• Title/Summary/Keyword: Artificial Deterioration

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Management Guidelines and the Structure of Vegetation in Natural Monuments Koelreuteria Paniculata Community (천연기념물 모감주나무군락의 식생구조와 관리제언)

  • Shin, Byung Chul;Lee, Won Ho;Kim, Hyo Jeong;Hong, Jeum Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.100-117
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzed vegetation structure of natural monuments Koelreuteria paniculata community in search of a conservation and management plan. Plant sociological analysis of Koelreuteria paniculata community indicates that it can be classified into Achyranthes japonica subcommunity and Rhodotypos scandens subcommunity and Trachelospermum asiaticum var. intermedium subcommunity. While Koelreuteria paniculata community of Ahnmyeondo is composed of sub tree layer and herb layer, those of Pohang and Wando are composed of tree layer, Sub tree layer, shrub layer, herb layer. The results of tree vitality analysis showed that those in Ahnmyeondo appeared to be relatively low when compared to those in Pohang and Wando-gun. This can be understood in two different aspects: disease and insects vulnerability due to a relatively simple structure and lack of competitive species, and decreased vitality / natural branch losses due to crown competition arising from high density. The result of soil characteristics analysis showed that soil texture, soil pH, organic matter, $p_2O_5$, exchange positive ion were sufficient for tree growth while total nitrogen was not, so that discretion would be needed for fertilizer application. As there were damages of disease and inscet, but only for 10~15% of the entire area; it still requires consistent preconsideration. The study suggests the management methods for preservation of Koelreuteria paniculata community. First, securing designated areas is necessary in order to minimize environment deterioration due to surrounding development. Especially, for sections with decreased areas, expansion of designated areas through land purchase should also be considered. Second, artificial interference may affect the livestock. Therefore, monitoring of artificial interference is necessary, based on which protection projects must be conducted. Third, from analysis of young plants which influence the maintenance mechanisms of Koelreuteria paniculata community, a decrease compared to the prior year was observed; investigation is needed. Therefore, an active management policy through status examination of livestock such as germination and young plants is necessary.

Detection Ability of Occlusion Object in Deep Learning Algorithm depending on Image Qualities (영상품질별 학습기반 알고리즘 폐색영역 객체 검출 능력 분석)

  • LEE, Jeong-Min;HAM, Geon-Woo;BAE, Kyoung-Ho;PARK, Hong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.82-98
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    • 2019
  • The importance of spatial information is rapidly rising. In particular, 3D spatial information construction and modeling for Real World Objects, such as smart cities and digital twins, has become an important core technology. The constructed 3D spatial information is used in various fields such as land management, landscape analysis, environment and welfare service. Three-dimensional modeling with image has the hig visibility and reality of objects by generating texturing. However, some texturing might have occlusion area inevitably generated due to physical deposits such as roadside trees, adjacent objects, vehicles, banners, etc. at the time of acquiring image Such occlusion area is a major cause of the deterioration of reality and accuracy of the constructed 3D modeling. Various studies have been conducted to solve the occlusion area. Recently the researches of deep learning algorithm have been conducted for detecting and resolving the occlusion area. For deep learning algorithm, sufficient training data is required, and the collected training data quality directly affects the performance and the result of the deep learning. Therefore, this study analyzed the ability of detecting the occlusion area of the image using various image quality to verify the performance and the result of deep learning according to the quality of the learning data. An image containing an object that causes occlusion is generated for each artificial and quantified image quality and applied to the implemented deep learning algorithm. The study found that the image quality for adjusting brightness was lower at 0.56 detection ratio for brighter images and that the image quality for pixel size and artificial noise control decreased rapidly from images adjusted from the main image to the middle level. In the F-measure performance evaluation method, the change in noise-controlled image resolution was the highest at 0.53 points. The ability to detect occlusion zones by image quality will be used as a valuable criterion for actual application of deep learning in the future. In the acquiring image, it is expected to contribute a lot to the practical application of deep learning by providing a certain level of image acquisition.

The Profile of Milling Plants in Korea (우리나라 양곡가공공장의 현황분석)

  • 정창주;금동혁;강화석
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 1978
  • This study was conducted to obtain a basic information necessary to assess present rice milling technology in Korea The profiles for milling plants was analyzed by survey work.For the private custom-work mills, which process about 80 percent of domestic rice consumption ,their actual milling test for the identical samples as used for filed mills was conducted. Two rice varieties Japonica and Tongil-type were associated with the experiments. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Analyses for private custom-work mills showed their general aspects as; about 91 percent of the mills belonged to an individual owner ship ; more than 93 percent of the mills was established earlier than 1950 ; about 80 percent of the mills was powered with electric motor; mills having less than two employees were about 75 percent; about 45 percent of the mills provided for warehouse in storing customers cereal grains. 2. The polishers installed in 1,255mills within the surveyed area (7 counties) have been supplied by 44 different domestic manufacturers ;in but about 60 percent of which was supplied by 6major manufacturers. The polishers could be classified into two categories in terms of principles of their polishing actions ;jet-pearler and friction types. About 51 percent of the mills was equipped with the former which has been recognized as giving greater milling recovery than the friction types. 3. Reason for owners of private mills to supplement new machines was due mainly to pgrading their mills to meet the requirements that established by the Government. However, about 60 percent of the mill owners intended to replace with new pearler by their own needs to meet with new high yielding varieties. 4. Processing systems of each previate rice mills surveyed could be classified into three categories, depending upon whether the systems posessed such components as precleaner and paddy separator or not. Only 36.7 percent of mills was installed with both precleanr ad paddy seperrator, 5.0 percent of mills did have neither percleaner nor paddy seperator, and rest of them equipped only one of the two. Hence,it is needed for about 63% of rice miils to be supplemented with these basic facilities to meet with the requirements for the standaized system. 5. Actual milling capacity measured at each field rice mills was shown a wide variation, having range from about 190 to 1,210 kg/hr. The percentages of mills classified according to daily milling capacity based on this hourly capacity were 24.3% for the capacity less than 3 M/T a day; 20.0% for 3-4 M/T; 15.6% for 4-5 M/T; 6.7% for 5-6 M/T; 22.3% for 6-7 M/T; and 11.0% for more than 7 M/T a day. 6. Actual amount of rice processed was about 310 M/T a year in average. About 42% of total milled rice was processed during October to Decembear, which formed a peak demand period for rice mills. The amount of rice milled during January to May was relatively small, but it had still a large amount compared to that during June to September. 7. Utilization rate of milling facility, i. e., percentage of the actual amount of milled rice to the capacity of rice mills, was about 18% on the year round average, about 41% in the peak demand season, and about 10% during June to September. Average number of operating days for mills surveyed was about 250 days a year, and about 21 days a month. 8. Moisture contents of paddy at the time of field mill tests were ranged 14.5% to 19.5% for both Japonica and Tong-i] varieties, majority of paddy grains having moisture level much higher than 1530. To aviod potential reduction of milling recovery while milling and deterioration of milled rice while storage due to these high grain mJisture contents, it may be very important for farmers holding rice to dry by an artificial drying method. 9. Milling recovery of JapJnica varieties in rice mills was 75.0% in average and it was widely ranged from 69.0% to 78.0 % according to mills. Potential increase in milJing recovery of Japonica variety with improvement of mill facilities was estimated to about 1.9%. On the other hand, milling recovery of Tong-il varieties in the field mill tests was 69.8% in average and it ranged from 62% to 77 %, which is much wider than that of Japonica varieties. It is noticed that the average milling recovery of Tong-il variety of 69.8% was much less than that of the Japonica-type. It was estimated th3.t up to about 5.0% of milling recovery for Tong-il variety could be improved by improving the present lo'.ver graded milling technology. 10. Head rice recoveries, as a factor of representing the quality of commercial goods, of Japonica and Tong-il varieties were 65.9% and 53.8% in average, and they were widely ranged from 52% to 73% and from 44% to 65% , respectively. It was assessed that head rice recovery of Japonica varieties can be improved up 3.3% and that of Tong-il varieties by 7.0% by improving mill components and systems.

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Experimental Studies on the Optimum Pasteurization Condition of the Cow's Milk Produced in Korea III. The Changes in Chemical Composition and Microbiological Aspects of High Temperature Pasteurized Milk (한국산(韓國産) 우유(牛乳)의 적정(適正) 살균조건(殺菌條件)에 관(關)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究) III. 고온살균처리(高溫殺菌處理)에 의한 우유(牛乳)의 화학적(化學的) 조성(組成) 및 미생물학적(微生物學的) 성상(性狀)의 변화(變化))

  • Kim, Jong Woo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.309-317
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    • 1987
  • The raw milk produced in Korea was heated at $70^{\circ}C$, $75^{\circ}C$, $80^{\circ}C$, $85^{\circ}C$, $90^{\circ}C$, $95^{\circ}C$ and $100^{\circ}C/15sec.$. The changes in chemical composition and microbiological aspects of the milk were summarized as following results: 1. In high temperature pasteurized milks as the heat treatment increased, pH value decreased but protein, fat, lactose and ash did not show significant changes in their contents while casein nitrogen and non-protein nitrogen increased but non-casein nitrogen and filterable nitrogen decreased in their contents. 2. Calcium content of raw milk decreased from 119.79mg/100g to 111.86mg/100g at $75^{\circ}C$ and to 106.24mg/100g at $100^{\circ}C$. Vitamin C decreased from $1.37mg/100m{\ell}$ of raw milk to $1.15mg/100m{\ell}$ at $75^{\circ}C$ and $0.94mg/100m{\ell}$ at $100^{\circ}C$. Artificial digestibility increased as the heat treatment got higher. 3. Viable bacteria counts decreased from $9.0{\times}10^3/m{\ell}$ at $75^{\circ}C$ to $3.4{\times}10^2/m{\ell}$ at $100^{\circ}C$. Coliforms were not found at $70^{\circ}C$ and thermoduric bacteria, thermophiles, psychrotrophic bacteria, mould and yeast decreased rapidly as the heat treatment increased. 4. The results of Keeping quality test for high temperature pasteurized milk showed that the' milks preserved at $25^{\circ}C$ and $37^{\circ}C$ were clotted just after 1 day but the milk preserved at $4^{\circ}C$ showed good shelf life which did not have any deterioration in titratable acidity, microorganisms and com positions.

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A Study on the Water Quality Management of Modular Revetment Structure installed Low-Maintenance Constructed Wetland (플랜터형 호안구조물을 설치한 저관리형 습지의 수질 제어 기작에 관한 연구)

  • Ham, Eun Kyung;Choi, Yun Eui;Kim, Min;Chon, Jinhyung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.184-192
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    • 2015
  • This study is a basic research for low maintenance constructed wetlands which can prevent water quality deterioration due to wetland soils. The purpose of this study is to analyze water quality control mechanisms of constructed wetland on the artificial ground which installed the modular revetment structure(MRS), a device that separates water and soil. This study was then conducted with two different wetland mesocosms (a treatment plot and a control). These mesocosms were monitored to analyze effects of water quality control of the MRS. A treatment plot was built, and separated into soil and water, by filling the MRS with the decomposed granite soil in the mesocosm made of rubber material. A control plot was built where the decomposed granite soils were exposed to water by leaving the soil on the bottom of the mesocosm made of rubber material. Water quality was then analyzed by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z examination which then showed that pH, BOD, SS, Chl-a, T-P, T-N had statistically valid difference between a container with the MRS and one without it. According to the analysis of the water quality, the temperature and the EC level came out similarly and both mesocosm showed same level on pH and DO. A treatment plot had higher levels of BOD, SS Chl-a, and T-P. A control plot's T-N value was little lower than that of the treatment plot. This study suggests method of constructed wetlands using the MRS prevents problems occurring in wetland soils: aridity of wetlands by soil erosion, eutrophication, and algal blooms due to nutrients released from wetland soil. These functions of constructed wetland with the MRS increase aesthetic, ecologic, social, and economic value of the wetland. Outcomes of this research will later enable more proficient way of stabilizing water quality and provide data for planning low maintenance constructed wetlands.

Evaluation of Water Quality Characteristics of Saemangeum Lake Using Statistical Analysis (통계분석을 이용한 새만금호의 수질특성 평가)

  • Jong Gu Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.297-306
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    • 2023
  • Saemangeum Lake is the largest artificial lake in Korea. The continuous deterioration of lake water quality necessitates the introduction of novel water quality management strategies. Therefore, this study aims to identify the spatiotemporal water quality characteristics of Saemangeum Lake using data from the National Water Quality Measurement Network and provide basic information for water quality management. In the water quality parameters of Saemangeum Lake, water temperature and total phosphorous content were correlated, and salt, total nitrogen content, pH, and chemical oxygen demand were significantly correlated. Other parameters showed a low correlation. The spatial principal component analysis of Saemangeum Lake showed the characteristics of its four zones. The mid-to-downstream section of the river affected by freshwater inflow showed a high nutrient salt concentration, and the deep-water section of the drainage gate and the lake affected by seawater showed a high salt concentration. Two types of water qualities were observed in the intermediate water area where river water and outer sea water were mixed: waters with relatively low salt and high chemical oxygen demand, and waters with relatively low salt and high pH concentration. In the principal component analysis by time, the water quality was divided into four groups based on the observation month. Group I occurred during May and June in late spring and early summer, Group II was in early spring (March-April) and late autumn (November-December), Group III was in winter (January-February), and Group IV was in summer (July-October) during high temperatures. The water quality characteristics of Saemangeum Lake were found to be affected by the inflow of the upper Mangyeong and Dongjin rivers, and the seawater through the Garuk and Shinshi gates installed in the Saemangeum Embankment. In order to achieve the target water quality of Saemangeum Lake, it is necessary to establish water quality management measures for Saemangeum Lake along with pollution source management measures in the upper basin.