• Title/Summary/Keyword: Act on the Punishment

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Artificial Intelligence-Based Construction Equipment Safety Technology (인공지능 기반 건설장비 안전 기술)

  • Young-Kyo Lee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.566-573
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    • 2024
  • Applying autonomous driving technology to construction sites is very difficult due to safety issues. However, the application of various positioning and sensing devices, such as cameras and radars, to construction equipment is very active. Based on these technological trends, the government is making various efforts, including the Serious Accident Punishment Act and support for industrial safety management expenses, to reduce the incidence of accidents caused by construction equipment and industrial vehicles. And, related industries have been developing various safety equipment over the past few years and applying them to the field. In this paper, we investigate the current status of safety equipment-related technologies currently applied to construction equipment and industrial vehicles, and propose a direction for the development of safety technology in construction equipment based on artificial intelligence. Improving the safety and work efficiency of construction equipment based on the technology proposed in this paper should be reviewed through simulation in the future.

A Study on Improvement Plans for Safety and Health Technical Support Project on Small Business by Field (소규모 사업장 안전보건 기술지원사업의 분야별개선방안에 대한 연구)

  • Yongro Ahn;Taekeun Oh
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.625-632
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    • 2023
  • Due to the recent occupational accidents, the government made efforts such the Severe Accident Punishment Act and roadmap for reducing severe accidents. In particular, more than 80% accidents occur in small businesses, such as those with less than 50 employees and construction sites with a construction cost of less than 100 million, and practical efforts are needed to reduce them. In small businesses, the appointment of a safety managers and safety and health management regulations have been excluded in whole or in part, and technical guidance from an institution specializing in accident prevention is compulsory to supplement them. In this study, the problems of the safety and health technology support project for small workplaces has been identified through a survey and improvement plans were proposed.

A Study on the Reinforcement of Disaster Prevention for Construction Stakeholders in Korea (국내 건설공사 이해관계자에 관한 재해예방 강화 연구)

  • Ki-Taek Oh
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: In order to establish a safety management system led by an orderer in the construction industry, the orderer should be positioned at the peak of the construction industry safety management system and a system that can effectively support safety supervisors who can assist the orderer's role should be reflected. Method: This study collected and analyzed data on the status of safety management of construction business owners through prior research on safety management of construction business owners and a survey on the actual condition of those involved in the construction business. Results: The top priority is to improve the safety awareness and safety management capabilities of the orderer, and through these efforts, the orderer-led safety management system will be established when a national consensus on the responsibility of the orderer, such as the Serious Accident Punishment Act and the Occupational Safety and Health Act, is formed in the event of an accident such as a serious accident. Conclusion: In order to establish a safety management system led by an orderer in the construction industry, it contributes to disaster prevention by positioning the orderer at the peak of the construction safety management system and reflecting a system that can effectively support safety supervisors who can assist the orderer's role.

Extended Analysis of Unsafe Acts violating Safety Rules caused Industrial Accidents (산재사고를 유발한 안전수칙 위반행위의 확장분석)

  • Lim, Hyeon Kyo;Ham, Seung Eon;Bak, Geon Yeong;Lee, Yong Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 2022
  • Conventionally, all the unsafe acts by human beings in relation to industrial accidents have been regarded as unintentional human errors. Exceptionally, however, in the cases with fatalities, seriously injured workers, and/or losses that evoked social issues, attention was paid to violating related laws and regulations for finding out some people to be prosecuted and given judicial punishments. As Heinrich stated, injury or loss in an accident is quite a random variable, so it can be unfair to utilize it as a criterion for prosecution or punishment. The present study was conducted to comprehend how categorizing intentional violations in unsafe acts might disrupt conventional conclusions about the industrial accident process. It was also intended to seek out the right direction for countermeasures by examining unsafe acts comprehensively rather than limiting the analysis to human errors only. In an analysis of 150 industrial accident cases that caused fatalities and featured relatively clear accident scenarios, the results showed that only 36.0% (54 cases) of the workers recognized the situation they confronted as risky, out of which 29.6% (16 cases) thought of the risk as trivial. In addition, even when the risks were recognized, most workers attempted to solve the hazardous situations in ways that violated rules or regulations. If analyzed with a focus on human errors, accidents can be attributed to personal deviations. However, if considered with an emphasis on safety rules or regulations, the focus will naturally move to the question of whether the workers intentionally violated them or not. As a consequence, failure of managerial efforts may be highlighted. Therefore, it was concluded that management should consider unsafe acts comprehensively, with violations included in principle, during accident investigations and the development of countermeasures to prevent future accidents.

Smart Safety Management System based on ICT Sensor (ICT 센서를 기반한 스마트 안전관리 시스템)

  • Lee, Seung-Chul;Joung, Young-Su;Cho, Min-Jun;Jeon, Dong-Ju;Baek, Uk-Jin;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.542-545
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the Act on the Punishment of Severe Disasters has drawn attention to the construction environment. A common way to check the safety management of the construction site is for workers to check the site with their own eyes. However, this method is inevitably affected by the limitations of workers' abilities, resulting in fatigue and reduced work efficiency. For this reason, it cannot be an efficient method. Thus, we intend to help the working environment and construction site safety through this study, by proposing an efficient ICT safety management system that can supplement the above methods. In this paper explain the design of the access management system using RFID and the field information monitoring method through noise sensors and fine dust sensors. In addition, we propose a system that can prevent accidents between heavy equipment and people with a PIR sensor, and prevent safety accidents by grasping the slope of the building being worked through a gyro sensor.

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Factors Affecting the Intention to Invade Privacy on Social Network Service (SNS에서 프라이버시 침해의도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Ahn, Soomi;Jang, Jaeyoung;Kim, Jidong;Kim, Beomsoo
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2014
  • With side effects such as Phishing and Spam using personal information in Social Network Service, there is a growing need for studies related to harmful behaviors such as the reason for privacy violation. As such, this study assumed privacy violation to be ethical decision, making behavior and used the Theory of Planned Behavior and Motivation Theory, which are mostly used in social science to identify the factors affecting privacy violation. The results suggested that the Perceived Enjoyment and Punishment used in motivation studies affected privacy violation behaviors, and that the factors of the Theory of Planned Behavior such as Attitude toward Privacy Violation, Subjective Norms of Privacy Violation, and Perceived Behavioral Control with regard to Privacy Violation significantly influenced the Intention to Privacy Violation. On the other hand, Perceived Curiosity and Subjective Norms of Privacy Violation did not affect the Intention to Privacy Violation. Therefore, this study confirmed that the Theory of Planned Behavior was appropriate to explain the Intention to Privacy Violation, and that the variables of the Motivation Theory generally influenced the Attitude toward Privacy Violation. This study was significant since it extended the scope of theoretical privacy study from users and victims centered to inflictor and applied the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior using the variables of the Motivation Theory in the study of Intention to Privacy Violation. From the practical aspect, it provided the ground for privacy education based on the fact that the Attitude toward Privacy Violation can be curbed when education on the Privacy Concerns, Perceived Enjoyment, and Punishment with regard to privacy is strengthened. It also cited the need for the punishment of privacy violation and the practical ground to amend the terms and conditions of user license and Personal Information Protection Act to provide policy support.

Implentation of a Model for Predicting the Distance between Hazardous Objects and Workers in the Workplace using YOLO-v4 (YOLO-v4를 활용한 작업장의 위험 객체와 작업자 간 거리 예측 모델의 구현)

  • Lee, Taejun;Cho, Minwoo;Kim, Hangil;Kim, Taekcheon;Jung, Heokyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.10a
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    • pp.332-334
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    • 2021
  • As fatal accidents due to industrial accidents and deaths due to civil accidents were pointed out as social problems, the Act on Punishment of Serious Accidents Occurred in the Workplace was enacted to ensure the safety of citizens and to prevent serious accidents in advance. Effort is required. In this paper, we propose a distance prediction model in relation to the case where an operator is hit by heavy equipment such as a forklift. For the data, actual forklift trucks and workers roaming environments were directly captured by CCTV, and it was conducted based on the Euclidean distance. It is thought that it will be possible to learn YOLO-v4 by directly building a data-set at the industrial site, and then implement a model that predicts the distance and determines whether it is a dangerous situation, which can be used as basic data for a comprehensive risk situation judgment model.

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A Study on the insurance crime using a false hospitalization (허위입원을 이용한 보험범죄에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Hyung Sik;Park, Ho Jeong
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.15 no.6_2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2015
  • In order to clearly recognize illegality of insurance crime, declaring the provisions on insurance crime is preferable. An insurance fraud differentiated from Configuration Requirements of general fraud should be established And differentiation in accordance with the act type of insurance crime the degree of organizational involvement is required. Also the introduction of civil sanctions and creation of additional punishment provision about Organized insurance fraud are required. To notice duplicate insurance when sign up life insurance, the revision of the provisions is required. To limit unnecessary long-term hospitalization, hospitalization standard is required. Introduction of private investigator is required as a method for endowing with investigation to the staff of insurance companies. By providing information sharing laws between relevant agencies including insurance companies and law enforcement agencies, the foundation of information database, and the introduction of SNA Techniques in the IFAS,, you can detect Organized collusion crime.

The Prohibition Against Medical Refusal and the Principle of Private Autonomy in Medical Contracts (보건의료관련 법률의 진료거부금지에 관한 규정이 의료계약에서 계약의 자유를 제한하는지에 관하여)

  • Yi, Jaekyeong
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.81-109
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    • 2021
  • This paper review about the relationship between the prohibition against medical refusal and the principle of private autonomy in medical contracts. The obligation to this Prohibition in Medical Law does not restrict the liberty of contracting a medical contract. On the other hand, the prohibition limits the freedom to terminate medical contracts. Medical contracts can be terminated if the trust between doctors and patients is vanished. However certain restrictions should be placed on termination of the medical contract, because termination of the contract should not be detrimental to patients' health. According to the current medical law the medical contract is to be enforced in principle and can be revoked only with justifiable reason. At the Civil Code on Medical Contracts the freedom to terminate the medical contract is permitted, but this paper suggests the restrictions of the revocation under certain conditions. The Criminal Punishment Regulations against medical refusal should be removed. Refusal the provide medical service should be regulated by administrative sanctions under the National Health Insurance Act's obligation.

Policy suggestions for active reporting of medical professionals for early detection of child abuse (아동학대의 조기발견을 위한 제도적 개선 방안: 「아동학대범죄의 처벌 등에 대한 특례법」이 정한 의료인에 의한 신고를 중심으로)

  • Bae, Seung Min;Lee, Sun Goo
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.143-169
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    • 2017
  • The Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Child Abuse Crimes intends to encourage reporting and punishment of child abuse by using the concept of 'crime' in child abuse cases. Article 10 of the Act imposes duty to report child abuse on a number of different professions, including medical professionals. Currently, more than 80% of child abuse cases occur among family members and the detection rate of child abuse is as low as 0.5% in Korea. On the other hand, medical professionals can identify child abuse relatively clearly with specific medical opinions. Therefore, it is necessary that medical professions are informed of this duty and does not bear disincentive from reporting. This paper makes policy suggestions in this regard. First, it is necessary that medical students and medical professionals receive regular education about the obligation to report child abuse. Education should include details of the reporting duty, as well as the fact that there is legal obligation to report even if the child abuse is "suspicious", not certain. Second, it is imperative to establish and implement protective programs for medical professionals who report child abuse. The current law provides a rough framework for protection of people who report child abuse, but it is necessary to produce detailed guidelines that are applicable in the context of medical setting. Education for medical students and medical professionals should include the contents of these guidelines, so that they do not hesitate reporting because they fear the aftermath of reporting. Third, it is highly recommended that physicians use the national Baby/Infant Health Checkup Program as an opportunity to detect child abuse. In Korea, the Baby/Infant Health Checkup Program provides physicians to periodically monitor health condition of all babies and children until the age of 71 months. In order to utilize this program for early detection of child abuse, it is imperative that the bBaby/Infant Health Checkup Program is modified to involve child abuse experts and medical professionals who participate in the program are educated about child abuse.

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