• Title/Summary/Keyword: Acantopanax

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Studies on Free Sugars in Various Ginseng Products and Acanthopanax by Gas Liquid Chromatography (Gas Liquid Chromatography에 의한 각종(各種) 인삼(人蔘) 제품(製品) 및 오가피(五加皮)의 유리당(遊離糖) 조성(組成)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Sung-Woo;Kozukue, Nobuyuki;Bae, Hyo-Won;Yoon, Tai-Heon
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.273-277
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    • 1979
  • Free sugars in various ginseng products, Korean and Russian Acanthopanaxes were analyzed by gas liquid chromatography. Ginseng products included Korean red ginseng, white ginseng with skin produced in Korea, Canada, and America, and extracts of red and white ginseng. ${\alpha}-\;and\;{\beta}-fructoses,\;{\alpha}-\;and\;{\beta}-glucoses$, galactose, sucrose, and ${\alpha}-\;and\;{\beta}-maltoses$ were identified in Korean and American white ginsengs with skin, and in Korean red ginseng. However ${\alpha}-\;and\;{\beta}-maltoses$ were not detected in Canadian white ginseng with skin. Total amount of sugars identified in white ginseng with skin was higher than that in red ginseng. ${\alpha}-\;and\;{\beta}-fructoses,\;{\alpha}-\;and\;{\beta}-glucoses$, galactose, sucrose and ${\alpha}-\;and\;{\beta}-maltoses$ were identified in red and white ginseng extracts. Fructose was a major sugar in red ginseng extract while it was sucrose in white ginseng extract. ${\alpha}-\;and\;{\beta}-glucoses$, galactose, sucrose and ${\alpha}-\;and\;{\beta}-maltoses$ were identified in Russian Acanthopanax, and their patterns were similar to that of ginseng, while ${\beta}-fructose,\;{\alpha}-\;and\;{\beta}-glucoses$ and sucrose were identified in Korean Acantopanax and total amount of sugars was only one third of that in Russian Acanthopanax.

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