• 제목/요약/키워드: Annual production estimation

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대규모 해수담수화 플랜트에서의 전처리공정 비용 분석 (Cost comparison of pretreatment processes in large SWRO desalination plant)

  • 김영민;김진호;이상호;이창규;박광덕;최준석
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.555-560
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    • 2013
  • A cost analysis method for pretreament processes of a large scale seawater desalination plant was considered using a cost estimation model, WaTER (Water Treatment Estimation Routine). This model is based on cost functions of U.S. EPA to conduct economic analysis of water treatment facilities. A virtual seawater desalination plant which has pretreatment production capacity of $100,000m^3$ per day was chosen as a model plant. Dual media filtration and microfiltration systems were compared as pretreatment process, and the following reverse osmosis process was modeled. As a result, microfiltration showed a price competitiveness in condition of operating with reverse osmosis process by reducing the loads of water treatment and membrane cleaning despite it's high annual cost.

트롤 끝자루에 대한 보구치(Argyrosomus argentatus)의 망목 선택성 (Retention probability of trawl codend for silver croaker (Argyrosomus argentatus))

  • 김병관;박창두;이춘우;김형석
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제55권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2019
  • The annual production of silver croaker (Argyrosomus argentatus) in Korean towed fishing gears has been increased in recent five years. In 2017, the annual production of silver croaker in metric ton was increased 99.2% compared to 2013. However, the research for silver croaker has been focused on ecology in Korea. There has not been enough research in terms of fishing gears. Therefore, the research for retention probability for towed gears was conducted on covered codend method from June, 2016 to July, 2018. During the experiments, the total catch of silver croaker was 1,563. The geometry of the experimental trawl gear was controlled by trawl monitoring system; net height was 3.3 m, distance of trawldoors was 59.8 m and distance of wing net was 17.3 m. The selection curve for silver croaker was estimated by a logit model. The analysis was applied with the confidence interval to reduce uncertainty of the estimation. The $l_{50}$ was 13.87 cm and its selection range was 2.71 cm. P-value was estimated at 0.99. The mesh size for silver croaker in towed gears needs to be adjusted by considering its minimum maturity length, stakeholder's interests and fisheries regulations.

남한 삼림의 질소와 염기성 양이온의 흡수량 추정 (Estimation of the Nitrogen and Base Cation Uptake of South Korean Forest)

  • 심재면;박순웅
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2001
  • 1995년부터 1999년까지의 임업통계 자료를 사용하여 남한 삼림에서의 연순생산량과 질소(N) 및 염기성 양이온 (BC=K, Mg, Ca)의 흡수량을 추정하였다. 줄기와 가지의 연순생산량은 약 1.8 ton DM h $a^{-1}$ y $r^{-1}$이었으며 침엽수림에 비해 활엽수림의 연순생산량이 높게 나타났다. 삼림 전체 면적인 6.246$\times$106 ha에서 전 연순생산량은 약 1.13$\times$$10^{7}$ ton DW/yr 이었다. 1999년의 용재생산량으로 추정한 남한 삼림에서 줄기와 가지의 수확량은 약 6.1$\times$$10^{5}$ ton DW/yr 이었으며 단위 면적당 수확량은 98 kg DM h $a^{-1}$ y $r^{-1}$이었다. 한편, 생장에 의한 N과BC의 흡수량은 각각 350 mol h $a^{-1}$y sup -1/와 296 mol h $a^{-1}$ y $r^{-1}$이었고, 수확량에 포함된 N과 BC의 양은 각각 20mol h $a^{-1}$ y $r^{-1}$와 16 mol h $a^{-1}$ y $r^{-1}$로 BC에 비해 N의 흡수량이 높게 나타났다. 남한의 전 삼림에서 생장과 수확에 의한 N과 BC의 총 흡수량은 각각 2.309$\times$$10^{9}$ mol/yr와 1.953$\times$$10^{9 mol}$yr 이었다.

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노래미, Hexagrammos agrammus의 섭식양과 성장양으로부터 에너지 대사의 추정 (Estimation of Energy Budget from Food Consumption and Growth of Hexagrammos agrammus)

  • 김종관;장창익
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 1998
  • 본 연구는 von Bertalanffy의 성장식과 섭식양을 이용하여 자연조건하에서 노래미, Hexagrammos agrammus의 에너지 대사를 파악하기 위하여 시도된 것이며, 표본은 부산 동백섬 연안과 삼천포 신수도 연안에서 채집된 것이다. 에너지 대사 모델은 섭식양, 함장양, 흡수양, 동화양, 이화양, 배설양, 불소화배출양 등으로 구성된 표준화된 에너지 수지 모델을 이용하였으며, 에너지 대사의 구성요소별 측정단위는 열량단위가 아닌 중량단위로서 나타내 었다. 노래미에 의해 섭식된 연간섭식양이 에너지 대사의 구성요소별 배분되는 양 또는 을은 어체의 연령에 따라 달랐다. 에너지 대사의 구성요소별 추정값을 연령군별로 비교한 결과, 연간배설양은 어체의 연령이 증가할수록 감소하는 경향을 나타내었고, 나머지 구성요소는 어체의 연령이 증가할수록 증가하였다. 연령군별 평균체중 (W)과 연간흡수양($A_b$) 및 연간리화양(R) 간에는 각각 $A_b=4.592W^{0.666}$의 비선형과 R=0.007+0.567W의 선형관계가 있었고, 연간섭식양 (C)과 연간동화양 (A) 및 연간리화양 간에는 각각 A=-7.026+0.061C와 R=-20.749+0.048C의 선형관계가 있었다.

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A Comparison of Methods for Estimating the Productivity of Zostera marina

  • Park, Sang-Rul;Li, Wen-Tao;Kim, Seung-Hyeon;Kim, Jae-Woo;Lee, Kun-Seop
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2010
  • Because seagrass production significantly contributes to the biodiversity and production of coastal and estuarine ecosystems, accurate estimation of seagrass productivity is a critical step toward understanding the ecological roles of seagrass in these ecosystems. To develop an accurate and effective method of measuring seagrass productivity, we estimated leaf productivity of eelgrass (Zostera marina) on the southern coast of Korea using three methods, the conventional leaf marking method, the elongation-mass method (Short '87 method), and the plastochrone method. In each season, shoots were pierced through the bundle sheath using a hypodermic needle and were collected after 2-4 weeks had elapsed to estimate their productivity. The leaf elongation and the leaf plastochrone intervals varied significantly among seasons. On an annual basis, the conventional leaf marking method showed the lowest leaf productivity estimates compared to the elongation-mass method and the plastochrone method, suggesting that the conventional leaf marking method underestimated leaf productivity as it ignored leaf maturation processes and new leaf growth within the sheath. Since the elongation-mass method considered leaf maturation processes, this method produced higher leaf productivity estimates than the conventional leaf marking method. On an annual basis, the plastochrone method produced the highest leaf productivity estimates. Below-ground productivity, which can be easily estimated using the plastochrone method, ranged between 3.29 and 5.73 (mg dry weight $shoot^{-1}\;day^{-1}$) and accounted for about 17.8% to 30.3% of total productivity. Because of the high contributions of below-ground productivity to total seagrass production, we suggest that the plastochrone method is an effective and simple technique for assessing both above- and below-ground productivities.

관리전략평가(Management Strategy Evaluation) 방법에 의한 현행 TAC (Total Allowable Catch) 의사결정 검토: 고등어(Scomber japonicus) 어업의 경우 (A Management Strategy Evaluation of the Current TAC (Total Allowable Catch) Regulation in Korea: The Case of Chub Mackerel Scomber japonicus Fisheries)

  • 김도율;서영일;현상윤
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제55권6호
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    • pp.946-953
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    • 2022
  • Using the management strategy evaluation methods and data on the Korea chub mackerel Scomber japonicus where the state-space logistic production model is used as the operation and the estimation model respectivley, we examined the effects of both Dorn's rule, α and the buffer value for ABC (allowable biological catch), which are used by the Korea fishery managers for decision rules. We set scenarios that have different pairs of buffer and α values, which include those currently used in the management in Korea. Under each sceanario, we projected the fish population biomass until year 2050, during which ABC is determined in each year with the decision rule. We used three kinds of performance measures: (i) whether the biomass in 2050 is overfished; (ii) the average of annual yields over the simulation period; and (iii) the variability of annual yields over the period. We found that the current practice (buffer=0.9, and α = 0.05) resulted in the best performance in terms of avoiding the "overfished" status. However, the current practice failed to reach the maximum average of the annual yields and led to larger uncertainty in the annual yields.

터널식 소수력 발전소의 최적 설계유량에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Optimum Design Flowrate for Tunnel-Type Small Hydro-Power Plants)

  • 이철형;박완순
    • 물과 미래
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 1991
  • 본 연구는 터널식 소수력 발전소의 타당성 검토 기법에 관한 것으로 개발 후보지의 유량지속곡선을 작성하기 위해서 Weibull분포의 누적밀도함수와 Thiessen법을 채택하였고, 터널식 소수력 발전소의 성능예측 모델과 건설비 산정 모델이 개발되었다. 또한 한강 수계에 산재한 8개소의 개발후보지를 선정, 실측하여 이들을 대상으로 성능 특성 및 경제적 타당성을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 터널식 소수력 발전소의 경우 발전단가를 가장 낮게 하여 주는 최적 설계유량은 유량지속곡선상의 시간비가 20%에서 30%사이에 해당하는 유량이라는 것이 밝혀졌다. 또한 개발 후보지의 설계유량, 유효낙차, 설비용량, 년평균 가동율, 년간 전기 생산량 등과 같은 초기설계제원이 산정되었다.

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광합성율과 생물량에 기초한 Sargassum confusum의 생산성 계산 모델 (An Estimation of the Algal Production of Sargassum confusum (Phaeophyta) on the Coast of Ohori, East Sea, Korea, by Mathematical Models Based on Photosynthetic Rates and Biomass Changes)

  • 고철환;조성억
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.108-116
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    • 1991
  • 동해안 오호리에 서식하는 Sargassum confusum을 대상으로 광합성율과 생물량의 시간에 따른 변화를 조사하여 해조류의 년생산성을 예측하는 모델을 구성하였다. 즉 년생산량 P/SUB yr/를 P/SUB yr/ = .int.P/SUB t/·B/SUB t/dt (이때 P/SUB t/와 B/SUB t/는 주어진 시간에서의 광합성율과 생물량을 나타낸다)의 식을 설정하여 구하 였다. P/SUB t/는 수온과 광량의 함수로 보아 서로 다른 수온과 광도의 조건에서 광합 성을 측정하여 P/SUB t/에 대입하였다. 수온과 Sargassum confusum이 서식하는 수심 3 m를 기준으로 하였다. 모델에 의한 모의 결과는 수온이 일차생산량을 결정하는 가장 중요한 요인임을 보여주었다. 구름을 가정하여 30%의 광량을 무작위로 감소시켰을 때 해조류의 년생산량은 5%감소하였다.

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Growth and Production of Pholis nebulosa (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) in a Seagrass (Zostera marina) Bed of Southern Korea

  • Park, Joo Myun;Kim, Ha Won;Kwak, Seok Nam;Riedel, Ralf
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2021
  • The seagrass habitats are a highly productive marine ecosystem which provides nursery ground and shelter for many fish and invertebrate species. Pholis nebulosa (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) is one of the most abundant seagrass fishes in the coastal waters of Korea. The estimation of fish production is key for devising conservation measures and ensuring fish resources sustainability. A total 894 P. nebulosa ranging from 3.83 to 26.5 cm total length (TL) were collected monthly in 2006 with a small beam trawl in a seagrass bed of southern Korea. Growth parameters of P. nebulosa were estimated using the von Bertalanffy growth model, and production was estimated using a general equation which relates daily fish production to ash-free dry weight (AFDW), biomass, and water temperature. The von Bertalanffy's growth equation was estimated as: Lt = 28.3823(1-e-0.7835(t+0.9864)). The densities, biomass, daily, annual production, and P/B ratio were 0.069±0.061/m-2, 1.022±0.621 g/m2, 0.005±0.004 g AFDW/m2/day, 1.676 g AFDW/m2/yr, and 1.641, respectively. Monthly variation in production of P. nebulosa peaked during March and April 2006 (0.0139 and 0.0111 g AFDW/m2/day), whereas the lowest value of 0.0005 g AFDW/m2/day was in December. Monthly change in production of P. nebulosa was positively correlated with biomass and condition factor. Our results will contribute to the conservation of seagrass ecosystems, which are still undisturbed in the study area.

축산물(畜産物) 수요(需要)의 장기여측(長期予測)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the Long Term Demand Estimation for the Livestock Products)

  • 김철호
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.393-405
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    • 1983
  • The demand for livestock and poultry products including beef, pork, chicken, egg and milk whose income elasticities are relatively higher than other staple foods, has been increased significantly during the past two decades in response to the remarkable increase in per capita GNP. This trend will be continued during the fifth and the sixth five year economic development plan period beginning with 1982. The annual GNP growth rate will be 7.5% on the average during the next 10 years. It is greatly needed to estimate the demand for beef, pork, chicken egg and milk and to study the feasibilities of domestic production of livestock products for the formulation of adequate policies in order to equate the consumption and the production during the 1980s. So this study reviewed the possible changes in the food consumption patterns during the 1980s, estimated the demand for beef, pork, chicken, egg and milk by using empirical demand functions and finally made suggestions for the formulation of long term price stabilization policies for each livestock, poultry and dairy products through the equilibrium of the quantity of demand for and supply of the products. There are many factors affecting the demand for meats, but this study considered own price, prices of supplements and substitutes and per capita income as the independent variables in the demand equations. It was found that it's own price and income were most significantly affecting factors among others and the degree of substitution effects were remarkably different among the products. According to the meat demand derived in this study, per capita consumption of beef, pork and chicken in the base year 1982 was 11.2kg for total meat, 2.5kg beef, 6.0kg pork and 2.5kg chicken, 106 pieces egg, 15.1kg milk respectively, while those in 1991 were 19.3kg for total meat, 4.8kg beef, 9.6kg pork, 4.9kg chicken, 133pieces egg and 44.1kg milk. It is also predicted through this study that, when the level of production costs be maintained, the domestic production of pork and chicken will meet the demand for them during the fifth and sixth five year economic plan period. However, there will be chronic shortage of beef supply during the coming years. The annual import requirement will be 30,000tons to 40,000tons during the period. In order to stabilize the domestic livestock and poultry and dairy products market, the government should introduce measures to curb the increase in beef consumption by encouraging the consumption of pork and chicken. For this, the livestock production policy measures should be concentrated on : 1) the improvement of infrastructures of beef production by introducing advanced feeding and management technology, subsidies for the establishment of facilities and price support programs for farmers : 2) the development of dairy beef : 3) the reinforcement of the forecast systems for pork and chicken production and consumption.

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