• Title/Summary/Keyword: Adult College Students

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A study on foot measurement and adult women's shoe standard size. (발의 계측과 성인여자구두의 기본치수에 관한 연구 -경상도지역의 여대생을 중심으로-)

  • 김효은
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 1986
  • This study is toidentify what makes people uncomfortable when people wear new shoes and to gain fundamental data for establishing shoe sizes. Data materal from the 16 measurement investigation conducted on 796 college girl students shows the following. 1) More than 96% of the subjects have experienced footache when they wore new shoes. It is significant that 45.76% of the subjects answered shoe width, especially pump-lining part cause them to feel more pain in their feet than any other measurement elements. 2) According to multiple correlation analysis to know which parts of feet determine shoe size, both multiple correlation coefficient of feet length to other parts of foot and joint girth to other parts of foot show the highest of R=0.93. 3) According to the ANOVA-tested result of estimated function when both foot-length-joint girth and foot length-joint girth-foot width are independent variables in each case, the level of α〈0.001 is very significant. 4) The comparision between KS G3116 adult women's shoe size establishment table and my table in this study reveals that the cases of more increased joint girth measurements than standard joint girth measurements in KS G 3116 table are easy to find.

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The Difference of Subjective Sense Recognition According to the Characteristics of Sensory Processing (처리특성에 따른 주관적 감각인식의 차이)

  • Park, Mi-Hee;Kim, Kyeong-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2007
  • Objective: This study was to provide a standard for the evaluation of The Korean version of Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile(K-ASP) for University students and to investigate the difference of the subjective sense recognition regarding the characteristics of sensory processing. Method: The subjects consisted of 84 University students. A researcher examined subjective sense recognition and K-ASP for subjects. Visual Analog Scale used to evaluate subjective sense recognition and K-ASP was utilized to evaluate the characteristics of sensory processing. Results: 1. The average scores and standard deviation of K-ASP were $32.93{\pm}7.88$ for low registration group, $39.39{\pm}6.55$ for sensory seeking group, $38.94{\pm}9.13$ for sensory sensitivity group, and $34.24{\pm}7.85$ for sensory avoiding group. 2. The correlation between the total score on an each quadrant and the subjective sense recognition are -.27 for low registration group, .11 for sensory seeking group, .09 for sensory sensitivity group and .12 for sensory avoiding group. It showed the statistically significant correlation between the total score of low registration and the subjective sense recognition group(p<.05). 3. The average scores and standard deviation of the subjective sense recognition were $5.22{\pm}1.56$ for high threshold and $7.28{\pm}1.70$ for low threshold. The subjective sense recognition according to the characteristics of sensory processing showed the statistically significant difference. Conclusions: This study supports the theory that there is the difference of sensory recognition according to each individual and we found that people with difficulties of sensory processing acknowledge their characteristics of sensory processing well. Evaluation of sensory processing ability through interview or questionnaire supports the fact which it is reliable.

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A Nutritional Status of different regions in Korea(1) (한국인 지역별 영양실태조사(1))

  • Lee, Ki-Yull;Kim, Myung-Ho;Bang, Sook;Kim, Kyong-Shik
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 1971
  • Cross-sectional studies of adults located in different regions were undertaken to measure changes in food intake and nutritional status. Representativeness of the selected areas was proven through a pilot study and an inquiry into some written materials, and those areas were as following: 1) Mountainous area 2) Farming area 3) Coastal Area 4) City Area The nutrition survey was undertaken by students of the College of Home Economics as follow: 60 children (out of the 25% given detailed examination) and their families were randomly selected for the nutrition survey. The survey team was composed of 30 students of the College of Home Economics. Each member of the survey team was assigned to make home visits to two families in order to obtain information on kinds and amounts of food consumed for three days. Degree of food consumption was measured by weighing the food was calculated in the same manner. Average adult unit for calories and protein in the four study areas was 0.81 and 0.98 with little variation. The total calories ranged from 2,114 Cal to 2,311 Cal. and the protein intake averaged from 57 gm to 67 gm. The calories taken by people of Kaejong were composed of carbohydrate (82% -87%), fat (3%-6%) and protein (10%-12%). Kaejong recorded a sufficient intake of fat and protein. All of the four study areas had a deficiency problem in intake of calcium, vitamin A. thiamine, riboflavin and ascorbic acid.

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The Relationships Among Premenstrual Syndrome, Automatic Thought, and Perfectionism of College Women Students (일 대학 여대생의 월경전기 증후군과 자동적 사고, 완벽성과의 관계)

  • Cho, Kyung-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.144-153
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the premenstrual syndrome and the relationships among premenstrual syndrome, automatic thought, and perfectionism. Methods: The 164 subjects were selected from a nursing college in Tae-Jeon. The data were collected using the PAF, ATQ-N, and MPS from April 10th to May 10th, 2001. Results: The results of this study were as follows : 1. There was no significant difference in premenstrual syndrome due to menarche, duration of menstruation, and menstrual cycle, but significant difference in premenstrual syndrome due to amount of menstruation and regularity of menstrual cycle. 2. The subjects experienced mild premenstrual syndrome. The severe premenstrual syndromes above the mean were who subjects reported general physical discomfort, fatigue, low mood and loss of pleasure, lability and atypical depressive features, et. al., and those below the mean experienced hostility/anger, increased well-being, miscellaneous mood/behavior change, impulsive syndrome and miscellaneous physical changes, et. al. 3. The score of mean premenstrual syndrome was 236.55, that of automatic thought was 31.41 and that of perfectionism was 185.97. The premenstrual syndrome score was similar to those of other studies and subjects had low automatic thought and moderate perfectionism. 4. There were significant correlations among premenstrual syndrome, automatic thought, and perfectionism (P <. 001). 5. Automatic thought and perfectionism accounted for 17 percent of premenstrual syndrome. Conclusions: For future research, it was recommended that the study to identify major factors affecting premenstrual syndrome and the relationships between them with various subjects should be done and effective nursing intervention for premenstrual syndrome should be developed.

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Echinostoma ilocanum Infection in Oddar Meanchey Province, Cambodia

  • Sohn, Woon-Mok;Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Yong, Tai-Soon;Eom, Kee-Seon S.;Jeong, Hoo-Gn;Kim, Jae-Kwang;Kang, A-Reum;Kim, Mok-Ryun;Park, Jung-Mi;Ji, Soo-Hyeon;Sinuon, Muth;Socheat, Duong;Chai, Jong-Yil
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.187-190
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    • 2011
  • Fecal examinations using the Kato Katz technique were performed on a total of 1,287 villagers (945 students and 342 general inhabitants) of Oddar Meanchey Province, Cambodia in May 2007 and November 2009. The overall intestinal helminth egg positive rate was 23.9%, and the most prevalent helminth species was hookworms (21.6%). Other helminth eggs detected included echinostomes (1.0%), Enterobius vermicularis (0.8%), small trematode eggs (0.7%), which may include Opisthorchis viverrini and Haplorchis spp., and Hymenolepis nana (0.4%). In order to recover adult echinostomes, we treated 2 patients with 10-15 mg/kg praziquantel and purged. Total 14 adult echinostomes, 1 and 13 worms from each patient, were collected. The echinostomes characteristically had 49-51 collar spines and 2 round or slightly lobated testes. They were identified as Echinostoma ilocanum (Garrison, 1908) Odhner, 1911. So far as literature are concerned, this is the first record on the discovery of human E. ilocanum infection in Cambodia.

Factor's Related to Self-Perceived Health of Young Adults (청년층의 자기인지건강 관련 요인)

  • Cho, Woo-Hyun;Suh, Il;Park, Jong-Ku;Park, Kee-Ho
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.415-425
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    • 2000
  • Objectives : To determine which factors are related to young adults perception of their health. Two research questions were asked. Which aspects of health does self-perceived health as a index of general health reflect? Why do two individuals with the same level of general health have different health perceptions? Methods : The sampling frame comprised college or graduate school students, aged 20 to 29, who were members of A, one of the 4 biggest internet communication services. The questionnaires were sent to study samples(n=1,000) and answered by E-mail. Response rate was 37.0%. Results : Firstly, physical health ranked highest and self-perceived health ranked lowest. Secondly, health, anxiety, depression, and self-perceived health showed significant differences between the sexes, with women showing a higher health status in these categories except for self-perceived health. Thirdly, the two factors significantly related to self-perceived health were physical health and self-esteem, as determined by multivariate analysis, Conclusions : The factors significantly related to self-perceived health were physical health and self-esteem. Further studies of the health characteristics of young adults are needed.

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Nursing students' perception of oral care for inpatients in Korea (입원환자 구강관리에 관한 간호학과 학생의 인식 조사)

  • Won, Seung-Eun;Choi, Eun-Sil;Han, Sun-Young;Jeon, Hyun-Sun;Mun, So-Jung
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the education status, knowledge, and perception of oral care among senior nursing students from Republic of Korea who completed all four curricular courses of Introduction to Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Adult Nursing and Gerontological Nursing in order to provide basic data for effective oral care of inpatients. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted for 137 senior nursing students in the Seoul and Gangwon regions who were selected by convenience sampling. The questionnaire consisted of questions about the perception of oral care. A frequency analysis was conducted to analyze education status, perception, and general characteristics of participants. In addition, independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance were conducted to assess differences in the knowledge level according to the characteristics of the students. A p-value less than 0.05 was statistically significant. Results: The study results revealed that 63.5% of the respondents received education on oral care, with 67.8% of them receiving the education during their regular curriculum. Of the responders who said they received education, 41.4% said that education was not enough. Furthermore, the majority of respondents (56.9%) considered dental hygienists to be most suitable for the administration of oral care for inpatients. Conclusion: This study revealed nursing students' positive perceptions of the importance of oral care and dental hygienists'performance of oral care for inpatients. Consideration should be given to healthcare workers in various professions for improving oral health in inpatients, as well as for further study of oral care in the curriculum.

Investigation of oral health according to obesity and smoking in high-school in Busan (부산지역 일부 고등학교 학생들의 비만도와 흡연에 따른 구강보건관리에 대한 조사)

  • Kim, Min-Young;Jung, Ui-Jung
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.273-284
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    • 2007
  • Oral health in youth is very important because this period influences life for adult remarkably. Therefore, more effective oral health education and recognition of early treatment for oral disease are required sincerely. For more effectual education for high-school students, it is necessary to consider their circumstance like obesity and smoking. This study will analyze the correlation oral health behavior with obesity and subjective oral health concerns. In addition to, the actual condition of smoking for high-school girls and oral health condition will be verified. A survey was progressed for high-school girls in Busan city and BMI(body mass index) was used for classification of weight. The statistical significance was analyzed using SPSS 13.3 for Windows. Results of this study is following. 1. The frequence of daily toothbrushing was significantly different with obesity although difference of oral health knowledge was not significant. The frequency of toothbrushing of overweight students were lesser than the others. This results may be caused by low-level for oral health concerns and by passive life style of fat person. This habit has possibility of causing serious periodontal disease like periodontitis and tooth caries. 2. The correlation of obesity and time of brush change, using for supplement, and recent dental institution was insignificant. However, concerns of oral health were showed significantly according to obesity. Under-weight and standard-weight students were more concerned about oral health than over-weight. This results can be related to frequence of toothbrushing for fat subject. This relevance of two factors was confirmed by logistic regression analysis. 3. Approximately 70% students have smoking experience responded to uncomfortableness of periodontal conditions. On the other hand, non-smoking students felt uncomfortable in 50%. This results indicated that smoking have an effect on oral health condition. Further study which identify periodontal conditions practically has to go on for verification of direct correlation smoking and oral health.

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The Convergence study on the Ego state, Interpersonal competence and problem solving ability of nursing students. (간호대학생의 자아 상태, 대인관계 유능성 및 문제해결 능력에 관한 융합연구)

  • Kim, Sangl-Nam;Kim, Young-Mi;Lee, So-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between ego state, interpersonal competence and problem solving ability of nursing students. The method of this study was survay study 311 nursing students who have clinical experience. Data was collected by structured questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS / Win 21.0 program. The results showed that there was a positive correlation with the critical parent ego state(CP), nurturing parent ego state(NP), adult ego state(A), free child ego state(FC), interpersonal competence and problem solving ability. Adaptive Child ego state(AC) showed negative correlation between interpersonal competence and problem solving ability. In order to improve interpersonal competence and problem solving ability of nursing college students, it is necessary to develop CP and NP, A, FC ego state and develop and apply mutual AC analysis program to overcome the negative characteristics of AC ego state.

The Study on the Prejudice, Social Distance and behavior toward Older Adults (노인에 대한 편견, 사회적 거리감 및 행동에 관한 연구)

  • Sang-Un Park;Kwon-Jung Kim;Jeong-Hyeon Kong
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2022
  • This study is aimed at improving nursing students' broad understanding and positive attitude toward the elderly by examining basic data on prejudice, social distand and behavior for nursing students who should play a key role in caring for the elderly. We want to find a way to implement it. The subject of this study was a survey of 145 nursing students located in J-city, Gyeongnam, and the IBM SPSS 21.0 program was used for data analysis. To summarize the study results, the subjects' behavior toward the elderly was negatively correlated with prejudice aganinst the elderly(r=-.171, p=.040), and positively correlated with social distance(r=.387, p<.001). Relationship, social distance an prejudice toward the elderly showed a positive correlation(r=.171, p=.040). Prejudice toward the elderly, social distance, and positive behavior toward the elderly are important factors for nursing students who should play a key role in nursing care for the elderly in an aging society. Therfore, a study on differences among nursing students by region should be conducted in the future.