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The Analysis of Spectral characteristics of Water Quality Factors Uisng Airborne MSS Data (Airborne MSS 자료를 이용한 수질인자의 분광특성 분석)

  • Dong-Ho Jang;Gi-Ho Jo;Kwang-Hoon Chi
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.296-306
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    • 1998
  • Airborne MSS data is regarded as a potentially effective data source for the measurement of water quality and for the environmental change of water bodies. In this study, we measured the radiance reflectance by using multi-spectral image of low resolution camera(LRC) which will be reached in the multi-purpose satellite(KOMPSAT) to use the data in analyzing water pollution. We also investigated the possibility of extraction of water quality factors in water bodies by using high resolution remote sensing data such as Airborne MSS. Especially, we tried to extract environmental factors related with eutrophication such as chlorophyll-a, suspended sediments and turbidity, and also tried to develop the process technique and the radiance feature of reflectance related with eutrophication. Although it was difficult to explicitly correlate Airborne MSS data with water quality factors due to the insufficient number of ground truth data. The results were summarized as follows: First, the spectrum of sun's rays which reaches the surface of the earth was consistent with visible bands of 0.4{\mu}{\textrm}{m}~0.7{\mu}{\textrm}{m} and about 50% of total quantity of radiation could be found. The spectrum was reached highest at around 0.5{\mu}{\textrm}{m} of green spectral band in visible bands. Second, as a result of the radiance reflectance Chlorophyll-a represented high mainly around 0.52{\mu}{\textrm}{m} of green spectral band, and suspended sediments and turbidity represented high at 0.8{\mu}{\textrm}{m} and at 0.57{\mu}{\textrm}{m}, respectively. Finally, as a result of the water quality analysis by using Airborne MSS, Chlorophyll-a could have a distribution image after carrying out ratio of B3 and B5 to B7. Band 7 was useful for making the distribution image of suspended sediments. When we carried out PCA, suspended sediments and turbidity had distributions at PC 1 and PC 4 which are similar to the ground data. Above results can be changed according to the change of season and time. Therefore, in order to analyze the environmental factors of water quality by using LRC data more exactly, we need to investigate the ground data and the radiance feature of reflectance of water bodies constantly. For further studies, we will constantly analyze the radiance feature of the surface of water in wafter bodies by measuring the on-the-spot radiance reflectance and using low resolution satellite image(SeaWiFS). We will also gather the data of water quality analysis in water bodies and analyze the pattern of water pollution.

A Exploratory Study on Multiple Trajectories of Life Satisfaction During Retirement Transition: Applied Latent Class Growth Analysis (은퇴 전후 생활만족도의 다중 변화궤적에 관한 탐색적 연구: 잠재집단성장모형을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Eun-Na
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.85-112
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to understand the developmental trajectories of life satisfaction among retirees and to examine what factors differentiate different trajectory classes. This study used three waves of longitudinal data from Korean Retirement and Income Study and data collected every two years(2005, 2007, and 2009). Subjects were respondents aged 50-69 who identified to be retired between wave 1 and wave 2. Finally, this study used 243 respondents for final data analysis. Life satisfaction was measured by seven items. The latent class growth model and multiple logistic regression model were used for data analysis. This study identified three distinct trajectory classes: high stable class(47.7%), high at the early stage but decreased class(42.8%), and low at the early stage and then decreased class(9.5%). This study founded that approximately 50% of the retirees experienced the decline of life satisfaction after retirement and about 10% of the sample was the most vulnerable group. This study analyzed what factors make different among the distinct trajectory groups. As a results, retirees who experienced the improvement in health change were more likely to be in 'high stable class' compared to 'hight at the early stage but decreased class'. In addition, retirees who were less educated, maintained the same health status rather than the improvement, worked as a temporary or a day laborer, and had less household income were more likely to belong to 'low at the early stage and then decreased class' relative to 'high stable class'. This study suggests that there are distinct three trajectories on life satisfaction among the retirees and finds out factors differentiating between trajectory groups. Based on these findings, the study discusses the implications for social work practice and further study.

Outsider Trading Regulation under the Capital Markets Act (자본시장법상 외부자거래의 규제와 개선방안)

  • Chang, Kun-Young
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.41
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    • pp.367-399
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    • 2011
  • This Article examines the regulation of outsider trading under the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act (the "Capital Markets Act"). Outsider trading occurs when a market participant who is not a traditional corporate insider trades securities based on either "inside" or "outside" nonpublic information. Unlike "inside" information, "outside" information is referred to as information not derived directly or indirectly from the issuer. "Outside" information includes both "corporate" and "market" information. "Corporate information" is information about events or circumstances which affect the company's assets or earning power. "Outside corporate information" is information about the company's assets or earning power not derived directly or indirectly from the issuer. "Market information" is information about events or circumstances which affect the market for a company's securities but which do not affect the company's assets or earning power. The Capital Markets Act prohibits both "temporary insiders" from using "corporate" information in trading securities and "outsiders" from using "market" information, such as (i) information regarding the initiation or discontinuance of a tender offer; or (ii) information regarding acquisition or disposition of stocks in bulk. However, the Act does not encompass circumstances (i) where an outsider trades securities based on confidential corporate information obtained through certain types of wrongful conduct; (ii) where an outsider trades securities based on corporate information obtained through eavesdropping; and (iii) where an outsider trades securities based on either outside corporate information or market information created by the outsider himself. In order to plug a few of the gaps left open in the law of outsider trading under the Capital Markets Act, this Article suggests that regulators adopt a relatively broad reading of the scope of § 178(1) of the Act, which is similar to SEC Rule 10b-5, to include outsiders with no relationship to the corporation that had issued the securities. Since § 178(1) of the Act does not require "deception" for liability, it would seem to evade the limitations imposed by the U.S. misappropriation theory. Key Words : Outsider Trading, Insider Trading, Material Nonpublic Information, the Capital Markets Act, Misappropriation Theory, Fiduciary Theory.

The Aspects of Type-Combination of 'Otter Legend' in 『the Joseon tale』 and recognition of the Qing Dynasty and the Joseon Dynasty (가린-미하일로프스키의 『조선설화』에 나타난 '수달 전설'의 결합 양상과 청에 대한 인식)

  • Ha, Eun-ha
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.37
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    • pp.253-281
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the meaning of of "Nikolai Garin - Mikhailovsky's the "Joseon tale". talks about the origins of the Joseon Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. In this paper, we revealed the features of the form of "Otter Legend". And analyzed the confrontation between Nurhachi's family and Yi Seong-gye's family shown in the story. The result is as follows. is complex tale. The start of is 'the typr of Yaraeja'. Next is the story of Myoung-Dang. Myoung-Dang is deep in the water. also has anecdotes of Jeong, Chung-shin. rearranged at least three stories or more. transformed each type of stories, communing the different patterns of stories with different logic. The basic logic of the transformation was to maximize the confrontation between the NuruhachI and Yi Seong-gye clans, the origins of Manchuria and the Chosun Dynasty. As a result, the sacredness of Nurhachi's Family, the origin of the Qing Dynasty, was expanded. On the other hand, Yi Seong-gye s Family was less extraordinary than Nurhachi's Family. Also, the ability of the person is also inferior. This is not the yearning for the Qing Dynasty. This is because the Qing Dynasty and the Joseon have the same pedigree. shows that the Qing Dynasty's experiences should be shared since the Qing Dynasty was born of another clan of Joseon. This is a new perception of Qing Dynasty. This is similar to the interpretation that dragged the Qing Dynasty's history into the Joseon's ethnographic historical point of view.

The impact of exposure to peer delinquency in elementary school students and the mediating effect of aggression: Comparison between male and female elementary school students (또래집단의 비행경험이 초등학생 비행경험에 미치는 영향: 공격성의 매개효과를 중심으로 -남녀 초등학생 비교-)

  • Lee, Sang Hoon;Choi, Bo Ram;Kim, Sung Hee;Jeong, Kyu Hyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Child Welfare
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    • no.58
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    • pp.205-229
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences in the impact of exposure to peer delinquency among elementary school-age students and the mediating effects of aggression. The study utilized 458 cases (220 male students, 238 female students) of data from the 2015 Korea Welfare Panel Study (KoWePS) conducted by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA). The theoretical frameworks used in this study included Bandura's social learning theory, Akers' social learning theory, and Sutherland's differential association theory. The findings were as follows. First, there was no statistically significant effect on peer group's delinquency experience overall, aggression, and delinquency experience by gender. Second, male students' delinquency experience of their peer group had a statistically significant effect on their delinquency, however, this was not true for female students. Third, in the case of male students, aggression was found to mediate the relationship between peer group delinquency experience and their own delinquency, but not for female students. From these findings, we suggest a practical and policy-driven intervention plan, focusing on reducing the contact frequency of delinquency experience and aggression, The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences in the impact of exposure to peer delinquency among elementary school-age students and the mediating effects of aggression. The study utilized 458 cases (220 male students, 238 female students) of data from the 2015 Korea Welfare Panel Study (KoWePS) conducted by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA). The theoretical frameworks used in this study included Bandura's social learning theory, Akers' social learning theory, and Sutherland's differential association theory. The findings were as follows. First, there was no statistically significant effect on peer group's delinquency experience overall, aggression, and delinquency experience by gender. Second, male students'delinquency experience of their peer group had a statistically significant effect on their delinquency, however, this was not true for female students. Third, in the case of male students, aggression was found to mediate the relationship between peer group delinquency experience and their own delinquency, but not for female students. From these findings, we suggest a practical and policy-driven intervention plan, focusing on reducing the contact frequency of delinquency experience and aggression, which was found to adversely affect elementary school students' delinquency.

A Study of Kuwoonmong Writing and Enjoyment in the Aspects of Yin-Yang (陰陽) and Wu Xing (五行) Imagination (음양오행적 상상력에 기반한 <구운몽>의 창작과 향유 방식 연구)

  • Hwang, Hye-jin
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.35
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    • pp.153-193
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    • 2017
  • This study explores the creation and enjoyment of Kuwoonmong (九雲夢) using a reference system called the cultural imagination, which is related to the Yin-Yang (陰陽) and Wu Xing (五行). When Kim Manjung wrote Guwoonmong, he may have composed figures and events based on this imagination. In particular, when he designed the eight seonnyeo (팔선녀), he set the order such as Gap (甲), Eul (乙), Byeong (병), Jeong (丁), etc. and characterized them according to the celestial stem (天干). Thus it was easy to avoid overlapping of characters and to construct various stories and relationships between them. The table below shows the characters of Kuwoonmong corresponding to the celestial stem. In not only the individual person but also the narrative world, Kuwoonmon demonstrates Yin-Yang and Wu Xing's imagination. In this respect, Kuwoonmon can be considered a large symbol encompassing the abstract theory of Yin-Yang and Wu Xing. Of course, the writer, Kim, Manjung would not have tried to symbolize the principle intentionally. However, he was also present in the environment of the cultural imagination that has been formed over the years. The same is true for the contemporary recipients of Guwunmong. They would have had a pleasant experience applying the cultural imagination and strengthening their familiar world view and human view.

Establishment Method of the Regulatory Framework for Communications Reflecting the Ecosystem Elements (생태계 요소를 반영한 방송통신 규제체계의 정립 방안)

  • Hong, Dae-Sik;Choe, Dong-Uk
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.41
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    • pp.401-434
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    • 2011
  • The discussion on the adoption of the horizontal regulatory framework is underway to overcome the problems regarding the vertical regulatory framework resulting from a convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications services. Recently, however, the horizontal regulatory framework shows its limitation to regulate the ecosystem established mainly by Google and Apple. The existing horizontal regulatory framework does not fully reflect the characteristics of the two-sided market and the change in the competition structure in the broadcasting and telecommunications sector. What is important to note is that if the existing horizontal regulatory framework is simply applied to the ecosystem, a regulatory imbalance can be caused among ecosystems. The existing horizontal regulatory framework, which is subject to a value chain structure, categorizes business entities into either contents layer or transmission layer and applies the same regulation to all business entities in the same category. However, in the ecosystem, a keystone-player can be categorized into different layers depending on its strategy. Therefore, if the existing horizontal regulatory framework is applied as it is, the regulatory imbalance between keystone-players located in less regulated areas and keystone-players located in more regulated areas occurs resulting in a distortion of competition. There are two possible ways to establish a new regulatory framework to prevent the distortion of competition likely to be caused by the adoption of a horizontal regulatory system. First, a new ecosystem regulatory framework different from the existing one can be established. Second, the horizontal regulatory framework can be modified to reflect the ecosystem elements. The first approach is hard to adopt given the current situation as the approach requires the analysis of all broadcasting and telecommunications ecosystems including mobile and wired services; currently research and study on the competition conditions in the ecosystems is not enough. Therefore, this paper supports the second approach proposing a modified horizontal regulatory framework through the improvement of institutions and remedies suitable for accommodating the ecosystem elements. This paper intends to propose a way to regulate broadcasting and telecommunications ecosystems taking into consideration the ecosystem elements on top of the Telecommunications Business Act, Broadcasting Act, IPTV Act, the competition condition evaluation system of the Basic Act on Broadcasting and Telecommunications Development, and regulation on common carriers under the Telecommunications Business Act.

Study on the Educational Plan to Enhance Intercultural Abilities Using the Oral Folktales of Immigrants who Mov ed to Korea (이주민 구술 설화를 활용한 상호문화능력 신장의 교육 방안연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Eun
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.38
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    • pp.201-238
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    • 2018
  • As a way of enhancing the intercultural ability needed for diverse cultural eras, this study focuses on the "narration" of the Italian education scholar Maddalena De Carlo in order to determine the "diverse values" created by the "symbolic representation" based on the folktales narrated by immigrants living in Korea. Through this, it specifically presents educational elements and contents that can raise relative sensitivity. The authors of this paper have connected, empathized, and communicated with people of various cultures in order to go beyond Carlo's discussion. The paper discusses the expansion of cultural sensitivity as an element of education through narrative topics using the folktales of immigrant narrators in Korea. It also recognizes the limitations of a desire for a homogeneous union within an intercultural society and thus formulates educational contents for creating a relationship with heterogeneous ideas through the elimination of communication barriers through heterogeneity and a consideration of the surface and the back. This is systemized in six steps. Step 1: Listening to oral folktales of immigrants, Step 2: Finding heterogeneous motifs imprinted in the immigrants' memories, Step 3: Understanding the meaning of the opposing qualities symbolized by heterogeneous motifs, Step 4: Creating narrative topics containing the key motifs, Step 5: Generating the value of symbolic representation as a narrative topic, and Step 6: Expanding the value of life into a cultural symbol. In Chapter 3, this study focuses on educational contents using immigrants' folktales by applying these six steps. The class contents include the recognition of the limitations of desire for a homogeneous union within an intercultural society and the consideration of how to create a relationship with heterogeneous ideas through the elimination of communication barriers through heterogeneity and consideration of the surface and the back. This paper then compares the Indonesian folktale, The Inverted Ship Mountain and the Mom's Mountain, with the world-famous Oedipus myth, to determine what the symbolic representation of these heterogeneous motifs is. In Step 6, when the symbolic system is culturally extended, the incestuous desire that appears in the "inverted ship" is interpreted as a fixation that was created when the character sought to unite with homogenous idea. The Cambodian folktale, The Girl and the Tiger, is a story that is reminiscent of the Korean folktale, The Old Man with a Lump. Through the motif in "Tiger," this paper generates a narrative topic that will enhance the students' intercultural abilities by culturally expanding their skills in how to relate with a heterogeneous being that is usually represented as an animal. The Vietnamese folktale, The Coconut Bowl, similar to the Korean folktale, GureongDeongDeong SinSeonBi, is a story that draws a variety of considerations about the surface and theback, and it shows readers how to build a relationship with a heterogeneous idea and how to develop and grow with such a relationship. Thus, if a narrative topic is generated and readers are able to empathize using an opposing feature formed by the core motif of the folktale, it becomes possible, through immigrant folklore, to construct a possibility of a new life through the formation of a relationship with an unfamiliar and heterogeneous culture.

Need and Contents of Classical River Novels in Secondary Education - Focus on highschool literature textbooks (중등교육과정에서의 고전 대하소설 교육의 필요성과 내용 - 고등학교 『문학』 교과서를 중심으로)

  • Han, Gil-yeon
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.32
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    • pp.119-158
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    • 2016
  • In this thesis we set forth the reasons for teaching classical river novels in secondary education, and investigated the guiding principles for content design of high school literature textbooks. Although classical river novels have great significance in cultural and narrative histories, they were previously consistently disregarded in secondary education. First, we looked at the need for including classical river novels in the secondary school curriculum to create a well-balanced education of classical novels, to link this with modern river novels, to teach the narrative styles and esthetics of river novels, and to let students understand the various cultures of the late Joseon Dynasty. Second, we examined two ways of educating students about classical river novels. For exclusively teaching classical river novels, we recommended the means of teaching and provided detailed guidelines by which they can be taught, as well as provided complete information about the family tree, the story unit, and the scene deployment. To establish the link between classic river novels and their modern counterparts, we recommended the process of teaching accession and transition of tradition by introducing the commonalities and the differences across three generations stories, besides discussing the viewpoints of female writers. When classical river novels are introduced in literary textbooks, students will realize the existence of such novels though they may not understand all aspects of the novels. We suggest that teaching and introduction of classical river novels in secondary education as soon as possible.

Multinational Enforcement of the Capital Markets Act - Focusing on the Anti-Fraud Regulation by the Public Regulators - (다국적 차원의 자본시장법규 집행 - 공적기관에 의한 불공정거래 규제를 중심으로 -)

  • Chang, Kun-Young
    • Journal of Legislation Research
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    • no.53
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    • pp.419-454
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    • 2017
  • Faced with the internationalization of capital markets, Korea needs to protect its investors and markets by applying the relevant laws extraterritorially. The Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act ("Capital Markets Act") explicitly introduced a new provision recognizing the extraterritoriality of the Act. While Article 2 of the Capital Markets Act comprehensively provides for prescriptive extraterritorial jurisdiction, the enactment of extraterritoriality alone does not guarantee that the Act will apply to cross-border transactions effectively. The effective extraterritorial application of an act is inseparable from the adjudicative and enforcement jurisdiction of the act. Specifically, active investigations and detections by the public regulators might be the first step for enforcing the Capital Markets Act. Unlike domestic regulations, however, multinational enforcement actions outside a regulator's home country becomes more problematic because of various obstacles. This Article examines difficulties which domestic regulators may confront in enforcing the Capital Markets Act extraterritorially and makes several recommendations for more effective multinational enforcement as follows. First, the Korean regulators should continue to foster cooperation through the IOSCO and provide international markets with the information and tools necessary for successful regulation of cross-border transactions. Second, the principle of dual criminality should be applied in a modified form for the effective mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. Third, there should be a legal device for the domestic regulator to freeze foreign wrongdoer's assets located outside Korea to repatriate those assets for distribution to defrauded investors in Korea.