• 제목/요약/키워드: 8ml/kg

검색결과 631건 처리시간 0.047초

육계에서 경구투여시 enrofloxacin 제제에 따른 생체이용율 및 약물동태 (Bioavailability and Comparative Pharmacokinetics of Two Enrofloxacin Formulations in Broiler Chickens)

  • 윤효인;박승춘
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 1997
  • In order to compare the pharmacokinetic profiles of enrofloxacin-HCL)ENFLX-HCL) and enrofloxacin-KOH (ENFLX-KOH) after oral administration in broiler chickens, the study was performed. The chickens used in this study weighed $1.82 {\pm}0.2 kg$ and clinically healthy. The dose of intravenous and lral administration was 5 mg per kg of body weight as enrofloxacin. After intravenous injection of enrofloxacin, it showed two-compartment model with the rapid distribution phase and the slow elimination phase. The mean apparent volume of distribution (Vd) was 2.70 l/kg. The mean half-life of elimination and distribution showed 8.26 h and 0.44 h, respectively. The mean area under curve (AUC) was calculated as $19.7 {\mu} g{\cdot} h/ml$. After oral administration of ENFLX-HCL and ENFLX-KOH with a rate of dose 5 mg of enrofloxacin/kg of body weight, Both of the products were showed one-compartment model unlike that of i.v. enrofloxacin standard solution showed the mean bioavailability of 79.64% for the ENFLX-KOG and 86.24% for the ENFLX-HCL. The mean total body clearance of the former was 0.24 l/kg/h and the latter 0.42 l/kg/h. Both enorfloxacin formulations seemed to have good tissue distribution and penetration as indicated by large volume of distribution : 2.72 l/kg for the -KOH and 4.44 l/kg for the -HCL. With the results obtained in this study, ENFLX-HCL could be used in place of its salt form in chickens.

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미숙아의 초기 영양섭취 및 성장상태에 관한 연구 (Nutritional and Growth Status of Premature Infants During Neonatal Period)

  • 최봉순
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.124-134
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    • 1990
  • 본 연구는 미숙아들의 영양공급 및 성장상태를 조사하기 위하여 출생시 체중이 2500g이하이며 在胎期間이 37주 미만인 신생아중 20일이상 입원한 미숙아를 대상으로 그들의 역학적 조사, 영양 섭취량과 공급 방식, 체위의 변화, 혈액학적 검사등을 비교 분석한 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 출생체중별 在胎期間과 apgar score를 보면 1499g이하 미숙아군은 31주, 4/7(1min/5min)이며 1500~1999g, 2000~2500g 미숙아군은 각각 33주, 8/9(1min/5min)이었다. 2) 미숙아들의 체중별 1일 kg당 열량과 수분 섭취량을 평균적으로 보면 1499g 이하 미숙아군은 102.0Kcal, 150.2ml이며 1500~1999g 미숙아군은 119.3Kcal, 136.4ml이며 2000~2500g 미숙아군은 101.7Kcal, 141.5ml이었다. 3) 1999g이하 미숙아군의 영양 공급 빈도 중 dextrose와 dextrose/hyperal 공급시일 즉 관주입법으로 공급한 시일을 평균적으로 보면 1499g이하 미숙아군은 7.7일이여 1500~1999g 미숙아군은 3.8일이었다. dextrose/formula와 dextrose/hyperal/formula공급시일은 1499g이하 미숙아군은 평균 14.2일, 1500~1999g 미숙아군은 10.9일이었다. 4) 미숙아들의 초기 체중 감소율을 보면 1499g이하 미숙아군은 5.4%, 1500~1999g 미숙아군은 6.4%, 2000~2500g 미숙아군은 11.4%로 출생체중이 높은 미숙아군의 감소율이 높게 나타났다. 5) 혈액학적 검사시 1499g 이하 미숙아군의 10일째 Hb은 12.1g/dl, Hct은 36.7%, MCHC는 33.2%이며 1500~1999g 미숙아군의 수치는 15.4g/dl, 46.7%, 33.8%이며 2000~2500g 미숙아군은 14.3g/dl, 42.5%, 351.1%로 조사기간중 20일째까지 Hb과 Hct수치는 점차 감소하였다. 6) Amino acid 투여의 영향을 보면 amino acid투여군의 초기 체중 감소율이 9.0%로 amino acid투여 안한군(9.4%)보다 단백질과 열량을 적게 섭취하였음에도 초기 체중 감소율의 유의적 차이는 없었다.

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귀비탕(歸脾湯)의 농도별(濃度別) 구강투여(口腔投與)가 백서(白鼠)의 허혈성(虛血性) 뇌손상(腦損傷)에 미치는 영향(影響) (The Dose-dependent Effects of Guibi-Tang on Focal Brain Ischemic Injury in Rats)

  • 국윤재;박장호;김진형;김향이;강형원;류영수
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.201-218
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Guibi-Tang(GBT) on focal brain ischemic injury induced by intraluminal filament insertion in rats. Methods : The ischemia was induced by intraluminal filament insertion into middle cerebral artery. Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into five groups, normal group(n=8); control group was ischemia induced and no treatment(n=8); GBT 1X group was ischemia induced and administrated 42.2 mg/ml/kg of Guibi-Tang orally(n=8); GBT 3X group was ischemia induced and administrated 126.6 mg/ml/kg of Guibi-Tang orally(n=8); GBT 6X group was ischemia induced and administrated 253.2 mg/ml/kg of Guibi-Tang orally(n=8) for 21 days. mGluR5, Bax, Bcl-2 and cytochrome C were investigated to observe the effects of Guibi-Tang on apoptosis. The effects of Guibi-Tang on neuroprotective/apoptotic agents in cresyl violet, choline acetyltranferase(ChAT) with ischemic injury were investigated. Results : The intensity of mGluR5 mRNA in the hippocampal CA1 was increased in normal and GBT(Guibi-Tang) 1X groups compared with the control group. The intensity of Bax mRNA in the hippocampal CA1 was decreased in normal and GBT 1X groups compared with the control group. However it was increased unexpectedly in GBT 3X group. The intensity of Bcl-2 mRNA in the hippocampal CA1 was increased in normal and GBT 1X groups compared with the control group. The intensity of Bax/Bcl-2 ratio in the hippocampal CA1 was decreased in normal and GBT 1X groups compared with the control group. The intensity of cytochrome C protein in the hippocampal CA1 was decreased in normal, GBT 1X and GBT 6X groups compared with the control group. The density of neurons stained by cresyl violet and ChAT was increased in normal and GBT 1X groups compared with the control group. Conclusions : These results suggest that Guibi-Tang may have protective effect on vascular dementia.

소 성장호르몬 투여가 젖소 후보 종모우의 정액 성상 및 성 행동 양식에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Sustained Release Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin on Semen Characteristics and Sexual Behavior in Dairy Young Bulls)

  • 정준;신종서;김종복;양부근;홍병주
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted to examine the effect of sustained release recombinant bovine somatotropin(SR-rBST) with different dosage(0, 0.03mg/kg body weight/14 day, 0.06mg/kg body weight/14 day, 0.09mg/kg body weight/14 day) on the economical traits of the semen characteristics and sexual behaviors and blood chemical values with sixteen Holstein dairy young bulls in Dairy Cattle Improvement Center of National Livestock Co-operatives Federation. Sensual testings of collected semens of Holstein young bulls were not different among treatments (p>0.05). Ejaculated semen volumes of control, SR-rBST 0.03mg, 0.06mg and 0.09mg groups were 5.6ml, 5.6ml, 6.0ml and 6.7m, respectively, but the result of SR-rBST 0.09mg group significantly increased semen volume(P<0.05). In sperm concentration, SR-rBST 0.06mg and 0.09mg groups significantly increased the total number of sperms than the other groups(P<0.05). In otherwise, SR-rBST treatments did not affect on pH, osmotic pressure, anti forzen rate, abnormality and motility of collected semen during whole experimental period. Reaction time(RT), sexual aggressiveness(SA) and tactile stimulation(TS) were not different among treatments. The libido scores(LS) of control, 0.03mg, 0.06mg and 0.09mg groups were 68.0, 80.5, 73.9 and 80.8, respectively, and LS were significantly improved by SR-rBST administration(P<0.05). The effect of SR-rBST on scrotal circumference measurement that is important factor to determine the ability of semen production, was not different among treatments. These studies indicates that SR-rBST treatments favourably affect on semen quality and sexual libido in Holstein young bull.

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당뇨병성 합병증에 대한 항산화제 효과 (Effects of the Antioxidants on the Diabetic Complications)

  • 김진영;이병한;정병현
    • 한국임상수의학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.374-379
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    • 2001
  • These studies were performed to investigate the effect of antioxidants, melatonin (MLT) and ascorbic acid (AA), on the diabetic complications. In the experiment, twenty-four Sprague Dawley rats were divided into four groups; Group 1: no treatment (control) (n=6), Group 2: Streptozotocin (STZ; 65 mg/kg b.w. ip) treatment (n=6), Group 3: MLT (10 mg/kg b.w. ip) treatment (n=6), Group 4: ascorbic acid (AA: 40 mg/kg b.w.ip) treatment (n=6). Rats were sacrificed and collected designated samples (blood, kidney, pancreas) at the 21 days after antioxidant treatment (the 8th week after STZ injection). There was no significant change of body weight during the experiment period in the all groups. The concentration of blood glucose was decreased below 200 mg/dl in MLT. The concentration of HbA$_1$c level was decreased significantly in MLT (7.3$\pm$0.66%) compared with STZ (15.1$\pm$1.58%) (p<0.01). No significant change of SOD activity in the RBC and kidney was found in the all groups. In the pancreas, MLT (1.42$\pm$0.17 U/ml) and AA(1.65$\pm$0.16 U/ml) decreased SOD activity compared with STZ (4.10$\pm$0.27 U/ml). However, there was no significant difference among MLT and AA. The level of malondialdehyde(MDA) as an indicator of lipid peroxydation was decreased in MLT compared with STZ in the plasma, kidney and pancreas(p<0.01). These findings suggest that melatonin could prevent the complications of diabetes mellitus.

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Glycerol이 흰쥐 신장에서의 Malondialdehyde 함량과 Superoxide Dismutase 활성도 및 요중 단백질 배설량과 $N-acetyl-{\beta}-D-glucosaminidase$ 활성도에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Glycerol on the Malondialdehyde Level and Superoxide Dismutase Activity in the Kidney and Urinary Protein Excretion and $N-acetyl-{\beta}-D-glucosaminidase$ Activity of the Rats)

  • 신인철;고현철
    • 대한약리학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 1996
  • In an attempt to dofine the early biochemical determinants that participate in the pathogenesis of glycerol-induced nephrotoxicity, especially focusing on oxygen free radicals and $N-acetyl-{\beta}-D-glucosaminidase$ (NAG) activity, we studied 24-hours urine outflow, 24-hours urinary protein excretion and urinary NAG activity after the injection of glycerol and also we studied malondialdehyde(MDA) level and superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity in the kidney of rats at 24hr after the injection of glycerol. Sprague-Dawley albino rats weighing 240 to 260 gm were injected intramuscularly with a 50% solution of glycerol(2ml/kg, 4ml/kg and 8ml/kg). The group treated with glycerol showed significantly lower urine outflow level and urinary protein excretion level and higher urinary NAG activity after the injection as compared to those of control group. Also the group treated with glycerol showed significantly higher MDA level and lower SOD activity at 24hr after the injection as compared to those of control group. These results suggest that the excessive oxygen free radicals resulting from the depression of SOD activity is an important determinant in the pathogenesis of glycerol-induced nephrotoxicity and higher urinary NAG activity is an index of renal tubular cell damage in the glycerol-induced nephrotoxicity.

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수유초기 이행유중 비타민 A의 함량, 분비량 및 영야의 섭취량의 변화 (Changs of Vitamin A Concentration, Secretion and Ingake of Infants in Transitional Milk during the Lactation)

  • 이정실
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제28권9호
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    • pp.855-861
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    • 1995
  • The longitudinal change of vitamin A concentration and secretion in transitional milk of 32 Korean lactating wormen and vitamin A intake of infants were studied 7, 10 and 15 days postpartum. Retinol concentration of the milk averaged 93.6$\pm$47.1, 80.1$\pm$41.6 and 66.7$\pm$33.5$\mu\textrm{g}$/100ml at 7, 10 and 15 days postpartum respectively and showed decreasing trend in total mothers. $\beta$-carotene concentration showed similar decreasing trend averaged 13.4$\pm$10.6, 8.2$\pm$4.6 and 5.3$\pm$3.4$\mu\textrm{g}$/100ml respectively. Vitamin A concentration decreased with the respective amount of 94.9$\pm$47.1, 80.5$\pm$41.5 and 67.3$\pm$33.0 R.E../100ml during the lactation. The average vitamin A secretion in the milk of all mothers appeared 410.0 R.E/day. Vitamin A secretion of multiparae (450.1 R.E./100ml) appeared not significantly higher than those of primiparae(370.0 R.E./100ml). The average vitamin A intake of infants in the milk averaged 333.7 R.E./day and was 95.3% of RDA for infants. Vitamin A intake per body weight of infants in the milk averaged 110.6, 91.9 and 79.2 R.E./kg/day respectively.

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Helicoflex 개스킷의 기밀 시험 (Sealing Test of the Helicoflex Gasket)

  • 유인근;인상렬
    • 한국진공학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2002
  • KSTAR 진공용기의 대형포트에 사용하려고 계획하고 있는 Helicoflex 개스킷의 특정 모델에 대해 플랜지 체결 특성 특히 토크(또는 선하중) 및 변형량과 기체누설률의 관계를 조사하여 기밀곡선을 구하는 실험을 수행했다. 그 결과 상온에서는 Ml8 볼트의 경우 토크 2500 kg.cm에서 Helicoflex를 채용한 플랜지의 기체누설률은 $2\times10^{-1}$ /mbar.L/s이하였다.

GC-FID에 의한 Rat 뇨중 Tranylcypromine의 분석 (GC-FID Analysis of Tranylcypromine in Rat Urine)

  • 강건일;전순영
    • 약학회지
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.260-267
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    • 1985
  • A gas chromatography with flame ionization detection was developed to measure tranylcypromine in rat urine. The method involves extraction of the drug and the internal standard, phenylpropylamine from the urine using ethyl acetate and back extraction into 0.5N $H_{2}SO_{4}$. Following final extraction using dichloromethane, both the drug and the internal standard were converted to trifluoroacetyl derivatives and analyzed using a column of 3% SE-30 on 80/100 mesh Chromosorb W(HP). A calibration curve was constructed in the range of $5~50{\mu}g$tranylcypromine sulfate in 0.5ml urine and found to be linear. The detection limit was $2{\mu}g$. The tranylcypromine could be analyzed with the percent recovery of $100.81{\pm}8.13$ (SD) ina concentration range of $8-40{\mu}g$ in 0.5ml urine. When 0.4mmol/kg dose of the drug was administered through, an oral route, excretion percent of tranylcypromine in rat urine over 36hr was found to be $11.90{\pm}6.04$ (SD) for tranyleypromine sulfate and $2.23{\pm}0.63$ (SD) for benzyl trans-2-phenylcyclopropanecarbamate.

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동물에서의 심장동종이식에 관한 실험 (Experiment for Animal Heart Transplantation)

  • 서경필
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1989
  • We have performed one case of autotransplantation and 11 cases of orthotopic homotransplantation using Korean mongrel dogs, and have scrutinized the hematologic and hemodynamic results. The mean weight of recipients was 15.42*1.2kg and varied from 14kg to 20kg. During the operation, anesthesia and other technical procedures including cardiopulmonary bypass were similar to the usual methods in human cardiac transplantation. It was found that the hematologic values were similar to those of human beings although there was wide variance. Hemodynamically the mean systolic and diastolic arterial pressures were 165.0* 12.9 mmHg and 100.0 *11.8 mmHg respectively, and the mean heart rate was 155.5*23.5/min. All cases died within 24hrs, and the mean survival in all but 6 cases where operative death occurred was 6.83*8.01 hrs[range 2-21 hrs]. The major causes of deaths were bleedings in 7 cases, failure to protect myocardium during the procedure in 2 cases, pulmonary edema in 1 case and multiorgan failure in 2 cases. From the above results we concluded that the most frequent complication was bleeding, and the cardiopulmonary bypass flow of 50-500ml/kg min was not suitable to the dog in CPB. In further experiment after this study, the technical and the bypass flow was increased. Bleeding was not significant. And the immunosuppresion during operation and postoperative period was tried.

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