• Title/Summary/Keyword: Al A356 alloy

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Beryllium Effects on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A356 Aluminium Casting Alloy

  • Lee, Jeong-Keun;Kim, Myung-Ho;Choi, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 1998
  • Microstructure of A356 aluminum alloys cast in the permanent mold was investigated by optical microscope and image analyzer, with particular respect to the shape and size distribution of iron intermetallics known as ${\beta}-phase$ ($Al_5FeSi$). Morphologies of the ${\beta}-phase$ was found to change gradually with the Be:Fe ratio like these. In Be-free alloys, ${\beta}-phase$ with needlelike morphology was well developed, but script phase was appeared when the Be:Fe ratio is above 0.2:1. With the Be:Fe ratios of 0.4:1-1:1, script phase as well as Be-rich phase was also observed. In case of higher Be addition, above 1:1, Be-rich phase was observed on all regions of the specimens, and increasing of the Be:Fe ratios gradually make the Be-rich phase coarse. It was also observed that the ${\beta}-phase$ with needlelike morphology was coarsened with increase of the Fe content in Be-free alloys. However, in Be-added alloys, length and number of these ${\beta}-phases$ were considerably decreased with the increased Be:Fe ratio. Beryllium addition improved tensile properties and impact toughness of the A356 aluminium alloy, due to the formation of a script phase or a Be-rich phase instead of a needlelike ${\beta}-phase$. The DSC tests indicated that the presence of Be could increase the amount of Mg which is available for $Mg_2Si$ precipitate hardening, and enhance the precipitation kinetics by lowering the ternary eutectic temperature.

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Beryllium Effects on the Morphology of Iron Intermetallics in the A356 Aluminium Casting Alloy (주조용 A356합금에서 Fe계 금속간화합물의 형상에 미치는 Be의 영향)

  • Lee, Jeong-Keun;Park, Chong-Sung;Kim, Myung-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.357-363
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    • 1998
  • Microstructure of A356 aluminium alloys cast in a permanent mold was investigated by optical microscope and image analyzer, with particular respect to the shape and size distribution of iron intermetallics known as ${\beta}-phase$ ($Al_5FeSi$). Morphologies of the ${\beta}-phase$ was found to change gradually with the Be:Fe ratio like these. In Be-free alloys, ${\beta}-phase$ with needlelike morphology was well developed, but script phase was appeared when the Be:Fe ratio is above 0.2:1. With the Be:Fe ratios of 0.4:1-1:1, script phase as well as Be-rich phase was also observed. In case of higher Be addition, above 1:1, Be-rich phase was observed on all regions of the specimens, and increasing of the Be:Fe ratios gradually make the Be-rich phase coarse. It was also observed that the ${\beta}-phase$ with needlelike morphology was coarsened with increase of the Fe content in Be-free alloys. However, in Be-added alloys, length and number of these ${\beta}-phases$ were considerably decreased with the increased Be:Fe ratio. It was concluded that Fe impurity element to be crystallized into needlelike intermetallics was tied up by Be addition element, and new phases were crystallized into script or Be-rich intermetallics.

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Improvement of the Mechanical Properties of Al-7Si-0.35Mg Cast Alloys by the Optimised Combination of Alloying Elements and Heat Treatment (합금원소 첨가 및 열처리 공정 제어를 통한 Al-7Si-0.35Mg 주조재 합금의 기계적 특성 향상)

  • Cho, Young-Hee;Lee, Jung-Moo;Jin, Jin-Woo;Jung, Jae-Gil
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • Improvement of the mechanical properties of a commercial aluminium casting alloy, A356, was achieved through an optimised combination of alloying elements, modification, and heat treatment. 0.7 wt.% Cu and an additional 0.2 wt.% Mg were added to an Al-7Si-0.35Mg alloy for strengthening at both room and elevated temperatures, whilst a subsequent decrease in the ductility was compensated for by the modification of eutectic Si by Sr addition at a level of up to 110 ppm. It was found that the dissolution of Cu-rich or Mg-rich phases could be maximised by solid-solutionising an alloy with 40 ppm Sr at $530^{\circ}C$, increasing the tensile and yield strengths to 350 MPa and 297 MPa, respectively, with a reasonably high strain of 5% after peak-aging at $210^{\circ}C$. Further addition of Sr up to 110 ppm is, however, more likely to interfere with the dissolution of the Cu-rich or Mg-rich phases during solid solution treatment, resulting in a slight decrease in both tensile and yield strengths at room temperature. Besides the Cu addition, such undissolved phases, on the other hand, may contribute to elevated temperature strength at $200^{\circ}C$.

Yield and Compression Behavior of Semi-Solid Material by Upper-Bound Method

  • Park, Joon-Hong;Kim, Chul;Kim, Byung-Min;Park, Jae-Chan
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2001
  • The compression behavior of semi-solid materials is studied from a viewpoint of yield criteria and analysis methods. To describe the behavior of materials in semi-solid state, several theories have been proposed by extending the concept of plasticity of porous compressible materials. In the present work, the upper-bound method and the finite element method are used to model the simple compression process using yield criteria of Kuhn and Doraivelu. Segregation between solid and liquid which cause defect of product is analysed for Sn-15%Pb and A356 alloys during deformation in semi-solid state. The comparison of analyses is made according to yield criteria and analysis methods. In addition, the analysis result for semi-solid dendritic Sn-15%Pb alloy is compared with the experimental result of Charreyron et al..

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Process Analysis and Experimental Evaluation by the Viscosity Measurement of Rheological Materials (레오로지 소재의 점도측정에 의한 공정해석 및 실험적 평가)

  • 서판기;강충길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.70-73
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    • 2002
  • Using a simple compression test, the viscosity measurement experiment is carried out with the grain-refined Al-Si alloy(A356). The measured rheological data are expressed with power-law(Ostwald-de Waele) model and using commercial package, MAGMAsoft, coefficients of Ostwald-de Waele model and Carreau-Yasuda model are calculated. To verify the viscosity data, the die is designed to be applicable to the semi-solid die casting of automotive component and filling test is carried out. The filling test and the simulation result are compared and in good agreement. Hereafter, these data are considered to be usefully allied other product in the semi-solid die casting.

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A Study on the Joining of Different Al Alloys by Centrifugal Casting (원심주조를 이용한 2종 알루미늄의 접합에 대한 연구)

  • Jang, Young-Soo;Lee, Moon-Hyoung;Moon, Jun-Young;Hong, Chun-Pyo
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.237-242
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    • 2007
  • To improve the quality of the product and the cost efficiency, the joining of A356 alloy to an Al-18wt%Si alloys has been performed by centrifugal casting. The influence of the mold preheating temperature, the pouring temperature and the rotational velocity of the mold on the microstructures of the shell in the centrifugal casting was investigated using the experimental and simulation methods. In the present study, the cellular automaton (CA) technique and the finite volume method (FVM) were adopted to simulate the evolution of the macro structures and to calculate the temperature profiles, respectively. The evolution of the microstructures was also simulated using a modified cellular automaton (MCA) model. The optimal rotational speed of the mold for obtaining the sound shape of the shell was estimated experimentally to be over 1200 rpm. For the uniform microstructure, the outer shell needs to be cast with higher preheated mold temperature and lower pouring temperature, and the melt was poured at lower temperature in the inner shell. In order to obtain the sound shape of the joining, the different materials were poured simultaneously.

Dislication Loop Models for Plastic Deformation of the AI-5.5 at.%Mg alloy (AI-5.5at.%MG합금의 소성변형을 규명하기 위한 전위환 모델의 고찰)

  • An, Seong-Uk;Jeong, Seung-Bu
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 1994
  • For the deformation, life time prediction and improvement of the life time in high temperature materials it's very important to know the mechanism of deformation. For these mechanisms the dislocation loop models of Orlova et al. and Mills et al. are used often now. But they show controversial differencies, even if they have unertaken similar experimental tests with the same alloy of A1-5.5at.% Mg. In this work also the similiar tests of them have done under the same temperature of 573 K ; (1) The specimen was deformed by $\sigma$= 30MPa and $\varepsilon$=0.03. (2) Direct after creep deformation of $\sigma$= 30MPa and $\sigma$= 0.03 the stress reduction tests to 15, 10 and OMPa have been performed. (3) To study the loop models dislocation structure and dislocation density ( p ) have been observed.

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Tensile Behavior of Fiber/Particle Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites (섬유/입자 혼합금속복합재료의 인장거동)

  • 정성욱;정창규;한경섭
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.139-142
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    • 2002
  • This study presents a mathematical model predicting the stress-strain behavior of fiber reinforced (FMMCs) and fiber/particle reinforced metal matrix composites (F/P MMCs). MMCs were fabricated by squeeze casting method using Al2O3 short fiber and particle as reinforcement, and A356 aluminum alloy as matrix. The fiber/particle ratios of F/P MMCs were 2:1, 1:1, 1:2 with the total reinforcement volume fraction of 20 vol.%, and the FMMCs were reinforced with 10 vol,%, 15 vol. %, 20 vol. % of fibers. Tensile tests were conducted and compared with predictions which were derived using laminate analogy theory and multi-failure model of reinforcements. Results show that the tensile strength of FMMCs with 10 vol.% of fiber was well matched with prediction, and as the fiber volume increases, predictions become larger than experimental results. The difference between the prediction and experiment is considered to be a result of matrix allowance of fiber damage in tensile loading. As the fiber volume fraction in FMMCs increases, the fiber damage increases and so that the tensile strength is reduced. The strength of F/P MMCs approaches more closely to the prediction than FMMCs reinforced with 20 vol.% of fibers because F/P MMCs contains small quantity of fibers and thus has a positive effect in fiber strengthening.

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A Study on the Effect of Ca and P on the Microstructure in Solidification of Al-7wt%Si-0.3wt%Mg Alloy (Al-7wt%Si-0.3wt%Mg 합금의 응고시 미세조직에 미치는 Ca 및 P의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Il-Soo;Kim, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Kyoung-Min;Yoon, Eui-Pak
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.349-356
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    • 1998
  • In this study, the influence of impurity element Ca, P on solidification behavior and morphology of eutectic silicon was examined by observation of microstructure and by DSC analysis. In the case of 1.3 ppm P, eutectic Si was fine and fibrous when the added amount of Ca was 500 ppm, However, the modification of eutectic Si was depressed by formation of polygonal Ca-Si compounds when the addition amount of Ca was greater than 1000 ppm. The addition of Ca 500 ppm depressed the primary and eutectic temperature. The primary and eutectic temperature were depressed with Ca 500 ppm but rather ascended when the addition amount of Ca was more than 1000 ppm. When the content of P was 17.5 ppm, eutectic Si had modified morphology with Ca addition. DAS was increased, the primary temperature was ascended and eutectic temperature was depressed with Ca added. Eutectic Si appeared as coarse flake phase and DAS was decreased with the increase of P content. The existence of P in the melt depressed the primary temperature and ascended eutectic temperature.

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