• Title/Summary/Keyword: Angelica gigas

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Quality Characteristics of Bread with Added Angelica plant (Bakluncho) and Angelica Gigas (Senggumcho) Powders (백련초분말과 승검초분말 첨가에 따른 식빵의 품질 특성)

  • Jeon, Eun-Raye;Park, In-Duck
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.3 s.217
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    • pp.163-169
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    • 2006
  • The effects of adding Angelica plant (Bakluncho) and Angelica gigas (Senggumcho) powders on the quality characteristics of bread were investigated. The moisture, crude protein, ash, reducing sugar and vitamin C contents of Angelica plant (Bakluncho) powder were 7.78%, 6.07%, 7.37%, 6.13% and 50.10mg%, respectively, and of Angelica gigas (Senggumcho) powder were 8.69%, 12.28%, 5.15%, 2.21% and 108.00mg%, respectively. The lightness value decreased but the redness and yellowness values increased with the addition of Angelica plant (Bakluncho) and Angelica gigas (Senggumcho) powders. The mechanical hardness of bread decreased with the addition of 3% of Angelica plant (Bakluncho) powder, but increased with the addition of 1% and 5% of Angelica plant (Bakluncho) powder. The mechanical hardness of bread decreased with the addition of 1%, 3% and 5% of Angelica gigas (Senggumcho) powder. In sensory characteristics, the crust color, crumb color, moistness and springiness decreased, but aroma and hardness increased with the addition of Angelica plant (Bakluncho) and Angelica gigas (Senggumcho) powders. The savory taste and overall quality of breads with 1% Angelica plant (Bakluncho) and 1% Angelica gigas (Senggumcho) powders were higher than without either powder. A negative correlation was observed between mechanical hardness and overall bread quality with the addition of Angelica plant (Bakluncho) powder, while a positive correlation (p<0.01) was observed with the addition of Angelica gigas (Senggumcho) powder.

Quality Characteristics of Cookies Containing Powder of Extracts from Angelica gigas Nakai (참당귀 추출물을 첨가한 쿠키의 품질 특성)

  • Moon, Young-Ja;Jang, Soon-Ae
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2011
  • The principal objective of this study was to develop processed food with the effect of extract from Angelica gigas Nakai by assessing the quality characteristics of cookies. Cookie samples were prepared with shredded extract from Angelica gigas Nakai at varied levels of 0, 1, 3, and 5%. The pH of dough decreased significantly with the added extract from Angelica gigas Nakai and the density increased significantly in the 5% added group(p<0.05). The spread factor decreased significantly as the added extract from Angelica gigas Nakai increased(p<0.05). The Hunter color's L value in cookies significantly decreased and the a, b values in cookies increased(p<0.05). The hardness of cookies significantly increased added extract from Angelica gigas Nakai increased(p<0.05). The acid value and peroxide value were lower in added Angelica gigas Nakai extract groups than in the control group as the storage period of cookies passed. The results of sensory characteristics demonstrated that 1% added Angelica gigas Nakai extract showed the highest degree of preference among all the items of added Angelica gigas Nakai extract(color, odor, taste, hardness, crispness and overall quality) and the added Angelica gigas Nakai extract indicated possibilities for developments of Angelica gigas Nakai extract cookies.

Immunostimulating Effects of Angelica Gigas by Radio-Protective (당귀의 방사선 방호에 의한 생체면역 증진 효과)

  • Kim Kyung-Yoon;Jeong Hyun-Woo;Kim Gye-Yeop
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1256-1260
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Angelica gigas on jejunal survival, endogenous spleen colony formation and jejunal crypt cells of mice irradiated with Gamma-ray irradiation. The subject of this study includes 42 mice which were divided into each 7 groups. Angelica gigas experiment groups were Angelica gigas + Gamma-ray(10Gy), Angelica gigas + Gamma-ray(3Gy), Angelica gigas. Gamma-ray(1 Gy), Gamma-ray control (10Gy), Gamma-ray control(3Gy), Gamma-ray control(1Gy), Normal groups. In the present study to evaluate the effect of Angelica gigas on jejunal crypt survival, endogenous spleen colony formation, and apoptosis in jejunal crypt cells of mice Gamma-ray with each dose of Gamma-ray irradiation. The results of this study were as follows: In low-dose(1Gy) Gamma-ray radiation were treatment of Angelica gigas showed significantly increased(p<0.05) on the cell death apoptosis in crypt, intestine crypts survival of intestine after gamma-ray irradiation. High-dose(10Gy) Gamma-ray, treatment of Angelica gigas showed significantly increased(p<0.05) on the leukocyte. The above results suggest that Angelica gigas were immunostimulating effectively reduced Gamma-ray irradiation.

A Review of Pharmacological Effects of Angelica gigas, Angelica sinensis, Angelica acutiloba and their Bioactive Compounds (참당귀, 중국당귀, 일당귀 및 그 구성 생화합물의 약리작용에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Sun-Ae;Oh, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Ji-Young;Hong, Jin-Woo;Cho, Su-In
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2011
  • Backgrounds: Danggui, one of the major herbs in Korean traditional medicine consists of three species: Angelica gigas of Korea, Angelica sinensis of China, and Angelica acutiloba of Japan. Despite its importance in Korean traditional medicine, recognition of the clinical differences between its three species is insufficient. Objectives: The purpose of the present review is to suggest evidence in using Angelica gigas, Angelica sinensis, and Angelica acutiloba distinctively in clinic, by comparing their pharmacological effects and bioactive compounds. Methods: We searched articles published from 2000 to 2009 in Pubmed, EMbase, and RISS. The search keywords were "Angelica gigas", "Angelica sinensis", "Angelica acutiloba", "dongquei", "toki", "Angelicae Radix", "Archangelica officinalis Hoffm.", "Garden Angelica", "Chinese angelica root", "tangkuei", and "danggui". 861 articles were searched. Among them, we selected 143 articles which met our inclusion criteria. Results: This review summarizes active constituents, experimental studies, clinical studies, pharmacokinetics, side effects and toxicity, drug interaction, and industrial use of Angelica gigas, Angelica sinensis, and Angelica acutiloba. Conclusions: While Angelica sinensis and Angelica acutiloba are relatively similar, Angelica gigas is quite different from the others in main active constituents and genetic form. The main experimental studies of Danggui are cardiovascular studies, central nervous system studies and anti-cancer activity. Even though there were cases in which the three species show similar pharmacological effects, the mechanism was not always shared. Therefore, distinguished use of Angelica gigas, Angelica sinensis and Angelica acutiloba is needed.

Comparison of Activity of Angelica Gigas and Angelica Acutiloba from Kangwon (강원도 재배 참당귀 및 일당귀의 활성에 대한 비교연구)

  • Lee, Seon-Goo
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.1158-1162
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    • 2008
  • In genus Angelica, three species have been used and cultivated for medical material in orient, A. gigas in korea, acutiloba in Japan and sinensis in China. The plant material of Angelica spp. is used for the treatment of women's disease as a hematic. The extracts from A. gigas and acutiloba were fractionated aqueous partitions. And study was performed to examine DPPH scavenging activities, BSA degradadion, anti-apoptosis and NO scavenging. DPPH radical scavenger activity was measured by DPPH method, it was shown dose-dependently effect. and BSA degradadion was shown same result. Treatment of cells with hydrogen peroxide, a reactive oxygen species was to indiced cell death and pretreatment with Angelica gigas and angelica acutiloba extract attenuated the occurrence of $H_2O_2$-induced cell death. In vitro nitric oxide (NO) scavenging effect on Angelica gigas and angelica acutiloba extracts. All extracts effectively reduced the generation of NO radicals in a dose-dependant manner.

Inhibitory Effects of Angelica gigas Nakai on Ulcerative Colitis in DSS-induced ICR Mice (당귀 추출물의 궤양성 대장염 억제 효과에 대한 연구)

  • Nam, Hae In;Baik, Tae Hyun
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.439-446
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Angelica gigas Nakai on ulcerative colitis. Mice were divided into 5 groups: Control group, DSS group, 5-ASA group, 50mg/kg Angelica gigas Nakai group, 100mg/kg Angelica gigas Nakai group. Four groups, excluding the control group, were fed a 5% solution of dextran sulfate sodium(DSS) in water for 7days to induce ulcerative colitis. Each water extract was administrated orally for 7 days in 5-ASA group, 50mg/kg Angelica gigas Nakai group and 100mg/kg Angelica gigas Nakai group. 5 groups were evaluated by weight, length of intestine, weight of spleen, disease activity index(DAI), amount of cytokine IL-6 production, thickness of bowel wall and degree of inflammatory cell infiltration and intestinal tissue damage. Comparing to DSS group, 100 mg/kg Angelica gigas Nakai group showed significant suppressive effect of weight loss until 4th day of experiment while 50 mg/kg Angelica gigas Nakai group showed no significant effect of suppression. Decrease of intestinal length, enlargement of spleen, intestinal tissue damage and thickening of bowel wall were significantly suppressed in both 50 mg/kg and 100mg/kg Angelica gigas Nakai group. Also disease activity and cytokine IL-6 production were inhibited significantly. Based on this result, Angelica gigas Nakai seemed to have anti-inflammatory effect and also seemed to suppress histological changes and aggravation of ulcerative colitis.

Quality Characteristics of Pound Cake added with Angelica gigas Nakai Powder (당귀분말 첨가 파운드케이크의 품질특성)

  • Park, Geum-Soon;An, Sang-Hee
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.463-471
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    • 2012
  • Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of pound cake prepared with various levels of Angelica gigas Nakai powder were investigated. The pH of batter prepared with Angelica gigas Nakai powder ranged between 7.17 and 7.30 and that of the control was 7.34. The moisture content and pH of pound cakes was found to decrease with increasing Angelica gigas Nakai powder content. The specific volume of the control cake was 1.793 ml/g, that of pound cakes prepared with Angelica gigas Nakai powder was 1.806~2.026 ml/g. The baking loss rate of the control was 11.33% and that of pound cakes prepared by adding Angelica gigas Nakai powder was 10.29~6.66%. DPPH radical scavenging activity of the control group was 23.58%, whereas pound cakes prepared by adding Angelica gigas Nakai powder ranged from 38.77~77.60%. The a value of redness was increased, but L and b value were decreased significantly by the addition of Angelica gigas Nakai powder. The hardness and brittleness of the pound cakes were increased significantly by the addition of Angelica gigas Nakai powder. Sensory evaluation scores in terms of flavor, taste and overall preference for pound cakes were higher for the 2% substituted sample group than for any of the others. The results of this study suggest that the addition of 2% Angelica gigas Nakai powder was the best substitution ratio for pound cake.

Study on Biophoton Emission from roots of Angelica gigas N., Angelica sinensis D., and Angelica acutiloba K (한국 당귀, 중국 당귀, 일본 당귀의 생체광자(Biophoton) 방출 비교 연구)

  • Park, Wan-Su;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Soh, Kwang-Sup;Lee, Young-Jong;Lee, Choong-Yeo;Lee, Tae-Hee;Kim, Youn-Sub;Kim, Do-Hoon
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to investigate the delayed luminescence-biophoton emission from roots of Angelica gigas N., Angelica sinensis D., and Angelica acutiloba K These three species of Genus Angelica are now used as 'Danggui' in Traditional Korean Medicine. Methods : Randomly selected samples from roots of Angelica gigas N., Angelica sinensis D., and Angelica acutiloba K were radiated with 150 W metal halide lamp for 1 minute. After radiation, biophoton emissions of each sample were detected by electron multiplication-charge coupled device camera. The detected biophoton image was calculated with unit of counts per pixel. Results : The average and maximum biophoton emissions of delayed luminescence with electron multiplication ratio of ${\times}150$ and ${\times}250$were distinguished significantly between Angelica gigas N. and the other two species. Conclusions : These results suggest that biophoton imaging of roots of Angelica gigas N., Angelica sinensis D., and Angelica acutiloba K. could become the meaningful method for the study of differentiation between root of Angelica gigas N. and the other two species, Angelica sinensis D. and Angelica acutiloba K.

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Cytotoxic Coumarins from the Roots of Angelica gigas NAKAI

  • 히데지
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.13-15
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    • 1994
  • Some known coumarins, decursin, nodakenetin, umbelliferone, 7-demethylsuberosin, columbianetin, decursinol angelate and decursinol, showing significant cytotoxic activities against P388 cell lines,were isolated from the roots of Angelica gigas (Umbelliferae) . 7-Demethylsuberosin and columbianetinwere obtained from Angelica gigas for the first time. Chernotaxonornic difference about coumarins com-ponents between the roots of Angelica gigas and those of A. acutiloba is also discussed.

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Quality Characteristics of White Pan Bread by Angelica gigas nakai Powder (당귀 분말을 첨가한 식빵의 품질특성)

  • Shin, Gil-Man;Kim, Dong-Young
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.497-504
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    • 2008
  • The effects of Angelica gigas nakai powder on bread quality during storage period were evaluated. Breads were prepared by the addition of 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10% of Angelica gigas nakai powder to flour of the basic formulation. The moisture, crude protein, crude fat and crude ash contents of the bread decreased by increasing amounts of the Angelica gigas nakai powder were the lowest in the control group. There were no significant difference in pH of the bread among each experiment groups. The weight of bread increased with increasing Angelica gigas nakai powder concentration, while the volume of dough decreased. In color values, with increase of Angelica gigas nakai powder concentration, L value decreased in the crust and crumb, but a and b values increased. As the results of texture, hardness, gumminess and chewiness were increased with increase of Angelica gigas nakai powder concentration, but adhesiveness, springiness and cohesiveness were decreased. Softness in the crumb stored for 1 or 7 days was the highest for the bread made with 2% Angelica gigas nakai powder, and chewiness was the lowest for the bread made with 5% Angelica gigas nakai powder. The water activity in the bread stored for 3 days was the highest for the breads made with 2% and 3% Angelica gigas nakai powders. After 7 days, the water activity tended gradually to decrease. In the results of sensory evaluation, the quality of the 0.5% or 1% Angelica gigas nakai powder bread showed the highest in taste and flavor. The color, taste, flavor, appearance, texture, and overall acceptability of the bread decreased with the increasing Angelica gigas nakai powder content. Considering the able outcome, the addition of Angelica gigas nakai powder by 0.5% and 1% is thought to play a role as a functional breads, along with the improvement of quality.