• 제목/요약/키워드: Antioxydant activity

검색결과 3건 처리시간 0.021초

국산 머루주의 품질 특성 및 생리기능성 (Quality Characteristics and Physiological Functionality of Wild Grape Wine)

  • 이대형;유형은;이종수
    • 자연과학논문집
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2005
  • To develop a new functional fruit wine, quality characteristics and physiological functionality of wild grape wine (WGW) were investigated and compared with that of foreign grape wine (FGW). Ethanol contents of WGW was 11.0%, similar to that of FGW(10.6%), but total acidity(0.67%) and total anthocyanin content($A_{520}$: 0.32) of WGW were higher than those of FGW(0.4%, 0.22). Antioxydant activity and SOD-like activity of WGW which is related in anti-aging functionality were 93.6% and 53.0%, respectively, higher than those of FGW(85.9%, 42.5%). from this results, we concluded domestic wild grape wine is very excellent functional fruit wine.

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기능성물질 첨가시 느타리버섯 생육 및 생리활성물질의 변화 (Effect of functional material addition on the growth and physiological activity materials in Pleurotus ostreatus)

  • 박재성;최재선;최성열;송인규;윤태;이준수;구창덕
    • 한국버섯학회지
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2009
  • 느타리버섯의 배지에 철, 고춧가루, 은행잎을 첨가하였을 때 버섯의 생육과 생리활성을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 수량은 춘추 품종에 철 34.9g을 첨가하였을 때 144g으로 가장 높았고, 나머지 품종간에는 차이가 없었으며, 34.9g 및 174.5g 처리시 17.4g 처리에 비해 수량이 높은 경향이었다. 자실체와 배지에 포함된 무기물의 함량은 종류별로 차이가 있었으며, 배지중 철의 함량이 증가하여도 자실체내의 철의 함량은 0.31~0.43mg/kg으로 거의 일정하게 유지되었다. 배지에 포함된 고춧가루의 함량이 많아질수록 자실체에 포함된 캡사이신의 함량도 많아졌으며, 수한품종에서 6mg/100g으로 가장 많이 전이되었다. 철이나 고추를 첨가한 배지에서 재배한 버섯에서 페놀성 화합물의 함량이 높게 나타났으며, 항산화력과 총 페놀성 화합물 함량, 환원력과 총페놀성 화합물 함량, 금속이온 제거능과 페놀성 화합물의 함량 간에는 서로 영향을 미치지 않는 경향이었다. Macrophage 활성화능은 수한 품종이 다른 품종에 비해 높은 경향이었다.

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Antioxidant Enzymes of Strains Panax ginseng C.A. Mey. and Panax quinquefolius L.

  • Slepyan L.I.;Kirillova N.V;Strelkova M.A.
    • 고려인삼학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 고려인삼학회 2002년도 학술대회지
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    • pp.502-508
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    • 2002
  • The strains of Panax ginseng C.A. Mey., P. quinquefolius L. and selected strains P. ginseng-B, P.ginseng-A, P. quinquefolius-C were investigated. Activities of SOD, catalase and peroxydase were determined by methods of Fridovich et al. (1979), Komov et al.(1975), Bovaird et al.(1982) respectively. Activities of SOD, catalase, peroxydase were investigated every day 5 in cycle of cultivation. For P. ginseng it was the 35 days, P. quinquefolius the 70 days, P. quinquefolius-C 90 days. P. ginseng-B 90 days, P. ginseng-A 60 days. The P. quinquefolius, P. quinquefolius-C, P. ginseng-B had clear differentiation and developed tracheid elements, which are absent in strain of P. ginseng. The peaks of protein content for P. ginseng (4.5 units/g) and for P. quinquefolius (3.5 units/g) were on day 10 and remained unchanged till the last cultivation. The strain P. ginseng-A had two peaks of protein content (2.5 mg/g) on day 15 and on day 30. For P. ginseng-B strain these peaks were on day 5 and day 40 (3.5 mg/g). Peroxydase activity peak (60 units/g) in P. ginseng strain was on day 10. This activity in P. ginseng-B had two peaks on day 15 and day 35 and reached 95 units/g , increasing to 150 units/g to day 80. In strain of P. ginseng-A was only one maximum of this activity -130 units/g on day 45. In P. quinquefolius peroxydase activity was 103 units/g on day 40, increasing to 135 units/g to day 90. For P. quinquefolius-C this activity peak was 136 units/g on day 60. Peroxydase activities for the upper and lower layers of biomass was different and varied considerably from 28-35 units/g in lower to 270-290 units/g for upper layer. The SOD activity had two peaks in P. ginseng strain the 80 units/g and the 70 units/g on day 20 and day 35 respectively. Activity of SOD in P. quinquefolius strain reached 53 units/g on day 40 and increased up to 83 units/g to day 60.The similar increase of SOD activity was marked for P. ginseng-B to 85 units/g on day 90. In P. ginseng strain the 6 molecular isoforms SOD was defined. One of them with RfO,6 was determined in all days of cycle, three other (Rf-0.43; 0.54;0.80) only on day 10 and day 20. The isoform of SOD with Rf-0,29 was detected only on day 10 and with Rf-0,35 only on day 35. The catalase activity decreased in all strains to the last days of cultivation. The changes of SOD, catalase and peroxydase activities reflect the differences between the strains of Panax ginseng and Panax quinquefolius and their selected forms. The correlation between maximum life span of strains and activities of their antioxydant enzymes were detected.

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