• Title/Summary/Keyword: Author Power

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  • Park, Jung Pil;Shin, Yong-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.283-308
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    • 2021
  • In [30] the author finds a graded minimal free resolution of the 2-nd order symbolic power of a star configuration in ℙn of any codimension r. In this paper, we find that of any m-th order symbolic power of a star configuration in ℙn of codimension 2, which generalizes the result of Galetto, Geramita, Shin, and Van Tuyl in [15, Theorem 5.3]. Furthermore, we extend it to the m-th order symbolic power of a star configuration in ℙn of any codimension r for m = 3, 4, which also generalizes the result of Biermann et al. in [1, Corollaries 4.6 and 5.7]. We also suggest how to find a graded minimal free resolution of the m-th order symbolic power of a star configuration in ℙn of any codimension r for m ≥ 5.

Power Spectal Analysis of Masticatory Muscles during Sustained Isometric Contraction and Recovery at Various Contraction Times (저작근의 등척성 수축시간 변화에 따른 Power Spectrum 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Wook Kim;Heung-Sang Lee;Young-Ku Kim
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.269-281
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    • 1995
  • To study the characteristics of EMG power spectrum of masticatory muscles during sustained isometric contraction and recovery at various contraction times, the author analysed the EMG signals of anterior temporal and masseter muscles before, during, and after sustained isometric contraction at 50% level of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) for 15,30,60 seconds. Twelve normal subjects were included in this study. The author came to following conclusions from the results. 1. MMF of anterior temporal muscle in the contraction period was significantly higher than that of masseter muscle during sustained isometric contraction regardless of isometric contraction times (p<0.05). 2. MMF in the contraction period decreased as the contraction time increased during sustained isometric contraction in both temporal and masseter muscles(p<0.05). 3. SMF in the contraction period increased as the contraction tie increased during sustained isometric contraction in both temporal and masseter muscles(p<0.01). 4. MMF in the first part of recovery period (20 seconds) decreased as the contraction time increased during sustained isometric contraction(p<0.05). However, MMF in the later parts of recovery period (20-120 seconds) showed no significant differences. 5. MMF of anterior temporl muscle in the recovery period was significantly higher than that of masseter muscle after sustained isometric contraction regardless of isometric contraction times (p<0.05). 6. The recovery rate of MF reached 100% in 100 seconds after the isometric contraction regardless of isometric contraction times.

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A study of residential solar airconditioning system using bidirectional PWM converter (양방향성 PWM컨버터를 이용한 가정용 태양광 에어컨 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • 유권종;송진수;황인호;김홍성;고재석;최규하;김한성
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.358-364
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    • 1996
  • Recently, much power demand from domestic power consumer is weakening the allowable power reserve margin in summer, especially at midday for one day due to a steep increase of air cooling loads such as air conditioner. Therefore solar airconditioning system can'be considered as one of the best remedies to meet the increase of peak power. Generally in solar air conditioning system, the diode rectifier is used to build up DC link voltage from AC source. The diode rectifier is simple and cheap but it brings out the problems of low power factor and plentiful harmonics at the AC source. Also It can derate the utilization rate of solar energy because the reverse of power flow cannot be made. Hence, in this paper to overcome the peak power problem in summer and to endure good AC input characteristics, solar air conditioning system using the PWM converter is proposed. As results, obtained are the characteristics of the PWM converter such as low distorted current waveform, high power factor and bidirectional power control. And also the stability of proposed system is verified by examining the dynamics of step load change and power reversal testing. (author). refs., figs., tabs.

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A Study on the Use of Ubiquitous Technologies in Military Sector

  • Ju Min-Seong;Kim Seok-Soo
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.6-9
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    • 2006
  • The style of war in the $21^{st}$ century became digitalized cooperative union tactic, which relies heavily on the system providing real time information. Critical information is provided during the war from sensing to shooting. Therefore, epochal development in observation, reconnaissance (ISR), commanding (C4I) and precision strike (PGM) are necessary. Application of ubiquitous computing and network technologies in national defense is necessary for carrying out with various types of wars in the $21^{st}$ century. Therefore, the author wants to research core technology sector that can be developed and applied in preparation of ubiquitous national defense era. Also plans for applying recent u-Defense technology to the military sector had been suggested. Particularly, the author have suggested plans for utilizing combined future information technologies such as ad-hoc network, RFID for the logistic supply in construction of u-Defense system. By utilizing these information technologies, combat power and strategic capabilities of the military can be enhanced greatly.

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In Search of Models in Speech Communication Research

  • Hiroya, Fujisaki
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.9-22
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    • 2009
  • This paper first presents the author's personal view on the importance of modeling in scientific research in general, and then describes two of his works toward modeling certain aspects of human speech communication. The first work is concerned with the physiological and physical mechanisms of controlling the voice fundamental frequency of speech, which is an important parameter for expressing information on tone, accent, and intonation. The second work is concerned with the cognitive processes involved in a discrimination test of speech stimuli, which gives rise to the phenomenon of so-called categorical perception. They are meant to illustrate the power of models based on deep understanding and precise formulation of the functions of the mechanisms/processes that underlie observed phenomena. Finally, it also presents the author's view on some models that are yet to be developed.

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Co-author Network Characteristics of Korean System Dynamics Review (한국시스템다이내믹스 학회지 공저자 네트워크 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Duck;Sin, Cheol;Jung, Hyung-Ki;Lee, Man-Hyung
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.31-50
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    • 2016
  • This study examines the basic conditions of joint authorship research activities in the Korean System Dynamics Review and points out the structural co-author network characteristics among co-authored papers based on the social network analysis(SNA) techniques. In specific, this study identifies the cooperative relationship of research papers in the Korean System Dynamics Review, knowledge formation, and knowledge propagation paths. The study results imply that Korean System Dynamics Review has exhibited the typical 'Steven's power law,' which is repeatedly observed among complex systems, and that knowledge structure centered upon and propagated around couples of researchers. Additionally, the study results present that there have been active personal exchanges among major researchers. In contrast, personal contacts among research groups and within groups seem relatively weak.

Censorship and Its Impact under the Franquismo: Focusing on novels (프랑코 체제하의 검열과 그 영향 - 문학작품 중심으로 -)

  • KIM, Son-Ung
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.33
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    • pp.7-32
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    • 2013
  • This present study focuses on Franco's censorship and its influences in the works of Carmen Martín Gaite and Miguel Delibes. We know that from the years 1940's to 1970's a very harsh censorship existed in Spain. But the authors of those times were not completely obedient to the power of the Regime. Some authors attempted to find a new way to present his novels. In fact, Between Curtains of Martín Gaite shows an ideology that advocates for women who were not valued as deserved at the time. Against Franco's totalitarianism the author indirectly revealed readers an attempt to improve the situation of women, criticizing the tradition. On the other hand, Delibes sought a new way of presenting the novel in Five Hours with Mario to avoid Franco regime's censorship. The author hid behind a character that represents Franco's politics to criticize the society of that time. The both authors as representatives of contemporary Spanish literature demonstrate that the oppression does not restrict the authors' ability to create unexpected works.

The Significance of the Narrative Failure of The Conjure Woman: A Black Author's Experiment on a Socio-ethical Literary Voice

  • Kim, EunHyoung
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.1163-1191
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    • 2009
  • As many critics do, this article starts from the premise that Charles Waddell Chesnutt wrote The Conjure Woman with a distinct socio-ethical view to ameliorating white readers' racism. For this purpose of social activism, first, the author uses a racially submissive genre and narrator- antebellum plantation-dialect fiction and an old ex-slave Julius-in order to win the attention of white racists, who constituted the majority of the reading public of postbellum America. Chesnutt then allows this seemingly submissive ex-slave consecutively to wage narrative battles against a Northern white capitalist, John. This fiction's structure is thus based on interracial narrative conflict. Granted, the result of these narrative battles is Julius's defeat. Even though he sometimes has narrative success through his manipulation of either his white female auditor's sentimentalism or the white capitalist's racial prejudice, it does not lead to any fundamental change in the white audience members' awareness: John still regards Julius's tacitly reformoriented tales merely as nonsensical ghost stories invented by the absurd imagination of a subservient, entertaining, and exploitable black coachman. Admitting his defeat, Julius relinquishes his original goal of deterring John's capitalist exploitation of both racial Others and the natural environment of the South and finally decides to serve the economic power of white capitalism. This self-defeating conclusion, however, should not be identified with Chesnutt's failure as an author. Rather, it should be understood as an interim result of the black author's earnest experiment with literary media best suited to his reform project. In fact, this narrative failure reveals Chesnutt's accurate diagnosis of the postbellum literary world: a black voice is still feebly heard and even easily buried by the whites' capitalist ambition and consequently intensifying racism. Conclusively, Julius's narrative failure should be positively evaluated as Chesnutt's one step further in his gradual and lifelong progress to a narrative goopher effectively to engage whites' imagination and sympathy for a vision of equal interracial coexistence.

A study of Improved P&O MPPT Algorithm go with a Dynamic characteristic of Photovoltaic System (태양광 시스템의 동작특성에 따른 개선된 P&O MPPT 알고리즘 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Hee;Jang, Ki-Young;Kim, Sang-Mo;Kim, Ki-Hyun;Yu, Gwon-Jong
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.107-110
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    • 2009
  • The photovoltaic power system is effected by atmospheric condition. Therefore, The maximum power point tracking(MPPT) algorithm of the Photovoltaic (PV) power system is needed for high efficiency. Many MPPT techniques have been considered in past, but In this paper, the author analyzes widely known P&O MPPT algorithm and ImP&O algorithm, and presents new MPPT algorithm complementing weaknesses of other two algorithms.

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Analysis and study for MPPT algorithms in transformerless PV PCS (변압기 없는 태양광 PCS에서의 최대전력추종제어기법 분석)

  • Lee Kyung-Soo;Jung Young-Seck;So Jung-Hoon;Yu Gwon-Jong;Choi Jae-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2004.07b
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    • pp.606-609
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    • 2004
  • Maximum power point tracking(MPPT) is usually used for a solar power system. Many maximum power tracking techniques have been considered in the past. The microprocessors with appropriate MPPT algorithms are favored because of their flexibility and compatibility with different solar arrays. In this paper, four MPPT algorithms are analyzed and studied. Perturbation and Observation(P&O), Incremental Conductance(IncCond), which are used from the past. Improved P&O and Two-mode , which are developed P&O and IncCond algorithms. Also, the author introduces grid-connected fransformerless PV PCS to apply MPPT control. MPPT efficiency is measured by changing irradiance from $0.1kW/m^2\;to\;1kW/m^2$ and simulation was performed for each MPPT algorithm.

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