• Title/Summary/Keyword: Agriculture Reservoir

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암반지하수 저류지 개발 전망

  • 이기철;한정상;부성안;장준영;박종철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2002
  • When the United Nation classified as Korea is the one of the water deficit country. The consensus was made that the water is the one of the precious national resources. Government increases their R/D budget trying to get more clean water bodies. For instances, 'Sustainable Water Resources Development' project is the one of major title in '21 Century Frontier Research project and there are several small research projects are undergoing by the Ministry of Agriculture and KARICO. However, when the environmental preservation issue has been get more emphasis, construction of the Surface Dam met the blockage from the environmentalists due to the problem of the their water buried area. Since the most fitting site for surface dam had been used in the past, some engineer move their focus on modification of the existing Dam's height to enlarge its capacity or dredging the bottom of the reservoir recently However dredging evoke water quality problem in return by accumulated materials at the bottom. Last year the Dong Gang Dam plan has been canceled by environmental problem in water buried area of the reservoir. With the point of this view, ground water gets more focus for the one of the useful alternative for clean water bodies. Underground dam technique which had widely applied once in the early nineteen eighties by the KARICO and attenuated due to engineering insufficiency. The technique is newly studied with the advanced engineering technique. Still groundwater usage rate in Korea is much lower comparing with the advanced countries and has many rooms to develop. Wells, under ground dam and radial collector wells are typical facilities up to now. There is little application in Korea for the Recharge Dam, which had been widely used in the advanced countries. The Recharge Dam is technique to conjunct surface water and groundwater body together, This technique had developed to increase groundwater recharge at the beginning This research is the result of the study on the possibility of the development of the new technology, Groundwater Reservoir' which was modified from Recharge Dam. Groundwater Reservoir is like a deep artificial lakes trenched in hard rock aquifer to get groundwater. The advantage of the Groundwater Reservoir is followings 1) It can be developed at the plains area, not in the deep valley 2) Huge water body can be developed without dam 3) Small buried area comparing surface water dam makes the least environmental effect. 4) Trenching cost can be substitute by the income of the selling rock debris 5) Outfit of the reservoir can be modified to match with the site prospect 6) Rock debris can be used as constructing materials 7) It can be used as groundwater recharge system when the heavy rains comes 8) The reservoir looks like scenery lake with huge clean water bodies.

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Rural Stream Monitoring for Investigation of Stream Depletion in Rural Area (농촌소하천 건천화 실태조사를 위한 하천 수문.수질 모니터링)

  • Kim, Sung Min;Kim, Sung Jae;Kim, Sang Min
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.129-141
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to monitor the stream flow of rural streams for investigating the status of stream depletion located downstream of irrigation reservoir. Bonghyun and Hai reservoirs area, located in Hai-myeon, the city of Gosung, Gyeongsangnam Province, were selected for study watersheds and streams. Stream flow monitoring was conducted 7 times from March to September, 2011. Stream flow was measured for 8 stations downstream from two reservoirs. The stream depletion was found in most of the downstream of reservoirs for the non-irrigation period and even in the irrigation period when there were a lot of antecedent precipitation. The correlation analysis for water quality data indicated that the correlation between BOD and T-N was highest for the reservoirs. The correlation between BOD, T-N, and turbidity was high for Hai reservoir and Bonghyeon reservoir. Continuous monitoring for rural streams located in downstream of reservoirs are required to quantify the status of stream flow depletion and determine the amount of environmental flows.

Factor Analyses for Water Quality Indicators of Streams, Ground Water, and Reservoir in Agricultural Small Catchments of the Han River Basin

  • Park, C-S;Joo, J-H;Jung, Y-S;Yang, J-E
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.382-393
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    • 2000
  • The principal indicators contributing to water qualities was screened by factor analyses, based on the monitored chemical parameters of water quality for various water resources from 1995 to 1999 in the small agricultural catchments of the Han River Basin. Water samples of streams, groundwaters, and reservoirs were taken four times a year from upper (Daegwanryong), middle (Dunnae and Chunchon) and lower (Guri) reaches of Han River Basin. In these areas, the respective type of farming practiced was alpine agriculture and livestocks raising, typical upland and paddy cultivation, and intensive cropping in the plastic film house. Water quality was monitored for twenty-one water quality parameters, including pH, EC, SS, T-N, T-P, COD, cations, anions, and heavy metals. pH, EC and COD of the stream waters were suitable for the Korea irrigation water quality guidelines. However, T-N and T-P concentrations of water samples in four catchments far exceeded the irrigation water guideline. Concentrations of canons and heavy metals in Wangsuk stream in Guri area were higher than those in streams in other areas. Factor analysis revealed that significant correlation was observed for 81 pairs out of 231 water quality indicators of stream water among the $21\;{\times}\;21$ cross correlation matrix of stream water quality indicators. The first factor accounted for 27.01% of the total variation in stream water quality indicators, and high positive factor loadings were shown on EC, K, Na, $NH_4\;^+-N$, $PO_4\;^{3-}$, $SO_4\;^{2-}$, and COD. Fifty-three water quality indicator pairs were significant out of 190 ground water quality parameters. The first factor accounted for 28.54% of the total variation in ground water quality indicators, and high loadings were revealed on EC, Ca, Mg, K, Na, $NH_4\;^+-N$, and $SO_4$. Twenty-nine pairs of reservoir water quality indicators were significant out of 66 pairs. The first factor accounted for 37.06% of the total variation in reservoir water quality indicators, and high loadings were shown on EC, Mg, K, Na, SS, T-P, Cl, and COD. These results demonstrate that EC was the first factor contributing to water quality.

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Consolidation Behavior of Agricultural Reservoir under Embankment on Soft Ground (연약지반상(軟弱地盤上)에 축조(築造)된 농업용저수지(農業用貯水池) 제체의 압밀거동(壓密擧動))

  • Oh, Beom-Hwan;Lee, Dal-Won;Eam, Sung-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to evaluation the consolidation behavior of agricultural reservoir in the very soft ground. The final settlement prediction methods by Terzaghi, Hyperbolic and Asaoka methods were used to compare with the degree of consolidation estimated by exess pore water pressure. The dissipated excess pore water pressure during embankment construction and peak excess pore water pressure on the completed embankment were suggested for the estimation of the degree of consolidation. It was concluded that the degree of consolidation estimated from dissipated excess pore water pressure was more reliable than that from the peak excess pore water pressure. The stability methods for agricultural reservoir was used to compare and analyze with various condition by limit equilibrium method.

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Pumping Efficiency of the Small Size Tube Well (소형관정의 양수효율)

  • Jeoung, Jae-Hun;Park, Seung-Ki;Kang, Sung-Min;Lee, Seung-Kee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.221-224
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    • 2002
  • The analysis of characteristics of pumping in the small tube well for agriculture were surveyed. Study area was located at the Galsinri in Yesangun near the yedang reservoir. Agricultural electricity using rates for pumping, ground water level and volume of pumping was monitored every week. Pump working ratio and pump efficiency during period of transplanting of rice showed 48.5%, 58.4% respectively.

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Characteristics of Pumping in Small Tube Wells for Agricultural (농업용 소형 관정의 양수 특성)

  • Jung, Jae-Hun;Hwang, Moo-Suk;Park, Seung-Ki;Lee, Seung-Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.106-109
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    • 2001
  • The analysis of characteristics of pumping in the small tube well for agriculture were surveyed. Study area was located at the Galsinri in Yesangun near the yedang reservoir. Agricultural electricity using rates for pumping, ground water level and volume of pumping was monitored every week. Pump working ratio and pump efficiency during period of transplanting of rice showed 48.9%, 62.7% respectively.

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지하수위를 고려한 양수량 추정

  • 박승기;이승기;정재훈;강성민
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.13-16
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    • 2002
  • The analysis of characteristics of pumping in the small tube well for agriculture were surveyed. Study area was located at the Galsinri in Yesangun near the yedang reservoir. Agricultural electricity using rates for pumping, ground water level and volume of pumping was monitored every week. Pump working ratio and pump efficiency during period of transplanting of rice showed 48.9%, 62.7% respectively.

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Report on the Large Population and Habitat Status of Endangered Species, Mauremys reevesii Gray 1831 (Reptilia; Testudines; Geoemydidae) in South Korea (한국 내 멸종위기종 남생이 Mauremys reevesii Gray 1831 (Reptilia; Testudines; Geoemydidae)의 집단 서식 및 서식지 현황 보고)

  • Koo, Kyo Soung;Jang, Hoan-Jin;Kim, Dae-In;Kim, Su Hwan;Baek, Hae-Jun;Sung, Ha-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.402-407
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we investigated the habitat characteristics of a reservoir in Gyeongju City, Gyeongbuk, in which a large group of Mauremys reevesii (endangered species Class II and natural monument No. 453 in Korea) was discovered. We examined the biotic and abiotic factors that directly and indirectly threaten the survival of M. reevesii within the habitat. The reservoir where M. reevesii was discovered was built for agriculture and surrounded by submerged trees, dam, forests, reeds, and farmland (paddy field). All of the M. reevesii were found only in the submerged trees on the north side of the reservoir. We found 28 M. reevesii (8 juveniles) and 21 M. reevesii (16 juveniles) from field surveys on May 10th and August 9th, 2018, respectively. A number of red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) and American bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana), which threaten the survival of M. reevesii, were also found in and around the reservoir. Moreover, there were signs of excavation of cultural asset, chemical fertilizer, and household garbage, all of which are considered to be major threats to the survival of M. reevesii, all over the reservoir. Newborn turtles in this year were not observed. However, we estimated that natural breeding had sufficiently occurred since we observed many young turtles in the reservoir. Furthermore, the presence of young T. s. elegans individuals can be a persistent problem for M. reevesii as they are competing species. In conclusion, in-situ conservation method should be considered for protecting the endangered turtle and their habitat.

Reservoir Classification using Data Mining Technology for Survivor Function

  • Park, Mee-Jeong;Lee, Joon-Gu;Lee, Jeong-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.47 no.7
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2005
  • Main purpose of this article is to classify reservoirs corresponding to their physical characteristics, for example, dam height, dam width, age, repair-works history. First of all, data set of 13,976 reservoirs was analyzed using k means and self organized maps. As a result of these analysis, lots of reservoirs have been classified into four clusters. Factors and their critical values to classify the reservoirs into four groups have been founded by generating a decision tree. The path rules to each group seem reasonable since their survivor function showed unique pattern.

Construction of a Pilot Headbox System and Pressure Monitoring Apparatus for the Development of High Speed Hydraulic Headboxes

  • Youn, Hye-Jung;Lee, Hak-Lae
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2003
  • To investigate the influence of the design and operating parameters of the headbox on hydrodynamics, a pilot headbox system and pressure monitoring apparatus were constructed. The pilot headbox system consisted of a circulating water reservoir, centrifugal pump, distributor, turbulence generator and slice. The distributor was designed to function as a pressure attenuator. Flow rate to the headbox and MD and CD velocity profiles in the slice zone were monitored using an ultrasonic flowmeter and Pitot tubes, respectively. As the distance from the step diffusor increased, evener CD velocity profile was observed. Wall effect increased with the increase of the velocity. Flow stability in the headbox was evaluated by injecting a dye at the outlet of the distributor. Application of theoretical analysis based on CFD in designing headboxes is briefly discussed.