• Title/Summary/Keyword: 회수시스템

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Development of Simulation Model for Waste Heat Recovery from Automotive Engine Exhaust Using Thermoelectric Generator (열전소자를 이용한 자동차 엔진 배기 폐열 회수 시스템 해석 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Ki-Bum
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1022-1026
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the waste heat recovery technique using thermoelectric generator (TEG) in automotive engine has emerged to improve thermal efficiency in commercial vehicle. It is not difficult to recognize the numerous attempts that have been made to develop the TEG simulation model, but it is hard to find the model in conjunction with a particular heat engine system. In this study, 1-D commercial software AMESim was used to develop a computational model that can assess waste heat recovery from a diesel engine exhaust using TEG. The developed TEG simulation model can be used for evaluating the TEG performance of various types of TE module, and the diesel engine model can simulate any type of on and off-road diesel engines. The simulation results demonstrated that approximately 544.75W could be recovered from the engine exhaust and 40.4W could be directly converted into electricity using one TE module. The models developed in this study can be easily coupled with each other in the same computational program; thus, the models are expected to provide a viable tool for developing and optimizing a TEG waste heat recovery system in an automotive diesel engine.

A Case Report on the Sea-Trial of the Seabed Drill System and Its Technical Trend (해저 착저식 시추기 시험시추 보고 및 기술 동향)

  • Pak, Sang Joon;Kim, Hyun-Sub
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.479-490
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    • 2016
  • Seabed drilling system has recently been used to drill seafloor mineral resources. This case report highlights the procedure and result of sea-trial of seabed drilling system at off-shore of Japan on March, 2016 as well as briefs an international-technical trend of seabed drilling system. In case of having less than 100 m drill depth, seabed drilling system is favorable for seafloor mineral deposits which are mostly distributed within a narrow district and situated between 1000~3000 m water depth, compared with vessel-mounted drilling system. The system is featured by the remotely-operated drill gear, which has top drives, drill strings and mud system on it. The core samples are generally recovered to ship with seabed driller after a dive. In this sea-trail, recovery rate of core samples averagely shows about 55% and the recovered rocks mostly correspond to fresh and/or weak-altered basalt. In case of drilling hydrothermal ore deposit, the recovery rate would be lower than 55% because of the fragile nature of ores. Alternatively it is used to collect cutting chips through riser or bins in order to increase the recovery rates. Recently a reverse circulation method is taken considered to acquire the better cutting-chips. Three-leg type outrigger system and four-leg type leveling system are the competing landing-instruments of seabed drill system. However the landing efficiency using these gears has to be further monitored due to lack of case reports.

A New Slip Power Recovery System by Switch Mode Converter (스위치모드 컨버터에 의한 새로운 슬립전력 회수시스템)

  • 박한웅;박성준;김철우;황영문
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 1999
  • A new slip power recovery system applying a switch mode converter to the rotor circuit of the wound rotor induction machine is proposed and investigated in this paper. With the analysis of the steady-state performances of the proposed system, it can be shown that the speed can be controlled by the duty ratio of the converter switch and the several characteristics of a conventional system can be also improved. In particular, the low power factor and the harmonic components in the line current, which are the main disadvantages of the conventional system, is significantly improved, and linear speed regulation can be obtained. Theoretical and experimental results are presented and illustrated to demonstrate the satisfactory working of the proposed system.

A study on the principal cost of district heating transportation system related to low supply temperature (공급온도 저하에 따른 지역난방 배관망 기초비용에 관한 연구)

  • 김석순;정찬교;최기련
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Energy Engineering kosee Conference
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    • 1995.11a
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 1995
  • 국내 지역난방의 역사는 서구의 역사와 비교하여 짧기 때문에 아직 기술 도입의 의존도가 높고 설계에 있어서도 서구의 설계기준을 그대로 도입하여 지역난방 시스템을 운전하고 있다. 따라서 우리나라 실정에 맞는 시스템설계가 필요하다고 하겠다. 특히 열원시설과 수용가 시설사이에서 열을 운송하는 열운송시설, 즉 배관망(이후 배관망으로 칭한다.)에서의 공급 및 회수온도가 유럽의 대류난방방식에 따라 설계되어 높게 설정되어 있다. 공급 및 회수온도가 높다는 것은 열운송시 열손실이 많다는 것을 의미한다. 이에 이 연구에서는 일정 배관망 모델을 선정하여 공급 및 회수온도를 낮추어 운전할 때 발생되는 비용변화를 기초로 공급 및 회수온도 저하운전 가능성을 제시하고자 하였다. 그 결과 배관망에서 공급 및 회수온도를 동일 구배로 낮추는 것이 년간 총 비용을 감소시키므로, 운전온도의 저하가 가능함을 알 수 있었다.

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Study on the Development of Hybrid NMP Recovery System for Recovering the Used NMP in Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Manufacturing Process (리튬이온전지 양극제조 공정에서 사용된 NMP를 회수하기 위한 하이브리드형 NMP 회수시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Soon Ho;Nam, Seung Beak;Kim, Dong-Kwon;Kim, Yang Jun;Kang, Sung Eun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2016
  • The availability of NMP, a solvent used in the manufacturing process of cathode material for lithium ion battery, depends on importation, and the price remains high because of the monopoly of BASF and ISP. For these reasons, most Lithium ion battery manufacturers reuse NMP after recovering it from the exhaust air in the drying process. In Korea, absorption method is mainly used for recovering NMP from the absorption tower using the hydrophilicity of NMP. However, this system has a few disadvantages, such as low purity (80%) of the recovered NMP and 100% emission due to high water content of the treated gas. In this study, we develop a hybrid NMP recovery system by combining cooling condensation method with concentration method, by which it is possible to obtain an NMP recovery rate of 99.6%, and a high purity (96.1%) of the recovered NMP.

An Analysis of the Application Technology of Heat Recovery System from Dyeing Wastewater (염색폐수 열회시스템 적용기술 분석)

  • 장기창;박성룡;이상남;라호상;박준택;함성원;박영태
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.195-205
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    • 2001
  • A great deal of energy is necessary with emission of lots of wastewater in dyeing and finishing process, but heat recovery from wastewater is not introduced since is technology is not developed yet. In order to obtain the method utilizing hot water produced by heat source, that is, dyeing wastewater it was investigated the characteristics of dyeing and finishing process and energy basic unit. Energy basic unit of polyester/cotton (T/C), polyester/rayon (T/R) and polyester dyeing process are higher than that of the other process. The average quantity of wastewater for each dyeing company is 20,470 ton/month, the average temperature of wastewater is about 41$^{\circ}C$. Because the SS solution of wastewater in polyester dyeing process is lower than that of the other process, the effect of corrosion in heat recovery system is low. Since the energy price for 1000 kcal produced by vapor compression heat pump is presumed to be 22.50 won, it is found to be very economic heat recovery system, and its payback is 2.09 years for the factory with LNG boiler.

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Cloud-based Integrated Support System for the Bond Management (클라우드 기반 종합채권관리 지원시스템)

  • Kim, Jae-Chun;Chung, Mok-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.54-57
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    • 2012
  • 본 논문은 클라우드 기반 종합채권관리 지원 시스템을 제안한다. 제안된 시스템은 자동화된 통합인증 및 접근제어 시스템으로서, 각기 독립된 모듈을 통합하여, 부실예측을 예상하고 자산을 평가하여 채권회수에 관한 데이터 및 기법을 다른 모듈과 공유함으로써 채권회수 및 관리의 효율성을 높인다. 또한 제안하는 시스템은 클라우드 환경에서 운영됨으로 인하여 금융 사고를 줄이고, 업무 투명성을 높이는데 목적을 둔다. 따라서 제안하는 시스템은 고객의 접근성 및 보안성을 강화하여 기존 시스템보다 효율적으로 사용될 것으로 기대된다.

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에너지 절약 - 자원회수시설 소각폐열, 대체에너지로 급부상

  • 대한설비건설협회
    • 월간 기계설비
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    • s.252
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    • pp.50-51
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    • 2011
  • 서울시는 최근 자원회수시설에서 쓰레기 소각 시 발생하는 질소산화물 저감방식을 개선해 매년 54억원의 예산을 절감하게 됐다고 밝혔다. 이번 아이디어는 독일 쉬텔링거 모어 소각장의 열교환시스템을 벤치마킹한 것으로 마포 자원회수시설 담당 공무원(김창환 주무관)이 지난 해 6월 독일을 방문한 뒤 제안하면서 탄생하게 됐다. 개선 방식은 질소산화물을 제거하기 위해 설치된 SCR촉매탑의 가온시스템을 LNG를 이용한 닥터버너 방식에서 '소각증기 사용 열교환 방식'으로 전환시킨 것이다.

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Efficient Page Frame Reclaiming Mechanism for Flash Memory in Linux (리눅스 상에서 플래시 메모리를 위한 효율적인 페이지 프레임 회수 기법)

  • 김수영;이준원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.688-690
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    • 2004
  • 플래시 메모리는 롬(ROM)의 특성과 램(RAM)의 특성, 저전력 등의 이점을 바탕으로 임베디드 시스템의 저장 장치로 많이 사용되고 있다. 그러나 특성상 읽기와 쓰기 연산의 속도가 많이 다르고, 쓰기 연산을 한번 수행한 부분에 다시 쓰기 연산을 하기 위해서는 먼저 지우기 연산을 수행해야 하고, 지울 수 있는 회수도 제한되어 있는 단점을 가지고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 이런 특성들을 고려하여 저장 장치로서 플래시 메모리를 사용할 때 운영교제에서 최적화할 수 있는 부분 중 가상 메모리 시스템의 페이지 프레임 회수 기법을 최적화하여 쓰기와 지우기 연산의 수를 줄일 수 있는 방법을 제시한다.

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