• Title/Summary/Keyword: AII(Air-borne Infection Isolation)Room

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Comparative Evaluation of Measures against the Spread of Air-borne Infections in a Large National Hospital and Small and Medium-sized Clinics in Korea (국내 대형병원과 중·소규모 의원의 공기감염 확산 방지 대책의 비교 평가)

  • An, Jiwon;Yang, Young Kwon;Won, An-Na;Hwang, Jung Ha;Park, Jin Chul
    • Journal of Korean Living Environment System
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the air infections in middle and small hospitals with the facilities of large national hospitals that have air-borne infection isolation (AII) wards through actual condition investigation and airflow analysis simulation (CFD) and to provide basic data for prevention. The method and scope of the study are as follows. First, through literature review, data related to prevention of infection spread in domestic medical institutions were investigated. Second, we conducted a survey on the status of isolation facilities to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in large hospitals and small and medium - sized clinics in Korea. Third, airflow analysis simulation (CFD) was carried out using the isolation ward of the nationally designated inpatient ward and the data of the plane and facility system of the small clinic. As a result of the study, it is found that regulations applicable to small and medium-sized clinics are insufficient. In addition, the simulation results show that the infectious disease virus is likely to spread to other patients in the hospital.