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Significance of Intraoperative BAEPs Monitoring during Microvascular Decompression Surgery (미세혈관 감압술중 뇌간청각유발전위 감시장치의 유용성)

  • Kim, Tae Joon;Ko, Yong;Kim, Young Soo;Oh, Seong Hoon;Kim, Kwang Myung;Kim, Nam Kyu;Oh, Suck Jun
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.635-639
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    • 2000
  • Objective : Surgery for the microvascular decompression is mostly concerned with injury to the cranial nerves or brain stem by cerebellar retraction. Intraopeartive brain stem auditory evoked potentials(BAEPs) has been continuously monitored on surgery to evaluate the extent of injury, recovery of the nerves and prognosis. Methods : Of the 161 cases of CP angle surgery from Feb. 1996 to Apr. 1998, 103 cases were monitored during operation. Thirty five patients who had undergone similar surgery were selected and evaluated ; 23 patients were monitored and 12 were not during surgery. If monitor showed more than 0.5 mSec delay of latency, surgeon was given a warning not to retract brain any more. If more than 1mSec delay, surgeon was informed to stop surgery and wait for the returning of evoked potentials. The level of amplitudes and delay of latencies during the initial stage of operation, opening the dura, insertion of teflon patches, and closing the dura and recovery were then compared. Resuls : Twenty patients were male and 15 were female. Their average age was 50.26 years. Mean amplitude during the initial stage of operation was $0.60{\pm}0.25mV$, at opening the dura $0.56{\pm}0.26$, after teflon patches insertion $0.49{\pm}0.20$, and after closure of dura $0.47{\pm}0.28mV$. Mean latency during the early stage of operation was $6.08{\pm}0.67mSec$, at opening of dura $6.38{\pm}0.55$, insertion of teflon $6.97{\pm}0.59$, and closing the dura $6.17{\pm}0.54$. There was statistical significance in the difference of amplitudes between each procedures, and in the difference of latencies. For the complete recovery of amplitude and latency, it usually took average 5.65 minutes(0-20 min). In monitored group, only one patient required more than 20 minutes to recover and suffered from hearing disturbance after surgery. Others were recovered within 10 minutes without complications. However, 4 out of 12 patients who were not monitored showed hearing disturbance, and 1 patient had temporary facial palsy and dizziness(p=0.000). Conclusion : The results indicate that continuous intraoperative monitoring of BAEPs during CP angle surgery is seen mandatory procedure to prevent operative complications.

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.215-218
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    • 2005
  • An atlas of high resolution (${\lambda}/{\Delta}{\lambda}$=45,000) profiles of interstellar atomic lines of K I (7665, 7699 ${\AA}$), Na I (D 1, D2), Ca II (H, K), Ca I (4227 ${\AA}$), molecular structures of CH, CH+, CN and the major diffuse interstellar bands at 5780 and 5797 ${\AA}$ based on ${\~}$300 echelle spectra of ${\~}$200 OB stars is presented. Relationships between the reddenings, distances and equivalent widths of NaI, CaII, KI, CH, CH+, CN and diffuse bands are discussed. The equivalent width of K I (7699 ${\AA}$) as well as of CH4300 ${\AA}$ / correlate very tightly with E(B- V) in contrast to the features of neutral sodium, ionized calcium and the molecular ion CH+. The equivalent widths of the Hand K lines of Call grow with distance at a rate ${\~}$250m${\AA}$ per 1 kpc. A similar relation for NaI is much less tight. The strengths of neutral potassium lines, molecular features and diffuse interstellar bands do not correlate practically with distance. These facts suggest that ionized calcium fills the interstellar space quite homogeneously while the other carriers mentioned above, especially K I, CH and these of diffuse bands occupy more and more compact volumes, also filled with dust grains. Apparently the carriers of narrow diffuse bands are spatially correlated with simple molecules and dust grains - all abundant in the so-called 'zeta' type clouds. The same environment seems to be hostile to the carriers of broad diffuse interstellar bands (DIEs) (like 5780 or 6284) and -to a certain extent - also to CaII, NaI and CH+.

Self-Symptom Checker for COVID-19 Control and Symptom Management

  • Sun-Ju Ahn;Jong Duck Kim;Jong Hyun Yoon;Jung Ha Park
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2023
  • Background: Breaking the chain of disease transmission from overseas is necessary to control new infectious diseases such as coronavirus disease 2019 effectively. In this study, we developed a mobile app called Self-Symptom Checker (SSC) to monitor the health of inbound travelers. Methods: SSC was developed for general users and administrators. The functions of SSC include non-repudiation using QR (quick response) codes, monitoring fever and respiratory symptoms, and requiring persons showing symptoms to undergo polymerase chain reaction tests at nearby screening stations following a review of reported symptoms by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, as well as making phone calls, via artificial intelligence or public health personnel, to individuals who have not entered symptoms to provide the necessary information. Results: From February 12 to March 27, 2020, 165,000 people who were subjected to the special entry procedure installed SSC. The expected number of public health officers and related resources needed per day would be 800 if only the phone was used to perform symptom monitoring during the above period. Conclusion: By applying SSC, more effective symptom monitoring was possible. The daily average number of health officers decreased to 100, or 13% of the initial estimate. SSC reduces the work burden on public healthcare personnel. SSC is an electronic solution conceived in response to health questionnaires completed by inbound travelers specified in the World Health Organization International Health Regulations as a requirement in the event of a pandemic.

Analysis of the Effects of Some Meteorological Factors on the Yield Components of Rice (수도 수량구성요소에 미치는 기상영향의 해석적 연구)

  • Seok-Hong Park
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    • v.18
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    • pp.54-87
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    • 1975
  • The effects of various weather factors on yield components of rice, year variation of yield components within regions, and regional differences of yield components within year were investigated at three Crop Experiment Stations O.R.D., Suweon, Iri, Milyang, and at nine provincial Offices of Rural Development for eight years from 1966 to 1973 for the purpose of providing information required in improving cultural practices and predicting the yield level of rice. The experimental results analyzed by standard partial regression analysis are summarized as follows: 1. When rice was grown in ordinary seasonal culture the number of panicles greatly affected rice yield compared to other yield components. However, when rice was seeded in ordinary season and transplanted late, and transplanted in ordinary season in the northern area the ratio of ripening was closely related to the rice yield. 2. The number of panicles showed the greatest year variation when the Jinheung variety was grown in the northern area. The ripening ratio or 1, 000 grain weight also greatly varied due to years. However, the number of spikelets per unit area showed the greatest effects on yield of the Tongil variety. 2. Regional variation of yield components was classified into five groups; 1) Vegetation dependable type (V), 2) Partial vegetation dependable type (P), 3) Medium type (M), 4) Partial ripening dependable type (P.R), and 5) Ripening dependable type (R). In general, the number of kernel of rice in the southern area showed the greatest partial regression coefficient among yield components. However, in the mid-northern part of country the ripening ratio was one of the component!; affecting rice yield most. 4. A multivariate equation was obtained for both normal planting and late planting by log-transforming from the multiplication of each component of four yield components to additive fashion. It revealed that a more accurate yield could be estimated from the above equation in both cases of ordinary seasonal culture and late transplanting. 5. A highly positive correlation coefficient was obtained between the number of tillers from 20 days after transplanting and the number of panicles at each(tillering) stage 20 days after transplanting in normal planting and late planting methods. 6. A close relationship was found between the number of panicles and weather factors 21 to 30 days, after transplanting. 7. The average temperature 31 to 40 days after transplanting was greatly responsible for the maximum number of tillers while the number of duration of sunshine hours per day 11 to 30 days after transplantation was responsible for that character. The effect of water temperature was negligible. 8. No reasonable prediction for number of panicles was calculated from using either number of tillers or climatic factors. The number of panicles could early be estimated formulating a multiple equation using number of tillers 20 days after transplantation and maximum temperature, temperature range and duration of sunshine for the period of 20 days from 20 to 40 days after transplantation. 9. The effects of maximum temperature and day length 25 to 34 days before heading, on kernel number per panicle, were great in the mid-northern area. However, the minimum temperature and day length greatly affected the kernel number per panicle in the southern area. The maximum temperature had a negative relationship with the kernel number per panicle in the southern area. 10. The maximum temperature was highly responsible for an increased ripening ratio. On the other hand, the minimum temperature at pre-heading and early ripening stages showed an adverse effect on ripening ratio. 11. The 1, 000 grain weight was greatly affected by the maximum temperature during pre- or mid-ripening stage and was negatively associated with the minimum temperature over the entire ripening period.

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Hexachlorobenzene Dechlorination Ability of Microbes from Canal and Estuary Sediments

  • Anotai, Jin;Voranisarakul, J.;Wantichapichat, W.;Chen, I.M.
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2007
  • This study aimed to investigate the hexachlorobenzene (HCB) dechlorinating ability of sediment microbes collected from a natural canal receiving secondary effluents from an industrial estate and nearby factories. Nine sites along the stream and one in the estuary in the Gulf of Thailand into which the canal spills were specified and sampling for sediment and water. Preliminary analysis of the sediments showed that the first four sites nearest to the discharging location were contaminated by HCB within the range of 0.18 to 1.25 ppm. Apart from that, 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene which has never been commercially produced or used in any manufacturing processes except for the transformation from higher chlorinated benzene was also identified in the range of 0.16 to 0.24 ppm. This suggested a possibility of sporadically HCB contamination in this stream. Of more important, people in the community along this canal earn their living by coastal fishery; hence, posing a risk of spreading HCB and its less chlorinated congeners via food chain from caught marine creatures to human. As a result, there is an urgent need to understand the behavior of HCB dechlorination in this stream sediment which can lead to a clean-up action in the future. Serum bottles with sediment slurries (sediment to water ratio of 1:1 (v/v) and filtered to remove particles larger than 0.7 mm) from each site were inoculated with 2 mg/l of HCB, kept anaerobically in the dark at room temperature without any nourishment, and analyzed for HCB and its less-chlorinated congeners every 6 days. Total chemical oxygen demand, suspended solids, and volatile suspended solids were in the range of 21,492-73,584, 158,100-518,100 and 6,000-32,700 mg/l, respectively. It was found that all sediment slurries began to dechlorinate HCB in 12 to 30 days and the HCB was completely removed within 42 to 60 days or so. On the other hand, there was no HCB dechlorination occurred in the controlled set which was sterilized by autoclaving prior to the addition of HCB. This implies that the HCB transformation was solely due to microorganisms' activities. HCB was dechlorinated principally via pentachlolobenzene to 1,2,3,5-tetrachlorobenzene and terminated at 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene which is the major pathway as reported by many researchers. Dichlorobenzene has not been detected in any samples within the dechlorination period of 60 days. The results indicate that the microbial matrix in the sediment of this stream has an outstanding capability to dechlorinate HCB. Existing substrates and nutrients which mainly sorbed onto the solid phase and the typical temperature in Thailand were sufficient and suitable to promote the activities of these HCB-dechlorinating microbes.

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An Integrated Model based on Genetic Algorithms for Implementing Cost-Effective Intelligent Intrusion Detection Systems (비용효율적 지능형 침입탐지시스템 구현을 위한 유전자 알고리즘 기반 통합 모형)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Uk;Kim, Ji-Hun;Ahn, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.125-141
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    • 2012
  • These days, the malicious attacks and hacks on the networked systems are dramatically increasing, and the patterns of them are changing rapidly. Consequently, it becomes more important to appropriately handle these malicious attacks and hacks, and there exist sufficient interests and demand in effective network security systems just like intrusion detection systems. Intrusion detection systems are the network security systems for detecting, identifying and responding to unauthorized or abnormal activities appropriately. Conventional intrusion detection systems have generally been designed using the experts' implicit knowledge on the network intrusions or the hackers' abnormal behaviors. However, they cannot handle new or unknown patterns of the network attacks, although they perform very well under the normal situation. As a result, recent studies on intrusion detection systems use artificial intelligence techniques, which can proactively respond to the unknown threats. For a long time, researchers have adopted and tested various kinds of artificial intelligence techniques such as artificial neural networks, decision trees, and support vector machines to detect intrusions on the network. However, most of them have just applied these techniques singularly, even though combining the techniques may lead to better detection. With this reason, we propose a new integrated model for intrusion detection. Our model is designed to combine prediction results of four different binary classification models-logistic regression (LOGIT), decision trees (DT), artificial neural networks (ANN), and support vector machines (SVM), which may be complementary to each other. As a tool for finding optimal combining weights, genetic algorithms (GA) are used. Our proposed model is designed to be built in two steps. At the first step, the optimal integration model whose prediction error (i.e. erroneous classification rate) is the least is generated. After that, in the second step, it explores the optimal classification threshold for determining intrusions, which minimizes the total misclassification cost. To calculate the total misclassification cost of intrusion detection system, we need to understand its asymmetric error cost scheme. Generally, there are two common forms of errors in intrusion detection. The first error type is the False-Positive Error (FPE). In the case of FPE, the wrong judgment on it may result in the unnecessary fixation. The second error type is the False-Negative Error (FNE) that mainly misjudges the malware of the program as normal. Compared to FPE, FNE is more fatal. Thus, total misclassification cost is more affected by FNE rather than FPE. To validate the practical applicability of our model, we applied it to the real-world dataset for network intrusion detection. The experimental dataset was collected from the IDS sensor of an official institution in Korea from January to June 2010. We collected 15,000 log data in total, and selected 10,000 samples from them by using random sampling method. Also, we compared the results from our model with the results from single techniques to confirm the superiority of the proposed model. LOGIT and DT was experimented using PASW Statistics v18.0, and ANN was experimented using Neuroshell R4.0. For SVM, LIBSVM v2.90-a freeware for training SVM classifier-was used. Empirical results showed that our proposed model based on GA outperformed all the other comparative models in detecting network intrusions from the accuracy perspective. They also showed that the proposed model outperformed all the other comparative models in the total misclassification cost perspective. Consequently, it is expected that our study may contribute to build cost-effective intelligent intrusion detection systems.

Behaviour of twin- and triplet-born lambs and their dam 3 to 18 hours after birth is not a useful predictor of lamb survival to weaning

  • Gronqvist, G.V.;Hickson, R.E.;Kenyon, P.R.;Morris, S.T.;Stafford, K.J.;Corner-Thomas, R.A.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.33 no.11
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    • pp.1848-1857
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    • 2020
  • Objective: An experiment was designed to determine if behaviour traits expressed by twin- and triplet-bearing lambs and their dams at 3 to 18 hours of age (after the immediate ewe-lamb bonding had occurred) were associated with lamb survival to weaning. Methods: The behaviour of twin and triplet lambs and their dams was assessed in the paddock at 3 to 18 hours after birth. Observations were made of the number of high- and low-pitched bleats, time to stand, make contact with dam, suck from dam and follow dam were recorded for each lamb. The maternal behaviour score of each dam was assessed. A random sub-sample of lambs were assessed during a maternal-recognition test at 12 or 24 hours of age. Traits included time spent standing, sitting, walking, time taken to reach the ewes and time spent with the ewes as well as the number of high- and low-pitched bleats emitted by the lamb. Results: In the paddock, for each additional second required for twin-born lambs to follow their dam, lambs were 1.004 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.000 to 1.008) times more likely to survive to weaning (p<0.05). The opposite relationship, however, was seen in triplet lambs. For each additional second required for triplet-born lambs to follow their dam, lambs were 0.996 (95% CI 0.993 to 0.999) times as likely to survive to weaning (p<0.05). During the maternal recognition test, twin-born lambs were 0.989 (95% CI 0.979 to 1.000) times as likely to survive to weaning for every additional second they took to reach the contact zone (p<0.05). Similarly, triplet-born lambs were 0.994 (95% CI 0.989 to 0.999) as likely to survive for every additional second they took to reach their dam (p<0.05). Conclusion: All ewe behaviours and the majority of lamb paddock and test behaviours were not associated with the survival of twin- or triplet-born lambs and, therefore, are of little use as indicators of lamb survival to weaning.

Assessment of Optimum Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) for Maximum Biogas Production and Total Volatile Solid (TVS) Removal Efficiency of Semi-Continuously Fed and Mixed Reactor (SCFMR) Fed with Dairy Cow Manure (젖소분뇨로부터 최대 바이오가스 생산과 유기물 제거효율을 달성하기 위한 반건식 간헐주입 연속혼합 혐기성반응조의 최적 수리학적 체류시간 도출을 위한 연구)

  • Kang, Ho;Kim, Sun-Woo;Jeong, Ji-Hyun;Ahn, Hee-Kwon;Jung, Kwang-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.696-704
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the optimum operational condition of Semi-continuously Fed and Mixed Reactor (SCFMR) to treat the dairy cow manure and saw dust mixture. Step-wise increase in organic loading rates (OLRs) or decrease in hydraulic retention times (HRTs) were utilized until the biogas volume became significantly decreased at mesophilic temperature ($35^{\circ}C$). The optimum operating condition of the SCFMR fed with TS 13% dairy cow manure and saw dust mixture was found to be an HRTs of 25 days and its corresponding OLRs of $4.45kg\;VS/m^3-day$. At this condition the biogas and methane production rates were 1.44 v/v-d and 1.12 v/v-d (volume of biogas per volume of reactor per day), respectively and the TVS removal efficiency of 37% was achieved. The successful operation with such a high OLR was due to the high reactor alkalinity concentration of 14,500~15,600 mg/L as $CaCO_3$ as a result of the characteristic of the original substrate, dairy cow manure and saw dust mixture whose alkalinity was more than 8,000 mg/L as $CaCO_3$. The parameters for the reactor stability, the ratios of volatile acids and alkalinity concentrations (V/A) and the ratio of propionic acid and acetic acid concentrations (P/A) appeared to be 0.11 and 0.43, respectively, that were greatly stable in operation. Free ammonia toxicity was not experienced due to the long term acclimation by the reactor TS content ranged 7.2~10.4% during the entire operational period.

Characteristics of non-emergent patients at emergency departments (응급실을 이용하는 비응급환자의 실태와 특성)

  • Chung, Seol-Hee;Yoon, Han-Deok;Na, Baeg-Ju
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.128-146
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this paper is to examine the proportion and characteristics of non-emergent patients at emergency departments. The observational survey was conducted using a structured form used by emergency medicine specialists or senior residents on June 7-20, 2005. 1,526 patients at ten emergency centers took part in this study. The structural form contained type of insurance, route and means of emergency department (ED) visit, triage based on the Manchester Triage Scale(MTS)-modified criteria, emergency level based on the government defined rule, type of emergency centers (Regional Emergency Medical Center; REMC, Local Emergency Medical Center; LEMC, Local Emergency Agency; LEA), as well as patient's general information. Data were analyzed using SAS statistical program(V.8.2). Descriptive analysis was performed to describe the magnitude of non-emergent patients. ${\chi}^2-analysis$ and logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the nonurgent patients' characteristics. In the MTS-modified criteria, we found a 15.3% rate of non-emergent patients. This rate differed from that of non-emergent patients obtained using government's rule. In particular, there were inaccuracies in the definition of government rule on non-emergent patients, so it is necessary to apply the new government rule regarding classification of non-emergent patients. There were significant differences in the rate of non-emergent patients according to type of ED, means of ED visit, time to visit, and insurance. Non-emergent patients are more likely to visit a D-type ED(LEA having less than 20,000 patients annually), not to use ambulance, to have 'Automobile Insurance, Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance, or pay out-of-pocket'. Non-emergent patients tend to visit ED due to illness rather than injury. Further studies on the development' of triage scale and reexamination of the government's rule on emergency visits are required for future policy in this area.

Size Distributions of Trace Elements in Airborn Particulates Collected using Drum impactor at Gosan, Jeju Island : Measurements in Springtime 2002 (DRUM impactor를 이용한 대기 입자상 물질 중 원소성분의 입경분포 특성 : 제주도 고산지역의 2002년 봄철 (3.29-5.30) 측정 연구)

  • 한진석;문광주;류성윤;안준영;공부주;홍유덕;김영준
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.555-569
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    • 2004
  • Size -segregated measurements of aerosol composition using 8-stage DRUM impactor are used to determine the transport of natural and anthropogenic aerosols at Gosan site from 29 March to 30 May in 2002. Separation of ambient aerosols by DRUM impactor offers many Advantages over other standard filtration techniques. Some of the most important advantages are the ability to segregate into details by particle tire, to better preserve chemical integrity since the air stream doesn't pars through the deposit, to collect samples as a function of time, and to have a wide variety of impaction surfaces available to match analytical needs. Although the transport of Yellow sand is a well-known phenomenon in springtime, the result of measurement shows that not only soil dust but also anthropogenic aerosols, including sulfur, enriched trace metals such as Pb, Ni, Zn. Cu, Cr, As, Se, Br, are transported to Gosan in springtime. This study combines the size- and time-resolved aerosol composition measurements with isentropic, backward air-mass trajectories in order to identify some potential source regions of anthropogenic aerosols. As a result, during the NYS period, the average concentration of PM$_{10}$ was 46$\mu\textrm{g}$/㎥, Si, Al. S, Fe, Cl, K, Ca were higher than 1,000 ng/㎥ and Ti was about 100 ng/㎥. The concentrations of Zn, Mn, Cu. Pb, Br, Rb, V, Cr, Ni. At, Se ranged between 1 and 70 ng/㎥. More than 50% typical soil elements, tuck as Al, Si, Fe, Cd. Ti, Cr, Cu, Br. were distributed in a coarse particle range(5.0-12${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$). In other hand, anthropogenic pollutants, luck as S, N, Vi, were mainly distributed in a fine particle range (0.09-0.56${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$). During the YS period, PM$_{10}$ increased about 8 times than NYS period, and main soil elements, such as Al, Si, S, K, V, Mn, Fe also doubled in coarse particle range (1.15-12${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$). But Zn, As, Pb, Cu and Se, which distributed in the time aerosols (0.09-0.56${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$), were on the same level with or decreased than NYS period. Finally. except the YS Period, coarse particles (2.5-12${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$) are inferred to be influenced by soil, coal combustion, waste incineration, ferrous and nonferrous sources through similar pathways with Yellow Sand. But fine particles have different sources, such as coal combustion, gasoline vehicle, biomass burning, oil or coal combustion, nonferrous and ferrous metal sources, which are transported from China, Korea peninsula and local sources.ces.