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The Change of The Effect on The Subcutaneous Fat Area and Visceral Fat Area by The Functional Electrical Stimulation and Aerobic Exercise (기능적 전기 자극과 유산소 운동이 복부비만의 피하지방과 내장지방에 미치는 효과)

  • Oh Sung-tae;Lee Mun-hwan;Park Rae-Joon
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.85-123
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    • 2004
  • Back ground : Subcutaneous fat area is the main factor involved in replacement disease and arteriosclerosis. Simple weight control is the appropriate medical treatment. It's understood that weight reduction does not only reduce the fat concentrations in blood but also reduces blood pressure, improves glucose levels in diabetes patients and reduces incidents of heart disease. there are several methods for reducing fat in the abdominal region but their effectiveness is not folly understood. one method is electrical stimulation of the problem areas. Method : From May 1st 2002 to October 31st. The 15 subjects who received medical examination were aged between 25 and 53 and were of mixed gender. The subjects were divided into two groups one to received functional electrical stimulation and the other a control group. Using Broca's criterion for judging fat grades. I analysed the differences between the two groups before and after the treatment. Subjects received functional electrical stimulation on the abdominal muscle intensity 50Hz. They received this treatment 4 days a week for 40 minutes a day. In the case of aerobic exercise, at the Treadmill, we used it with the intensity of 75% maximum heart rate (220-age). Result 1)After functional electrical stimulation in the case of male subjects, the weight was reduced 1.93kg, obesity 2.60%, fat mass 2.73kg, Percent body fat 4.40%, waist circumference 6.53cm, circumference of hips 5.53cm. On the other side, the quality of muscle was increased at the rate of 1.03kg, but it's not attentional level. The subcutaneous fat area was reduced by 26.63cm2, the visceral fat area was reduced by 43.00cm2, In the female subjects, we can see the reduction of fat grade by 26.63cm2, the quantity of body fat by 1.5kg, percent body fat by 1.77%, circumference of waist by 4.02cm, circumference of hips by 3.67cm, weight by 1.40kg but was increased 0.72kg at the quantity of muscles. We can see the reduction also in the subcutaneous fat area 24.03cm2, the visceral fat area by 25.36cm2. 2)After aerobic exercise, on the male subjects, we can see reduction of weight by 3.36kg, obesity by 4.00%, fat mass by 2.83kg and we can see increase at the soft lean mass by 2.96kg, but we can see reduction, the percent body fat by 3.03%, fat distribution by 0.023%, circumference of waist by 3.10cm, circumference of hips by 2.23cm. The female subjects show a reduction in the weight by 2.48kg, percent body fat by 2.20%, show an increase in the soft lean mass by 1.54kg. We can see a reduction in the quantity of fat mass by 2.32kg, the percent body fat by 2.80%, the circumference of waist by 2.16cm, the circumference of hips by 2.68cm, the fat distribution by 0.016%, the subcutaneous fat area by 15.25cm2 the visceral fat area by 11.52cm2. After aerobic exercise, we can't see the attentional change at the total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol. 3)After the application of functional electrical stimulation and aerobic exercise, in result of measurement on the body ingredient, we could see the weight reduction and increase the quantity of muscle with the male group who exercised aerobic. We can see the attentional rate on the electrical stimulation about abdominal fat rate, circumference of waist, circumference of hips. The other hand, I couldn't see the attentional differences between the two groups in the rate of fatness and quantity of body fat and the rate of body fat. There isn't any attentional difference in the area of fat under skin, on the contrary, There is attentional difference in the fat in the internal organs area at the electrical stimulation site. We can't see the attentional change of total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol between electrical stimulation and aerobic exercise. 4)After execution of functional electrical stimulation and aerobic exercise, in result of measurement on change of body ingredient among female objects, We could see weight reduction, increase at muscle quantity in the aerobic exercise group. We could see the attentional differences in the rate of fatness, the rate of abdominal region, the circumference which received electrical stimulation. But, we couldn't see the attentional differences between two groups in the quantity of body fatness, the circumference of hips. The subcutaneous fat area doesn't show the attentional differences. On the Contrary, we could see lots of differences in the visceral fat area of the electrical stimulation group. Conclusion The results show that functional electrical stimulation and aerobic exercise have insignificant differences when if comes to total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol. Though there is affirmative change in body ingredient after both electrical stimulation and aerobic exercise. Functional electrical stimulation is more effective on the subcutaneous fat area and in changing visceral fat area. There fore. It is concluded that the physical therapy is more effective in the treatment of abdominal fatness.

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Effect of Physical Training on Electrocardiographic Amplitudes and the QRS Vector (체력단련(體力鍛練)이 심전도파고(心電圖波高)와 QRS벡타에 미치는 효과(效果))

  • Yu, Wan-Sik;Hwang, Soo-Kwan;Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Choo, Young-Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.51-65
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    • 1984
  • In an effort to elucidate the effect of physical training on the electrocardiographic amplitudes, QRS vector, axis and QRS vector amplitude, electrocardiograms were recorded before and 1, 5 and 10 minutes after 3 minute rebounder exercise in 23 healthy male students aged between 18 and 21 years in two groups of athletes and non-athletes. ECG amplitudes were measured from lead I, V1 and V5 and axis and amplitudes of QRS vectors were measured from lead I and III in frontal plane, from lead V2 and lead V6 in horizontal plane. The results obtained are summarized as follows. ECG amplitudes: The R wave amplitude was 23.38±1.14mm in athletes which was higher than 17.91±2.00mm in non-athletes. After exercise, the difference in two groups remained significant throughout the recovery period. The S wave amplitude was increased significantly, and the T wave amplitude was decreased in both groups after exercise. The P wave amplitude was increased in both groups after exercise, and it was lower in athletes than in non-athletes. The PQ segment amplitude was zero in athletes but negative in non-athletes than in the resting state. The J point amplitude was positive in resting state and was negative after exercise in both groups. J+0.08 sec point amplitude was also lowered after exercise, and it was higher in athletes than in non-athletes. Therefore the whole ST segment was proved to be decreased after exercise. The summated amplitude of R in V5 plus S in V1 was 38.74±2.71mm in athletes which was higher than 32.82±2.90mm in non-athletes. After exercise, it was also significantly higher in athletes than in non-athletes. Axis of QRS vector: In frontal plane, axis of QRS vector was 62.7±7.36 in athletes, it showed no significant difference between the two groups. In horizontal plane, axis of QRS vector was 23.5±7.2 in athletes which was significantly higher than 38.8±8.2 in non-athletes. After exercise, it was significantly higher than the resting state in both groups. Amplitude of QRS vector : In frontal plane, amplitude of QRS vector was 13.86±1.44mm in athletes which was significantly higher than 9.62±0.97mm in non-athletes. After exercise, it was also significantly higher in athletes than in non-athletes. In horizontal plane, amplitude of QRS vector was 19.82±2.10mm in athletes which was significantly higher than 16.90±1.39mm in non-athletes. After exercise, it was also significantly higher in athletes than in non-athletes. From the above, these results indicate that R wave amplitude in athletes was significantly higher than in non-athletes before and after exercise, and that the summated amplitude of R in V5 plus S in V1 in athletes was also 38.74±2.71mm suggesting a left ventricular hypertrophy We should note that the PQ segment and ST segment amplitude were higher in athletes than in non-athletes, and they were decreased with exercise in both groups. In particular, the fact that amplitudes of QRS vector in frontal plane or in horizontal plane were significantly greater in athletes than in non-athletes may be an index in evaluating athletes.

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A Study of Equipment Accuracy and Test Precision in Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (골밀도검사의 올바른 질 관리에 따른 임상적용과 해석 -이중 에너지 방사선 흡수법을 중심으로-)

  • Dong, Kyung-Rae;Kim, Ho-Sung;Jung, Woon-Kwan
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : Because there is a difference depending on the environment as for an inspection equipment the important part of bone density scan and the precision/accuracy of a tester, the management of quality must be made systematically. The equipment failure caused by overload effect due to the aged equipment and the increase of a patient was made frequently. Thus, the replacement of equipment and additional purchases of new bonedensity equipment caused a compatibility problem in tracking patients. This study wants to know whether the clinical changes of patient's bonedensity can be accurately and precisely reflected when used it compatiblly like the existing equipment after equipment replacement and expansion. Materials and methods : Two equipments of GE Lunar Prodigy Advance(P1 and P2) and the Phantom HOLOGIC Spine Road(HSP) were used to measure equipment precision. Each device scans 20 times so that precision data was acquired from the phantom(Group 1). The precision of a tester was measured by shooting twice the same patient, every 15 members from each of the target equipment in 120 women(average age 48.78, 20-60 years old)(Group 2). In addition, the measurement of the precision of a tester and the cross-calibration data were made by scanning 20 times in each of the equipment using HSP, based on the data obtained from the management of quality using phantom(ASP) every morning (Group 3). The same patient was shot only once in one equipment alternately to make the measurement of the precision of a tester and the cross-calibration data in 120 women(average age 48.78, 20-60 years old)(Group 4). Results : It is steady equipment according to daily Q.C Data with 0.996g/cm2, change value(%CV) 0.08. The mean±SD and a %CV price are ALP in Group 1(P1 : 1.064±0.002g/cm2, , P2 : 1.061±0.003g/cm2, %CV=0.192). The mean±SD and a %CV price are P1 : 1.187±0.002g/cm2, , P2 : 1.198±0.002g/cm2, %CV=0.163 in Group 2. The average error±2SD and %CV are P1 - (spine: 0.001±0.03g/cm2, %CV=0.94, Femur: 0.001±0.019g/cm2, %CV=0.96), P2 - (spine: 0.002±0.018g/cm2, %CV=0.55, Femur: 0.001±0.013g/cm2, %CV=0.48) in Group 3. The average error±2SD, %CV, and r value was spine : 0.006±0.024g/cm2, %CV=0.86, r=0.995, Femur: 0±0.014g/cm2, %CV=0.54, r=0.998 in Group 4. Conclusion: Both LUNAR ASP CV% and HOLOGIC Spine Phantom are included in the normal range of error of ±2 defined in ISCD. BMD measurement keeps a relatively constant value, so showing excellent repeatability. The Phantom has homogeneous characteristics, but it has limitations to reflect the clinical part including variations in patient's body weight or body fat. As a result, it is believed that quality control using Phantom will be useful to check mis-calibration of the equipment used. A value measured a patient two times with one equipment, and that of double-crossed two equipment are all included within 2SD Value in the Bland - Altman Graph compared results of Group 3 with Group 4. The r value of 0.99 or higher in Linear regression analysis(Regression Analysis) indicated high precision and correlation. Therefore, it revealed that two compatible equipment did not affect in tracking the patients. Regular testing equipment and capabilities of a tester, then appropriate calibration will have to be achieved in order to calculate confidential BMD.

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Effect of Smoking and Drinking Habits on the Nutrient Intakes and Health of Middle and High School Boy Students (남자 중.고생의 흡연과 음주습관이 영양소 섭취 및 건강상태에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Kyung-Ok;An, Chang-Hun;Hwang, Hyo-Jeong;Choi, Kyung-Soon;Chung, Keun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.694-708
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    • 2009
  • The principal objective of this study was to determine the effects of smoking & drinking on the diet, nutrient intake, and overall health. A sample of 262 youths, aged 16 to 18 year-old, was randomly selected from Seoul and its vicinity. The subjects participated by answering survey questions including general questions, questions regarding health, smoking & drinking habits, dietary habits, nutrient intake, physical characteristics, and smoking cessation plans. The average height, weight, and BMI of the subjects were 173.5±6.8cm, 64.8±11.8kg, and 21.4±3.7kg/m2, respectively. Among the subjects, 88% appeared to be interested in health and 43.5% of youth asserted that the best way to keep healthy was to engage in regular exercise. Among 63 smokers, 52 students (82.5%) used alcoholic beverages while 11 students (17.5%) did not use alcoholic beverages, meaning that smoking was a causative factor in drinking. 55.6% of youth reported beginning to smoke in middle school, and 38.1% of them asserted that curiosity was the motive for smoking. The youth reported that the craving for smoking was highest when hungry, and the best place to smoke was the restroom. 20 students (69.0%) answered that the only way to quit smoking was just to stop. 12 students (44.4%) reported that the main reason for failures in smoking cessation attempts was a lack of intention or willpower. 87.1% of all subjects answered that they were inclined to quit smoking, and 56.7% of them would be interested in attending a smoking cessation program if they had the opportunity. Among the smoking and drinking group, 50% of drinkers began to drink in high school, and the reason for drinking given was peer pressure-40% of drinkers answered that they wished to quit drinking. 34.4% of students appeared to have breakfast everyday, but 16.4% of students answered that they had quit eating breakfast. 52.5% of all students reported that the principal reason for overeating was the presence of one's favorite food, and the smoking and drinking group reported overeating more frequently than other groups (p<0.05). 72.6% of all subjects reported eating interim meals 12 times daily, 36.4% of smokers ate carbonated beverages, 38.5% ate ice cream as a interim meal, and 38.5% of the drinking and smoking groups ate fruits, 26.9% of them ate fried foods, and some of them ate fast foods as a interim meal. Among smokers, the ratio of eating fat-rich foods, and meats such as kalbi and samgyupsal more than two times per week was higher, and 54.3% of smokers ate ice cream, cookies, and carbonated beverages more than two times per week (p<0.05). The total nutrient intake of the 1519-year youth group was much higher than the standard value. The energy intake of the smoking group and the drinking and smoking group was significantly higher than that of the normal group (p<0.05). Intakes of phosphorus (p<0.05), cholesterol (p<0.05), and sodium (p<0.05) were the highest among all groups. Accordingly, it is recommended that practical education programs be implemented to teach young students to resist peer pressures to smoke and drink. Additionally, education that acknowledges the importance of nutrition is necessary to avoid preferential eating and overeating due to smoking and drinking.such education can also teach students to eat a balanced diet and improve their physical development.