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    • 2018
  • Basin evapotranspiration is the result of water balance and energy balance, which is affected by climate and underlying surface characteristics, the process is complex, and spatial and temporal variability is large, the evapotranspiration estimation of river basin is an important but difficult problem in the field of hydrology, over the years, many scholars devoted to the basin actual evapotranspiration estimation and achieved excellent results. We discuss Budyko coupled water-energy balance theory and evaporation paradox, then use the Fu's equation to estimate actual evapotranspiration yearly in different areas with different dryness. The result shows that Fu's equation has high precision for estimating evapotranspiration yearly in our selected study area, and the estimation result has higher precision in the area with high dryness. Then, we propose an improved formula which can be used to estimate actual evapotranspiration monthly. Furthermore, we found that the parameter in the formula reflects general conditions of underlying surface and it is affected by several factors, at last, we tried to propose the calculation formula. The study indicates that Fu's equation provides a reliable method for evapotranspiration estimation in dry regions as well as semi-humid and semi-arid regions, which has great significance for forecasting river basin water resources and inquiring into ecological water requirement.

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Assessing the Suitability of Satellite Precipitation Products for Flood Modeling in the Tonle Sap Lake Basin, Cambodia

  • Oudom Satia Huong;Xuan-Hien Le;Giha Lee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.176-176
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    • 2023
  • The Tonle Sap is the richest and diverseness of freshwater ecosystem in Southeast Asia, receiving nurturing water flows from the Mekong and its immediate basin. In addition, the rapid development in the Tonle Sap Lake (TSL) Basin, and flood inundation may threaten the natural diversities and characteristics. The impacts of flood inundation in 11 sub-basins contributing to the Tonle Sap Lake were assessed using the Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation (RRI) model to quantify the potential magnitude and extent of the flooding. The RRI model is set up by using gauged rainfall data to simulate the information of river discharge and flood inundation of huge possible flood events. Moreover, two satellite precipitation products (SPPs), CHIRPS and GSMaP, within respectively spatial resolutions of 0.05° and 0.1°, are utilized as an input for the RRI model to simulate river discharge, flood depth, and flood extent for the great TSL Basin of Cambodia. This study used statistical indicators such as NSE, PBIAS, RSR, and R2 as crucial indices to evaluate the performance of the RRI model. Therefore, the findings of this study could provide promising guidance in hydrological modeling and the significant implications for flood risk management and disaster preparedness in the region.

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