• Title/Summary/Keyword: Artificial dermis (Terudermis$^{(R)}$)

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  • Ryu, Sun-Youl;Kim, Sun-Kook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.410-417
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    • 2006
  • The present study was aimed to compare the resorption rate and the histological change of the autogenous dermis and the artificial dermis (Terudermis$^{(R)}$) after the transplantation, and to report the clinical results of the use of Terudermis$^{(R)}$ in order to restore the soft tissue defect. Twenty mature rabbits, weighing about 2 kg, were used for the experimental study. The autogenous dermis and the Terudermis$^{(R)}$ size 1${\times}$1 cm were transplanted to the space between the external abdominal oblique muscle and the external abdominal oblique fascia of the each rabbits. They were divided into 4 groups (n=5 each) and gathered at 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks after the transplantation. The resorption rate was calculated, and H-E stain was preformed to observe the histological changes. The chart review of the 17 patients who received Terudermis$^{(R)}$ graft to the facial soft tissue defects was conducted for the clinical study. The resorption rate at 8 weeks after the transplantation was 21.5% for the autogenous dermis, and 36.4% Terudermis$^{(R)}$. In microscopic examinations, the infiltration of the inflammatory cells and the epidermal inclusion cyst were observed in the autogenous dermis graft. The neovascularization and the progressive growth of the new fibroblast were shown in the Terudermis$^{(R)}$ graft. In clinical data of 17 patients, the size of the grafted Terudermis$^{(R)}$ was from 1.5$cm^2$ to 7.5$cm^2$ (average 3.5$cm^2$). Follow-up ranged from 5 to 25 months. Fourteen patients with cleft palate demonstrated stability of the graft and unremarkable complications. But unstability of the graft and the partial relapse were observed in three patients received the vestibuloplasty. These results indicate that Terudermis$^{(R)}$ can be available substitute of autogenous dermis because of the stability about resorption, the histocompatibility, and the unremarkable clinical complications.


  • Ha, Hyun;Kim, Sun-Kook;Ryu, Sun-Youl
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.114-120
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    • 2007
  • The augmentation of soft tissue defects is one of the critical problems in the oral and maxillofacial surgery. Various types of graft materials, both autologous and non-autologous, have been used for the augmentation of soft tissue in the facial region. However, it is not easy to choose an ideal material for soft tissue augmentation because each has its advantages and disadvantages. An ideal graft material should meet the following criteria : it should not leave a scar at the area from which it was taken; should have less likelihood of causing infection; should feel natural after implanted; and should be not absorbed. Among the materials meeting these criteria, human dermis and artificial dermis are commonly used for clinical purposes. The present study was aimed to investigate and compare the resorption rate and the histological change following the use of the autologous dermis, the human homogenous dermis $Alloderm^{(R)}$, and the artificial dermis $Terudermis^{(R)}$ to reconstruct the soft tissue defect. Twenty mature rabbits of either sex, weighing about 2 ㎏, were used. Each rabbit was transplanted with the autologous dermis, $Alloderm^{(R)}$, and $Terudermis^{(R)}$ size $1{\times}1-cm$ at the space between the external abdominal oblique muscle and the external abdominal oblique fascia. They were then divided into 4 groups (n=5 each) according to the time elapsed after the surgery: 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks. The resorption rate was calculated by measuring the volume change before and after the transplantation, and H-E stain was preformed to observe the histological changes. The resorption rate after 8 weeks was 21.5% for the autologous dermis, 16.0% $Alloderm^{(R)}$, and 36.4% $Terudermis^{(R)}$, suggesting that $Alloderm^{(R)}$ is the most stable while $Terudermis^{(R)}$ is the most unstable. In microscopic examinations, the autologous dermis graft was surrounded by inflammatory cells and showed foreign body reactions. The epidermal inclusion cyst was observed in the autologous dermis graft. $Terudermis^{(R)}$ and $Alloderm^{(R)}$ demonstrated neovascularization and the progressive growth of new fibroblast. The results suggest that $Terudermis^{(R)}$ and $Alloderm^{(R)}$ can be availably for substituting the autologous dermis.


  • Oh, Jung-Hwan
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.227-232
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    • 2007
  • The radial forearm fasciocutaneous flap(RFFF) is a well-known flap for the reconstruction of oral and maxillofacial defects. It was first described by Yang et al. in 1981 and Soutar et al. developed it for the reconstruction of intraoral defect. RFFF provides a reliable, thin, and pliable soft tissue/skin paddle that is amenable to sensate reconstruction. It also has a long vascular pedicle that can be anastomosed to any vessel in either the ipsilateral or contralateral neck. However, split thickness skin graft(STSG) is most commonly used to cover the donor site, and a variety of donor site complications have been reported, including delayed healing, swelling of the hand, persistent wrist stiffness, reduced hand strength, and partial loss of the graft with exposure of the forearm flexor tendon. Various methods for donor site repair in addition to STSG have been developed and practiced to minimize both functional and esthetic morbidity, such as direct closure, V-Y closure, full thickness skin graft, tissue expansion, acellular dermal graft. We got a good result of using artificial dermis($Terudermis^{(R)}$) and secondary STSG for the repair of RFFF donor site defect esthetically and report with a review of literature.

Experimental Assessment of the Histologic Changes of Collagen Matrix(Terudermis®) in Subcutaneous Implantation: Comparison with Autologous Dermal Graft (콜라젠 기질(Terudermis®)의 피하이식 후 조직학적 변화: 자가 진피 이식과의 비교)

  • Kim, Boo Yeong;Kang, So Ra;Lee, Ji Hyuck;Burm, Jin Sik;Kim, Yang Woo;Lee, Min Jin;Kang, Won Kyung
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.592-600
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Numerous materials, both autologous and nonautologous, have been used for augmentation of sunken areas, but they have their own limitations. The purpose of this study is to determine the histologic response and volume change of the xenogenic collagen-based scaffold($Terudermis^{(R)}$) to the transfer into a subcutaneous soft tissue location in vivo rabbit model. Methods: Eighteen New Zealand white rabbits were used. Three $1.2{\times}1.2cm$ sized subcutaneous pockets were created on the dorsal surface of each ear. $1{\times}1cm$ sized collagen matrix($Terudermis^{(R)}$) and autologous dermal graft were implanted into each pocket. Full thickness of ear was harvested in 3 days, 1, 2, 4 weeks, 3, 6 months after implantation. Results: Histological analysis of implants demonstrated progressive neovascularization, fibroblast infilteration, neocollagen bundle synthesis and organization, and few foreign body reaction. The thickness of the collagen matrix in 3 days after the operation was 87.69% of the thickness of the collagen matrix in wet state. Then it decreased to 30.17% in 6 months after the operation. The rate of decrease was similar at all points at the same time compared with autologous dermal graft. Conclusion: Our experimental study suggests that $Terudermis^{(R)}$ could be a safe material as an implant for permanent augmentation in subcutaneous tissue. However the choice of graft for augmentation should be remained to the clinical situations.

Histological healing after grafting of bilayer artificial dermis in the oral environment (치은부에 이식한 이중인공진피의 조직학적 치유)

  • Kim, Min-Jeong;Chung, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Ok-Su;Kim, Young-Joon
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.289-299
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    • 2003
  • The autogenous free gingival graft is the most predictable procedure currently used to increase the width of the attached gingiva in periodontics. But the major disadvantage of the procedure is to create the multiple surgical wounds at both a donor site and a recipient site. The other problem is the limited amount of available graft material in oral cavity. Therefore, recent researches have been focused to develop the biomaterial to substitute the autogenous gingival tissue. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the histologic healing after grafting of bilayer artificial dermis, compared to the free gingival graft. Four non-smoking subjects (mean age, 32.5 years) in systemically healthy state and good oral hygiene were selected according to their particular needs for correction of mucogingival problems as suggested by Nabers(1966). The recipient sites were prepared through the procedure for the free gingival graft and were grouped according to the graft materials: Experimental group(n=5) - bilayer artifcia1 dermis ($Terudermis^{(R)}$; Terumo Co. Japan) and Control group(n=6) - free gingival graft with autogenous palatal mucosa. Biopsies were harvested at 1,2,3 and 6 weeks postsurgery to evaluate histologically. At the third week in the experimental group and at the second week of in the control group, the grafts has been clinically stabilized on the recipient bed and the graft border has been blended into the surrounding tissue. In the experimental group after 1 week of grafting, the epithelial migration from the adjacent tissue to graft material was seen and after 3 weeks of grafting, the : nflmmation decreased, collagen layer of the artificial dermis was lost and the basement membrane of epithelium was formed. After 6 weeks of grafting, both groups demonstrated orthokeratinized epithelium and increased thickness of epithelial tissue and the rete peg formation, similar to the adjacent tissue, Histologic evaluation revealed a biologic acceptance and incorporation of the collagen layers of the graft tissue to the host tissue, without foreign body reaction. In conclusion, a bilayer artificial dermis is essentially similar to autogeneous free gingival graft in the correction of mucogingival problems, and has the advantages of decreased patient morbidity (no donor site) and availability of abundant amounts of graft material when needed.

Treatment of Talipes Equinus Deformity Using Free Radial Forearm Flap and Achilles Tendon Lengthening (아킬레스건 신장술과 유리 전완부 피판술을 이용한 첨족 장애의 치료)

  • Kim, Dae Seung;Lee, Jong Wook;Ko, Jang Hyu;Seo, Dong Kook;Choi, Jai Ku;Jang, Young Chul;Oh, Suk Joon
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.593-598
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Talipes equinus deformity is defined as impossibility of heel weight-bearing and lacking of improvement of toe-tip gait despite sufficient duration of conservative treatment. The incidence of equinus deformity induces post-traumatic extensive soft tissue defect and subsequently increases it. Severe equinus deformities of the foot associated with extensive scarring of the leg and ankle were corrected using achilles Z-lengthening and free-tissue transfer. Methods: Free radial forearm flap was done in nine cases of eight patients from January 2000 to November 2006. Causes of deformity were post-traumatic contracture (one patient) and post-burn scar contracture (seven patients). Seven patients were male, one patient was female. Mean age was 32.1 (range, 10-57). Flap donors were covered with artificial dermis ($Terudermis^{(R)}$) and split thickness skin graft (five cases), and medium thickness skin graft only (four cases). Results: The size of flaps varied from $6{\times}12$ to $15{\times}12cm$ (average, $12{\times}7.8cm$). Achilles tendon was lengthened 4.2cm on average. Free radial forearm flap was satisfactory in all cases. All patients could ambulate normally after the surgery. Cases having donor coverage with $Terudermis^{(R)}$ were aesthetically better than those having skin grafts only. Conclusion: This study suggested that severe equinus deformities associated with extensive scarring of the leg and ankle can be corrected effectively free radial forearm flap and Achilles tendon lengthening.

Versatility of Radial Forearm Free Flap on Head and Neck Cancer in Old-Aged Patient and its Donor Site Morbidity (노인 두경부 종양환자에서 노쪽아래팔유리피판술의 유용성 및 공여부 결과의 비교)

  • Lee, Ki-Eung;Koh, Sung-Hoon;Eo, Su-Rak
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.92-100
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    • 2006
  • Radial forearm free flap (RFFF) has been established itself as a versatile and widely used method for reconstruction of the head and neck, although it is still criticized for high mortality of donor site. Delayed wound healing, cosmetic deformity, vascular compromise and potentially reduced wrist function have many plastic surgeons hesitate to adapt it as a first choice in micro-reconstruction. To overcome these drawbacks, some techniques for donor-site repair such as V-Y advancement with full thickness skin graft (FTSG), application of artificial dermis ($Terudermis^{(R)}$) or acellular dermal matrix ($AlloDerm^{(R)}$), and double-opposing rhomboid transposition flap have been reported. Authors performed 4 cases of RFFF in old-aged patients of the head and neck cancer from April 2005 to February 2006. We compared the outcomes of donor site of RFFF which were resurfaced with split thickness skin graft (STSG) only and STSG overlying an $AlloDerm^{(R)}$. Patients were all males ranging from 59 to 74 years old (mean, 67.5). Three of them had tongue cancers, and the other showed hypopharyngeal cancer. All cases were pathologically confirmed as squamous cell carcinomas. We included the deep fascia into the flap, so called subfascially elevated RFFF in three cases, and in the other one, we dissected the RFFF suprafascially leaving the fascia intact. The donor site of the suprafascially elevated RFFF was resurfaced with STSG only. Among three of subfascially elevated RFFFs, donor-sites were covered with thin STSG only in one case, and STSG overlying $AlloDerm^{(R)}$ in two cases. All RFFFs were survived completely without any complication. The donor site of the suprafascially elevated RFFF was taken well with STSG only. But, the partial graft loss exposing brachioradialis and flexor carpi radialis muscle was unavoidable in all the subfascially elevated RFFFs irregardless of $AlloDerm^{(R)}$ application. Considering that many patients of the head and neck cancer are in old ages, we believe the RFFF is still a useful and versatile choice for resurfacing the head and neck region after cancer ablation. Its reliability and functional characteristics could override its criticism for donor site in old-aged cancer patients.

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