• Title/Summary/Keyword: Annual mean radial growth

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A Consideration of the Possibility of Planting Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa on the East Sea Area in Gangwon-Province by Tree Ring Dating and Climatic Factor Analysis (삼나무, 편백의 연륜과 기후인자 분석을 통한 강원 동해안 지역 식재가능성 검토)

  • Son, Ho-Jun;Kim, Young-Sol;Kim, Nam-Young;Lee, Hak-Bong;Park, Wan-Geun
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2014
  • We measured radial growth of Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa growing in Gangneung, Boseong, Yangsan and Ulleung-do, respectively and analyzed its relationship with temperature and precipitation. We found from the result of tree ring counting that forest stands of Cryptomeria japonica in Gangneung and Boseong was 40 to 50 years old and 50 to 70 years old in Yangsan and Ulleung-do. According to climate change, the mean temperature in Gangneung was found to be $12^{\circ}C$ to $13^{\circ}C$ which was similar to that of Boseong and Yangsan 40 to 50 years ago. While the result of the radial growth measured from Cryptomeria japonica in Gangneung showed a slightly decreasing tendency compared to the other areas, Chamaecyparis obtusa showed an increasing tendency. In the case of Cryptomeria japonica, a strong negative correlation between radial growth and climate related variables including both mean temperature and mean precipitation existed in Ulleung. There was a strong negative correlation between radial growth and mean temperature for Chamaecyparis obtusa in Yangsan, although there was a positive correlation in Gangneung and Yangsan.

Possibility of Climate Change and Simulation of Soil Moisture Content on Mt. Hallasan National Park, Chejudo Island, Korea

  • Kim, Eun-Shik;Kim, Young-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2000
  • Changing patterns and the possibility of climate change in the area of Cheiudo island, the southernmost Island in Korea, were analyzed using daily temperature and Precipitation data observed at the Cheiu Regional Meteorological Office from May 1923 to December 1998. A hydrologic simulation model "BROOK" was used to simulate and analyze the dynamics of daily soil moisture content and soil moisture deficit by applying the daily weather data. During the period, significantly increasing pattern was observed in temperature data of both annual and monthly basis, while no significantly changing pattern was observed in precipitation data. During the last 76 years. mean annual temperature was observed to have risen about 1.4$^{\circ}C$, which may show the Possibility of the initiation of climate change on the island whose validity should be tested in future studies after long-term studies on temperature. Based on the simulation, due to increased temperature, significant increase was predicted in evapotranspiration. while no significant decrease was detected in simulated soil moisture content during the period. Changing pattern of annual soil moisture content was markedly different from those of precipitation. In some dominant trees, negative effects of the drought of the late season for the previous year were shown to be statistically significant to radial growth of the tree for the current year. As annual variation of radial growth of trees is mainly affected by the soil moisture content. the information on the dynamics of soil moisture deficit possibly provides us with useful information for the interpretation of tree growth decline on the mountain. mountain.

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Ecological Forest Management and Reforestation Problem -Comparison of Diameter Increment of Fraxinus rhynchophylla between Artificial, Natural and Coppice Forest- (생태적 숲관리와 조림 문제 -조림지, 천연림, 맹아림에서 물푸레나무 직경생장 비교-)

  • 김갑태
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2003
  • To develope reforestation methods for enviromentally sound and ecological forest management, Fraxinus rhynchophylla stand structure and radial growth of the trees were invstigated and compared by study sites. Plantation forest studied on Fraxinus rhynchophylla, was located at Jawoon-ni Nae-myeun, Hongcheon-gun and natural forest studied on Fraxinus rhynchophylla, was located at Jangjeon-ni Jinbu-myeun, Pyeungchang-gun. In 7,8 years after planting, differences of annual diameter increment among three stand origins were significant. The highest mean annual diameter increments of F. rhynchophylla, 4.60 mm/year was measured in sprouting trees, and followed by natural seedlings 4.59 mm/year. The lowest values, 4.18mm/year did in planting trees. Early radial growth of planting F. rhynchophylla was measured lower than that of sprouting or natural seedlings. These facts mean that planting F. rhynchophylla is not proper regeneration methods. Other regeneration methods of F. rhynchophylla forest, by sproutings, direct seeding and natural seeding, might be researched and recommended.

Structure and Dynamics of Taxus cuspidata Populations (주목(Taxus cuspidata) 개체군의 구조와 동태)

  • Chun, Young-Moon;Hong, Moon-Pyo;Lee, Na-Yeon;Seo, Eun-Kyoung;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed on the characteristics of community structure, species composition, population conditions and annual mean radial growth of Taxus cuspidata in the subalpine zone of the Seoraksan, Deokyusan, and Hallasan National Parks. Deokyusan and Hallasan sites had three layers of stratification structure without tree layer in it and four layer in Seoraksan site. The major dominant species in the order of importance value were as follows: T. cuspidata, Acer tschonoskii var. rubripes, Quercus mongolica, Abies koreana and Sorbus commixta. The trees (> 5 cm DBH) of T. cuspidata were extremely high with 986.0 individuals/ha at the Hallasan site. Average DBH class were 42.0 cm at the Hallasan site and mainly showed large class. The populations of seedlings and saplings with 357.3 individuals/ha, and juvenile with 128.6 individuals/ha, as a succession tree, were found to be the highest at the Hallasan site. In the size frequency distribution, the populations of T. cuspidata in Mt. Halla site showed a reverse J-shaped curve and it was estimated that T. cuspidata community of this site might be maintained continuously as a stable state like present state. Annual mean radial growth of T. cuspidata populations at Seoraksan, Deokyusan, and Hallasan sites showed up as 1.27 mm/year, 0.93 mm/year and 0.89 mm/year respectively.

Ecological Forest Management and Reforestation Problem -Comparison of Diameter Increment of Juglans mandshurica between Artificial and Natural forest- (생태적 숲관리와 조림 문제1-조림지와 천연림에서 가래나무의 직경생장 비교-)

  • 김갑태
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.309-315
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    • 2004
  • To estimate planting results of deciduous broad-leaved species, forest structure and radial growth of the trees were investigated and compared by species and studied sites. Plantation forest studied on Juglans mandshurica, was located at Jawoon-ni Nae-myeun, Hongcheon-gun and natural forest studied on Juglans mandshurica, was located at Jangjeon-ni Jinbu-myeun, Pyeungchang-gun. In 9 years after planting, differences of annual diameter increment among three stand origins were significant. The highest mean annual diameter increments of J. mandshurica, 7.31mm/year was measured in natural seedlings, and followed by sprouting trees 6.93mm/year. The lowest values, 5.28mm/year did in planting trees. Early radial growth of planting J. mandshurica was measured lower than that of sprouting or natural seedlings. These facts means that planting J. mandshurica is not proper regeneration methods. Other regeneration methods of J mondshurica forest, by sproutings, direct seeding and natural seeding, might be researched and recommended.

Ecological Forest Management and Reforestation Problem -Comparison of Diameter Increment of Three Genus Betula Species between Artificial and Natural Forest- (생태적 숲관리와 조림 문제 -조림지와 천연림에서 자작나무속 세 수종의 직경생장 비교-)

  • 김갑태
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.224-231
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    • 2003
  • To develope reforestation methods for environmentally sound and ecological forest management, stand structure and radial growth of the trees were investigated and compared by species and study sites. Plantation forest studied on Betula costata, Betula platyphylla var. japonica and Betula davurica, was located at Jawoon-ni Nae-myeun, Hongcheon-gun and natural forest studied on Betula costata, was located at Jangjeon-ni Jinbu-myeun, Pyeungchang-gun. In 12.3 years after planting, differences of annual diameter increment among three Betula species were significant. The highest mean annual diameter increments, 7.67mm was measured in planting Betula costata, and followed by planting Betula platyphylla var. japonica and Betula davurica, and the lowest values. 4.32mm did in natural Betula costata. If planting Genus Beula in this district. Betula costata might be the best species. From these facts, massive planting of three Betula species in this district might have much problems, but might be evaluated as proper trial.

Relationships between Climate and Tree-Ring Growths of Mongolian Oaks with Various Topographical Characteristics in Mt. Worak, Korea (지형적 특성에 따른 월악산 신갈나무의 연륜생장과 기후와의 관계)

  • Seo, Jeong-Wook;Park, Won-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2010
  • To analyze the relationship between climatic factors (monthly mean temperature and total precipitation) and tree-ring growths of Quercus mongolica Fischer (Mongolian oak) with different topographic sites in Mt. Worak, more than 10 trees were selected from each of seven stands. Two cores from each tree were measured for ring width. After crossdating, each ring-width series was double standardized by fitting first a negative exponential or straight regression line and secondly a 60-year cubic spline. Seven stands were categorized in two groups using cluster analysis for tree-ring index patterns. Cluster I (four stands) was located in higher elevation (550-812 m) with aspects of east, west and northwest, and cluster II (three stands) was located in rather lower election (330-628 m) with aspects of north and northwest. The aspects of two clusters were not significantly different. Response-function analysis showed a significant positive response to March precipitation for both clusters. It indicates that moisture supply during early spring season is important to radial growth because the cambial growths of ring-porous species, such as Mongolian oak, start before leaf growth. Cluster II showed a positive response to the precipitation of middle and late growing season, too.

Characteristics of Fraxinus chiisanensis Distibution and Community Structure of Mt. Minjuji on Chungcheongbuk-do (충북 민주지산 물들메나무 분포 및 군락구조 특성)

  • Choi, Dong-Suk;An, Ji-Young;Oh, Choong-Hyeon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.632-643
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    • 2021
  • The objective of this study was to examine vegetation community structure and distribution of Fraxinus chiisanensis in Mt.Minjuji of Chungcheongbuk-do by setting up and surveying 8 plots (400 m2 each). Mean Importance Value (MIV) of Fraxinus chiisanensis in 8 plots was 35.19% in average (ranging from 26.07~42.74%). Since it is the dominant species in all plots, it is expected to maintain the present vegetation structure. The analysis of the DBH (diameter at breast height) showed that the diameter of Fraxinus chiisanensis in Mt.Minjuji ranges from 2 to 43cm. The majority of Fraxinus chiisanensis is expected to maintain current state unless disturbance or rapid environmental change occurs. The Species Diversity (H') was 0.8498~1.0261, Evenness (J') was 0.8160~0.9256, Dominance Index (D) was 0.0789~0.1840, Maximum Diversity (H'max) was 1.0414~1.2041. The analysis of annual ring and radial growth showed that the average age of Fraxinus chiisanensis in Mt.Minjuji was 29.1years(ranging from 22~58years). The average annual radial growth of Fraxinus chiisanensis was the highest in community G with 5.84mm and the lowest in community B with 2.80mm. The similarity index analysis revealed that the similarity index between community B and E, C and F, H was the highest with 69.0%, and the similarity index between community E and F was the lowest with 29.6%. Both the area of Fraxinus chiisanensis community of Mt.Minjuji and its population size are very small. Therefore, this area needs to be designated as Forest Genetic Resource Reserve.

Population Structure and Dynamics of the Picea jezoensis Stand in Mt. Gyebangsan (계방산 가문비나무 임분의 개체군구조와 동태)

  • Ko, Seung-Yeon;Han, Sim-Hee;Yun, Chung-Weon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.3
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    • pp.355-364
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to investigate the population structure and dynamics of the Picea jezoensis stands which are located in Mt. Gyebangsan and surveyed from March to October 2012. Results showed that the diameter class distribution of P. jezoensis presented a reverse J-shaped distribution pattern with 32 trees less than 10 cm DBH, 20 trees in 10~30 cm DBH, and 11 trees more than 30 cm DBH. It showed seedlings and saplings of P. jezoensis seem to prefer areas with more sun light or with open upper layer. It was also observed that P. jezoensis preferes areas with organic soils and abundant water such as areas around stumps. Also, occurrences of P. jezoensis stands were analyzed through annual mean radial growth of the trees. And the results showed that the growth naturally or artificially occurred approximately on the years 1854, 1915, 1918, 1993 and 2002 years. Most of the gap-makers were classified as standing dead type with 23 individuals (45.1%).

Estimation of thinning period of Larix kaemferi Carr. plantation in the central part of Korea (중부지방 낙엽송 조림지의 간벌 시기 추정)

  • 이종희;김홍은;권기철;정택상
    • Journal of Korea Foresty Energy
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2001
  • Larix kaemferi Carr. is one of main timber species in Korea that could be found in plantations and growing stands on all over the country The proper practice of thinning is one of very important techiques in silviculture, which greatly affects the quality and size of timber produced. Proper thinning period is considered to be important for maintaining stand growth before competition initiated. To investigate suitable thinning period, this study investigates the volume and radial growths of Larix kaemferi plantation in Mt. Worak located in the central part of Korea. The main findings and conclusions obtained from this study were as follow ; (1) The tree height curve equation for Larix kaemferi in Mt. Worak was calculated H=4.25783+0.80024D(H=Tree height, D=DBH). (2) To estimate tree volume for Larix kaemferi by DBH and tree height or only by DBH, regression equations were calculated as V=0.00147-0.002095D-0.000211H+0.00015D.H++$0.000744D^2$+$0.000008H^2$(V=Volume(($m^3$), H=Tree height(m), D=DBH(cm)), V=0.0000794-0.000512D+$0.000826D^2$. (3) The criteria of estimating thinning time of Larix kaemferi are the age when maximum tree height-MAI(mean annual increment) obtained and the age when annual DBH increments of dead trees decrease to below average. (4) The age of maximum tree height MAI was not significantly correlated with stocking. Therefore, it can not be used as a criterion for estimating thinning time of Larix kaemferi (5) The estimated thinning time equation of Larix kaemferi was obtained by regression analysis of the disk section collected from dead trees. The obtained equation is Y=0.2825+0.01752X(Y=Desirable thinning age, X=the sum total of nearest 4-trees interval(cm)). (6) General estimated thinning age of Larix kaemferi, which planted 3,086 stocks/ha, is concluded as 12 to 14 year.

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