• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2D & 3D sketch

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A hybrid approach for character modeling using geometric primitives and shape-from-shading algorithm

  • Kazmin, Ismail Khalid;You, Lihua;Zhang, Jian Jun
    • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2016
  • Organic modeling of 3D characters is a challenging task when it comes to correctly modeling the anatomy of the human body. Most sketch based modeling tools available today for modeling organic models (humans, animals, creatures etc) are focused towards modeling base mesh models only and provide little or no support to add details to the base mesh. We propose a hybrid approach which combines geometrical primitives such as generalized cylinders and cube with Shape-from-Shading (SFS) algorithms to create plausible human character models from sketches. The results show that an artist can quickly create detailed character models from sketches by using this hybrid approach.

3D Modeling of Self-Occluding Objects from 2D Drawings (자기폐색 물체의 2D 커브로부터의 3D모델링)

  • Cordier Frederic;Seo Hye-Won;Cho Young-Sang
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.33 no.9
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    • pp.741-750
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose a method for reconstructing a 3D object (or a set of objects) from a 2D drawing provided by a designer. The input 2D drawing consists of a set of contours that may partially overlap each other or be self-overlapping. Accordingly, the resulting 3D object(s) may occlude each other or be self-occluding. The proposed method is composed of three major steps: 2D contour analysis, 3D skeleton computation, and 3D object construction. Our main contribution is to compute the 3D skeleton from the self-intersecting 2D counterpart. We formulate the 3D skeleton construction problem as a sequence of optimization problems, to shape the skeleton and place it in the 3D space while satisfying C1-continuity and intersection-free conditions. Our method is mainly for a silhouette-based sketching interface for the design of 3D objects including self-intersecting objects.

Methods to identify and mitigate risks at construction sites using the creation of virtual models from images taken with drones (가상 모델을 활용한 건설현장 안전관리 방안)

  • Jang, Myunghoun;Kang, Sang-Chan;Kim, Hanjoon
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.207-217
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    • 2024
  • To prevent safety accidents, construction sites are taking various measures, such as conducting safety education for workers and installing safety facilities. Nonetheless, safety accidents occur as site conditions change under construction. Safety accidents should be prevented by proactively identifying or predicting unstable risk factors through continuous management of changing construction sites. In this study, a safety management plan for construction sites was proposed through the method of implementing a virtual model, which is part of digital twin technology, to identify unstable risk factors and environments and eliminate them to prevent safety accidents, using drones. PIX4D Mapper, which supports photographic surveying technology, merges a number of photos containing location information taken by drones, and they are converted into a 3D model file format that can be viewed by SketchUp. 3D models in SketchUp can be reviewed from various perspectives, especially through cross-sectional analysis to assess the risk of falls at the corners of the building. Unity can be used to prevent safety accidents by simulating a worker's travel path to identify or predict risk factors for physical collisions or falls.

Development of Multi-platform 3D Interactive Rural Landscape Simulator with Low-cost Web GIS and Game Engine (무료 Web GIS와 보급형 게임엔진을 이용한 다중플랫폼 3차원 인터랙티브 농촌경관 시뮬레이터 개발)

  • Lee, Sungyong;Kim, Taegon;Lee, Jimin;Suh, Kyo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.177-189
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    • 2013
  • 3D modeling and rendering technologies are getting more attention from landscape planners and architects because the virtual reality based on 3D graphic technology could give more realistic experience to landscape simulation users and boost promotional effects. The 3D landscape simulation, however, not only requires a lot of cost and time in production, but also demands efforts to distribute to consumers due to various computing environment of them. The purpose of this study is to suggest a process for developing an interactive 3D landscape simulator with low-cost, which can support multi-platform functionality in high quality through reviewing related current software and web services. We select GIMP for 2D image texturing, SketchUpfor 3D modeling, Unity for real-time rendering, and Google Earth for terrain modeling considering price and workability and apply the developed process for Windows, Web, and Android versions to test the applicability for Sangji-ri, Gosam-myeon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.

Analysis of paper map images for acquiring 3D terrain data (3차원 지형 자료 획득을 위한 지도 영상 분석)

    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.68-76
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    • 1996
  • One of the major problems in GIS(Geographical Information Systems) involves acquiring 3-D terrain data. Because conventional methods such as land surveying or analysis of aerial photographs are costly, the method of using existing paper maps has been gaining considerable attention. This method demands three processing steps: 1) extraction of contours, 2) assignment of height values to the extracted contours, 3) reconstruction of 3-D terrain data. In this paper we systematically develop a procedure for acquiring 3-D terrain data from contour solutions. For the first two steps, we describe the necessary operations and roughly sketch solutions. For the last step, we propose an efficient raster-based algorithm and present the results of experiments with existing paper map images.

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  • Drungilas, Paulius
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.835-840
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    • 2008
  • The main result of this paper shows that every reciprocal Littlewood polynomial, one with {-1, 1} coefficients, of odd degree at least 7 has at least five unimodular roots, and every reciprocal Little-wood polynomial of even degree at least 14 has at least four unimodular roots, thus improving the result of Mukunda. We also give a sketch of alternative proof of the well-known theorem characterizing Pisot numbers whose minimal polynomials are in $$A_N=\{[{X^d+ \sum\limits^{d-1}_{k=0} a_k\;X^k{\in} \mathbb{Z}[X]\;:\;a_k={\pm}N,\;0{\leqslant}k{\leqslant}d-1}\}$$ for positive integer $N{\geqslant}2$.

Development of a Cooling Circuit Design System for Injection Molding Die of Vehicular Lamp (자동차 램프 사출금형 냉각회로 설계지원 시스템 개발)

  • Cho, Hyeon-Uk;Park, Jung-Whan;Park, Soo-Jung;Shin, Dong-Jin;Lee, Seok-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 2012
  • The paper presents the development of a cooling circuit design system that automatically creates 3D cooling circuit on a given section plane conforming to design specifications, generates 3D solid model of cooling line segments defined on a 2D sketch plane, and verifies interference of 3D cooling channel with the molding die surface. The system was developed mainly for designing plastic injection molding die of vehicular lamp, which helps the mold designer to rapidly construct cooling circuits but also reduce designer's unintended mistakes by conforming to the dimensional design specifications. It is used by an injection molding die manufacturing company in Korea, and reported approximately 20% reduction of cooling channel design time.

Analysis on designer's cognitive thinking process in 3D animation design (3D 애니메이션 제작을 위한 디자이너의 인지적 사고과정 분석)

  • Kim, Kie-Su
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.20
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2010
  • The success of a three-dimensional blockbuster movie, AVARTA, brought an public attention on the expansion of three-dimensional computer applications, and it allows experts predict further hardware technology developments to support the such applications. Futhermore, an internet based infra structure and three-dimensional structure, third generation network community, advanced computer networks have influenced advancement in computer technology within the 3D game industry and the spread of 2D computer animation technologies. This advancement of computer technologies allow the industry to overcome a limitation of generating cultural design contexts existed within 2D network community. However, despite of the expansion of 2D and 3D computer technologies, a limitation of analysing designers' intentions on morphology of digital contents and user interface still exists. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze (1) present conditions of the 3D industry and (2) protocols of designers' cognitive design processes based on their design communication, contents, and tools. Analysis was conducted based on literature reviews and case precedent analyses. For the analysis, a 2D Avarta sketch character was designed and then applied into a 3D game system. Observations how designers solve cultural problem within the structure via Avarta were conducted. Outcomes were then coded for further analysis.

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A Study on the Possibility of Pattern Design Using CAD System (With concentration on the change of coat basic pattern) (CAD System을 이용한 패턴디자인설계 활용가능성에 관한 연구(I)-Coat 원형을 중심으로-)

  • 김옥경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.20
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this research was to utilize of Pattern Design System(P.D.S) by using AM-300 The conclusion were like these : 1. A coat of basic pattern was selected by design sketch. 2. The basic pattern was input into computer by digitizing. 3. The basic pattern was change into designed shape by using various skills. This system were enabled to draw straight lines, curves, delete lines, sections of lines, extend lines, cut pattern into sections, measure line or section reproduce whole pattern shape of section, rotate and mirror pattern and complete patterns. 4. Automatic grading of finished master pattern have been developed by creation and modification of grading rules of basic pattern. 5. Production pattern added seam allowance, not-ches was generated by P.D.S menu option. 6. Finished pattern design was plotted out 100% and 20% size by AM-300 Plotter. This results will be the basic materials to develop the CAD SYSTEM if some problems were improve. Furthermore, the utilization of P.D.S is expected to be developing in pattern making process.

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