• Title/Summary/Keyword: Basic model

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A Study about the Factors Affecting Hearing loss in Adolescent's use of Personal Cassette Players(PCPs) (휴대용 카세트 사용 청소년의 청력관련 요인)

  • Lim, Kyung-Hee;Park, Kyung-Min;Park, Myung-Hwa
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.125-141
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting hearing loss in adolescent's use of PCPs, and to give the basic data for adolescent's hearing conservation program development and prevention education against their hearing loss. This study was a descriptive research about three factors affecting hearing loss; the knowledge and attitude about noise, the perception of hearing loss and the hearing threshold. The subjects of this study were 383 students in two general high schools and two vocational high schools in Teagu. They have been using PCPs but with no current or past ear disease. This study was carried out from Sep. 1. 2000 to Oct. 24, 2000. The instrument used for the knowledge and attitude about noise was a questionnaire developed by Rhee. Kyung Yong and Yi. Kwan Hyung(1996). The instrument used for the perception of hearing loss was a Smith Hearing Screening Questionnaire. A Belton Model 112 Audiometer. air-conduction hearing test instrument. was used for the hearing threshold. Data was analysed by a SPSS/Win 10.0 program with frequency. percentage, t-test. ANOVA and pearson correlation. The results of this study were as follows; 1. The average of concern about hearing scored the highest 3.66±0.70. The average of perceived susceptibility scored 2.64±0.85 and the average of knowledge about noise scored 2.13±0.56. The average of total knowledge and attitude about noise scored 2.82±0.46. The average of discomfort of hearing loss(2.51±0.81) scored higher than that fear of hearing loss(1.35±0.53). The average of total perception of hearing loss scored 1.93±0.59. The hearing threshold of the subjects scored the highest at 500Hz(Lt. 23.21±6.62, Rt. 23.39±7.02) and scored higher in order of 1000Hz, 2000Hz, 4000Hz and 8000Hz. 2. The knowledge and attitude about noise and the perception of hearing loss were both affected only by one important characteristic, which was general and vocational high schools. The knowledge and attitude about noise raked (t=5.258, p=0.000), and perception of hearing loss raked(t=2.241. p=0.026). However. several other important characteristics also impacted significantly on the knowledge and attitudes about noise. They included grade (t = 1. 987. p=0.048), father's education(F=2.745. p=0.043), marks(F=3.157, p=0.044), drinking(t=2.307, p=0.022) and smoking(t=2.587, p=0.010). The left hearing threshold differed significantly by sex at 1000Hz(t=5.175, p<0.001) and 8000Hz (t=3.334, p<0.01). According to general and vocational high schools (p<0.001), at 500Hz (t=-5.056), 1000Hz (t=-5.253), 2000Hz (t=-4.905), 4000Hz (t=-4.704) and 8000Hz (t=-5.204) significant differences were also shown. Marks were significant at 1000Hz (F=3.824, p<0.05) and drinking was found to be significant at 500Hz(t=2.203, p<0.05). The right hearing threshold differed significantly by sex at l000Hz(t=5.557. p<0.001). 4000Hz(t=2.234. p<0.05) and 8000Hz (t=2.730. p<0.01). According to general and vocational high schools(p<0.001) at 500Hz (t=-4.730), 1000Hz(t=-6.271). 2000Hz (t=-4.573). 4000Hz(t=-3.554) and 8000Hz (t=-3.405) significant differences were also shown. Grades impacted at 500Hz(t=2.201. p<0.05) and 4000Hz(t=2.511. p<0.05), while marks were significant at l000Hz(F=4.1l5. p<0.05) and drinking was significant at 500Hz(t=2.333. p<0.05). 3. The left hearing threshold in accordance with use of PCPs differed significantly at 2000Hz(F=2.996. p=0.03l) according to volume level and at 8000Hz(F=2.197. p=0.022) according to duration×hours per day. The right hearing threshold differed significantly at l000Hz(F=3.075. p=0.028) according to volume level and at 8000Hz(F=2.925. p=0.034) according to duration. 4. The knowledge and attitudes about noise showed a light positive correlation with the perception of hearing loss. A positive correlation was shown. as stated previously in all Hz, between the left hearing threshold and the right hearing threshold, especially the highest correlation at 2000Hz(r=0.761. p=0.000). This study has shown that the factors related to adolescent's use of PCPs are important as they impact significantly an adolescent's hearing. These results then indicate that in future, when designing a hearing conservation program and prevention education this data should be considered.

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A Study on the Determination of Tramp Freight Rates (부정기선 운임율의 결정에 관한 이론적 고찰)

  • 이종인
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.45-79
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    • 1980
  • The aim of this paper is to analyze the mechanics of price formation in the tramp shipping. For the purpose of this study, the main characteristics of tramp freight rates and the market is examined, and a brief examination of the nature ofthe costs of operation is given which are essential for the understanding of the functioning of shipping firms as well as for the understanding of developments in the tramp freight market. The demand and supply relationships in the market is also analysed in detail. Tramp shipping is an industry that has a market which functions under conditions that are not dissimilar to the theoretical model of perfect competition. However, it does notmean that tramp shipping market is a perfectly competitive market. It is apparent that this realworld competitive system has its imperfections, which means that the market for tramp shipping is near to being a perfectly competitive market on an internaitonal scale and it is freight are therefore subjext to the laws of supply and demand. In theory, the minimum freight rate in the short term is that at which the lowest cost vessels will lay-up in preference to operating, and is equal to the variable costs minus lay-up costs; and this would imply that in all times except those of full employment for ships there is a tendency for newer low-cost, and, probably, faster vessels to be driving the older high-cost vessels in the breaker's yards. In this case, shipowners may be reluctant to lay-up their ships becasue of obligations to crews, or because they would lose credibility with shippers or financiers, or simply because of lost prestige. Mainly, however, the decision is made on strictly economic grounds. When, for example, the total operating costs minus the likely freight earnings are greater than the cost of taking the ship out of service, maintaining it, and recommissioning it, then a ship may be considered for laying-up; shipowners will, in other words, run the ships at freight earnings below operating costs by as much as the cost of laying them up. As described above, the freight rates fixed on the tramp shipping market are subject to the laws of supply and demand. In other words, the basic properties of supply and demand are of significance so far as price or rate fluctuations in the tramp freight market are concerned. In connection with the same of the demand for tramp shipping services, the following points should be brone in mind: (a) That the magnitude of demand for sea transport of dry cargoes in general and for tramp shipping services in particular is increasing in the long run. (b) That owning to external factors, the demand for tramp shipping services is capable of varying sharphy at a given going of time. (c) The demad for the industry's services tends to be price inelastic in the short run. On the other hand the demand for the services offered by the individual shipping firm tends as a rule to be infinitely price elastic. In the meantime, the properties of the supply of the tramp shipping facilities are that it cannot expand or contract in the short run. Also, that in the long run there is a time-lag between entrepreneurs' decision to expand their fleets and the actual time of delivery of the new vessels. Thus, supply is inelastic and not capable of responding to demand and price changes at a given period of time. In conclusion, it can be safely stated that short-run changes in freight rates are a direct result of variations in the magnitude of demand for tramp shipping facilities, whilest the average level of freight rates is brought down to relatively low levels over prolonged periods of time.

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Status of Brain-based Artistic Education Fusion Study - Basic Study for Animation Drawing Education (뇌기반 예술교육 융합연구의 현황 - 애니메이션 드로잉 교육을 위한 기초연구)

  • Lee, Sun Ju;Park, Sung Won
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.237-257
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    • 2014
  • This study is the process of performing the interdisciplinary fusion study between multiple fields by identifying the status on the previous artistic education considering the brain scientific mechanism of image creativity and brain-based learning principles. In recent years, producing the educational methods of each field as the fusion study activities are emerging as the trend and thanks to such, the results of brain-based educational fusion studies are being presented for each field. It includes artistic fields such as music, art and dance. In other words, the perspective is that by understanding the operating principles of the brain while creativity and learning is taking place, when applying various principles that can develop the corresponding functions as a teaching method, it can effectively increase the artistic performance ability and creativity. Since the animation drawing should be able to intuitively recognize the elements of movement and produce the communication with the target beyond the delineative perspective of simply drawing the objects to look the same, it requires the development of systematic educational method including the methods of communication, elements of higher cognitive senses as well as the cognitive perspective of form implementation. Therefore, this study proposes a literature study results on the artistic education applied with brain-based principles in order to design the educational model considering the professional characteristics of animation drawing. Therefore, the overseas and domestic trends of the cases of brain-based artistic education were extracted and analyzed. In addition, the cases of artistic education studies applied with brain-based principles and study results from cases of drawing related education were analyzed. According to the analyzed results, the brain-based learning related to the drawing has shown a common effect of promoting the creativity and changes of positive emotion related to the observation, concentration and image expression through the training of the right brain. In addition, there was a case of overseas educational application through the brain wave training where the timing ability and artistic expression have shown an enhancement effect through the HRV training, SMR, Beta 1 and neuro feedback training that strengthens the alpha/seta wave and it was proposing that slow brain wave neuro feedback training contributes significantly in overcoming the stress and enhancing the creative artistic performance ability. The meaning of this study result is significant in the fact that it was the case that have shown the successful application of neuro feedback training in the environment of artistic live education beyond the range of laboratory but the use of the machine was shown to have limitations for being applied to the teaching methods so its significance can be found in providing the analytical foundation for applying and designing the brain-based learning principles for future animation drawing teaching methods.

Annotation Method based on Face Area for Efficient Interactive Video Authoring (효과적인 인터랙티브 비디오 저작을 위한 얼굴영역 기반의 어노테이션 방법)

  • Yoon, Ui Nyoung;Ga, Myeong Hyeon;Jo, Geun-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.83-98
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    • 2015
  • Many TV viewers use mainly portal sites in order to retrieve information related to broadcast while watching TV. However retrieving information that people wanted needs a lot of time to retrieve the information because current internet presents too much information which is not required. Consequentially, this process can't satisfy users who want to consume information immediately. Interactive video is being actively investigated to solve this problem. An interactive video provides clickable objects, areas or hotspots to interact with users. When users click object on the interactive video, they can see additional information, related to video, instantly. The following shows the three basic procedures to make an interactive video using interactive video authoring tool: (1) Create an augmented object; (2) Set an object's area and time to be displayed on the video; (3) Set an interactive action which is related to pages or hyperlink; However users who use existing authoring tools such as Popcorn Maker and Zentrick spend a lot of time in step (2). If users use wireWAX then they can save sufficient time to set object's location and time to be displayed because wireWAX uses vision based annotation method. But they need to wait for time to detect and track object. Therefore, it is required to reduce the process time in step (2) using benefits of manual annotation method and vision-based annotation method effectively. This paper proposes a novel annotation method allows annotator to easily annotate based on face area. For proposing new annotation method, this paper presents two steps: pre-processing step and annotation step. The pre-processing is necessary because system detects shots for users who want to find contents of video easily. Pre-processing step is as follow: 1) Extract shots using color histogram based shot boundary detection method from frames of video; 2) Make shot clusters using similarities of shots and aligns as shot sequences; and 3) Detect and track faces from all shots of shot sequence metadata and save into the shot sequence metadata with each shot. After pre-processing, user can annotates object as follow: 1) Annotator selects a shot sequence, and then selects keyframe of shot in the shot sequence; 2) Annotator annotates objects on the relative position of the actor's face on the selected keyframe. Then same objects will be annotated automatically until the end of shot sequence which has detected face area; and 3) User assigns additional information to the annotated object. In addition, this paper designs the feedback model in order to compensate the defects which are wrong aligned shots, wrong detected faces problem and inaccurate location problem might occur after object annotation. Furthermore, users can use interpolation method to interpolate position of objects which is deleted by feedback. After feedback user can save annotated object data to the interactive object metadata. Finally, this paper shows interactive video authoring system implemented for verifying performance of proposed annotation method which uses presented models. In the experiment presents analysis of object annotation time, and user evaluation. First, result of object annotation average time shows our proposed tool is 2 times faster than existing authoring tools for object annotation. Sometimes, annotation time of proposed tool took longer than existing authoring tools, because wrong shots are detected in the pre-processing. The usefulness and convenience of the system were measured through the user evaluation which was aimed at users who have experienced in interactive video authoring system. Recruited 19 experts evaluates of 11 questions which is out of CSUQ(Computer System Usability Questionnaire). CSUQ is designed by IBM for evaluating system. Through the user evaluation, showed that proposed tool is useful for authoring interactive video than about 10% of the other interactive video authoring systems.

Development of User Based Recommender System using Social Network for u-Healthcare (사회 네트워크를 이용한 사용자 기반 유헬스케어 서비스 추천 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Hyea-Kyeong;Choi, Il-Young;Ha, Ki-Mok;Kim, Jae-Kyeong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.181-199
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    • 2010
  • As rapid progress of population aging and strong interest in health, the demand for new healthcare service is increasing. Until now healthcare service has provided post treatment by face-to-face manner. But according to related researches, proactive treatment is resulted to be more effective for preventing diseases. Particularly, the existing healthcare services have limitations in preventing and managing metabolic syndrome such a lifestyle disease, because the cause of metabolic syndrome is related to life habit. As the advent of ubiquitous technology, patients with the metabolic syndrome can improve life habit such as poor eating habits and physical inactivity without the constraints of time and space through u-healthcare service. Therefore, lots of researches for u-healthcare service focus on providing the personalized healthcare service for preventing and managing metabolic syndrome. For example, Kim et al.(2010) have proposed a healthcare model for providing the customized calories and rates of nutrition factors by analyzing the user's preference in foods. Lee et al.(2010) have suggested the customized diet recommendation service considering the basic information, vital signs, family history of diseases and food preferences to prevent and manage coronary heart disease. And, Kim and Han(2004) have demonstrated that the web-based nutrition counseling has effects on food intake and lipids of patients with hyperlipidemia. However, the existing researches for u-healthcare service focus on providing the predefined one-way u-healthcare service. Thus, users have a tendency to easily lose interest in improving life habit. To solve such a problem of u-healthcare service, this research suggests a u-healthcare recommender system which is based on collaborative filtering principle and social network. This research follows the principle of collaborative filtering, but preserves local networks (consisting of small group of similar neighbors) for target users to recommend context aware healthcare services. Our research is consisted of the following five steps. In the first step, user profile is created using the usage history data for improvement in life habit. And then, a set of users known as neighbors is formed by the degree of similarity between the users, which is calculated by Pearson correlation coefficient. In the second step, the target user obtains service information from his/her neighbors. In the third step, recommendation list of top-N service is generated for the target user. Making the list, we use the multi-filtering based on user's psychological context information and body mass index (BMI) information for the detailed recommendation. In the fourth step, the personal information, which is the history of the usage service, is updated when the target user uses the recommended service. In the final step, a social network is reformed to continually provide qualified recommendation. For example, the neighbors may be excluded from the social network if the target user doesn't like the recommendation list received from them. That is, this step updates each user's neighbors locally, so maintains the updated local neighbors always to give context aware recommendation in real time. The characteristics of our research as follows. First, we develop the u-healthcare recommender system for improving life habit such as poor eating habits and physical inactivity. Second, the proposed recommender system uses autonomous collaboration, which enables users to prevent dropping and not to lose user's interest in improving life habit. Third, the reformation of the social network is automated to maintain the quality of recommendation. Finally, this research has implemented a mobile prototype system using JAVA and Microsoft Access2007 to recommend the prescribed foods and exercises for chronic disease prevention, which are provided by A university medical center. This research intends to prevent diseases such as chronic illnesses and to improve user's lifestyle through providing context aware and personalized food and exercise services with the help of similar users'experience and knowledge. We expect that the user of this system can improve their life habit with the help of handheld mobile smart phone, because it uses autonomous collaboration to arouse interest in healthcare.

The Case on Valuation of IT Enterprise (IT 기업의 가치평가 사례연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Il;Yang, Hae-Sul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.881-893
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    • 2007
  • IT(Information Technology)-based industries have caused a recent digital revolution and the appearance of various types' information service, being largely expanded toward info-communication device company, info-communication service company, software company etc.. Therefore, the needs to evaluate the company value of IT business for M&A or liquidation are growing tremendously. Unlike other industries, however, IT industry has a short lift cycle and so it doesn't have not only a company value-evaluating model for general businesses but the objective one for IT companies yet. So, this thesis analyzes various value-evaluating technique and newly rising ROV. DCF, the change method of company's cash flow including tangible assets into future value, had been applied during the past industrialization economy era and has been persuasively applied to the present. However, the DCF valuation has no option but to make many mistakes because IT companies have more intangible assets than tangible assets. Accordingly, it is ROV, recognized as the new method of evaluating companies' various options normally and quantitatively, that is brought up recently. But the evaluation on the companies' various options is too subjective and theoretical up to now and due to the lack of objective ground and options, it's not possible to be applied to reality. In this thesis, it is found that ROV is more accurate than DCF, comparing DCF and ROV through four examples. As the options applied to ROV are excessively limited, we tried to develop ROV into a new method by deriving five invisible value factors within IT companies. Therefore, on this occasion, we should set up the basic valuation methods on IT companies and should research and develop an effective and various valuation methods suitable to each company like an internet-based company, a S/W developing enterprise, a network-related company among IT companies.

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Direct foreign investment Korean firms:The case of Samsung Group (한국 기업의 해외직접투자:삼성그룹을 사례로)

  • Lee, Deog-An
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.379-391
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    • 1993
  • Present-day world economy is characterized by : technology nationalism, economic regionalism, market protectionism, multinational corporations, efc. All nations are striving for intensifying national economic rivalry and seeking after their own interests above everything else. Many regions of the world are also forming trading blocs, which could negatively affect nonmember states. The ultimate way to meet these difficulties is to establish production facilities in the countries imposing trade regulations. However, as the existing models of direct forrign investment (DFI) do not account for the particular nature of Korean firm's DFI activities, a new point of departure is imperative. It is because of this that Korean firms have only limited firm-specific advantages, the basic precondition of extant DFI theories, compared with their developed counterparts.

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Development of Analytic Hierarchy Process or Solving Dependence Relation between Multicriteria (다기준 평가항목간 중복도를 반영한 AHP 기법 개발)

  • 송기한;홍상연;정성봉;전경수
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2002
  • Transportation project appraisal should be precise in order to increase the social welfare and efficiency, and it has been evaluated by only a single criterion analysis such as benefit/cost analysis. However, this method cannot assess some qualitative items, and cannot get a proper solution for the clash of interests among various groups. Therefore, the multi-criteria analysis, which can control these problems, is needed, and then Saaty has developed one of these methods, AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. In AHP, the project is evaluated through weighted score of the criteria and the alternatives, which is surveyed by a questionnaire of specialists. It is based on some strict suppositions such as reciprocal comparison, homogeneity, expectation, independence relationship between multi-criteria, but supposing that each criterion has independence relation with others is too difficult in two reasons. First, in real situation, there cannot be perfect independence relationship between standards. Second, individuals, even though they are specialists of that area, do not feel the degree of independence relation as same as others. This paper develops a modified AHP method for solving this dependence relationship between multi-criteria. First of all. in this method, the degree of dependence relationship between multi-criteria that the specialist feels is surveyed and included to the weighted score of multi-criteria This study supposes three methods to implement this idea. The first model products the degree of dependence relationship in the first step for calculating the weighted score, and the others adjust the result of weighted score from the basic AHP method to the dependence relationship. One of the second methods distributes the cross weighted score to each standard by constant ratio, and the other splits them using Fuzzy measure such as Bel and Pl. Finally, in order to validate these methods, this paper applies them to evaluate the alternatives which can control public resentments against Korean rail path in a city area.

A Proposal to Control System and the Problems of the Problems of the Report about Supply and Demand for Medical Technicians and Management Policy ("의료기사인력수급에 관한 보고서"의 문제점과 관리제도의 개선방안)

  • Kim, Sang-Hyun;Lim, Yongmoo
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: In this paper, we have analyzed the problems of the Oh's report which is used to the basic data for supply and demand of medical technicians and studied a proposal for improvement to control system and supply and demand of korean optometrists. Methods: We have analyzed errors of Oh's report including supply and demand for medical technicians and management policy, expecting number for future optician, inaccurate estimation by limited data (employment rate, retirement rate, mortality rate) and an incorrect method of measurement for future supply and demand. Results: Oh's report showed the 18% error for estimation of supply which exclude the irregular entrance students. The estimation of supply was calculated by graduation rate 62.6% (college and University of Technology are 78.9% and 85.98% respectively), employment rate 65.8% (the average employment between 2002 and 2007 is 73.96%) and retirement rate is 2.3% (the retirement of pharmacists is 1.3%) but it showed the significant differences to objective data. For estimate the suitable ratio of optometrists to the population, the ratio use of medical facilities by an age group was used, and suggested spectacle wearers 1,280 persons (populations 2,928 persons) per optometrist but the different from reference of Germany (4,706 persons), America (1,789 persons) and Korea (1,825 persons/an optometrist) are applied to estimation on supply. This report applied the low employment rate and argued that maintain the present situation, but claimed that utilize unemployment persons. The above result has induced double weighting effect on estimation of supply. Conclusions: To solve the related problems of supply and demand, we have to make a search for exact data and optimum application model, have to take an example of nation similar job category as Germany and the research result of the job satisfaction into consideration. After we get the integrated research result, we must carried out the policy with fairness and balance for the estimation of supply and demand. Therefore exact research is required prior to beginning policy establishment, government and related group have to make a clear long-term plan and permanent organization for medical technician to establish supply and demand of medical technician.

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Risk Ranking Analysis for the City-Gas Pipelines in the Underground Laying Facilities (지하매설물 중 도시가스 지하배관에 대한 위험성 서열화 분석)

  • Ko, Jae-Sun;Kim, Hyo
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 2004
  • In this article, we are to suggest the hazard-assessing method for the underground pipelines, and find out the pipeline-maintenance schemes of high efficiency in cost. Three kinds of methods are applied in order to refer to the approaching methods of listing the hazards for the underground pipelines: the first is RBI(Risk Based Inspection), which firstly assess the effect of the neighboring population, the dimension, thickness of pipe, and working time. It enables us to estimate quantitatively the risk exposure. The second is the scoring system which is based on the environmental factors of the buried pipelines. Last we quantify the frequency of the releases using the present THOMAS' theory. In this work, as a result of assessing the hazard of it using SPC scheme, the hazard score related to how the gas pipelines erodes indicate the numbers from 30 to 70, which means that the assessing criteria define well the relative hazards of actual pipelines. Therefore. even if one pipeline region is relatively low score, it can have the high frequency of leakage due to its longer length. The acceptable limit of the release frequency of pipeline shows 2.50E-2 to 1.00E-l/yr, from which we must take the appropriate actions to have the consequence to be less than the acceptable region. The prediction of total frequency using regression analysis shows the limit operating time of pipeline is the range of 11 to 13 years, which is well consistent with that of the actual pipeline. Concludingly, the hazard-listing scheme suggested in this research will be very effectively applied to maintaining the underground pipelines.