• Title/Summary/Keyword: Actinidia arguta

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Edge Vegetation Structure in Chiak Mountain National Park (치악산 국립공원의 주연부 식생구조)

  • 오구균;권태호;조일웅
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 1988
  • To investigate edge vegetation structure and edge species in Chiak Mountain National Park, field survey was executed from July to September, 1988. Canonpy drip-line type, cantilevered type and advancing type of edge vegetation were observed on site. The relative importance values of major species in each crown layer were changed along distance from edge to forest interior differently by aspect and present tree layer vegetation. Especially light-oriented edge species as codominant species were observed in Pinus densiflora forest interior at south slope and moisture - oriented species as codominant species were observed with light-oriented species in north edge beside torrential stream. No. of species and individuals by crown layer, species diversities and dissimilarities were decreased according to the distance from edge to forest interior, and edge depth was estimated as 15-20m. Dominant species of edge in shrub and ground layer were different by altitude and topographic locations; valley, ridge, summit and edge species at summit were not observed at other area. Floristic similarities between edge vegetations at different environments were affected by altitude, aspect and topographic location. Frequency classes of edge species were different by aspect, altitude and topographic location. Weigela subscssilis showed high frequency class in all environment conditions and Quercus mongolica, Lindera obtusiloba, Symplocos chinensis for, pilosa, weigela subscssilis, Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Actinidia arguta, Rubus crategifolius. Pinus densiflora, Aralia elata etc, were observed as edge species at all environmental conditions, respectively.

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In vitro Antioxidant Activity and α-Glucosidase and Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitory Activities of Several Korean Sanchae (우리나라 일부 산채의 in vitro 산화 방지 활성, 알파-글루코시데이스와 췌장 라이페이스 저해 활성)

  • Ahn, Haecheon;Chung, Lana;Choe, Eunok
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.164-169
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    • 2015
  • This study evaluated in vitro antioxidant activity, antioxidant content, and ${\alpha}$-glucosidase and pancreatic lipase inhibitory activities of ethanol extracts of samnamul (shoot of Aruncus dioicus), miyeokchwi (Solidago virgaurea), daraesoon (shoot of Actinidia arguta Planchon), and bangpungnamul (leaves of Ledebouriella seseloides), as muknamul, and fresh chamnamul (Pimpinella brachycarpa). Tocopherol content (4.8-78.3 mg/100 g) of sanchae was lower than polyphenols (4.4-12.2 g/100 g). Daraesoon with high tocopherol contents showed high antioxidant activity and ${\alpha}$-glucosidase and pancreatic lipase inhibitory activities. Samnamul had the highest levels of polyphenols and flavonoids, the highest antioxidant activity, and ${\alpha}$-glucosidase inhibition. Antioxidant activity was correlated with flavonoid content ($r^2=0.8895$), but was not correlated with the levels of other antioxidants tested, suggesting that polyphenol content in samnamul, miyeokchwi, daraesoon, bangpung, and chamnamul might not be critical determinant of antioxidant activity. Our results strongly suggest that samnamul and daraesoon could be useful in the treatment of diabetes and obesity.

Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Korean Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) Pollen Grain Collected by Honey Bee, Apis mellifera (메밀화분의 성분 특성 및 항산화 활성)

  • Hong, In-Pyo;Woo, Soon-Ok;Han, Sang-Mi;Lee, Mi-Kyoung
    • Journal of Apiculture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.261-268
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    • 2017
  • We evaluated the nutritional composition including proximate, amino acid, vitamin, minerals, and the antioxidant activity of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) pollen grains collected by Apis mellifera bees, to be used as a species of forage plant with Quercus acutissima (acorn) and Actinidia arguta pollen grains. The content of crude protein and fat were found 14.43% and 5.67%, respectively. Eighteen amino acids from buckwheat pollen were found, including 8 essential amino acids. The predominant amino acids were glutamic acid, aspartic acid and lysine, accounting for about 42.7% of total free amino acids. The concentration of vitamin C was the highest value of 13.7 mg/100g, followed by $B_3$ (niacin) and $B_1$ among the detected vitamins. The predominant minerals were potassium (1197.95mg/100g), followed by phosphorus (962.77mg/100g) and magnesium (535.42mg/100g), whereas copper, zinc and manganese were detected as minor elements. Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content accounted for 8.1% at $500{\mu}g/ml$ extract and $2.25{\mu}g/mg$, respectively.

Changes of Storability and Quality Characteristics of 'Autumn Sense' Hardy Kiwifruit According to Ethylene Treatment and Storage Condition (에틸렌 처리와 저장조건에 따른 '오텀센스' 다래의 저장성 및 품질특성 변화)

  • Oh, Sung-Il;Kim, Chul Woo;Kim, Mahn-Jo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.3
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    • pp.368-374
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    • 2014
  • This study was investigated the changes of storability and quality characteristics of 'Autumn Sense' hardy kiwifruit according to ethylene treatment and storage condition. In the results of investigation of changes in hardy kiwifruit quality during storage period, hardness of ethylene treated hardy kiwifruit during 48 and 96 hours was rapidly decreased, but soluble solid content was rapidly increased with the passing of storage period in all treatment groups. The total acid was estimated from 0.7 to 1.4% with storage period in all treatment groups. In the results of investigation of the weight loss rate, ethylene treated hardy kiwifruit during 48 hours was the highest 30.9% in storage at $20^{\circ}C$ and lowest 5.9% in storage at $2^{\circ}C$ with a relative air humidity of about 90% during storage at 24 days. Ethylene treated hardy kiwifruit during 96 hours was decrease 29.4% in storage at $20^{\circ}C$, 20.7% in storage at $4^{\circ}C$, 12.1% in storage at $2^{\circ}C$, and 6.0% in storage at $2^{\circ}C$ with a relative air humidity of about 90% during storage at 22 days. The taste of hardy kiwifruit during storage was reduced to increase in all treatment groups. Particularly, storage at $20^{\circ}C$ was rapidly reduced to increase in the early storage and storage at $2^{\circ}C$ with a relative air humidity of about 90% was decrease after storage at 18 days. The rotten rate during storage was increased in all treatment groups, storage at $20^{\circ}C$ was after storage at 2 days and storage at $2^{\circ}C$ with a relative air humidity of about 90% was rapidly increased after storage at 16 days. Thus, it can be recommended that storage at $2^{\circ}C$ with a relative air humidity of about 90% is good to maintain quality. Also, we will decide optimal storage condition and after-ripening time of 'Autumn Sense' hardy kiwifruit.

Studies on the Spacial Compositions and the Characteristics of the Alter System at Daebodan in the Changdeok Palace (창덕궁 대보단(大報壇)의 공간구성과 단제(壇制) 특성에 관한 고찰)

  • Jung, Woo Jin;Sim, Woo Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.318-345
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out with a focus on the factor on the periodical space organization of Daebodan (大報壇: the altar of great recompense) in Changdeok Palace, which is significant in terms of political history in the late Chosun Dynasty, and consider the factors in the formation of the structural system through historical records and drawings. Daebodan has the ideology of righteousness to the Ming Dynasty which the hierarchy of the Joseon Dynasty. who felt the crisis of the domination order, imposed as a solution after the Manchu war of 1636. In addition, Daebodan was built by complex factors that entailed the self-esteem of the 'Joseon Centralism Ideology (朝鮮中華)' and the desire of the sacrificial rituals for Heaven that were imminent to the kings of Joseon. Superficially, Daebodan has the spatial organization of the Sajik (社稷) Altar and the placement of an annex building, but had the applied placement due to limited topography and access to the backyard. Furthermore, the lateral structure of Daebodan multiply accepted various factors of the nine step's stairs, the hight of five cheok (尺), the circumstance of two floors that were showed in the altar and platform with small fences and an imperial order including the internal form of Hwangjangbang (黃帳房). Moreover, the name of the alter came from 'the Jiaote Sheng Book of Rites(禮記 郊特牲)' representing 'the suburban sacrifice ritual for Heaven (郊天)', and it was built by not only combining the system of the Sajik Altar in the Joseon Dynasty and China but also avoiding 'excessive etiquette (僭禮).' The point is a remarkable feature shown by the structural system of Daebodan. Thus, it is considered that the 'Notion of Confucian-Cultural Succession (中華繼承意識)' and the desire of the sacrificial rituals for Heaven were expressed by the structure and form of altar. This study examined the process of the creation, expansion, decline and disposal of Daebodan in a chronological order, and found that the ruling ideology of the governing elite by the political and cultural background of the era at each transitional point was reflected in the spatial formation of the altar. On the other hand, as a result of performing a field survey to find the location in accordance with Daebodan in drawing materials, there remains items such as worked stones from Daebodan, precast pavers and fragments of proof tile discovered in the surrounding of tora vine (Actinidia arguta) which is a natural monument of Changdeok Palace. As such, verification through future excavation and investigation is required.

A Study on the Analysis of the Trends and Expression Techniques of Flower Jewelry (플라워 주얼리의 디자인 트렌드와 표현기법 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeon Hee;Kim, Mi Jin;Yun, Suk Young;Choi, Byung Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Floral Art and Design
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    • no.43
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2020
  • This study found Flower Jewelry works in the monthly magazine specializing in flower decoration for nine years from 2011 to 2019. Based on the analysis of the type of expression, method of expression, type and number of plant materials used, and the type and number of non-plant materials used for the flower jewelry found, it was conducted to find out the trend of flower jewelry in Korea. By expression type, a total of 96 works were analyzed as 20.83% for headdresses, 57.29% for necklaces, 5.21% for earrings, 6.25% for lists, and 10.42% for other works(χ2=94.833, p<.001). According to the analysis of the frequency of use of expression techniques, headdresses, necklaces, and lists for each work were produced using five to six different expression techniques and earrings were produced using two to four expression techniques. Material coupling techniques 34.43%, flower and leaf utilization 30.17%, visual techniques 16.63%, collectivization techniques 14.12%, technical highlighting techniques 4.26%, and other 0.39% (χ2=455.222, p<.001). The most frequently used techniques were framing techniques 16.63% and knotting techniques 16.44%. Plant materials used in flower jewelry were found to be 22.61% for Phalaenopsis spp., 13.48% for Gomphrena globosa, 9.57% for Gloriosa rothschildiana, 7.39% for Epidendrum cinnabarinum, 6.96% for Chamelaucium uncinatum and 4.78% for Craspedia globosa (χ2=718.104, p<.001). In the case of branch, the most common was used with 70.00% of the Cornus walteri, and 10.00% of Actinidia arguta, Celastrus orbiculatus, and Salix pseudolasiogyne were used respectively (χ2=10.800, p=.013). In the case of foliage, 24.65% Aspidistra elatior, 24.62% Asparagus asparagoides, 11.54% Senecio rowleyanus, and 6.15% Ceropegia woodii (χ2=269.385, p<.001). In the case of berries, 44.44% of the fruits of the Smilax china, 33.33% of the Hypericum patulum, and 11.11% of the Phytolacca americana were found (χ2=11.444, p =.022). Non-planting materials used in the manufacture of flower jewelry were found to be 47.34% of 2mm aluminium wire, 33.73% of copper wire and 10.06% of 1mm aluminum wire (χ2=186.704, p<.001). The figure was 53.57% for pearls, 12.50% for ribbons, and 4.14% for spangles and feathers.

Management Guidelines on the Large Old Trees as the Natural Monuments in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi Province through the Analysis of the Growing Environment (생육환경 분석을 통한 서울·인천·경기지역 천연기념물 노거수의 관리방안)

  • Lee, Seung Je
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.88-99
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to formulate management guidelines for Natural monumental old trees in Korea through survey of tree vigor and analysis of growing environments. A total of 20 old trees designated as natural monuments in Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi Province were surveyed. The biological characteristics were surveyed with 4 items of species, ages and height of trees. The surrounding environments were surveyed with 2 items of location types and surroundings. The root conditions were surveyed with 2 items of denudation and molding depth. The health conditions were surveyed with 5 items of withering rate, cavity size, bark breakaway rate, damages by blight and insects, and growing tips. The soil conditions were surveyed with 6 items of PH, organic contents, valid phosphoric acid, transposal cations(K, Ca) and soil compaction. On the basis of outcomes of these research items, mutual relations among locations, growings and soil conditions of old trees were analyzed by carring out cross tabulation, correlation, and simple and multiple regression. Management guidelines were presented searching the factors effecting on the health of the monumental old trees. On the biological characteristics, the old trees designated as natural monuments were Pinus bungeana(4 trees), Juniperus chinensis(3 trees), Ginkgo biloba(3 trees), Poncirus trifoliata(2 trees). Actinidia arguta, Wisteria floribunda, Thuja orientalis, Quercus mongolica, Sophora japonica, Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Zelkova serrata, and Pinus densiflora. The tree height ranged from 4.2 to 39.2m, and root collar rounds ranged from 1.01 to 15.2m. On the surrounding environments, The location types ; Gardens(4), historical sites(5), residental sections(3) open agricultural fields(3), mountain hills(3), and near ocean beaches(1) and stream site(1). The surroundings ; 75% denudation of roots, molded more than 10cm except 4 trees(25%). On the health conditions, 1)Withering rate ; Ginkgo biloba(20%) in Yongmoon temple, (5%) in Saki-ri, kanwha-gun, and others had no withering rate. 2) Cavity size ; all subject had $5{\sim}100cm^3$ of cavity. 3) Bark breakaway rate ; Pinus bungeana in Soosong-dong, in the shrine of Confucius, in Samchung-dong, especially high rate of cavity(5~50%) in Seoul area and in Saki-ri, Kangwha-gun were high 45% brakeaway rate. 4) Damages by blight and insects was slight due to managements. 5Growing tips ; In cases of Juniperus chinensis in Changdeok palace and SunnogDang, seoul, growing tips were 1/2, presumably cause by air pollution, and in cases of Fraxinus rhynchophylla in Paju city and Pinus densiflora in BacksaDorip-ri, Icheon city, growing tips were fine, presumably because there were no moldings. On the Soil conditions, Soil pH ranged from 5.2 to 8.3, organic matter contents from 12% to 56%, phosphorus contents from 104 to 618ppm, soil compaction ranged from 7 to 28mm( among them, Denudation was severe with 21~28mm soil compactions in cases of Pinus bungeana in Soosong -dong, Thuja orientalis in Samchung -dong, Ginkgo biloba in the shrine of Confucius and in Yongmoon temple.) Results of cross tabulation, correlation, and regression analysis showed that molding depth was the most serious factor to deteriorate the tree vigor and cambium conductivity. In addition, soil acidity, organic matter contents, disease and insect damages and cambial detachment were also related to the tree vigor. Additional research of these relationships will be needed to conduct more detailed studies. Based on the relationships between the tree vigor and growing environments, it is considered that old trees should be managed to give them more growing spaces and less abuses. Also, molded soils should be removed and further soil-molding around the tree collar should be prohibited. For the construction of systematic management and removal of harmful factors, appropriative management according to spices, persistent monitering of damaged cases and construction of management system through the accumulation of data on the relationships of soil conditions are required.