• Title/Summary/Keyword: 호흡수

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건강을 지키는 현장-동화은행 본점 도인회

    • 건강소식
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    • v.17 no.7 s.176
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    • pp.2-5
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    • 1993
  • 정신의 건강이 신체건강을 좌우할 수도 있다는 신념 아래 올바른 가치관과 정신력을 추구하는 모임이 있다. 동화은행 본점의 직원들 중 단전호흡에 관심이 있는 몇몇 직원들이 주축이 되어 일년 전 모임을 마련한 도인회 회원들은 남들보다 일찍 아침을 시작하여 남들보다 길게 하루를 살아가고 있는 부지런한 사람들이다. 여기저기서 크고 작은 스트레스에 시달리고 있는 현대인들에게는 단전호흡을 통한 정신적 건강과 마음의 안정이 무엇보다 필요하다고 말하는 도인회의 활동을 소개한다.

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생물전기화학적 기술을 이용한 물질 전환

  • 김병홍
    • The Microorganisms and Industry
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.18-21
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    • 1991
  • 생물은 자기 복제를 통한 생장이나 생명유지를 위해 에너지를 필요로 한다. 화학영양생물은 화학에너지를 발효 혹은 호흡을 통해 생물학적 에너지로 전환시키며, 광영양생물은 광합성 작용을 통해 광에너지를 이용한다. 발효, 호흡, 광합성은 모두 산화-환원 반응을 통해 이루어진다. 생물의 모든 에너지 전환반응은 산화-환원 반응, 즉 전자의 흐름으로 이루어지며 생명현상이 에너지를 필요로 하기 때문에 생명현상은 전자의 흐름으로 이루어진다고 할 수 있다. 모든 생물이 에너지 전환 반응에 산화-환원 반응을 이용한다는 말은 생물이 많은 종류의 산화-환원 효소를 보유하고 있다는 뜻이며, 실제 많은 종류의 산화-환원 효소가 발견되고 연구되었다.

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Acoustic Analysis of Respiration and Phonation Method

  • 문영일;정성민;김문정
    • Proceedings of the KSLP Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.180-180
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    • 1998
  • 목소리를 많이 사용하는 사람들에서 발생되는 음성장애는 대부분 잘못된 발성방법으로 인한 후두의 과긴장으로 인해 야기되는 것으로, 흡기 및 호기를 자발적으로 조절할 수 있는 호흡방법과 성대 및 주변 근육의 긴장을 줄이도록 하는 훈련하는 음성치료가 주된 치료 방법으로 대두되고 있다. 지금까지 음성치료의 효과는 주로 청음인지적(perceptual) 측면에서 많이 논의되어 왔으며 객관적인 자료는 아직까지 별로 없는 상태이다. 더욱이 호흡 및 발성 방법에 따른 음성 분석은 미진한 상황이다. (중략)

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  • Kim, Chi-Nyeon
    • 월간산업보건
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    • s.385
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 2020
  • 삼염화인(Phosphorus trichloride)의 노출기준은 눈, 피부, 점막 그리고 호흡기계 기관지 자극의 가능성을 최소화하기 위해 TLV-TWA는 0.2ppm(1.1 mg/㎥), TLV-STEL은 0.5ppm(2.8 mg/㎥)으로 권고하였다. 삼염화인은 직접 피부 접촉 시 심각한 화상을 유발할 수 있으며 공기 중 농도 2ppm~27ppm 범위에서 작업자가 급성 노출되면 인두, 기침, 호흡 곤란 및 심한 천식 기관지염을 유발하는 것으로 보고되었다. 물 또는 습한 공기에서 삼염화인은 염산 및 인산으로 분해된다.(ACGIH의 인산 TLV 문서를 참조하는 것이 필요함). 피부흡수(Skin), 감작제(SEN)의 경고주석과 발암성을 표기하기에는 유용한 자료가 충분하지 않다.

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Evaluation of difference in respiratory phase between amplitude- and phase-based four-dimensional computed tomography (위상 기반 사차원전산화단층촬영과 진폭 기반 사차원전산화단층촬영 영상에서의 위상차 평가)

  • Lee, So Hyang;Park, Soo Yeon;Kim, Jong Sik;Choi, Byung Ki;Park, Hee Chul;Jung, Sang Hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 2015
  • Purpose : Under the assumption of change to the amplitude based sorting, the study will use four dimensional computed tomography imaging (4DCT) arrayed using the phase based sorting to analyze the respiratory phase difference. Materials and Methods : The study analyzed the 4DCT (4-dimensional computed tomography) images of 10 liver cancer patients that were treated with respiratory gated radiotherapy from 2015 February to March. Using RPM respiratory gating (RPM 1.7.5, Varian, USA) equipment, imaging according to respiratory cycle of phase based sorting was acquired and using a treatment planning system (Pinnacle 9.2, Philips, USA) the acquired imaging according to respiratory cycle was used to measure the abdominal movement value by respiratory cycle. The measuring point was the point where the center point of the Marker Block and the body surface met in the 50% phase image and here the coordinate values Lateral, Vertical, Longitudinal (X, Y, Z) were set as reference points, and on the X, Z plane identical to the reference point, using the identical method the Y axis coordinate value of each 0%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 80% phase images were acquired to quantitatively measure the variation of distance to the Y axis. The abdominal movement value according to respiration was applied to the theoretical model that the value decreases linearly from maximum inhalation to maximum exhalation to divide the variation of my value to predict as amplitude value by respiratory cycle and conversely the variation in amplitude was recalculated with the phase variation deviation value to analyze. Results : The deviation value between expected value and actual location was the largest in the 30% phase with 0.24 cm, and standard deviation was also the largest in 30% phase with 0.13 cm. The effective value of the deviation value derived from the average of the deviation squared value of each patient appeared as minimum 0.7 cm, maximum 0.18 cm, average 0.12 cm, and standard deviation 0.4 cm. Also by dividing the actual movement distance value with the peak expiration value then converting it into %Phase, the deviation value with actual phase 16.5% in 30% phase, 10.0% and 40% phase, 10.0% and 60% phase, 15.4% and 80% phase, and overall average about 13%, and arraying based on amplitude, phase shift occurred and further it was from peak expiration the chance of deviation occurrence was increasingly measured. Conclusion : Based on the results of the study there were differences between value acquired based on theoretical model and actual value. Therefore in respiratory gated radiotherapy using external surrogates, there needs to be establishment of respiration gated radiation system that avoids the combination of two Sorting methods considering that there will be occurrence of treatment and corresponding clinical differences due to the phase difference that occur due to the Amplitude based Phase Sorting.

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Evaluation of Difference between Skin Motion and Tumor Motion for Respiration Gated Radiotherapy (호흡조절방사선치료를 위한 피부움직임과 종양움직임 차이 평가)

  • Kwon, Kyung-Tae;Lim, Sang-Wook;Park, Sung-Ho;Kwon, Soo-Il;Shin, Sung-Soo;Lee, Sang-Wook;Ahn, Seung-Do;Kim, Jong-Hoon;Choi, Eun-Kyung
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 2008
  • Accounting for tumor motion in treatment planning and delivery is one of the most recent and significant challenges facing radiotherapy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation and clarified the relationship between the motion of an external marker using the Real-Time Position Management (RPM) System and an internal organ motion signal obtained fluoroscope. We enrolled 10 patients with locally advanced lung cancer and liver cancer, retrospectively. The external marker was a plastic box, which is part of the RPM used to track the patient's respiration. We investigated the quantitatively correlation between the motions of an external marker with RPM and internal motion with fluoroscope. The internal fiducial motion is predominant in the caraniocaudal direction, with a range of $1.3{\sim}3.5cm$ with fluoroscopic unit. The external fiducial motion is predominant in the caraniocaudal direction, with a range of $0.43{\sim}2.19cm$ with RPM gating. The two measurements ratio is from 1.31 to 5.56. When the regularization guided standard deviation is from 0.08 to 0.87, mean 0.204 cm, except only for patients #3 separated by a mean 0.13 cm, maximum of 0.23 cm. This result is a good correlation between internal tumor motion imaged by fluoroscopic unit and external marker motion with RPM during expiration within 0.23 cm. We have demonstrated that gating may be best performed but special attention should be paid to gating for patients whose fiducials do not move in synchrony, because targeting on the correct phase difference alone would not guarantee that the entire tumor volume is within the treatment field.

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Safety and Efficacy of the Mandibular Advancement Device 'Bioguard' for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea : A Prospective, Multi-Center, Single Group, and Non-Inferiority Trial (폐쇄성 수면무호흡증의 치료에 사용되는 하악전방이동장치-'바이오가드'의 안전성과 유효성 검증을 위한 전향적, 다기관, 단일군 및 비열등성 연구)

  • Kim, Hyoung Wook;Hwang, Chungpoong;Eun, Hun Jeong
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.84-92
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to estimate the safety and efficacy of a mandibular advancement device (MAD), 'Bioguard,' for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Methods: In this 5-week prospective, multi-center, single group, and non-inferiority trial, patients who chose 'Bioguard' as their treatment option were evaluated using both questionnaires (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS)) and polysomonography (PSG) (apnea hypopnea index (AHI), oxygen saturation). All patient data, including clinical records, PSG studies (both pre- and post-treatment), and adverse events (AEs), were reviewed and analyzed. Results: Results were obtained for 59 of 62 patients (95.16%). No significant difference in success rate was found between the MAD treatment and surgical treatment (95% CI). AHI, PSQI, ESS and oxygen saturation demonstrated significant improvement (p < 0.001) after MAD treatment, and 39 of 62 patients (62.9%) reported 85 AEs. 79 of the 85 AEs (91.8%) were mild cases, and there were no severe AEs related to the MAD treatment. Conclusion: The MAD 'Bioguard' should be considered as an alternative treatment option for OSA patients.

A Convergence HRV Analysis for Significant Factor Diagnosing in Adult Patients with Sleep Apnea (수면무호흡을 가진 성인환자들의 주요인자 진단을 위한 융합 심박변이도 해석)

  • Kim, Min-Soo;Jeong, Jong-Hyeog;Cho, Young-Chang
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.387-392
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study was to determine the statistical significance of heart rate variability(HRV) between sleep stages, Apnea-hypopnea index(AHI) and age in patients with obstructive sleep apnea(OSA). This study evaluated the main parameters of HRV over time domain and frequency domain in 40 patients with sleep apnea. The non-REM(sleep stage) was statistically validated by comparing the AHI degree of the three groups(mild, moderate, severe) of sleep apnea patients. The NN50(p=0.043), pNN50(p=0.044), VLF peak(p=0.022), LF/HF(p=0.028) were statistically significant in the R-R interval of patients with sleep apnea from the control group (p<0.05). The LF / HF (p = 0.045) and HF power (p = 0.0395) parameters between the non-RAM sleep (sleep 2 phase) and REM sleep in patients with sleep apnea were statistically significant in the control group(p<0.05). We may be able to provide a basis for understanding the correlation among AHI, sleep stage and age and heart rate variability in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.

Study of the Respiratory Monitoring System by Using the MEMS Acceleration Sensor (MEMS 가속도 센서를 이용한 환자 호흡동작 모니터링 체계 연구)

  • Sung, Jiwon;Yoon, Myonggeun;Chung, Weon Kuu;Kim, Dong Wook;Shin, Dong Oh
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we developed and evaluated the patient respiration training method which can help to avoid the problems for the limitation of RGRT applicable patient cases. By using the MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical-system) acceleration sensor, we measured movement of motion phantom. We had compared the response of MEMS with commercially introduced real time patient monitoring (RPM) system. We measured the response of the MEMS with 1 dimensional motion phantom movement for 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 second of period and the 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 cm of the amplitudes. The measured period error of the MEMS system was 0.6~6.0% compared with measured period using RPM system. We found that the shape of MEMS signals were similar with RPM system. From this study, we found the possibility of MEMS as patient training system.