• 제목/요약/키워드: Art Theory

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A Study of the Value of Psychological Recognition on The Pictorial Composition (화면구성에 있어서 심리적 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Chul
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2000
  • Certain complex forces are existing at the other side of a canvas. These are visual arrangements and within the arrangement, even the simple combination of dots and lines create more than visual patterns. No matter what form that visual art has taken, it is performed in a certain space and it is constucted with various visual elements. For effective communication, visual elements must form a stable sturcture by extablishing organic relationship among each other. These requires an understanding of the human visual characteristics and psychonology, because human sight senses the same biological and psychological visual elements differently in its force and weight, according to the position within a given space. Although the structure which controls such force and weight exists within a peice of work, it is a internal plan of the work that actually controls the communication through a man\ulcorner psychological reactions towards the horizontal and virtical structures within it. Moreover it is a visual statement that effectively expresses a theme or a message. This thesis has studied visual structures through the analysis of art pieces regarding of these kind of a visual picture plane, characteristics of a picture plane formed by a structure of force existing on the other side of the picture and the theory of visual balance. In addition, the aim of this study is to help designers who deals with visual image works to understand the visual structures and psychological recognitions and to apply these picture plane compositions at their real work by recognizing the psychological power within the construction elements.

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Presentation and Representation of Modernity in Modern Architecture - On Exclusion of Ornament and Emergence of the surface - (근대주의 건축에서 모더니티 표상의 문제 - 장식의 배제와 표면의 부각을 중심으로 -)

  • Khang, Hyuk
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.37-56
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    • 2006
  • Introducing International Style, P. Johnson and H. R. Hitchcock gave three standards to be the Modern, volume and surface, regularity, and exclusion of applied decoration. In spite of the negation of stylistic, formal approach in the Modernist Manifestoes, one usually have understood Modernity in Architecture with its formal character, especially with no ornament and flat, abstract, white surface. Modernism as a new paradigm in architecture have emphasized that there is no representation of anything outside and only present architecture in itself. They said that Modernism only cared about the language of Architecture without figural reference. So apparently there is no way to prove to its Modernity with formal condition. Modernity is in Spirit and contents. But actually we understand well its existence by visual communication This study deals with this difficult situation how Modernity represents itself without visual media and asks the question how simultaneously it presents its thingness and materiality In order to analyse contradictory situation between representation and presentation in Modern Architecture we need to survey the historical process of changing position of ornaments and its meaning in time. With the crisis of representation the role of ornament have seriously changed and divided. It caused the two situation in pre-Modern Architecture. Firstly, Architecture tend to be a high art and formal expression became important much more. The Use of Ornament became a kind of fashion to show the power, class, money. Secondly, Ornament lost its cultural weight and the structure and material aspect became the central in architecture. Rational Structuralism would be the essential character in Modern Architecture. Here the theory of G. Semper and A. Loos on cladding(dressing) and Ornament can help its problems and limits. In the situation without conventional ornament Modernists need to present modernity with new media that only show the thing itself and by that it does not represent any thing else as like the value, idea outside buildings. They believed that only it concerned esthetics and morality in architecture. But in reality it referred to art and machines as like ships, aircraft, and cars. By excluding Ornament and showing the process of clearing, abstract, flat, white surface 'represent' Modernity by the indirect way referring the concept of transparency, reason, sanitation, tectonics, etc. An Ideology and myth intervened architectural discourse to make the doxa about the representation in Architecture. Surface must be a different kind of media and message that can communicate in different way with compared to conventional Ornament. Decorated Shed by R. Venturi and Post-Functionalism by P. Eisenman, that are the most famous post-modern discourse, shows well difficult and contradictory condition in contemporary architecture concerning representation and form, meaning and form.

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Unlim Yechan's Thoughts and his literati paintings land (운임(雲林) 예찬(倪瓚)의 사상(思想)과 그의 문인화(文人畵) 경계(境界))

  • Kwon, Yun Hee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.419-427
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    • 2020
  • Ye-chan(倪瓚) is one of the four great masters of the Yuan. He built his own unique art world under the rule of the times under the rule of immigrahts. His theory of painting, i-ch'i(逸氣) in the heart, is a spiritual product made up of the influence of traditional oriental thoughts such as Confucian scholar(儒), Buddhism(佛), and Zen Buddhism(禪). The i-ch'i is a new awareness of nature that has arisen between literary noblemen(文人士大夫) under the influence of freshness(淸淡), emptiness(虛無), non-action(無爲). This is beyond the mundane world and became the theoretical basis for literati painting. The i-pi(逸筆) of Ye-chan is a method of drawing the i-ch'i in the heart. This is the boundary of his literati painting obtained through his long efforts and practice. Ye-chan realized the high ground of unity of poem and calligraphy(詩書一體) and unity of poem and Zen(詩禪一致), which he realized in his daily life.His artistic spirit expressed the high level of staying away from being clean(脫俗遠塵), doing not stay in one place(一所不住), and unity of poem and calligraphy(詩書一体). Through this, he built a unique world of literati painting in the Art World of the late Yuan and early Ming dynasty.

A Study on the Genre Painting by Gisan Kim, Jun-Geun as Export Painting (수출회화로서 기산 김준근(箕山 金俊根) 풍속화 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Young
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.8
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    • pp.89-119
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    • 2009
  • Kim, Jun-Geun(Gisan) was a late 19th century Chosen dynasty painter who created numerous genre paintings for West European clients in the newly opened treaty ports of Wonsan, Busan and Inchon. The treaty ports in the late 19th century Chosen represented of the crossroads the economy, values, and the institutions of the West European powers. In particular, the agriculture-based economy, Confucianism, and land-owner noble class started being eroded by a commerce-based economy, the values of Christianity, West European institution, and a new class of people who amassed wealth from commerce. As Kim, Jun-Geun's paintings were created for sale to West European clients, they exhibit characteristics that are distinct from the traditional genre paintings in terms of presentation style and the selection of the subject matters. The export genre painting originated in the 18th century around Guangdong, China. Broadly, there are two styles of genre paintings: the Guangzhou style and Ningbo style. Kim, Jun-Geun's paintings resemble the Ningbo style. The Ningbo style tends to highlight the main subjects, form an album of small paintings, and provide a simple treatment of the scenes without the background. Kim, Jun-Geun's paintings cover most aspects of life of common people of his time, ranging well beyond the subjects matters of the traditional genre paintings. His subject matters include the scenes of funeral, folk games, Buddhist and ancestor worship, prison and punishment, shaman custom, debauchees, government officials' formal trips, beggars and handicapped, etc. Many of the subjects are the neglected and the oppressed of the society. And he presents in detail the dress and its ornament that the subjects wear, and all the utensils and things around them. Besides, his subjects' faces are generally expressionless, and their postures are stiff; as such, the feeling of liveliness or movement is lacking. It may be the results of Kim, Jun-Geun's taking the other perspective, namely of his West European clients, rather than his own. The adoption of the other perspective may in turn be a product of the Social Darwinism and the new sense of values that accompanied the infusion of Christianity and West European institutions. Kim, Jun-Geun's portrayals of his subjects appear to reflect the attributes with which the West European Orientalists' of the period characterized the people of the Far East, namely, backwardness, barbarity, irrationality, violence, and mysticism.

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Visual Image of a Yangbanxi (Chinese "Model Play") Dating from the Cultural Revolution Period in China - With the Focus on Images of Revolutionary Heroes in the Beijing Opera The Red Lantern (중국 문혁기 모범극(樣板戱)의 시각이미지 - <홍등기(紅燈記)>의 혁명영웅상을 중심으로)

  • Moon, Jung-Hee
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.5
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    • pp.197-215
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    • 2007
  • Yangbanxi("model plays") symbolize the Cultural Revolution(1966~1976) in China. The Eight Model Revolutionary Works include five Chinese Modern Peking Operas, namely, Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy(智取威虎山), Harbor(海港), Shaijabang(沙家浜), The Red Lantern(紅燈記), and Raid on the White Tiger Regiment ; (奇襲白虎團), ballets such as The Red Detachment of Women(紅色娘子軍) and The White-Haired Girl(白毛女) ; and a symphony: Shajiabang(沙家浜). On April 24, 1967, Chinese leaders, including Mao Zedong, saw a performance of The White-Haired Girl. Yanbanxi was performed in Beijing between May 24 and June 15 the same year. The Red Lantern was designated as a work for the proletarian classes by Jiang Qing(Mao Zedong's third wife and the most influential woman in China) and spread nationwide. It was also made into a film to be enjoyed by many people. The modern Chinese operas went a long way in their creation of visual images of revolutionary heroes. The Red Lantern, in particular, came to be regarded as the most representative revolutionary opera. In the course of such a process, Jiang Qing used Yangbanxi as a political tool for compelling the people to worship and pledge their allegiance to Mao in an effort to turn the Cultural Revolution into a class struggle on behalf of her husband. During the Cultural Revolution period, artists were made to associate with workers, farmers and soldiers based on the idea of advocating revolutionary arts for the proletarian classes. The characters in The Rend Lantern were portrayed as heroes from the proletarian classes according to the demands of the era. Chinese leaders set forth the principles of artistic expression, stressing three important factors: politics, heroes, and heroic acts, which were to be applied to all the visual arts, including Yangbanxi. This paper attempts to present a new view of fine arts during the Cultural Revolution in China by focusing on the productive significance of a leading style of a specific era in the past. To that end, this paper sheds light on products made in conformance with political instructions, stressing the importance of revolutionary heroes in The Red Lantern.

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Strategies to Increase Competitiveness of Local Experience Space: A Study of the 4Es in the Experience Space of Sam-Rae Arts Village in Wanju-gun, Jeollabukdo (체험경제이론(4Es)에 따른 지역 체험전시관의 경쟁력 강화방안 : 전북 삼례문화예술촌 체험전시관을 중심으로)

  • Ha, Ji-Young;Lee, Seung-Hyun;Kim, Deok-Hyeon
    • Review of Culture and Economy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.161-184
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    • 2014
  • The dramatic rise of experience space using cultural heritage in modern architecture has been generally acknowledged in recent literature. The present study aims to investigate effective ways to enhance competitiveness in local experience space, with an emphasis on the use of cultural heritage in modern architecture. Using the case of the Sam-Rae Arts Village in Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk, this study analyzes the characteristics of the 4Es in experience economy theory. In order to arrive at findings that represent the variety of perspectives found in this context, qualitative interviews were conducted with three groups: public officials, maintenance staff in the experience center, and field experts. The results of this study revealed that the Visual Media Art Museum and Book Wooks were used for entertainment, the Corpentry Shop for education, the Book Museum for escapism, and the Design Museum Culture $Caf{\acute{e}}$ The O's for aestheticism. Additionally, depending on the commercial potential of the respective experience space, the Corpentry Shop, Book Wooks, and the Culture $Caf{\acute{e}}$ The O's were used for profit purposes while the Design Museum and the Visual Media Art Museum for non-profit. Based on the findings of the present study, effective ways to enhance competitiveness in the local experience space are suggested. First, the public nature of cultural enjoyment may be realized in a field that bears non-profit characteristics. In exhibiting works, the experience space could suggest the extra demonstration. Second, in the for-profit experience hall, the securing of tourists may help to maximize profit. In so doing, a variety of experience programs and activity spaces could be provided internally, while advertisement marketing through mobile and SNS could be reinforced externally.

A Study on the Type of Reading Aloud Performance for Children (어린이를 위한 낭독공연의 유형 연구)

  • Oh, Pan-Jin
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.37
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    • pp.223-247
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    • 2018
  • A reading aloud performance is an activity in which the actors convey the meaning of the play to the audience through reading the play without memorizing the play. Although this term has been used for a long time, it can be said in the early 2000s that Korea began to pay attention to reading aloud performance in the cultural world. As the theater education is strengthened in the 2015 revision curriculum, interest in this "reading aloud performance" is also growing. In this article, we analyzed the reading aloud performance of the 8th contemporary Japanese drama '2018' in order to utilize the reading aloud performance in the educational field and to utilize it in the lecture of the children education. There are two types of rehearsals for the actors on stage: 'Reading by watching drama', 'Playing by memorizing drama', and 'Mixing two types'. In the end, the key is that there is no set rule for the type of reading aloud performance. It's not trouble to see or not to see the play. It is not necessary to have a stereotype that you should do a proper reading aloud performance in consideration of your situation, but that you should do this. If children understand the concept of read aloud performance in a flexible way, the educational effect will be greater. Based on this analysis, we suggested 'not sticking to the form of reading aloud performance' and 'choosing various types of reading aloud performance' as a criterion for applying to the education field for children. In addition, the sub-criteria required for selecting 'various types of lecture performances' include' selecting a specific scene in the content of the play ',' considering the level or situation of the student ',' not hesitating to make a new type of lecture performance '. I hope that this article will be a stepping stone to revitalize the discussion in the educational world where discussion on the performance of reading aloud is requested, and to solve the problem of lack of educational design due to lack of theory.

Research on performers of Songpa Sandae-nori before and after the designation as cutural heritage (<송파산대놀이> 문화재 지정 전후 연희자 연구)

  • Lee, Hyo-nyoung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.36
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    • pp.783-837
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    • 2018
  • This study examines the lives and the performances of the people who participated in Songpa Sandae-nori(a korean traditional mask dance drama) before and after the designation as cultural heritage, and reviews the changes and the inheritance patterns of the mask dance which appeared in the lives of the performers. Chapter 2 reviewed previous debates about the derivational theory and the players of Songpa Sandae-nori before the flood in 1925, and discussed on awareness and the characteristics of the performers found through the review. Then the study went on to the inheritance patterns of the drama before the designation, focusing on the figures of Dolmari(a name of village in Songpa, Seoul) players who led the stage after 1925. As a result, the missing part of the activities and the lives of Dolmari performers have been more clearly identified, especially about Lee Beomman, Yeo taesan and Eum Joongeun(the main performers of Songpa Sandae-nori). Chapter 3 is about the inheritance patterns of the cultural heritage after the designation, and Heo Hoyoung was the main focus of the discussion. The researches so far have admitted his great contributions to the designation of cultural asset, although they have not proved how. After investigating various records and combining the testimonies of his students and locals, Heo Ho-young was found that he did not only gave plays of Songpa Sandae-nori but also actively engaged in the field of various traditional arts. Furthermore, jokes, dances, and masks left by him are considered to be evidences to reassess his performances.

Participatory Observation Records of the Prof. Sa jin-sil's Academic World (사진실 선생의 학문 세계에 대한 참여 관찰기)

  • Heo, Yong-ho
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.36
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    • pp.585-602
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    • 2018
  • This article examines the academic world of Professor Sa jin-sil. This article is not a detailed and rigorous assessment of Prof. Sa's work. During my directly or indirectly meeting with Prof. Sa jin-sil, the writing was based on my experiences. This is why the theme of "participatory observation records" is attached. I was aware that this writing would become a customary and formal funeral speech. Because I thought Prof. Sa also did not want formal and customary writing. The initiation of the participatory observational records that I describe was the literature study of Prof. Sa. What I am about to say in the title of the table of "Known Performance and to Revalue." There I summarized my thoughts on what Prof. Sa contributed to the research of the literature study on traditional performance and my opinion of the justice of the assessment of her contributions. I have not recommitted again about contributions or achievements that have already been widely recognized. What I noticed here was what was to be revalued. I once again stressed the achievements that were not properly evaluated despite their importance and significance. In the ensuing discussion, I looked at Prof. Sa's entirely different academic side. I call the passage "an unexpected result against prejudice." The subjects covered were Prof. Sa's field-contextual studies. Prof. Sa is often referred to as a dramatical history or a traditional performing arts scholar who studies literature. Such an idea is so common that it is easy to overlook field-contextual research results, not literature-based. But I think this is prejudice. That is why the title of the table of contents has the words 'unexpected' and 'prejudice'. Here I actively emphasized and evaluated Professor Sa's achievements in field-contextual studies.

The Geometrical Imagination of the MCU 'Phase 3' Movie (MCU '페이즈3'영화에 나타난 기하학적 상상력)

  • Kim, Young-Seon;Kim, Tae-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to interpret the MCU's universal worldview from the perspective of geometry and to storytell narrative elements with mathematical imagination. For storytelling, data from the Phase 3 series aired from 2016 to 2019 was used. The Phase 3 series stimulates the imagination of the public with the sense of reality shown in the narrative and images based on geometrical theory and various predictions about future technology. Imagination is the driving force for diverse and original thinking about the unexperienced, and the ability to find order in chaos and create new perceptions of matter. The power of imagination is very necessary not only in artistic activities, but also in the scientific field where logic and rationality are important. Bachelard's imagination aims for art, the primitive realm of human beings, and contains sincerity and passion for the wonders of nature and all things. By exploring the MCU's worldview and superhero narrative through geometrical logic and imagination-driven imagery, you can understand the cosmic messages and laws in the film. From a convergence point of view of art and science, various and original techniques based on mathematics and scientific imagination used in MCU video production will help to improve the quality of video analysis.