• 제목/요약/키워드: Airborne asbestos

검색결과 50건 처리시간 0.027초

Asbestos Exposure among Mitering Workers

  • Phanprasit, Wantanee;Sujirarat, Dusit;Musigapong, Pirutchada;Sripaiboonkij, Penpatra;Chaikittiporn, Chalermchai
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.235-240
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    • 2012
  • The objectives are to compare the airborne asbestos concentrations resulted from mitering of abestos cement roof sheets by a high-speed motor and a hand saw, and to monitor whether other workers near the test sites are vulnerable to the fibers exceeding the occupational exposure limit. Four test cases were carried out and altogether 7 personal and 4 area air samples were collected. The NIOSH method 7400 was employed for the air samplings and analysis. Using the phase contrast microscopy, fiber counting was conducted under Rule A. The study showed that the fiber concentration medians for personal air samples gathered from the two tools were 4.11 fibers/cc (ranged: 1.33-12.41 fibers/cc) and 0.13 fibers/cc (ranged: 0.01-5.00 fibers/cc) respectively. The median for the area samples was 0.59 fibers/cc (ranged: 0.14-3.32 fibers/cc). Comparing each study case, the concentration level caused by the high-speed motor saw was more than twice that of the hand saw. According to the area samples, the workers nearby the test site are at risk from high exposure to asbestos.

위상차 현미경법을 이용한 공기중 석면농도 분석에서의 정도관리 (Quality Control of Asbestos Fiber Counting for Airborne Samples Using Phase Contrast Microscopy)

  • 강보영;신용철;백남원
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.221-237
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    • 1991
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the accuracy and the precision of asbestos counting data produced by the Division of Industrial Health, School of Public Health, Seoul National Universitys (SNU). The study was performed from July 18 to October 4, 1991, and the results are summarized as follows. 1. Intracounter Relative Standard Deviations (Sr) in the category of 5-50.5 fibers as total fibers counted ranged from 0.27 to 0.37, which were greater than 0.10-0.17 which were reported by the NIOSH. The reasons are supposed to be as follows. First, inexperience of counters in asbestos fiber counting was considered to be a main reason. Second, poor quality of samples due to sampling and mounting error increased variation of counting. Third, fiber density of many samples were less than $100fibers/mm^2$. But Intracounter Relative Standard Deviations (Sr) in samples with >50.5 fibers ranged from 0.l6 to 0.20, approaching the value 01 NIOSH. 2. Intralaboratory Relative Standard Deviations (Sr) in categories of 5-20.5, >20.5-50.5 and >50.5 fibers were 0.54, 0.37 and 0.26, respectively. Intralaboratory Sr in samples with fiber density greater than $100fibers/mm^2$ was 0.26. This was similar to the values reported by other foreign experienced laboratories. 3. Comparing results of three counters, Counter C, a beginner, overestimated asbestos fiber concentrations. 4. Since our SNU laboratory has participated in two quality control programs, IOMA-F.R.I.C.A., U.K. and NIOSH PAT Program, U.S.A., this laboratory has been evaluated as " Rating 1" and "Proficient" laboratory, by IOM and NIOSH, respectively.

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국내 공기 중 섬유상 분진 숙련도 시험용 표준시료 제조 및 평가 (Preparation and assessment of airborne fibrous reference sample for a proficiency test)

  • 임호주;유재혁;최성호;최아름;정현성;류정민;김현욱;장성기
    • 분석과학
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.369-375
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    • 2009
  • 저농도 섬유상 분진 표준시료를 제조하여 균질도와 정확성을 조사하고, 모의 숙련도 시험을 통해 최적의 숙련도 시험 방안을 평가하였다. 분석 결과 표준시료 농도와 석면밀도의 상관성이 0.9863~0.9968으로 매우 높게 나타났고, 표준시료를 이용한 모의 숙련도 시험을 통해서, 국내에서의 숙련도 시험 결과 평가 기준은 표준시료 분석결과의 Z값이 ${\mid}Z{\mid}{\leq}2$를 만족하는 것이 타당한 것으로 나타났다.

충북지역 폐석면광산 인근주민의 석면노출과 건강위해도 평가 (Asbestos Exposure and Health Risk Assessment for the Residents Near the Abandoned Mining Area in Chungbuk, Korea)

  • 신진호;오석률;황순용;정숙녀;김지희;남은정;이진효;최희진;엄석원;채영주;박철휘
    • 대한환경공학회지
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.345-350
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    • 2012
  • 충북의 D-석면광산 인근지역에서 석면이 포함된 토양으로 부터 대기 중으로 비산되는 석면조사와 주민들의 일상생활이나 토양을 경작하는 농업활동 등의 석면노출이 가능한 주요활동에 대한 인체 위해도를 평가하여, 지역주민의 건강 위해성을 미연에 방지하는 대책을 수립하고자 본 연구를 수행하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 대기 중 석면 모니터링을 위해 바람의 방향을 고려하여 지역주민의 거주지 근처에 시료채취지점을 선정하였다. 이를 위상차현미경으로 분석한 결과, 20개 지점 중에서 12개 지점은 검출한계 이하이고, 8개 지점도 0.0025~0.0029 f/cc 범위로 석면안전관리법의 공기질 관리기준 0.01 f/cc 보다 매우 낮은 수준이었다. 또한 투과전자현미경으로 이 섬유상 물질을 분석한 결과도 석면이 아니거나 검출한계 이하로 나타났다. 일반 대기 중 석면의 악영향은 거의 없는 것으로 추정된다. 둘째, 현장조사와 지역주민의 설문조사를 토대로 활동근 거시료채취 시나리오를 현지 실정에 맞게 설정하였으며, 그 중에서 예초기 작업과 흙파기, 마당쓸기 시나리오의 경우에 위해도의 95% 신뢰상한치가 석면에 대한 활동별 초과생애발암위해도의 허용치 $1{\times}10^{-4}$을 초과하는 것으로 나타났다. 토양 교란활동이 수반되는 농경활동에는 토양에 함유된 석면섬유상 물질이 많이 비산되는 것으로 판단되며, 지역주민의 세심한 주의가 요구된다. 따라서 이에 대한 결과를 바탕으로 환경성 노출원을 가능하다면 원천적으로 차단하여 석면노출을 최소화하고, 지역주민들에게 석면노출 가능성이 있는 환경에 대해 널리 알림으로써 토양을 교란하여 석면이 비산되는 행위를 제한하는 등의 석면으로 인한 건강피해를 줄이는 체계적인 관리대책이 강구되어야 할 것이다.

안트라사이트를 혼입한 시멘트 보드의 라돈흡착 특성 (Radon adsorption properties of cement board using anthracite)

  • 경인수;편수정;이상수
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2018년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.232-233
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    • 2018
  • Among the recent environmental pollution, indoor air pollution has an adverse effect on the health of indoor residents. Radon, one of the causes of indoor air pollution, is released from concrete, gypsum board and asbestos slate among building materials. Radon is a primary carcinogen and is a colorless, tasteless, odorless inert gas that adheres to airborne dust and enters the body through breathing. At this time, there is a risk of developing cancer if the alpha rays from the lononggas entering the human body destroys the lung tissue and is continuously exposed to a high concentration of lonon gas. The World Health Organization (WHO) has emphasized the reduction of radon and its exposure to radon by classifying it as a first-level carcinogen, but many people have not recognized it yet, and the research is underdeveloped. Therefore, this study was carried out to investigate the properties of adsorbed coconut radon to prevent the inflow of radon gas, which is an air pollution source of indoor air, and to prevent inflow into the human body.

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국내 정부출연연구기관 및 대학교 실험실 공기 오염물질 농도 및 환기시스템 평가 (Evaluation of Air Contaminants Concentrations and Ventilation Systems in Governmental Agency and University Laboratories)

  • 하주현;신용철;이현석;;이광용;이병규
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to compare the concentration of various air contaminants in nine different laboratories during routine activities. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) were sampled and analyzed using NIOSH Method 1500 and asbestos fibers were sampled and analyzed using NIOSH Method 9002 and 7400. Detectable levels of acetone, toluene and ethanol were found in all the laboratories and xylene and n-hexane were detected in eight of the nine laboratories. All the VOC concentrations were well below the Korean Ministry of Labor's Exposure Limit and American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists' (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Values (TLVs). Total VOC concentrations at the university laboratories were significantly higher than those at governmental agency laboratories. Airborne fiber concentrations were below 0.01 fibers/cc, while the concentration of chrysotile was 2% in insulation materials sprayed on the ceiling of one laboratory. While all the governmental agency laboratories (n=4) had fume hoods, two out of the five university laboratories did not have fume hoods. The capture velocity of half of the fume hoods were below the maintenance standard(0.4 m/sec). In conclusion, the study suggests that the current controls in place at both university and government agency laboratories are not sufficient in limiting exposure to harmful chemicals to non-detectable levels, though they appear to be adequate in protecting workers to levels below applicable occupational exposure limits. The study also suggests that researchers working in university laboratories may be exposed to greater levels of contaminant than those working in government agency laboratories.

건강위해성평가에 의한 사무실 실내공기오염물질의 관리항목 확대 (Extension Possibility of Indoor Air Standards in Office Building by Health Risk Assessment)

  • 노영만;이철민;김윤신;김석원;김치년;김현욱;조기홍;최호춘;김정만
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.54-67
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    • 2006
  • This study was performed to deduct the extension possibility of the standards establishment for $NO_2$, $O_3$, Asbestos, Radon, total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) excluded in the indoor air part of Industrial Safety Acts in Korea. The air pollutants were sampled for 30 office buildings from August to September, 2005 in the metropolitan area. The airborne concentrations of $NO_2$, $O_3$, Radon and TVOC were 0.0092 ppm, 0.0035 ppm, 0.57 pCi/L and $423{\mu}g/m^3$, respectively. The management plan and reduction methods is required in the aspect of indoor air quality(IAQ) because the emission sources of those also exist in indoor as well as outdoor even though those were not exceeded the standards of the Ministry of Environment in Korea. The standard for TVOC in the new and remodeling office has to be established based on the risk assessment when hazard index exceeded "1" in the worst case scenario. In the state of art, the management of each volatile organic compounds has a difficulty due to not enough data for toxicological reference. Therefore, it is suggested that first of all, the standard for TVOC be established and then expanded to each materials for decision-making of improvement of IAQ in office.

비금속광물 제품제조업에서 발생하는 분진 농도와 분진 노출기준 적용에 따른 문제점 고찰 (The concentrations of airborne dust in non-metallic products factories and problems associated with the application of the occupational exposure limits)

  • 김현욱;피영규;원정일;고원경;노영만;신창섭
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.104-114
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to estimate current status of dust concentrations in the factories producing non-metallic products in Korea. Data were gathered from the environmental monitoring reports by 40 workplace environmental monitoring institutes and the questionnaire designed for the study by the authors. A total of 1838 dust samples from 368 plants were obtained from the reports and were analyzed with no data modifications. But data on asbestos, rock wool, and welding fumes were excluded in this evaluation. The factories were classified into eight groups according to the standard industrial classification scheme in Korea. The results of this study were as follows; 1. The factories included were glass, non-refractory ceramic, refractory ceramic ware, structural non-refractory clay and ceramic, cement and lime, articles of concretes, and stone. Mean(geometric mean) concentrations of total dust samples ranged from $1.75(0.84)mg/m^3$ to $5.87(2.84)mg/m^3$. Statistically significantly higher dust concentrations were found in the cement and lime industries compared with other industries. 2. The non-compliance rates were 15.2% in glass and 20.6% in other non-metallic mineral products industries. Although all institutions surveyed utilized the identical sampling and classification scheme for dusts as specified in the current occupational exposure limits, wide discrepancies were found in collecting samples and classifying dusts. Further problems were discovered in classifying dusts. A dust sample collected could be classified into any of the three groups regardless of silica content. The results of this study showed that dust concentrations in the non-metallic products industries varied widely. Also discovered was classification errors of dust types among workplace monitoring institutes. These errors could adversely affect the results of exposure assessments and the true nature of dust hazards. Further, no institutions performed respirable dust sampling and analysis of crystalline silica. In order to correct these malpractices, current standards of occupational exposure limits should be revised and tight supervision by the Ministry of Labour be suggested.

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