• Title/Summary/Keyword: Attendance Rate

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Application of professor·learning model customized for flipped learning for enhancing basic ability of work - Focused on freshman students in radiology department of specialized colleges (직업기초능력함양을 위한 맞춤식 플립드 러닝 교수·학습모형 적용-전문대학 방사선과 1학년 재학생을 중심으로)

  • Park, Jeongkyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.225-231
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    • 2018
  • Recently, new teaching methods for communicating with teachers and students have been emerged according to the trends of decreasing the school-age population and the development of the mass media. We have applied teaching-learning model based on the flip learning to the college students in this work. As a result of the test for the customized flipped learning teaching-learning model in pre-class, the attendance rate of the major subject was 92.3% whereas that in liberal arts courses other than majors revealed 87.6%. This result for attendance rate shows that first year students in the radiology department have been actively participated in pre-class of the major subject than that of the liberal arts curriculum. From comparing the differences between the study group that was applied flipped learning in class and the non-applied group, the research group showed higher scores in knowledge, skills, and attitudes than the comparative group. In addition, more than 90% of the learners improved their responsibility, problem solving ability, creative thinking, cooperative ability, and communication ability through this learning program. From the test for the difference in the role of radiologists in the post class, the mean score was 4.40 for the group applied the teaching-learning model while that for non-applied group was 2.10. Hence, from such results, we see that this teaching-learning model is appropriate and needs to be extended to cultivate basic skills in radiology and relevant vocational education.


  • Kim, Sae Chul;Kim, Min Soon
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.110-118
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    • 1994
  • As the first step to improve the medical recording for the hospitalized patients, we tried to identify problems of completion rate of the medical recording and made the completion rate of the medical recording within due date known to the public in the hospital and commended the best Department and resident officially. The results were as follows: 1. The average number of the medical recordings per a recorder by years of residency(average number to quorum) was 293.3(398.8) in 1st year, 82.5(68.1) in 2nd year, 21.2(8.3) in 3rd year, and 20.5(1.9) in 4th year-residents. There was only 2 residents who prepared the medical recordings more than the average of 125.6 recordings per a resident. 2. Among 13 Departments, the medical recording was wholly put in charge of the 1st year-resident in 6 Departments. The duty was shared with the 2nd year-resident in 5 Departments and the 3rd year-resident in 1 and the 4th year-resident in Only 1 Department. 3. The more the cases requiring the medical recording, the lower the completion rate(80% less than 100 recordings, 70% in 100-299, 60% in 300-399 and 33.3% in more than 400). 4. There was no difference in the completion rate of the medical recording before(1991) and after(1993) a public nitice(1992). However, 4 Departments showed improvement of 21-45% in the completion rate, and no case was found where billing for medical assurance was postponed due to delayed completion of the medical recording. 5. The completion rate was relatively low(72-78%) from January to March. The main reasons were shortage of men power due to preparation of board examination, attendance to military duty, and lack of training in the medical recording for the new 1st year-residents. 6. The official commendation of the best Department and resident by letters did not improve the completion rate of the medical recording. In conclusion, The main reason of the low completion rate of the medical recording was the fact that the 1st year-residents were almost exclusively responsible for the medical recording. Hence, it is mandotory that this practice gets staffs' attention to improve the completion rate. Public notice of the completion rate of the medical recording shows prompt improvement of the completion rate. Prize money rather than commendation by a letter for the best Department would also be more effective to improve the quality of medical recording.

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The tuberculosis controling and preventing state for Girl's High School student in Pusan. (부산시내 여자고등학교 학생의 결핵 관리)

  • Kim, Sin-Hui;Park, Hyeong-Suk
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.74-87
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    • 1995
  • This study was to investigate the current prevention Mechanism of tuberculosis infection and to find out how nursing teachers handle against tuberculosis infection. The objectives of this study was to aid in better treatment and maintenance of those infected-students and help students to prevent the disease by themselves. The subjects of this research were 78 students who were proved to be infected at tuberculosis by the test result of each high school and 35 nursing teachers who retain those 78 infected students. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The infection rete of tuberculosis and the general characteristics of the infected students at Girls' High School: There are approximately 33 and 50 tuberculosis-infected cases in 1992 and 1993. The tuberculosisinfection rate were 0.12% in 1992, while the infection rate were 0.17% in 1993. The infection rate for academic Girls' High School stucents were 51.3%, while that of vocational Girls' High school students were 48.7%, About 30.8% of respondents have a family history of tuberculosis infection. 2. The current management system of tuberculosis treatment: It was reported that 59.0% of respondents out of total cases were in the process of treatment, and 41% of them were recovered (from tuberculosis). 55.1% of respondents use health center as their most frequent treatment location. 57.5% of academic Girls' High School and 47.4% of vocational Girls' high shool reported inconsistent meals while curing tuberculosis. In terms of taking medicine, 55.1% reported inconsistently. 3. The current management system of nursing teachers; Approximately 57.1% of nursing teachers were at academic Girls' High School. while 42.9% were at vocational Girls' High School. While treating tuberculosis, 85.7% of nursing teachers checked the consistent medicine-taking, 54. 3% of them checked the side effects of medicine, 80% of them consulted with students, while only 25. 7% of them check the school attendance. This study also finds out that we have underestimated the importance of tuberculosis treatment and health education at the shool level, it has not been effective enough for students to recognize the importance of tuberculosis. It is our assertion that nursing teachers should have paid much more attention to tuberculosis itself and infected-cases.

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Related Factors for Health Check-up Attendance among Korean Adults in their 20s and 30s: Based on the 2020 KNHANES Data (한국 20·30대의 건강검진 수검률 관련요인: 국민건강영양조사 제8기 2차년도(2020) 자료를 중심으로)

  • Young-Ran Kim
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to analyze the characteristics of health check-up recipients in their 20s and 30s in Korea and identify factors influencing the participation rate in order to enhance the rate of health check-ups. The study population and methods utilized data from the 8th year of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, specifically the 2nd year (2020), and targeted 1,453 Korean residents aged between 20 and 30. The factors affecting health check-up participation were divided into sociodemographic factors, health behavior factors, mental health factors, and medical utilization factors, and both simple logistic regression analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis were conducted. The analysis results showed that educational level, marital status, type of health insurance, employment status, and subjective level of health were the factors influencing health check-up participation among Korean individuals in their 20s and 30s. These research findings can serve as foundational data for improving the health check-up participation rate among individuals in their 20s and 30s.

A Study on Maternity Aids Utilization in the Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning (농촌(農村)에 있어서 분만개조요원(分娩介助要員)의 봉사(奉仕)에 의(依)한 모자보건(母子保健)rhk 가족계획(家族計劃)에 관(關) 연구(硏究))

  • Yeh, Min-Hae;Lee, Sung Kwan
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.57-95
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    • 1972
  • This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of service by maternity aids concerning maternal and child health in improving simultaneously infant mortality, contraception and vital registration among expectant mothers in rural Korea, where there is less apportunity for maternal and child health care. It is unrealistic to expect to solve this problem in rural Korea through professional persons considering the situation of medical facilities and the socioeconomic condition of residents. So, we intended to adopt a system of services by maternity aids who were educated formally among indigenous women. After the women were trained in maternal and child health, contraception, and registration for a short period, they were assigned as a maternity aids to each village to help with various activities concerning maternal and child health, for example, registration of pregnant women, home visiting to check for complications, supplying of delivery kits, attendance at delivery, persuasion of contraception, and invitation for registration and so on. Mean-while, four researchers called on the maternity aids to collect materials concerning vital events, maternal child health, contraception and registration, and to give further instruction and supervision as the program proceeded. A. Changes of women's attitude by services of maternity aid. Now, we examined to what extent' such a service system to expectant mothers affected a change in attitude of women residing in the study area as compared to women of the control area. 1) In the birth and death places, there were no changes between last and present infants, in study or control area. 2) In regard to attendants at delivery, there were no changes except for a small percentage of attendance (8%) by maternity aid in study area. But, I expect that more maternity sids could be used as attendants at delivery if they would be trained further and if there was more explanation to the residents about such a service. 3) Considering the rate of utilization of sterilized delivery kit, I am sure that more than 90 percent would be used if the delivery kit were supplied in the proper time. There were significant differences in rates between the study and the control areas. 4) Taking into consideration the utilization rate of the clinic for prenatal care and well baby care, if suck facilities were installed, it would probably be well utilized. 5) In the contraception, the rate of approval was as high as 89 percent in study area as compared to 82 percent in the control area. 6) Considering the rate of pre-and post-partum acceptance on contraception were as much as 70 percent or more, if motivation to use contraception was given to them adequately, the government could reach the goals for family planning as planned. 7) In the vital registration, the rate of birth registration in the study area was some what improved compared to that of the control area, while the rate of death registration was not changed at all. Taking into account the fact that the rate of confirmation of vital events by maternity aids was remarkably high, if the registration system changed to a 'notification' system instead of formal registration ststem, it would be improved significantly compared to present system. B. Effect of the project Thus, with changes in the residents' attitude, was there a reduction in the infant death rate? 1) It is very difficult problem to compare the mortality of infants between last and present infants, because many women don't want to answer accurately about their dead children especially the infants that died within a few days after birth. In this study the data of present death comes from the maternity aides who followed up every pregnancy they had recorded to see what had happened. They seem to have very reliable information on what happened in first few weeks with follow up visitits to check out later changes. From these calculaton, when we compared the rate of infant death between last and present infant, there was remarkable reduction of death rate for present infant compare to that of last children, namely, the former was 30, while the latter 42. The figure is the lowest rate that I have ever heard. As the quality of data we could assess by comparing the causes of death. In the current death rate by communicable disease was much lower compare to the last child especially, tetanus cases and pneumonia. 2) Next, how many respondents used contraception after birth because of frequent contact with the maternity aid. In the registered cases, the respondents showed a tendency to practice contraception at an earlier age and with a small number of children. In a comparison of the rate of contraception between the study and the control area, the rate in the former was significantly higher than that of the latter. What is more, the proportion favoring smaller numbers of children and younger women rose in the study area as compared to the control area. 3) Regarding vital registration, though the rate of registration was gradually improved by efforts of maternity aid, it would be better to change the registration system. 4) In the crude birth rate, the rate in the study area was 22.2 while in the control area was 26.5. Natural increase rate showed 15.4 in the study area, while control area was 19.1. 5) In assessment of the efficiency of the maternity aids judging by the cost-effect viewpoint, the workers in the Medium area seemed to be more efficiency than those of other areas.

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Movie attendance and sales forecast model through big data analysis (빅데이터 분석을 통한 영화 관객수, 매출액 예측 모델)

  • Lee, Eung-hwan;Yu, Jong-Pil
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 2019
  • In the 100-year history of Korean films, Korean films have grown to more than 100 million viewers every year since 2012, and their total sales are estimated at 1 trillion. It is assumed that the influence on the popularity of Korean movies is related to 2012, when 60% of smartphone penetration rate and 30 million subscribers exceeded. As a result, before and after 2012, changes in movie boxing factor variables were needed, and the prediction model trained as a new independent variable was applied to actual data.

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Factors Associated with the Use of Gastric Cancer Screening Services in Korea: The Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2008 (KNHANES IV)

  • Shin, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Duk-Hee
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.3773-3779
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    • 2012
  • Objective: Despite government efforts to increase participation in gastric cancer screening, the rate is still suboptimal in Korea. Therefore, we explored barriers to and predictors of gastric cancer screening participation among a nationally representative sample. Methods: We used the Health Interview Survey sub-dataset derived from the Fourth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2008 (KNHANES IV) to evaluate participation in gastric cancer screening and factors associated with attendance in individuals age ${\geq}40$ years. We enrolled 4,464 subjects who completed the questionnaire and were not previously diagnosed with gastric cancer. Four groups of factors were considered potential predictors of gastric cancer screening in a multivariate analysis: sociodemographic, health behavior, psychological and cognitive, and dietary factors. Results: Overall, 41.3% complied with the gastric cancer screening recommendations. Younger age, lower education level, living without a spouse, frequent binge drinker, and current smoker were significantly associated with less participation in gastric cancer screening. Conclusions: To improve participation in gastric cancer screening, more focused interventions should be directed to vulnerable populations, such as groups with low socioeconomic status or unhealthy behavior. In addition, there should be new promotional campaigns and health education to provide information targeting these vulnerable populations.

Development and Evaluation of the Elderly Health Mileage Program to Promote Exercise

  • June, Kyung Ja;Kim, Hee Gerl;Park, Bohyun
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.567-581
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a Health Mileage Program (EHMP) to promote exercise amongst the elderly and assess the feasibility of the program. Methods: A literature review to identify the effects of exercise in the elderly was conducted. Relevant cases were investigated and in-depth interviews with exercise instructors were conducted, after which the EHMP was developed based on the assessment and tested in three regions. The outcome was evaluated using indicators such as attendance rate, number of participants, proportion of participants who received health education, and proportion of participants who measured their physical and mental status. Results: Based on assessment, we developed an EHMP composed of four steps. Following application of the EHMP in three regions, ${\geq}80%$ of the participants received incentives. Additionally, ${\geq}85%$ of participants underwent measurement of their physical and mental status. The proportion of participants who received health education differed among regions. Conclusion: The EHMP program increased participation and interest in exercise programs for the elderly. However, there is concern regarding availability due to regional differences in resources related to elderly exercise; therefore, it will be necessary to invest in infrastructure, including facilities, and knowledgeable instructors.

A Study on the Difference of Students' Recognition, Attitude, and Knowledge Level of Health Activity by the Health Education (보건교육 수강여부에 따른 보건 인식.태도.지식의 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Suh, Jeong-Kyo;Kim, Hyun-Keong
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated the difference of the university students' recognition, attitude, and knowledge level of health by the health education in Daejeon and Chungnam province. First, in the survey analysis result regarding the health related recognition, the students who had attended lectures of health education were surveyed not only to have higher health related recognition than the students who did not have attended the lecture of health education, but also to appear meaningful in statistics by showing significance level p<0.05 in total score. Second, in the research regarding the health related attitude, the attendance or nonattendance of health education lecture were surveyed not to have high effect on the attitude of daily lives of the university students. Third, in the analysis of health related knowledge, the knowledge level between the students who had attended lectures of health education and who did not have attended the lecture of health education showed that the students who had attended lectures of health education got more excellent correct answer rate. In this survey result, the students who had attended lectures of health education showed higher health related recognition and knowledge than the students who had not attended lectures of health education.

A systematic review of continuing education for emergency medical technicians (응급구조사의 보수교육에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰)

  • Kang, Min Seong;Kim, Woo-Jong;Choi, Bo Youl
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.177-191
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study aimed to combine the satisfaction survey results and suggestion for continuing education of the emergency medical technicians through a systematic review of continuing education of the emergency medical technicians. Methods: This review focused on previous studies published until 2020 that were associated with the continuing education of emergency medical technicians. We followed the guidelines set for each phase of the study and selected the 26 studies that met the selection criteria for the analysis. Results: The level of satisfaction with continuing education for emergency medical technicians was low. The most frequently suggested method for continuing education was patient case presentation. The answers to the desired training subjects of the continuing education program varied. Finally, studies on continuing education have not been published continuously. Conclusion: To enhance the satisfaction and competence of continuing education, we need to provide various programs that reflect the needs of emergency medical technicians attending maintenance training. In addition, various methods should be considered to improve the attendance rate for continuing education, and further investigations and research should be actively conducted on continuing education in the future.