• Title/Summary/Keyword: A Decision Making Technology System

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A Construction of Web-based Decision Making Support System for Artificial Ground Greening (인공지반녹화의 웹 지원 의사결정지원시스템 구축)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Park, Chan;Kim, Jae-Uk;Yoon, So-Won;Jang, Seong-Wan;Shin, Sang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.62-71
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    • 2008
  • Recently, the expansion of housing developments has reduced green areas in cities. The reduction of green areas caused many negative effects on human beings. For functional improvement of ecosystem, government focuses on artificial ground greening because it gives improving microclimate and saving energy consumption. This research aims to develop the system to support decision making of greening for artificial ground greening. This system consist of rooftop greening, wall greening, and street greening system which can suggest proper type of greening and calculate the effect of the greening considering the proponents inputs. It presents social, economic, and ecological value such as cost, energy saving, and temperature reduction. As it is web-based system users can easily access with internet. This system provides automatic selection modes.As a result, with this developed web-based system, decision makers can evaluate the effect of artificial ground green easily and the support to such movement will increase.

Baseline Study to Develop a Consumer Information System (소비자정보시스템 구축을 위한 기반 연구)

  • Nam Su-Jung;Kim Kee-Ok
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.23 no.1 s.73
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2005
  • Information technology is an important driving force that has changed consumer information environments. In order to adjust in the new environments, consumers need an innovative information system. The purpose of this study was to develop a Consumer Information System (CIS). CIS is a device that supports consumer's decision-making process and elevates consumer information competence. The CIS was constructed by the following steps: (1) organization of developers, (2) systematization of consumer information, (3) data loading, (4) integration of consumer database: data warehouse, (5) data distribution, (6) composition of data mart, (7) use of data access tools: data-mining, OLAP, statistical analysis, Q+R, (8) data visualization: web server.

Development of a Decision Making Model for Construction Management in LNG Plant Construction - Focused on Construction Stage - (LNG 공사의 건설사업관리 의사결정지원모델 개발 - 시공단계 중심 -)

  • Park, Hwan Pyo;Han, Jae Goo;Chin, Kyung Ho
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2014
  • LNG plant projects tend to be implemented in overseas owing to its characteristics, so their project management scheme is somewhat different from those of general projects. Value chain in a LNG plant project includes exploration/production of gases, physical liquefaction/chemical conversion processes, transportation and storage. Key factors in the chain include liquefaction process (including ultra-low temperature liquefaction) to convert natural gas into liquid materials or fuel, and Front End Engineering Design (FEED) package, as well as Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) technology comprising control, operation and construction. Success of a complex LNG plant project implemented in overseas depends on decision-making process in project management. Accordingly, to develop a decision-making model in of plant construction, the study extracted none factors in project management by EPC stage and assessed importance of each factor. The result showed that items in both project management and project risk management are important. Especially, the study developed a decision-making model in the construction stage of a LNG plant project based on the project management factors and importance assessment. The developed decision-making model would lay groundwork in building a decision-making system in construction stage of project management.

The Effect of Police Officers' Participatory Decision-making, Supervisory Quality and Attitude and Organizational Justice on Job Satisfaction: Focused on Mediating Effect of Work-Life Conflict

  • Jang, Cheolyeung
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of police officers' participatory decision-making, supervisory quality and attitude, organizational justice on job satisfaction focused on mediating effect of work-life conflict. As a result of analysis of 185 police officers, the results were as follows. The causal relationships between participatory decision-making, organizational justice and work-life conflict, the ones between supervisory qualities and attitude, organizational justice, work-life conflict and job satisfaction, all of them reached the significance levels, not the causal relationship between supervisory qualityand attitude work-life conflict. Thus, the results for the interaction have shown, participatory decision-making and organizational justice and work-life conflict have negative influences on work-life conflict respectively, and supervisory qualities and attitude conflict, organizational justice conflict, work-life conflict have effect on job satisfaction with positive and negative effect. The Sobel-test showed that the Sobel-test statistic of the mediating effect of work-life conflict on causal relationships between organizational justice and job satisfaction is significant, but not in the mediating effect of work-life conflict on causal relationships between supervisory qualities and attitude and job satisfaction. According to the analytical results, work-life conflict is an important factor that can improve police officers' job satisfaction in the public organizational context with an open-oriented- system and culture for employees' participation in the process of decision making and equality and fairness for organizational management. It is also noted that work-life harmony for employees may be incompatible with the supervisor's perception of the work-oriented or prioritized-way in hierarchical organizations like police agencies.

Streamlining ERP Deployment in Nepal's Oil and Gas Industry: A Case Analysis

  • Dipa Adhikari;Bhanu Shrestha;Surendra Shrestha;Rajan Nepal
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.140-147
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    • 2024
  • Oil and gas industry is a unique sector with complex activities, long supply chains and strict rules for the business. It is important to use enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to address these challenges as it helps in simplifying operations, improving efficiency and facilitating evidence-based decision making. Nonetheless, successful integration of ERP systems in this industry involves careful planning, customization and alignment with specific business processes including regulatory requirements. Several critical factors, such as strong change management, support of top managers and training that works have been identified in the study. Amongst the hurdles are employee resistance towards the changes, data migration complications and integration with existing systems. Nonetheless, NOCL's ERP implementation resulted in significant improvements in operating efficiency, better data visibility and compliance management. It also led to a decrease in financial reporting timeframes, more accurate inventory tracking and improved decision-making capabilities. The study provides useful insights on how to optimize oil and gas sector ERP implementations; key among them is practical advice including strengthening change management strategies, prioritizing data security and collaborating with ERP vendors. The research highlights the importance of tailoring ERP solutions to specific industry needs as well as emphasizes the strategic role of ongoing monitoring/feedback for future benefits sustainability.

Assessing the Impact of Digital Procurement via Mobile Phone on the Agribusiness of Rural Bangladesh: A Decision-analytic Approach

  • Alam, Md. Mahbubul;Wagner, Christian
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2013
  • The research assesses the impact of a digital procurement (e-purjee) system for sugarcane growers in Bangladesh. The system itself is simple, transmitting purchase orders to local farmers via SMS text notification. It replaces a traditional paper-based system fraught with low reliability and delivery delays. Applying expected value theory, and using decision tree representations to depict growers' decision-making complexity in an information-asymmetric environment, we compute outcomes for the strategies and sub-strategies of ICT vs. traditional paper-based order management from the sugarcane growers' perspective. The study results show that the digital procurement system outperforms the paper-based system by tangibly reducing growers' economic losses. The digital system also appears to benefit growers non-monetarily, because of reduced uncertainty and a higher level of perceived fairness. Sugarcane growers appear to value the non-monetary benefits even higher than the economic advantages of the e-purjee system.

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Ubiquitous Data Warehosue: Integrating RFID with Mutidimensional Online Analysis (유비쿼터스 데이터 웨어하우스: RFID와 다차원 온라인 분석의 통합)

  • Cho, Dai-Yon;Lee, Seung-Pyo
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2005
  • RFID is used for tracking systems in various business fields these days and these systems brought considerable efficiencies and cost savings to companies. Real-time based information acquired through RFID devices could be a valuable source of information for making decisions if it is combined with decision support tools like OLAP of a data warehouse that has originally been designed for analyzing static and historical data. As an effort of extending the data source of a data warehouse, RFID is combined with a data warehouse in this research. And OLAP is designed to analyze the dynamic real-time based information gathered through RFID devices. The implemented prototype shows that ubiquitous computing technology such as RFID could be a valuable data source for a data warehouse and is very useful for making decisions when it is combined with online analysis. The system architecture of such system is suggested.

The Study of Decision-Making Model on Small and Medium Sized Management States of Financial Agencies and Monitoring Progressive Insolvency : Case of Mutual Savings Banks

  • Ryu, Ji-Cheol;Lee, Young-Jai
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.43-59
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    • 2008
  • This paper studies small and medium sized financial agency's management states that take advantage of the Korea Federation of Saving Bank's data. It also presents the management state and the decision-making model that monitors progressive insolvency by standardizing transfer path between relevant groups. With this in mind, we extracted explanatory variables for predictions of insolvency by using existing studies of document related insolvency. First of all, we designed a state model based on demarcated groups to take advantage of the self organizing map that groups in line with a neural network. Secondly, we developed a transition model by standardizing the transfer path between individual banks in a state model. Finally, we presented a decision-making model that integrated the state model and the transition model. This paper will provide groundwork for methods of insolvency prevention to businesses in order for them to have a smooth management system in the financial agencies.

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Development of a Future Realtime SICS(Spatial Information Control System) (미래형 실시간 SICS(Spatial Information Control System) 개발)

  • Ahn, Byung-Ju;Kim, Kyung-Hwan;Kim, Ju-Hyung;Lee, Yoon-Sung;Yoon, Ja-Young;Kim, Jae-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.103-109
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    • 2007
  • A controller who is responsible for visitor's safety makes a decision about measures for visitor safety in human-based decision making process. Many potential accidents that are caused by human error lurk in results of the process. The accidents can be decreased by changing the decision making process from human-based into technology-based. Technology-based decision making process can catch a controller's attention through data filtering, alarm filtering, and so on. So, the controller can get information on occurrence of an unforeseen accident pro-actively. Development of 3D SICS is caused of this needs. This paper shows a methodology of this research, results of up to now, study plan of next year, and contribution of 3D SICS development.

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Information Technology for Mobile Perimeter Security System Creation

  • Mazin Al Hadidi;Jamil S. Al-Azzeh;Lobanchikova N.;Kredentsar S.;Odarchenko R.;Opirskyy I.;Seilova N.
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2024
  • This paper is about information technology of creation of mobile (of rapid deployment) security systems of the area perimeter. This system appears to be a complex of models and methods, information, software and hardware means that are interacted with users during decision-making and control of implementation for management solutions. The proposed information technology aimed at improving the protection level for security departments by automating the process of dangers detection for perimeters and decision-making for alarm. The structural model of the system, the model of system's components interaction and the model of identifying the subjects of emergencies threats have been proposed. A method for identifying unauthorized access to the perimeter of the protected object, using the production model of knowledge representation, was created. It is a set of linguistic expressions (such as "IF-THEN") and knowledge matrix. The method of ranking for objects, which are threats of unauthorized access to the perimeter for protected area, has been proposed. Practical value of work consists in the possibility of the use this information technology by perimeter's security systems of various objects. Proposed models are complete and suitable for the hardware and software implementation.