• Title/Summary/Keyword: 92

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  • 한국오리협회
    • Monthly Duck's Village
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    • s.196
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    • pp.92-92
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    • 2019
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  • 한국오리협회
    • Monthly Duck's Village
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    • s.188
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    • pp.92-92
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    • 2019
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Mechanization of Pine Cone Harvest(I) -Physical Properties of Korean Pine Cones- (잣 수확의 기계화 연구(I) -잣 송이의 물리적 특성-)

  • Kang, W.S.;Kim, S.H.;Lee, J.S.;Lee, G.H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 1994
  • 135 and 136 pine cones were sampled from age class of II to VI Korean pine trees for the study of their physical properties in 1991 and 1992, respectively. The length, width, weight, volume, and the largest projected area of cones were measured, and the specific gravity, apparent volume ratio sphericity, and roundness were calculated. Regression analysis were performed for the weight, volume, and projected area to the cone length and width. The length, and major and minor diameters of the cone stalks were measured and analyzed. 1. The range of the length of cone stalks was 0 to 47.3mm. The average length of stalks were 9mm ('91) and 10mm('92), respectively. Cross section of the stalks was ellipse with average major and minor diameters of 9.1mm and 10.1mm, and 8.6 and 8.7mm in 91 and 92, respectively. 2. The length of pine cones distributed from 8cm to 17cm and the average length were about 13cm('91, '92). The width varied from 5cm to 9.5cm and the average width were 6.7cm('91) and 6.9cm('92). The ratios of the length to the width were 0.56('91) and 0.65('91) and the shape of the cones were found to be ellipse with minor diameter of 1/2 to 2/3 of the major diameter. 3. The roundnesses and sphericity of cones were 0.74 and 0.75('91), 0.63 and 0.67('92), respectively. The average of the largest projected area of cones were $85.3cm^2$('91) and $93.1cm^2$('92) and the criterion areas were $71.0cm^2$ and $74.5cm^2$, respectively. 4. Cone weights were from 83g to 467g('91 and '92) and averages were 186g('91) and 220g('92). The average specific gravities were 0.89 and 0.96('91 and '92). The true volumes were $212cm^2$('91) and $230cm^2$('92), and the average bulk volume was $321cm^2$('91, '92). The average apparent volume ratios of cones were 35% ('91) and 28% ('92), respectively. 5. The weight and the volume were proportional to the length of the cone multiplied by the width squred and the largest projected area was proportional to the length multiplied by the width of cones.

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Bee Venom Enhanced Cytotoxic Effect of Natural Killer Cells on Human Lung Cancer Through Inducing Extrinsic Apoptosis

  • Kim, Jung Hyun;Song, Ho Sueb
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : I investigated whether Bee Venom can synergistically strengthen the cytotoxic effects of NK-92 cells, enhancing the inhibition of the growth of Lung Cancer Cells including A549 and NCI-H460 through induction of death receptor dependent extrinsic apoptosis and NO generation in the Nitro-oxide pathway. Methods : Bee Venom inhibited cell proliferation of A549 or NCI-H460 Human Lung Cancer Cells as well as NK-92 Cells. Moreover, when they were co-punctured with NK cells and concomitantly treated by 3 ${\mu}g/ml$ of Bee Venom, more influence was exerted on inhibition of proliferation of A549 or NCI-H460 Human Lung Cancer Cells than BV or NK cell co-culture alone. Results : The expression of Fas, TNFR2, DR3, DR6 in A549 Lung Cancer Cells was significantly increased by co-culture of NK-92 cells and treatment of 3 ${\mu}g/ml$ of Bee Venom, compared to co-culture of NK-92 cells alone, whereas the expression of Fas, TNFR2, DR6 in NCI-H460 Lung Cancer Cells was significantly increased by co-culture of NK-92 cells, representing no synergistic effects in the co-culture of NK-92 cell and concomitant treatment of 3 ${\mu}g/ml$ of Bee Venom. Coincidently, caspase-8, a expression of pro-apoptotic proteins in the extrinsic apoptosis pathway demonstrated same results as the above. Meanwhile, In NO generation, there is little change of NO generation in co-culture of NK-92 cells with A549 cells as well as the co-culture of NK-92 cell with them and concomitant treatment of 3 ${\mu}g/ml$ of Bee Venom, whereas increase of NO generation was shown in co-culture of NK-92 cells with NCI-H460 cells as well as the co-culture of NK-92 cell with them and concomitant treatment of 3 ${\mu}g/ml$ of Bee Venom, although synergistic effects by Bee Venom was not found. Conclusions : These present data provide that Bee Venom could be useful candidate compounds to enhance lung cancer growth inhibiting ability of NK-92 cells through DR expression and the related apoptosis.

온라인 데이터베이스 서비스의 원가계산에 관한 사례연구

  • 이영재;정우성
    • Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference
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    • 1994.09a
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    • pp.199-212
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    • 1994
  • 데이터베이스 산업이란 널리 산재되어 있는 각종의 정보를 효과적으로 검색하고 이용하기 위해서 데이터베이스화하여 유통시키는 것을 말한다. 따라서 정보화 사회로 전환되고 있는 현시점에서 데이터 베이스 산업에 대한 관심과 중요성이 나날이 증가하고 있다. 데이터베이스 이용자수가 91년 27만명, 92년 35만명[한국전자통신연구소, 1994]으로 계속 증가되는 추세이다. 또 데이터베이스 서비스 업체수도 91년 80개 업체에서 92년 215개 업체, 상용 데이터베이스 수도 91년 115개에서 92년 354개로 2배 이상 신장되었다.[한국정보통신진흥협회, 1991/92](중략)

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Interview - Excellent Graduate of 28th Packaging Professional (제28기포장기술관리사우수성적수료자)

  • (사)한국포장협회
    • The monthly packaging world
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    • s.298
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    • pp.92-95
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    • 2018
  • (사)한국포장협회(회장 신동호)가 지난해 9월 4일부터 11월 15일까지 총 11주간 진행한 제28기 포장기술관리사(Packaging Professional) 통신교육 결과, 56명의 포장기술관리사를 배출했다. 이번 제28기 포장기술관리사 통신교육에서는 김무성 로이드인증원 심사원이 총 1백점 만점에 92.5점을 획득해 최고 성적우수자로 선정됐으며, 최우혁 롯데칠성음료 연구원은 92.4점으로 2등, 박민철 도루코 시각디자인팀 사원은 92.0점으로 3등으로 수료했다. 다음에 제28기 포장기술관리사 우수성적 수료자들로부터 포장기술관리사 통신교육에 대한 견해를 들어보도록 한다.

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연구원 소식

  • Korea Food Research Institute
    • Bulletin of Food Technology
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.92-92
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    • 1989
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