• Title/Summary/Keyword: 후행조건 명세

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The Refactoring Specification for Dynamic Composition based on OCL (동적 조립을 위한 OCL 기반의 리팩토링 명세)

  • Jang, Pil-Jae;Kim, Kyung-Min;Kim, Tae-Woong;Kim, Un-Ji
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.857-858
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    • 2009
  • 최근의 소프트웨어 개발에서는 리팩토링이 일반적인 요소로서 활발하게 이용되고 있다. 리팩토링에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 리팩토링의 자동화와 리팩토링 재사용을 위한 조립에 대한 연구가 많이 진행되고 있다. 기존의 연구들에서는 리팩토링과 리팩토링 조립에 대해 선/후행조건을 각각 명세하고 있다. 하지만 리팩토링 조립의 경우에 대한 선/후행조건은 개별적인 리팩토링들의 선/후행조건들과 중복된 기능들이 대부분이며, 사용 가능한 리팩토링의 조립이 정적으로 고정되어 있음을 의미한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 리팩토링 조립의 경우가 고정되어 있지 않고 조립의 경우에 따른 선/후행조건의 추가적인 정의 없이 동적으로 다양하게 조립여부를 확인할 수 있도록 하고자 한다. 이를 위해 리팩토링의 동적 조립을 위한 전체 프레임워크를 제안하며 OCL 기반으로 리팩토링을 명세한다.

A Composition Check of Composite Refactorings Not Having a Specification of Precondition (선행조건이 명세되어 있지 않은 복합 리팩토링에 대한 조립성 검사)

  • Kim, Kyung-Min;Jang, Pil-Jae;Kim, Tae-Gong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.18D no.1
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2011
  • Refactoring has been actively used in recent software developments. Many studies on the processing of more large scaled composite refactorings have been conducted through the composition of elementary refactorings. It is important to verify the possibility of composition before the refactoring is performed, because the composite refactorings are processed to the sequence of composed elementary refactorings. In conventional studies, they verify the possibility of composition using the precondition of composite refactorings which are computed from the precondition and postcondition of elementary refactorings. They can not verify the possibility of composition in case which composite refactorings do not have a specification of precondition. Thus, we plan to verify the possibility of composition by using the elementary refactorings only without any additional definitions of the preconditions of composite refactorings. To achieve this goal, we proposes a specification method of elementary refactorings and a method for the composition check of refactorings. Then, we develop a prototype tool based on these methods. In addition, we verify the efficiency of our methods through case studies.

Specification-based Program Slicing and Its Applications (명세 기반 프로그램 슬라이싱 기법과 응용)

  • Chung, In-Sang;Yoon, Gwang-Sik;Lee, Wan-Kwon;Kwon, Yong-Rae
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.529-542
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    • 2002
  • More precise program slices could be obtained by considering the semantic relations between variables of interest, compared to the existing slicing techniques considering only the syntactic relations. In this paper, we present specification-based slicing that allows a better decomposition of the program by taking a specification as its slicing criterion. A specification-based slice consists of a subset of program statements which preserve the behavior and the correctness of the original Program with respect to a specification given by a pre-postcondition pair. Because specification-based slicing enables one to focus attention on only those program statements which realize the functional abstraction specified by the given specification, it can be widely used in many software engineering areas. Of its possible applications, we show how specification-based slicing can improve the Process for extracting reusable parts from existing programs and restructuring complex programs for better maintainability.