• Title/Summary/Keyword: 활용도

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Time Change in Spatial Distributions of Light Interception and Photosynthetic Rate of Paprika Estimated by Ray-tracing Simulation (광 추적 시뮬레이션에 의한 시간 별 파프리카의 수광 및 광합성 속도 분포 예측)

  • Kang, Woo Hyun;Hwang, Inha;Jung, Dae Ho;Kim, Dongpil;Kim, Jaewoo;Kim, Jin Hyun;Park, Kyoung Sub;Son, Jung Eek
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.279-285
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    • 2019
  • To estimate daily canopy photosynthesis, accurate estimation of canopy light interception according to a daily solar position is needed. However, this process needs a lot of cost, time, manpower, and difficulty when measuring manually. Various modeling approaches have been applied so far, but it was difficult to accurately estimate light interception by conventional methods. The objective of this study is to estimate the spatial distributions of light interception and photosynthetic rate of paprika with time by using 3D-scanned plant models and optical simulation. Structural models of greenhouse paprika were constructed with a portable 3D scanner. To investigate the change in canopy light interception by surrounding plants, the 3D paprika models were arranged at 1×1 and 9×9 isotropic forms with a distance of 60 cm between plants. The light interception was obtained by optical simulation, and the photosynthetic rate was calculated by a rectangular hyperbola model. The spatial distributions of canopy light interception of the 3D paprika model showed different patterns with solar altitude at 9:00, 12:00, and 15:00. The total canopy light interception decreased with an increase of surrounding plants like an arrangement of 9×9, and the decreasing rate was lowest at 12:00. The canopy photosynthetic rate showed a similar tendency with the canopy light interception, but its decreasing rate was lower than that of the light interception due to the saturation of photosynthetic rate of upper leaves of the plants. In this study, by using the 3D-scanned plant model and optical simulation, it was possible to analyze the light interception and photosynthesis of plant canopy under various conditions, and it can be an effective way to estimate accurate light interception and photosynthesis of plants.

Study(V) on Development of Charts and Equations Predicting Allowable Compressive Bearing Capacity for Prebored PHC Piles Socketed into Weathered Rock through Sandy Soil Layers - Analysis of Results and Data by Parametric Numerical Analysis - (사질토를 지나 풍화암에 소켓된 매입 PHC말뚝에서 지반의 허용압축지지력 산정도표 및 산정공식 개발에 관한 연속 연구(V) - 매개변수 수치해석 자료 분석 -)

  • Park, Mincheol;Kwon, Oh-Kyun;Kim, Chae Min;Yun, Do Kyun;Choi, Yongkyu
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.35 no.10
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    • pp.47-66
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    • 2019
  • A parametric numerical analysis according to diameter, length, and N values of soil was conducted for the PHC pile socketed into weathered rock through sandy soil layers. In the numerical analysis, the Mohr-Coulomb model was applied to PHC pile and soils, and the contacted phases among the pile-soil-cement paste were modeled as interfaces with a virtual thickness. The parametric numerical analyses for 10 kinds of pile diameters were executed to obtain the load-settlement relationship and the axial load distribution according to N-values. The load-settlement curves were obtained for each load such as total load, total skin friction, skin friction of the sandy soil layer, skin friction of the weathered rock layer and end bearing resistance of the weathered rock. As a result of analysis of various load levels from the load-settlement curves, the settlements corresponding to the inflection point of each curve were appeared as about 5~7% of each pile diameter and were estimated conservatively as 5% of each pile diameter. The load at the inflection point was defined as the mobilized bearing capacity (Qm) and it was used in analyses of pile bearing capacity. And SRF was appeared above average 70%, irrespective of diameter, embedment length of pile and N value of sandy soil layer. Also, skin frictional resistance of sandy soil layers was evaluated above average 80% of total skin frictional resistance. These results can be used in calculating the bearing capacity of prebored PHC pile, and also be utilized in developing the bearing capacity prediction method and chart for the prebored PHC pile socketed into weathered rock through sandy soil layers.

Improvement of the Growth and Fruit Quality of Mini Watermelons Grafted onto Rootstocks of the Wild Watermelon Accessions (소형과 수박의 생육과 과실 품질 증진을 위한 야생종 수박 대목 이용)

  • Jang, Yoonah;Moon, Ji Hye;An, Sewoong;Kim, Sang Gyu;Huh, Yun Chan;Lee, Hee Ju;Wi, Seung Hwan;Chun, Hee
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.438-446
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    • 2019
  • The interest in mini watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) with small fruits weighing 2-3 kg has increased by the increasing trend in one-person households and consequent tendency to consume small meals. Watermelon grafting onto cucurbit rootstocks is a very effective way to control soil-borne diseases, such as Fusarium wilt; however, this practice negatively impacts the fruit quality. This study was conducted to investigate the growth, fruit set, and fruit quality of mini watermelon grafted onto wild watermelon accessions (Citrullus spp.) resistant to Fusarium wilt. Five watermelon accessions (Galactica, IT 208441, PI 482322, PI 500303, and PI 593358) were evaluated as rootstocks for the mini watermelon "Ministar". Non-grafted "Ministar" and "Ministar" grafted onto "Shintozwa" (Cucurbita maxima D. C. moschata D.) or "Bullojangsaeng" (Lagenaria leucantha) were used as controls. The roots of the transplants grafted onto "PI 593358" and "Shintozwa" weighed more than those on other rootstocks. Additionally, the transplants on "PI 593358" showed better growth and fruit set in the field than the other transplants. However, the total soluble solid contents and fruit quality indices of the transplants on "PI 593358" and "Shintozwa" were lower, whereas the total fruit quality index of those on "PI 482322" was higher. Thus, the wild watermelon accessions tested can potentially be used as basic germplasm for developing watermelon rootstocks instead of cucurbit rootstocks. The most promising accession for this purpose was found to be "PI 482322".

Determination of Appropriate Location for Baby Leaf Vegetable in Multi Bench System of Rice Seedling Nursery Facility During High Temperature Periods (다단식 벼육묘시설을 활용한 고온기 어린잎채소 재배 적정 위치 선발)

  • Kim, Jae Kyung;Kim, Il Seop;Kang, Ho Min;Choi, Ki Young
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.286-292
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to investigate the suitable of layer on growth of six baby leaf vegetables using existing facilities and equipment in rice seedling nursery. Three kinds of Lactuca(lettuce 'Jinppallola' and 'Romain white', and indian lettuce), two of Brassica(tatsoi and red tatsoi) and amaranth were used as the materials. After sowing, the rice seedling tray was placed in multi bench system(L120×W60×H195cm, 10th floor), which were low(1st) layer above 15cm, middle(4th) layer above 115cm and high(7th) layer above 175cm apart from ground. Irrigation was sprayed 2~3 times a day using a automatic irrigation system. The growth characteristics and leaf color were investigated when leaf vegetables were reached the optimum size(within 10cm of plant height). During the culture periods(29th Jun.~31th Jul. 2017), daytime average temperature was 27.428.3C regardless of layers but solar irradiance was higher in the high-layer than low and middle-layer of 37% and 22%, respectively. The leaf length, leaf width and number of leaves in middle and high-layer have a tendency to increase but, fresh weight was different according to the layer. When the correlation between accumulation radiation and growth was analyzed, all of growth factor of Amaranth showed a high correlation and other cultivars showed correlation with each growth factors. As a result, It is suitable that amaranth and red tatsoi for high-layer, Indian lettuce and tatsoi for middle and high-layer and 'Romain white' for middle-layer. The growth of red lettuce 'Jinppallola' was good at low layer, but leaf color expression was poor. So the high layer is suitable for 'Jinppallola'.

Study of Asiatic Black Bear(Ursus thibetanus ussuricus) Hibernation Day and Temperature Distribution (반달가슴곰 동면일과 기온 분포에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Jin;Jung, Dae-Ho;Kim, Tae-Wook;Byun, Yoon-Seop;Lee, Sa-Hyun;Oh, Hong-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.497-505
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    • 2019
  • Winter hibernation in wildlife is a unique physiological mechanism for survival. For Asiatic black bears (ABBs, Ursus thibetanus ussuricus), hibernation is a very important but dangerous time for the cubs to be born. This study surveyed ABBs living in Mt. Jiri To examine the relationship between the temperature during hibernation and the hibernation days. The survey found that the average start and end dates of hibernation was December 7 and April 20, respectively. The average day of hibernation for females who gave birth was 167.8±22.6 days. The average temperature of 5 days before hibernation was 0.6±4.1C, the average temperature during hibernation was 1.3±2.43C, and the average temperature of five days before the end of hibernation was 12.6±3.1C. The hibernation days of the females that did not give birth to cubs and the males were 120.4±25.7 days and 113.6±25.8 days, respectively. The average temperatures of 5 days before hibernation was 2.1±4.2C and 1.8±3.9C, respectively. The average temperature during hibernation was 0.2±1.6C and 0.4±2.4C. The average temperatures of five days before the end of hibernation were 7.8±3.6C and 7.8±4.4C. These results indicate that females giving birth to cubs have higher hibernation days and average temperatures than the females that do not give birth and the males, which is due to the process of raising cubs during hibernation. The hibernating days and mean temperature for the groups in each lifecycle did not show any difference between the groups. This study is meaningful in that it disclosed the characteristics of hibernating intrinsic behaviors of ABBs. It observed the specific hibernation period and temperature of ABBs bears inhabiting in Mt. Jiri and examined the difference by sex, female(giving birth) and life cycle group according to temperature. The results of this study can be used to prevent the conflict between ABBs and humans in winter and spring and establish the preservation management plan.

cological Characteristics of Hornets(genus Vespa) Considering Environmental Spatial Information in Urban Children's Parks (환경공간정보를 고려한 어린이공원 내 말벌속(genus Vespa) 출현 경향 분석)

  • Kim, Whee-Moon;Kim, Seoug-Yeal;Song, Wonkyong;Choi, Mun-Bo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.506-514
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    • 2019
  • Unlike natural ecosystems, the urban ecosystem proVides an interdependent enVironment in which wild organisms and urban people co-exist. Hornets (genus Vespa) appearing in urban green and parks haVe a positiVe effect on urban ecosystems, but they also cause ecosystem disserVices that cause physical and psychological discomforts to the urban people. Children's parks, for example, are Very popular among children and residents for easy accessibility, and hornets also use them as bases and habitats. HoweVer, there is still a lack of spatial analysis of habitats and appearance characteristics of hornets in children's parks. This study installed hornet traps in 27 children's parks in Cheonan from April to NoVember 2018 in consideration of the life cycle of hornets. We captured a total of fiVe Vespa species (Vespa crabro, V. analis, V. mandarinia, V. ducalis, and V. Velutina) for 32 weeks and analyzed the emergence of hornets in relation to the composition of seasonal characteristics, species characteristics, and enVironmental spatial information. We captured a total of 818 hornets during the study period. They included 290 V. analis (35.4%), 260 V. crabro (31.8%), 100 V. ducalis (12.1%), 87 V. mandaninia (10.6%), and 81 V. Velutina(9.9%). Most of the hornets showed a common feature that queen hornets were largely captured in May through June after they awake from hibernation, and the number of caught hornets decreased sharply beginning in mid-June, which was the cooperatiVe period. HoweVer, V. Velutina showed a seasonal specificity that more than 80% were captured beginning in the third week of October when other hornet species had already entered a decline phase. The analysis of the number of hornets caught in each spot in children's parks showed significant difference among the spots as 363 hornets (44.3%) were captured in top children's parks, and 35 hornets (4%) were captured in bottom children's parks. In particular, the mean NDVI (Normalized difference Vegetation index) of the top six children's parks was 0.79, and that of the bottom six children's parks was 0.38 (t=2.67*, *=p<0.05), indicating a significant difference. The frequency of capturing hornets was high when the ground around the children's parks was grass or bare land. This study is meaningful as a reference study that confirms the ecological characteristics of hornets appearing in green and parks in the city. We expect it to be a foundation for effectiVe urban green area management in the future.

Expression of Immortalization-upregulated Proteins-2 (IMUP-2) in Placenta (태반 내 Immortalization-upregulated Proteins-2 (IMUP-2) 발현)

  • Jeon, Su-Yeon;Lee, Hyun-Jung;Jung, Hyun-Min;Kim, Jin-Kyeoung;Kim, Gi-Jin
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.163-174
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: Members of the immortalization-upregulated protein (IMUP) family are nuclear proteins implicated in SV40-mediated immortalization and cellular proliferation, but the mechanisms by which their expression is regulated are still unknown in placenta. To investigate to expression and functions of IMUPs in placenta, we conducted to compare IMUPs expression in normal and preeclamptic placenta tissues and analyzed the function of IMUP-2 in HTR-8/SVneo trophoblast cells after IMUP-2 gene transfection. Methods: The expression of IMUPs was analyzed in placental tissues from the following groups of patients (none underwent labor): 1) term normal placenta (n=15); 2) term with preeclamptic placeneta (n=15); and 3) pre-term with preeclamptic placenta (n=11) using semi-quantitative RT-PCR, RNA in situ hybiridization, immunohistochemistry, and Western blot. In order to evaluate the function of IMUP-2 in HTR-8/SVneo trophoblast cells, IMUP-2 plasmids were transfected into HTR-8/SVneo trophoblast cells for 24 hours. Results: We observed that IMUPs are mainly expressed in the syncytiotrophoblasts and syncytial knot of placental villi. The expression of IMUP-1 was not differences between normal and preeclamptic placenta tissues. However, IMUP-2 expression was significantly higher in preterm preeclamptic placenta tissues than in normal placenta tissues without labor (p<0.001). Furthermore, we confirmed overexpression of IMUP-2 induced apoptosis in HTR-8/SVneo trophoblast cells through up-regulation of pro-apoptotic proteins. Conclusions: These results suggest that the expression of IMUP-2 is involved in placental development as well as increased IMUP-2 expression is associated with preeclampsia through the inducing of trophoblast apoptosis.

Effect of Soil Organic Amendment and Water-Absorbing Polymer on Growth Characteristics in Poa pratensis L. (Poa pratensis L. 에서 유기질 토양개량재 및 수분 중합체가 잔디생육에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Nam
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.317-330
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    • 2009
  • Research was initiated to investigate germination vigor, number of leaves, plant height and turfgrass density. A total of 18 treatment combinations were used in the study. Treatments were made of soil organic amendment(SOA), sand, and water-absorbing polymer. Germination vigor, leaf number, plant height and turfgrass density were evaluated in Kentucky bluegrass(KB) grown under greenhouse conditions. Significant differences were observed in germination vigor, leaf number, plant height and turfgrass density among 18 mixtures of SOA and polymer. Highest germination rate was associated with mixture of SOA 20% + sand 80% + polymer 0%, resulting in 56.3% for KB. Number of leaves at 60 DAS(days after seeding) were greater with KB over PR, while plant height higher with PR over KB. Leaf number increased with SOA, being SOA 20% > SOA 100% > SOA 10% and with polymer from 0 to 12%. Plant height was greatest with SOA 20% and lowest with SOA 100%. Greater density was observed with PR rather than KB due to longer plant height. Turf density was best under SOA 10% and poorest under SOA 100% in KB. A further research would be required for investigating the individual effect of K-SAM, Ca, perlite on the turf growth characteristics.

Development of New Natural Antioxidants for Cosmeceuticals (천연물 유래 항산화 기능성 화장품 신소재 개발)

  • Yoo, Ick-Dong;Kim, Jong-Pyung;Kim, Won-Gon;Yun, Bong-Sik;Ryoo, In-Ja
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.31 no.4 s.54
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    • pp.349-357
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    • 2005
  • New antioxidative substances for cosmeceuticals were screened from natural resources such as microbial metabolites, mushrooms, and medicinal plants. Four antioxidants were isolated from the fungal metabolite of Eupenicillium shearii and their structures were determined to be new phenolic compounds. The compounds were designated as melanocins A, B, C, and D. Melanocins AD exhibited free radical scavenging activity on DPPH and superoxide with EC50 values of 2194and784μM, respectively, which were stronger activity than those of αtocopherol and BHA. Melanocin A showed anti-wrinkle effects on the UV-irrated hairless mouse skin. A novel hispidin antioxidative compound designated as inoscavin A was isolated from the fruiting body of the mushroom, Inonotus xeranticus. Inoscavin A scavenged superoxide radical with EC50 values of 0.03μg/mL, and inhibited rat liver microsomal lipid peroxidation with EC50 values of 0.3μg/mL. Benzastatins AG, the novel antioxidants isolated from the culture of Streptomyces nitrosporeus showed potent lipid peroxidation inhibitory activity with EC50 values of 330μM. A cyclopentene compound with strong hypopigmentary effect was isolated from the fungal metabolite of Penicillium sp. and identifed as terrein. Terrein significantly reduced melanin levels in a melanomacyte cell line, Mel-Ab. It showed 10 times stronger activity than kojic acid, but exhibited no cytotoxic effect even in 100μM. It was suggested that terrein reduced melanin synthesis by reducing tyrosinase production by MITF down-regulation.

A Novel Volumetric Method for Quantitation of Titanium Dioxide in Cosmetics (용량분석법을 이용한 화장품 중 티타늄옥사이드의 정량)

  • Kim, Young-So;Kim, Boo-Min;Park, Sang-Chul;Jeong, Hye-Jin;Chang, Ih-Seop
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.31 no.4 s.54
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    • pp.289-293
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    • 2005
  • Nowadays there are many sun protection cosmetics including organic or inorganic UV filter as an active ingredient. Chemically stable inorganic sunsEreen agents, usually metal oxides, we widely employed in high SPF products. Titanium dioxide is one of the most frequently used inorganic UV filters. It has been used as pigments for a long period of cosmetic history. With the development of micronization techniques, it becomes possible to incorporate titanium dioxide in sunscreen formulations without whitening effect and it becomes an important research topic. However, there are very few works related to quantitations of titanium dioxide in sunscreen products. In this research, we analyzed amounts of titanium dioxide in sunscreen cosmetics by adapting redof titration, reduction of Ti(IV) to Ti(III) and reoxidation to Ti(IV). After calcification of other organic ingredients of cosmetics, titanium dioxide is dissolved by hot sulfuric acid. The dissolved Ti(IV) is reduced to the Ti(III) by adding aluminum metals. The reduced Ti(III) is titrated against a standard oxidizing agent, Fe(III) (ammonium iron(III) sulfate), with potassium thiocyanate as an indicator In order to test accuracy and applicability of the proposed method, we analyzed the amounts of titanium dioxide in four types of sunscreen cosmetics, such as cream, make-up base, foundation and powder, after adding known amounts of titanium dioxide (125w/w. The percent recoveries of the titanium dioxide in four types of formulations were in the range between 96 and 105%. We also analyzed 7 commercial cosmetic products labeled titanium dioxide as an ingredient and compared the results with those of obtained from ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry), one of the most powerful atomic analysis techniques. The results showed that the titrated amounts were well coincided with the analyzed amounts of titanium dioxide by ICP-AES. Although instrumental analytical methods, ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry) and ICP-AES, are the best for the analysis of titanium, it is hard to adopt because of their high prices for small cosmetic companies. It was found that the volumetric method presented here gat e quantitative and reliable results with routine lab-wares and chemicals.