• Title/Summary/Keyword: Back-arc basin

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The Study of Hydrothermal Vent and Ocean Crustal Structure of Northeastern Lau Basin Using Deep-tow and Surface-tow Magnetic Data (심해 및 표층 지자기 자료를 이용한 라우분지 북동부의 열수 분출구 및 해저 지각 구조 연구)

  • Kwak, Joon-Young;Won, Joong-Sun;Park, Chan-Hong;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Ko, Young-Tak
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2008
  • Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center(FRSC) and Mangatolu Triple function(MTJ) caldera are located in northeastern part of Lau basin which is the active back-arc basin. Deep-tow and surface-tow magnetic surveys are carried out in FRSC. In deep-tow magnetic survey, to compensate for influence of uneven distance between bathymetry and sensor height, magnetic anomaly is continued upward to a level plane by using the Guspi method. We calculate crustal magnetization using Parker and Huestis's inversion algorithm, and try to find the hydrothermal vent and understand the structure of ocean floor crust. The result of deep-tow magnetic survey at FRSC showed that Central Anomaly Magnetization High(CAMH) recorded the max value of 4.5 A/m which is associated with active ridge. The direction of SSW-NNE corresponds with the direction of the principal spreading ridge in Lau basin. The low crustal magnetizaton$(174^{\circ}35.1'W,\;16^{\circ}38.4'S)$ of -4.0 A/m is supposed to correlate with submarine hydrothermal vent. Surface-tow magnetic data were collected in MTJ caldera$(174^{\circ}00'W,\;15^{\circ}20'S)$. The prevailing SSW-NNE direction of collapsing walls and the presence of CAMH at the center of caldera strongly indicate the existence of active spreading ridge in ancient times.

Structural Evolution of the Eastern Margin of Korea: Implications for the Opening of the East Sea (Japan Sea) (한국 동쪽 대륙주변부의 구조적 진화와 동해의 형성)

  • Kim Han-Joon;Jou Hyeong-Tae;Lee Gwang-Hoon;Yoo Hai-Soo;Park Gun-Tae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.39 no.3 s.178
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    • pp.235-253
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    • 2006
  • We interpreted marine seismic profiles in conjunction with swath bathymetric and magnetic data to investigate rifting to breakup processes at the Korean margin leading to the separation of the Japan Arc. The Korean margin is rimmed by fundamental elements of rift architecture comprizing a seaward succession of a rift basin and an uplifted rift flank passing into the slope, typical of a passive continental margin. In the northern part, rifting occurred in the Korea Plateau, a continental fragment extended and partially segmented from the Korean Peninsula, that provided a relatively broader zone of extension resulting in a number of rifts. Two distinguished rift basins (Onnuri and Bandal Basins) in the Korea Plateau we bounded by major synthetic and smaller antithetic faults, creating wide and symmetric profiles. The large-offset border fault zones of these basins have convex dip slopes and demonstrate a zig-zag arrangement along strike. In contrast, the southern margin is engraved along its length with a single narrow rift basin (Hupo Basin) that is an elongated asymmetric half-graben. Rifting at the Korean margin was primarily controlled by normal faulting resulting from extension in the west and southeast directions orthogonal to the inferred line of breakup along the base of the slope rather than strike-slip deformation. Although rifting involved no significant volcanism, the inception of sea floor spreading documents a pronounced volcanic phase which seems to reflect slab-induced asthenospheric upwelling as well as rift-induced convection particularly in the narrow southern margin. We suggest that structural and igneous evolution of the Korean margin can be explained by the processes occurring at the passive continental margin with magmatism intensified by asthenospheric upwelling in a back-arc setting.

Explorations of Hydrothermal Vents in Southern Mariana Arc Submarine Volcanoes using ROV Hemire (심해무인잠수정 해미래를 이용한 남마리아나 아크 해저화산 열수분출공 탐사)

  • Lee, Pan-Mook;Jun, Bong-Huan;Baek, Hyuk;Kim, Banghyun;Shim, Hyungwon;Park, Jin-Yeong;Yoo, Seong-Yeol;Jeong, Woo-Young;Baek, Sehun;Kim, Woong-Seo
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.389-399
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents the explorations of hydrothermal vents located in the Marina Arc and Back Arc Basin using the deep-sea ROV Hemire. These explorations were conducted by KRISO and KIOST to demonstrate the capability of Hemire in various applications for deep-sea scientific research. The missions included the following: (1) to search the reported vents, (2) conduct visual inspections, (3) deploy/recover a sediment trap and bait traps, (4) sample sediment/water/rock, (5) measure the magnetic field at the vent site, and (6) acquire a detailed map using multi-beam sonar near the bottom. We installed three HD cameras for precise visual inspection, a high-temperature thermometer, a three-component magnetometer, and a multi-beam sonar to acquire details of the bottom contour or identify vents in the survey area. The explorations were performed in an expedition from March 23 to April 5, 2016, and the missions were successfully completed. This paper discusses the operational process, navigation, and control of Hemire, as well as the exploration results.

The Exploration Methodology of Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposit by Use of Marine Geophysical Investigation (해양 지구물리 탐사를 이용한 해저열수광상 부존지역 탐지 방법)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sub;Jung, Mee-Sook;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Jong-Uk;Lee, Kyeong-Yong
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2008
  • Lau basin of the south Pacific, as an active back arc basin, is promising area bearing seafloor massive hydrothermal deposit that is located in a subduction zone between the Pacific ocean plate and Indo-Australian continental plate. We performed multi-beam bathymetry survey in the Lau basin using EM120, to find out high hydrothermal activity Bone. Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center (FRSC) and Mangatolou Triple Junction (MTJ) area were selected for precise site survey through seafloor morphology investigation. The result of surface and deep-tow magnetometer survey showed that Central Anomaly Magnetization High (CAMH) recorded which is associated with active ridge in FRSC-2 and revealed very low magnetic anomalies that can be connected to past or present high hydrothermal activity in MTJ-1 seamount area. Moreover, the physical and chemical tracers of hydrothermal vent flume, i.e., transmission, hydrogen ion concentration (pH), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), methane (CH4) by use of CTD system, showed significant anomalies in those areas. From positive vent flume results, we could conclude that these areas were or are experiencing very active volcanic activities. The acquired chimney and hydrothermal altered bed rock samples gave us confidence of the existence of massive hydrothermal deposit. Even though not to use visual exploration equipment such as ROV, DTSSS, etc., traditional marine geophysical investigation approach might be a truly cost-effective tool for exploring seafloor hydrothermal massive deposit.

Tectonic Structures and Hydrocarbon Potential in the Central Bransfield Basin, Antarctica (남극 브랜스필드 해협 중앙분지의 지체구조 및 석유부존 가능성)

  • Huh Sik;Kim Yeadong;Cheong Dae-Kyo;Jin Young Keun;Nam Sang Heon
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.5 no.1_2 s.6
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 1997
  • The study area is located in the Central Bransfield Basin, Antarctica. To analyze the morphology of seafloor, structure of basement, and seismic stratigraphy of the sedimentary layers, we have acquired, processed, and interpreted the multi-channel seismic data. The northwest-southeastern back-arc extension dramatically changes seafloor morphology, volcanic and fault distribution, and basin structure along the spreading ridges. The northern continental shelf shows a narrow, steep topography. In contrast, the continental shelf or slope in the south, which is connected to the Antarctic Peninsula, has a gentle gradient. Volcanic activities resulted in the formation of large volcanos and basement highs near the spreading center, and small-scale volcanic diapirs on the shelf. A very long, continuous normal fault characterizes the northern shelf, whereas several basinward synthetic faults probably detach into the master fault in the south. Four transfer faults, the northwest-southeastern deep-parallel structures, controlled the complex distributions of the volcanos, normal faults, depocenters, and possibly hydrocarbon provinces in the study area. They have also deformed the basement structure and depositional pattern. Even though the Bransfield Basin was believed to be formed in the Late Cenozoic (about 4 Ma), the hydrocarbon potential may be very high due to thick sediment accumulation, high organic contents, high heat flow resulted from the active tectonics, and adequate traps.

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Geochemical Studies of BIF in Wugang, North China Craton: Implication for the Genesis (북중국 우강 지역에 분포하는 호상철광상의 성인에 대한 지구화학적 연구)

  • Moon, Inkyeong;Lee, Insung;Yang, Xiaoyong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.213-221
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    • 2019
  • The Wugang banded iron formation (BIF) is located within the Taihua complex at the southern margin of the North China Craton (NCC). In this study, we analyzed major elements and rare-earth elements in iron ores from the Wugang BIF, to study the type of BIFs and their formation mechanism in combination with previously-published data from the literature. We found that the iron ores from the Wugang BIF display two types of banding textures, which can be described as weak banding or no banding. The samples are composed of coarse-grained magnetite, quartz, pyroxene, and amphibole. Based on our geochemical results, mixing of a hydrothermal fluid with sea water led to the precipitation of the Wugang BIF, and there is evidence of crustal contamination. These results, combined with previous literature data, almost all of the iron ores lack Ce anomalies, though some samples show negative Ce anomalies. Our results indicate that the Wugang BIF was formed in a dominantly reducing environment, although the surfaces were relatively oxidized. Geochemical evidence suggests that the Wugang BIF iron ores were formed in a near-shore continental-shelf environment or in a back-arc basin. The BIF is known as interbedded with migmatite, amphibole gneiss, minor quartz and marble, which indicating lack of volcanic materials input. This study, combined with previous results on geochemical interpretation of related wall rock of Wugang BIF, demonstrated that Wugang BIF belongs to Superior-type BIF.

Petrological Characteristics and Origin of Volcaniclasts within the Massive Tuff Breccia Formation from Dokdo Island, Korea (독도 괴상 응회질 각력암층에서 나타나는 화산암편의 암석학적 특성과 기원)

  • Shim, Sung-Ho;Im, Ji-Hyeon;Jang, Yun-Deuk;Choo, Chang-Oh;Park, Byeong-Jun;Kim, Jung-Hun
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.141-156
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    • 2010
  • Dokdo Island, Korea, is located in the East Sea belonging to back arc basin. In this study we examined petrology and geochemistry of massive tuffaceous breccia (MTB) from Dongdo (Eastern islet) and Seodo(Western islet), the two largest islands of Dokdo. Field studies and chemical analysis distinguish the MTB in Dongdo and Seodo. The Dongdo MTB (DMTB) is exposed up to 50 m on the ocean cliff and it has dominant basalt and trachybasalt with moderate amount of trachyte and scoria. On the other hand, Seodo MTB (SMTB), which is preserved between trachyte dike and trachyandesite, is composed of roughly equal amounts of basalt, trachybasalt and trachyte. The location of the islets were related to the source vent having in contact with underlying trachyte lava and differential pyroclastic deposits made them different characteristics. According to trace element analysis of trachytic volcanic clasts, the Ba concentration ranges from 66 to 103 ppm and Sr varies from 44 to 56 ppm in DMTB. However, Br and Sr in SMTB correspondingly showed relatively wide ranges: Br 785-1259 ppm and Sr 466-1230 ppm. These differential trends between DMTB and SMTB, along with the difference in P and Ti, indicate that the crystallization of alkali feldspar, feldspathoid, biotite, apatite and titanium took place differently. Nevertheless, DMTB and SMTB are similar in REE patterns and they are correspondingly characterized by high LREE, low HREE and similar $(La/Yb)_N$ values with 23.9-40.2 in DMTB and 27.4-32.9 in SMTB. These patterns suggest that Dongdo and Seodo might be originated from coeval magma suites. Dokdo island shows high concentrations of Ba, K and Rb. These signatures mark a result attributed to the mantle upwelling because the magma derived from the asthenosphere was metasomatized with subduction-related fluids.