• Title/Summary/Keyword: Balanced (Unbalanced) Development

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Study on the Eating Habits and Growth Development in Korean Preschool Children (학령 전 아동에서 식습관과 신체발달에 관한 연구)

  • Shin Kyung-Ok;Yoo Yoo-Young;Park Hyun-Suh
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.455-464
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    • 2005
  • The study was designed to observe the correlation between the eating habits and growth development in 1,574 children (3-6 years old) in Kyunggi-do and Seoul, Korea. The eating habits and nutrient intake were determined by mini dietary assessment and food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). 35.6% children had been practicing an unbalanced diets. Children with unbalanced diet consumed less amount of protein source foods (meat, fish, egg, soy products), vegetables and fruits and had irregular meal time, but more of them preferred sweet foods (ice creme, cookies) and carbonated drinks as snack compared with children in balanced diet. 24-35% children consumed energy, iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), Niacin, Zinc (Zn) less than 75% RDA. Energy intake of children with unbalanced diet was not significantly different from those with balanced diet, but they consumed less amount of niacin, Fe, Ca and Zn than those with balanced diet. By using the relative percentage of standard weight-length-index (WLI), 65.7% children was normal weight, 12.9% was underweight, 13.4% was overweight and 7.9% was obese. However, 11.9% of underweight and normal weight children was so called thin obese since their body fat content was greater than 20%. There were 16.8% underweight in children with unbalanced diet and 12.6% underweight in those with balanced diet. Compared to normal weight, the underweight children significantly consumed less amount of milk and its product, high protein foods, fried foods and fruits, but obese children consumed more high protein source foods (meat, fish, egg, etc) and sweet foods. In conclusion, the eating habits of unbalanced meal was prevalent problem in preschool children which resulting in their health risks. Therefore, it would be needed that new approach for nutrition education to improve eating habits in preschoolers.

Unbalanced Characteristics of the Superconducting Fault Current Limiters with a Single Line-to-ground Fault (1선 지락사고에 대한 초전도한류기의 불평형 특성)

  • Choi, Hyo-Sang;Lee, Na-Young;Lee, Sang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.851-855
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    • 2005
  • We investigated the unbalanced characteristics of the superconducting fault current limiters (SFCLs) based on YBCO thin films with a single line-to-ground fault. When a single line-to-ground fault occurred, the short circuit current of a fault phase increased about 6 times of transport currents after the fault onset but was effectively limited to the designed current level within 2 ms by the resistance development of the SFCL. The fault currents of the sound phases almost did not change because of their direct grounding system. The unbalanced rates of a fault phase were distributed from 6.4 to 1.4. It was found that the unbalanced rates of currents were noticeably improved within one cycle after the fault onset. We calculated the zero phase currents for a single line-to-ground fault using the balanced component analysis. The positive sequence resistance was reduced remarkably right after the fault onset but eventually approached the balanced positive resistance component prior to the system fault. This means that the system reaches almost the three-phase balanced state in about 60 ms after the fault onset at the three-phase system.

The Study on the Relationship Between the Unbalanced diets of Protein-rich Food and General Circumstances, Growth, School Performance & Character among Elementary School Children of Masan (마산시내 일부 국민학교 아동의 단백질 급원식품에 대한 편식과 가정환경, 학력 및 인성과의 관계 연구)

  • 정효숙
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 1989
  • In this study, 419 students of the 6th grade in three schools in Masan were surveyed. The students having less than 24 items among 48 protein-rich foods easily obtained were considered as unbalanced-diet students. Their general circumstances, character, status of growth and development and school performance were compared with those of balanced-diet students. The results were following. 1. The actual condition of unbalanced diets of protein-rich food 1) Female showed high degree of unbalanced diet in meat food while male in shell-food. Both sexes liked processed food stuffs such as ham, sausage and boiled fish paste but not salted. Both of them disliked beans. 2) The reason for unbalanced diet, they answered, was bad taste and smell of some foods. The reason, their mothers amswered, was they fed their children some particualr foods. 3) The attitudes of the mothers against unbalanced diets were coaxing their children to eat some foods for they are good for health or forcing their children to eat some foods. The most effective method on the children was coaxing and the next was changing cuisines. 2. The general circumstances of the students. 1) 168 students (male: 85, female:83) among 419 students who were studied were unbalanced-diet students and the extent of unbalanced diet was similar in both sexes. 2) The rate of unbalanced-diet students was higher among the students who were the first child in the family, had a small family or were fed milk or mixed milk. 3) The school career of unbalanced-diet student's mothers was higher and the rate of unbalanced-diet students was higher among the students who have rich families or career mothers. 3. The status of physical condition 1) The height and weight of unbalanced-diet students were lower than those of the standard of Korean children. The status of balanced-diet students were better than that of the standard. 4. Degree of school performance 1) The school records of unbalanced-diet students was 81.4 points in average, which was 1.3 points lower than the average of city students and that of balanced-diet students was 2.8 points higher than average. There was a significant gap between the two groups. 5. The relation between unbalanced diet and character 1) Compared balanced-diet students, unbalanced-diet students showed high degree of nervousness and coldheartedness and low degree of self-reliance and self-possession. There was a significant gap between the two groups and it showed that unbalanced diets affected the formation of character.

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A Study on the Multi Functional Administrative City and Innovation City Effect on Balanced National Development (행정중심복합도시와 혁신도시건설이 국토균형발전에 미치는 영향)

  • Kweon, Ihl;Ryu, Sang-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.75-79
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    • 2006
  • The Purpose of the study is to analyze the change of the unbalanced national development by the construction of multifunctional administrative city and innovation cities. In this study, index of unbalanced national development is measured by unbalanced distribution of population on national land. Gini's coefficient is used to measure the unbalanced distribution of population. As a result, the construction of multifunctional administrative city and innovation cities will relieve the unbalanced national development. but the effect will be insignificant. For the relief of unbalanced national development, various policy and strategy will have to develop.

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Balanced Growth among Regional Economies : Its Implications and Polices (지역균형발전의 의미와 정책)

  • Choi, Chang Kon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1992-1998
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    • 2014
  • This paper aims to understand the meaning of balanced development among regional economies and its importance in the s0-called knowledge-based economy. It is shown that the balanced allocation of human capital is necessary to achieve the efficient allocation of physical capital among regional economies, which makes the equality of marginal product of capital. And a simulation experiment is conducted to calculate the cost of unbalanced growth. It is shown that balanced growth among regional economies may increase the growth rate of whole national economy while unbalanced growth among them reduce it. The policy implication is that for an any economy to grow at a higher rate, the efficient allocation of physical and human capital both are necessary to have the balanced growth of regional economies in knowledge-based economy.

A Comparative Study on the Case of Wide-area Autonomous Communities's Special Accounts Operation for Distressed Region Development (낙후지역 발전을 위한 광역자치단체 특별회계 운영 사례 비교연구)

  • Lee, Sung Jae;Kim, Hyeong O
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.649-672
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    • 2012
  • The government established Special Accounts for Balanced National Development in 2005, and the Metropolitan Council has enacted and executed ordinance relevant to special accounts to relieve regional unbalanced growth and to promote regional balanced growth. This study derived a political implication through the comparison analysis of the background of establishment and its purpose, the selection criteria of support target, finance scale and tax revenue finance, appropriation target and finance distribution, etc. on the basis of Chungcheongnam-do Special Accounts for Balanced Development and Jeollabuk-do Eastern part Special Accounts among the special accounts implemented in metropolitan council. The major conclusions of this study are as follows. First, the transition from the concept of balanced development to specialized development is necessary for the development of distressed region. Second, the pure wastefulness ratio of the local government's tax revenue finance of special accounts designed concentrating upon special accounts for Wide-area Autonomous Communities development should be gradually expanded. Third, Special Accounting budget should be supported to promote specialized development through the selection and concentration centering around comparatively advantageous resource within the region. Fourth, the strategic special accounts budget application system of cities and counties to utilize the projects of the government and the province to achieve the goal of cities and counties should be prepared.

A Study on National Development & Balanced Development by Region - Mainly Interrelation between Economic growth and Balanced Regional Development - (국가발전과 지역균형발전에 관한 연구 - 경제성장과 지역균형발전의 상관관계를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Nam-il
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.2 s.34
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    • pp.205-213
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    • 2005
  • A balanced regional development has a great meaning of economics in the fact that the People could enjoy the equal level of lift everywhere in the country by reducing the income disparity and economic productivity between regions, however as the our country was given Preponderance of economical power and development to the metropolitan area centering around Seoul due to a factor of politics, social structure as well as a national economic policy centering around a rapid economic growth, the unbalanced regional growth gave rise to great hindrance to a national development. Especially, the unbalanced 9rowth between regions gave rise to a sense of alienation to a citizen in a special region as well as a distortion of an effective resources distribution. therefore it was deepen a social discord to hinder the unity of the people due to always coming to involve social ,political affairs. The major contents of this study is to clarify relations between the economic growth and the balanced regional development to form a concept of a national development, and this thesis made disparities in population and convenient facilities between regions through change of convenient facilities of life, economic growth, and population between regions an analytic object to concrete the studies. Also, this thesis made a whole countw land an analytic object of spatial sphere. and it made a unit of ten years when the five-year economic development plan was achieved from the year 1962 to 2001 an otject of the time range of studies.

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An Exploratory Study on the Introduction of Basic Income Guarantee for Rural Residents (농촌기본소득제 도입에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Park, Kyong-Cheol;Han, Seung-Seok
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2021
  • Under the premise of unbalanced development between urban and rural areas, this study raised criticism that the balanced national development policies in South Korea, which had been promoted in earnest after 'the Participatory Government' has adversely deepened the development gap between urban and rural areas by promoting the development of urban. In the meantime, the agricultural economy that supported the rural economy has gradually collapsed after reckless market opening, and due to the balanced national development policy focusing on urban infrastructure construction, rural areas are facing a crisis of 'depopulation' and 'regional extinction.' For this reason, many local governments have recently recognized the public values of agriculture and have introduced 'agrarian basic income' for the sustainability of agriculture. However, there is a limit to overcoming the crisis in rural areas because the population of farmers among rural residents is only 25%. Therefore, this study proposes the necessity of introducing the basic income for rural residents as a new paradigm for balanced development between urban and rural areas beyond the existing policy limits, based on surveys of opinions of residents living in Chungchengnam-do, South Korea and experts on the introduction of 'basic income for rural residents' in the future.

Diagnosing Regional Imbalances and Implications for Balanced Development: A Case Study of Sejong City (지역내 불균형 진단과 균형발전에 대한 함의: 세종시를 중심으로)

  • Jaeun Lee;Pilju Joo;Yangho Song
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the concept of balanced development by tracking the levels and patterns of regional balance within Sejong City. It explores how the notion of balanced development has evolved in South Korea, reviews its interpretation in key international contexts, and develops indicators to diagnose and analyse regional imbalances in Sejong City. At the city's inception in 2012, the indicators were concentrated in Type 1 (balanced with favourable conditions of inequality and polarization), reflecting an overall state of balance. However, by 2019, the indicators exhibited a gradual upward trend with noticeable disparities, indicating a shift toward an imbalanced state characterised by inequality and polarization. By 2023, the indicators revealed a steep upward trajectory, suggesting the persistence of imbalances, though with a partial alleviation of polarization. The findings highlight two key implications: 1. The interpretation of regional balance and imbalance must account for historical and contextual shifts reflected in indicator analyses. 2. There is a pressing need to establish a localised framework for balanced development tailored to regional characteristics.

The Actions Used by Children's and Their Underlying Theories whilst Engaged in Balance Tasks (무게중심 찾기 과제 수행과정에서 나타난 아동의 행위와 이론)

  • Lee, Kwi Ok;Woo, Nam Hee
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.169-185
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    • 2012
  • This study attempted to analyze in detail the actions used by children and to uncover the theories used by those children whilst engaged in solving balance tasks. Sixty children, aged between 3 to 6 from "H" child care center located in Seoul were selected as the subjects. The children were asked to balance 8 different blocks by putting them on a bar one by one. Two of the 8 blocks were balanced by the center of the length of the block, two were unbalanced by the center of the length because another block is glued on the side of the bottom block, three blocks were unbalanced due to the insertion of a piece of metal in the side of the blocks, and one was completely unbalanced because it consisted of three layers of blocks glued obliquely. Fifteen actions undertaken by the children in solving the tasks were analyzed and divided into 6 categories : place, turning, push, press, support, and others. Children used three theories which were 'no theories', 'length centered theory' and 'considered both length and weight theory' whilst engaged in balance tasks.