• Title/Summary/Keyword: Basic Research Funding Allocation

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A Study on the Policy Issues of Basic Research Promotion in Korean Academics (대학의 연구자 주도 기초연구에 대한 주요 정책 이슈 고찰)

  • Park, Kwisun;Kim, Haedo;Jang, Kyeongsu
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.938-968
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    • 2018
  • Korea's basic research has been rapidly expended in both quantative and qualitative aspect since establishment of 'the Korea Science & Engineering Foundation' in 1977, proclaiming of 'the First Year of Basic Research Promotion' and enactment of 'the Basic Sciences Promotion Act' in 1989. Despite the continuous increment of government basic research funding, the problem of low perceptions of university researchers on the funding increment has been constantly raised. Based on an intrinsic review on the core issues are diagnosed based on Korean academics' basic research status analysis and future challenges are proposed based on the precedent diagnoses. The six key issues that need to take the next step in Korean academics' basic research are as follows: (1) basic research investment in universities, (2) appropriate research expenses for supporting individual researcher, (3) basic research funding allocation method, (4) maintaining the sustainable success rate of research projects, (5) systematic and strategic support for excellent researchers, (6) creating research-immersive environment. The five challenges to promote basic research in academics are as follows: (1) increasing in university research expenses, (2) diversification of basic research funding allocation method, (3) establishment of research field-specified support system and predictable principles, (4) stable and sufficient support for outstanding researchers, (5) reducing burden on research administration.