• 제목/요약/키워드: Amorphous Structure

검색결과 984건 처리시간 0.027초

Simulation of Material Properties of Amorphous Carbon Nitride with Non-uniform Nitrogen Distribution

  • Lu, Y.F.;He, Z.F.
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2001
  • A simulation method is proposed to study the amorphous structure of carbon nitride. The material properties of a non-uniform nitrogen distribution in an amorphous CN matrix can be studied. The cohesive energy of a group of randomly generated atoms can be minimized to find the relative positions of atoms. From the calculated configuration of atoms, many properties of amorphous carbon nitride can be calculated such as bulk modulus, P-V curve, sp$^3$/sp$^2$ ratio of carbon, and vibrational spectra. The calculation shows that the cohesive energy of non-uniform nitrogen distribution is lower than that of a uniform distribution. This may suggest that the regular structure of carbon nitride can at most be metastable. It is not easy to incorporate nitrogen atoms into a carbon matrix.

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Al/비정질 Se/Al구조에서의 암기력발생현상에 관한 연구 (A Study on Dark EMF Phenomena in Al/Amorphous Se/Al Structure)

  • 정홍배;신병규;이영종
    • 대한전기학회논문지
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    • 제32권6호
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    • pp.199-204
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    • 1983
  • In this paper, we investigated that the Al-Amorphous Se-Al structure had a large photovoltage and a Dark EMF (DEMF). This DEMF phenomena did not show just after the fabrication of a sample. However, it was shown after a few days, and it was increased with time, and was saturated after 30 days. Just after the fabrication of a sample, by appling the positive voltage on a sample for 100mins, we observed almost the same effect as had shown in a aging experiment. As the results, we found that Al3+ ions has related to a DEMF by migrating into amorphous Se, and form a trap in amorphous Se. We have also observed the photocapacitance effect to identify this trap formation.

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The Effect of Hydrogen on the Tribological Properties of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Films

  • Shin, Jong-Han;Lim, Dae-Soon
    • The Korean Journal of Ceramics
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.96-100
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    • 1997
  • Hydrogenated amorphous carbon films were deposited on silicon substrates by using an RF PECVD. The hydrogen/methane ratio was varied from 50% to 88% to study the effect of hytdrogen in the film on the tribological properties. The friction and wear behaviors of the deposited films were investigated by ball-on-disk type wear tester. FT-IR spectra were used to characterize the structure of the films. Tribological properties of carbon films were correlated with their structure such as ratio of "polymer-like" stretching type and that of sp2 bonding. The result showed that the annealing caused a decrease in the amount of wear of contacted $Si_3N_4$ balls and a increase in the coefficient of friction. Possible explanation for annealing effect was discussed by the hydrogen desorption.esorption.

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Electronic Structures and Noncollinear Magnetic Properties of Structurally Disordered Fe

  • Park, Jin-Ho;Min, B.I.
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2010
  • The magnetic properties of amorphous Fe were investigated by examining the electronic structures of structurally disordered Fe systems generated from crystalline bcc and fcc Fe using a Monte-Carlo simulation. As a rst principles band method, the real space spin-polarized tight-binding linearized-mun-tin-orbital recursion method was used in the local spin density approximation. Compared to the crystalline system, the electronic structures of the disordered systems were characterized by a broadened band width, smoothened local density of states, and reduced local magnetic moment. The magnetic structures depend on the short range configurations. The antiferromagnetic structure is the most stable for a bcc-based disordered system, whereas the noncollinear spin spiral structure is more stable for a fcc-based system.

카올리나이트의 상전이반응 과정 연구 (An Investigation of the Transformation Sequence from Kaolinite to Mullite)

  • 이수정;김윤중;문희수
    • 한국광물학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.32-44
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    • 1998
  • The transformation sequence of kaolinite to mullite is examined with new electron diffraction data obtained mainly by an energy filtering transmission electron microscope. Kaolinite is transformed finally into mullite and cristobalite through several steps of continuous reactions by heating, which result in metakaolinite, microcrystalline spinel-type phase and amorphous silica. Metakaolinite maintains a short-range order in its structure ven at $920^{\circ}C$. Spinel phase results from a topotactictransformation of metakaolinite apart from the breakdown of metakaolinite structure. the first strong exothermic peak on DTA curve is mainly due to the extraction of amorphous silica from metakaolinite and the gradual nucleation of mullite. Metakaolinite decomposes around$ 940^{\circ}C$ to mullite that doesn't show a clear crystallographic relationship to the parent metakaolinite structure. However, spinel phase produced previously is maintained. The initially formed spinel and mullite phases are suggested to be Al-rich, but progressively gain Si in their structures at higher temperatures. Spinel phase decomposes completely through a second weak exothermic reaction promoting the growth of mullite, and crystallization of amorphous silica to cristobalite.

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기판의 종류에 따른 SnO2 박막의 전기적인 특성 연구 (Study on the Electrical Characteristics of SnO2 on p-Type and n-Type Si Substrates)

  • 오데레사
    • 반도체디스플레이기술학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2017
  • $ISnO_2$ thin films were prepared on p-type and n-type Si substrates to research the interface characteristics between $SnO_2$ and substrate. After the annealing processes, the amorphous structure was formed at the interface to make a Schottky contact. The O 1s spectra showed the bond of 530.4 eV as an amorphous structure, and the Schottky contact. The analysis by the deconvoluted spectra was observed the drastic variation of oxygen vacancies at the amorphous structure because of the depletion layer is directly related to the oxygen vacancy. $SnO_2$ thin film changed the electrical properties depending on the characteristics of substrates. It was confirmed that it is useful to observe the Schottky contact's properties by complementary using the XPS analysis and I-V measurement.

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박막 전지용 Pt 도핑 비정질 산화바나듐의 구조적 변화 (Structure Evolution of Pt doped Amorphous ${V_2}{O_5}$Cathode Film for Thin Film Battery)

  • 김한기;전은정;옥영우;성태연;조원일;윤영수
    • 한국전기전자재료학회논문지
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    • 제13권9호
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    • pp.751-757
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    • 2000
  • The r.f. power effect for Pt doping is investigated on structural and electrochemical properties of amorphous vanadium oxide(V$_2$O$_{5}$) film, grown by direct current (d.c.) magnetron sputtering. Room temperature charge-discharge measurements based on a half-cell with a constant current clearly indicated that the Pt doping could improve the cyclibility of V$_2$O$_{5}$ cathode film. Using glancing angle x-ray diffraction(GXRD) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) analysis, we found that the Pt doping with 10W r.f. power induces more random amorphous structure than undoped V$_2$O$_{5}$ film. As the r.f. power of Pt target increases. large amount of Pt atoms incorporates into the amorphous V$_2$O$_{5}$ film and makes $\alpha$-PtO$_2$microcrystalline phase in the amorphous V$_2$O$_{5}$ matrix. These results suggest that the semiconducting $\alpha$-PtO$_2$ microcrystalline phase in amorphous matrix lead to a drastically faded cyclibility of 50W Pt doped V$_2$O$_{5}$ cathode film. Possible explanations are given to describe the Pt doping effect on cyclibillity of the amorphous V$_2$O$_{5}$ cathode film battery. film battery.

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Effect of Shape Magnetic Anisotropy of Amorphous Fe-B-P Nanoparticles on Permeability

  • Lee, Ji Eun;Tsedenbal, Bulgan;Koo, Bon Heun;Huh, Seok Hwan
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제30권11호
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    • pp.589-594
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    • 2020
  • Many electronic applications require magnetic materials with high permeability and frequency properties. We improve the magnetic permeability of soft magnetic powder by controlling the shape magnetic anisotropy of the powders and through the preparation of amorphous nanoparticles. For this purpose, the effect of the shape magnetic anisotropy of amorphous Fe-B-P nanoparticles is observed through a magnetic field and the frequency characteristics and permeability of these amorphous nanoparticles are observed. These characteristics are investigated by analyzing the composition of particles, crystal structure, microstructure, magnetic properties, and permeability of particles. The composition, crystal structure, and microstructure of the particles are analyzed using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry-, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and focused ion beam analysis. The saturation magnetization and permeability are measured using a vibrating sample magnetometer and an LCR meter, respectively. It is confirmed that the shape magnetic anisotropy of the particles influences the permeability. Finally, the permeability and frequency characteristics of the amorphous Fe-B-P nanoparticles are improved.

비정질 이원계 합금 Zr-Be 용가재를 이용한 지르칼로이-4의 브레이징 타당성 검토 (A Feasibility Study on the Brazing of Zircaloy-4 with Zr-Be Binary Amorphous Filler Metals)

  • 고진현;박춘호;김수성
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.26-31
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    • 1999
  • An attempt was made in this study to investigate the brazing characteristics of Zr-Be binary amorphous alloys for the development of a new brazing filler metal for joining Zircaloy-4 nuclear fuel cladding tubes. This study was also aimed at the feasibility study of rapidly solidified amorphous alloys to substitute the conventional physical vapor-deposited(PVD) metallic beryllium. The $Zr_{1-x}Be_{x}$($0.3\leq$x$\leq0.5$) binary amorphous alloys were produced in the ribbon form by the melt-spinning method. It was confirmed by x-ray diffraction that the ribbons were amorphous. The amorphous. the amorphous alloys were used to join bearing pads on Zircaloy-4 nuclear fuel cladding tubes. Using Zr-Be amorphous alloys as filler metals, it was found that the reduction in the tube wall thickness caused by erosion was prevented. Especially, in the case of using $Zr_{0.65}Be_{0.35}$ and $Zr_{0.7}Be_{0.3}$ amorphousalloys, the smooth and spherical primary $\alpha$-Zr particles appeared in the brazed layer, which was the most desirable microstructure from the corrosion-resistance standpoint.

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비정질 합금의 전단띠 내부 구조변화 해석을 통한 소성의 이해 (Understanding the Plasticity of Amorphous Alloys Via the Interpretation of Structural Evolution Inside a Shear Band)

  • 이창면;박경원;이병주;심재혁;이재철
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제19권5호
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    • pp.276-280
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    • 2009
  • The effect of the initial packing structure on the plasticity of amorphous alloys was investigated by tracing the structural evolution of the amorphous solid inside a shear band. According to the molecular dynamics simulations, the structural evolution of the amorphous solids inside the shear band was more abrupt in the alloy with a higher initial packing density. Such a difference in the structural evolution within the shear band observed from the amorphous alloys with different initial packing density is believed to cause different degrees of shear localization, providing an answer to the fundamental question of why amorphous alloys show different plasticity. We clarify the structural origin of the plasticity of bulk amorphous alloys by exploring the microstructural aspects in view of the structural disordering, disorder-induced softening, and shear localization using molecular dynamics simulations based on the recently developed MEAM (modified embedded atom method) potential.