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Adjustment of Lactation Number and Stage on Informal Linear Type Traits of Holstein Dairy Cattle

  • Do, Chang-Hee;Jeon, Beong-Soon;Sang, Byung-Chan;Lee, Dong-Hee;Pearson, Ronald E.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.467-473
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    • 2010
  • A total of 4,323,781 records for informal 16 primary linear descriptive traits of dairy cows in Holstein breed from 1988 to 2007 in USA were analyzed to estimate adjustment factors for lactation number and stage. While all factors in the model were highly significant (P < 0.01), major influences on linear type traits were due to lactation number and stage. The frequencies of lactation number 1 through 6 were 58.6, 22.0, 11.8, 4.8, 2.1, and 0.8%, respectively. Further, the frequencies of lactation stage were 0.7, 76.9, 15.3, 4.9, and 2.1%, respectively, for springing, early, medium, late, and dry. To adjust 16 linear traits (stature, dairy form, strength, body depth, rump width, rump angle, legs rear view, leg set, foot angle, fore udder, rear udder height, rear udder width, udder support, udder depth, and front teat placement), additive and multiplicative adjustment factors of lactation number (lactations 2 to 4) and stage (springing, medium, late and dry) were estimated with the solutions in the generalized linear model, assigning lactation 1 and stage early as base class. Additive adjustment factors of lactation number ranged from -1.23 to 2.908, while multiplicative factors ranged from 0.853 to 2.207. Further, additive and multiplicative adjustment factors for lactation stage ranged from -0.668 to 0.785, and from 0.891 to 1.154. Application of adjustment factors to 20 randomly sampled sub-data sets produced the results that additive adjustment factors for both lactation number and stage reduced more mean square of lactation number and stage over 16 linear traits than any combination of adjustments, and leaded additive adjustment factors for both lactation number and stage as a choice of methods for adjustment of informal 16 primary linear type traits collected by classifiers of AI studs.

Influencing Factors of Nursing Students' College Life Adjustment in COVID-19 (COVID-19 상황에서 간호학생의 대학생활적응 영향요인)

  • An, Hyeran;Lee, Jiyeong
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the major selection motivation, academic stress, self-efficacy and college life adjustment and identify influencing factors of college life adjustment in the crisis situation of COVID-19. 243 nursing students were selected from 2 regions through convenience sampling. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson's correlation coefficients and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS for Windows Ver. 22.0. The higher the major selection motivation and self-efficacy, the higher the college life adjustment. The lower the academic stress, the higher the college life adjustment. The factors influencing college life adjustment were self-efficacy, major selection motivation, monthly allowance, and the explanatory power of these variables for college life adjustment was 65.6%. Therefore, in order to improve the nursing students' college life adjustment, it is necessary to develop and apply college life adjustment program to increase self-efficacy.

The Longitudinal Relationship between Social Capital of North Korean Migrant Youths and School Adjustment: A Latent Growth Modeling Approach (잠재성장모형을 활용한 탈북청소년의 사회자본과 학교적응 간 종단관계 분석)

  • Yeon, Bo-Ra;KIM, Kyungkeun
    • (The)Korea Educational Review
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.205-230
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    • 2017
  • Drawing on third to fifth wave data from the Longitudinal Study of North Korean Migrant Youths' Education, we examined the longitudinal relationship between social capital of North Korean Migrant Youths and school adjustment using latent growth modeling(LGM). Specifically, we sought to answer the following research questions: Do social capital and school adjustment among North Korean Migrant Youths change over time? Is there a relationship between the changes in social capital and school adjustment among these students? Our LGM results showed that trends in social capital and school adjustment among these students were not fixed but changed over time. While the social capital developed by these students was found to influence school adjustment at the time of its development, it did not continue to influence changes in school adjustment over time. Changes in school adjustment of North Korean migrant youths were affected by changes in social capital. These results suggest that there is room for gradual improvement of school adjustment level by strengthening social capital of North Korean migrant youths.

How adjustment could affect internal and marginal adaptation of CAD/CAM crowns made with different materials

  • Hasanzade, Mahya;Moharrami, Mohammad;Alikhasi, Marzieh
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.344-350
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    • 2020
  • PURPOSE. Recently introduced hybrid and reinforced glass ceramic computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) materials have been used for full-coverage restorations. However; the effect of adjustment and type of materials on internal and marginal adaptation are unknown. This study aimed to evaluate and compare the marginal and internal adaptations of crowns made of three different CAD/CAM materials before and after adjustment. MATERIALS AND METHODS. One acrylic resin maxillary first molar was prepared and served as the master die. Thirty-six restorations were fabricated using CAD/CAM system (CEREC Omnicam, MCXL) with three materials including lithium disilicate (IPS e.max CAD), zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate (Suprinity), and hybrid ceramic (Enamic). Internal and marginal adaptations were evaluated with the reference point matching technique before and after adjustment. The data were analyzed using mixed ANOVA considering α=.05 as the significance level. RESULTS. The effect of adjustment and its interaction with the restoration material were significant for marginal, absolute marginal, and occlusal discrepancies (P<.05). Before adjustment, Suprinity had lower marginal discrepancies than IPS e.max CAD (P=.18) and Enamic (P=.021); though no significant differences existed after adjustment. CONCLUSION. Within the limitations of this study, crowns fabricated from IPS e.max CAD and Suprinity resulted in slightly better adaptation compared with Enamic crowns before adjustment. However, marginal, axial, and occlusal discrepancies were similar among all materials after the adjustment.

Improvement of Adjusted Funds according to Border Adjustment Method on Cadastral Reform Project (경계설정에 따른 지적재조사의 조정금 개선방안 연구)

  • Yoo, Mi-Young;Choi, Yun-Soo;Choi, Han-Young;Park, Moon-Jae
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.117-132
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    • 2020
  • The study studied ways to improve the adjustment of the cadastral reform project after analyzing and evaluating the method of determining the boundaries and the overall status of the adjustment, focusing on cases of complaints in the business district in Sejong City, where the re-investigation project was completed. Measures to improve the adjustment amount of the cadastral reform project were largely divided into boundary adjustment and improvement measures according to the scope of area allowance and institutional improvement. According to an analysis of the status of boundary adjustment in Sejong City, the boundary of the cadastral reform project was being adjusted in various ways, and among them, it was found that it is simple to adjust, to formalize parcels, and that many adjustments are being made centering on resolving blind areas by establishing new roads. When setting such a boundary, it is necessary to establish an efficient and reasonable boundary by actively encouraging sufficient consultation with owners and an adjustment boundary that reflects the personal will of landowners to minimize disputes over the adjustment amount. In terms of improvement measures based on the area limit, it is necessary to accurately record and preserve the results of the cadastral resurvey in numerical data and to ease or exempt the adjustment amount if it is within the area permissible scope of the Spatial Data Management Act when calculating the adjustment amount. Finally, in relation to the adjustment, it was judged that it would be necessary to provide long-term low-interest loans to their own land to landowners, and that it would be necessary to calculate the adjustment through appraisal calculated by third parties fairly and objectively based on value judgment.

Marital Adjustment Factors for International Marriages in South Korea

  • Chang, Jinkyung;Shin, Yookyung
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.69-86
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    • 2012
  • This study determined the influence of personality patterns on marital adjustments mediated by communication effectiveness for 298 international marriages in South Korea. The results are as follows: (a) The mediator effects of personality patterns and communication effectiveness on the marital adjustment of international marriages were found to be significant; in addition, a mediator path with marital adjustment as a dependent variable was verified. (b) The extroversion, agreeableness, and openness of husbands were found to have a positive effect on their communication and marital adjustment in regards to the personality patterns of international. (c) Conscientiousness was identified as the only factor that affects the marital adjustment of a wife in regards to personality patterns. The implications of this study will be discussed in the conclusion part.

Factors Influencing College Life Adjustment in Nursing Students (3년제 간호대학생의 대학생활 적응에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Choi, Ye Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing college life adjustment in nursing students. Methods: The subjects consisted of 206 nursing students. Data were collected from December 6 to December 13, 2012. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlational coefficients and multiple regression with SPSS WIN v 20.0. Result: The mean scores of ego-identity (3.53±48), social problem-solving ability (3.41±.42), and college life adjustment (5.27±.91) were above average. College life adjustment was significantly different according to ego-identity, academic performance, and perceived health state. Ego-identity, academic performance, and perceived health state were influencing factors of college life adjustment (53.2%). Conclusion: It is necessary to develop an education program to improve ego-identity, academic performance, and perceived health state to help nursing students to adjust to their college life more effectively.

Influences of Learning-related Skills in Kindergarten on School Adjustment in First-grade Children : A Short-Term Longitudinal Study (유아 학습관련 기술이 취학 후 아동의 학교적응력에 미치는 영향에 관한 단기종단 연구)

  • Park, Hee Suk
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of learning-related skills in kindergarten on school adjustment in first-grade children. Subjects were 119 kindergarten children. Instruments were Learning-Related Skill (Park, 2008) and School Adjustment (Chi & Jung, 2006). Statistical methods were Pearson product moment correlation coefficients and multiple regressions. Results of this study showed that : (1) there were positive relationships between learning-related skill in kindergarten and school adjustment in first-grade children. (2) Cognitive, behavioral, and affective learning-related skills in kindergarten were significant predictors of school adjustment in elementary school Conclusions suggest the importance of learning-related skills in kindergarten.

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The Influence of Attachment with Mother on Self-Concept, Peer Relationship and School Adjustment in Korean-Chinese School Age Children (중국 조선족 아동의 어머니와의 애착이 자아개념, 또래관계 및 학교생활 적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sa-Rah;Park, Hye-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.43 no.9 s.211
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    • pp.109-127
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    • 2005
  • The present study examined the relationships among maternal attachment, self-concept, peer relationship, and school adjustment. The subjects were 293 Korean-Chinese elementary school students living in Yanji and Shenyang, China. The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (Armsden & Greenberg, 1987), Social Competence Inventory(Doh & Falbo, 1999), and Self-Perception Profile for Adolesents(Harter, 1988) were used to measure the subjects' maternal attachment, and peer relationship, school adjustment, and self-concept, respectively. When structural equation modeling was applied, the results supported not only the model that maternal attachment and self-concept exert an influence on peer relationship, but also the model that they exert an influence on school adjustment. The results of this study suggest that the secure maternal attachment of Korean-Chinese works as an important mechanism that explains their peer relationship and adjustment at elementary school.

The Effects of Children's Ego-Resilience and Social Support on Exam Anxiety and School Adjustment (아동의 자아탄력성과 사회적 지지가 시험불안 및 학교적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jung-Hee;Park, Jung-Mee
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of children's ego-resilience and social support on exam anxiety and school adjustment. The subjects of this study were 534, 5th and 6th grade students (275 boys and 259 girls) from the Pusan area. The results of this study revealed that the levels of Ego-resilience and social support correlated negatively with exam anxiety, and positively with school adjustment. Therefore the more ego-resilience and social support children felt that they had, the lower the levels of exam anxiety they experience, and the higher their levels of school adjustment. The influence of ego-resilience on exam anxiety was higher than that of social support and the influence of ego-resilience on school adjustment was similar to that of social support. The implications of the present study were also discussed.