• Title/Summary/Keyword: 호흡기 질환

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Comparision of Chest Radiographs and Pulmonary Function in Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis and Welders' Lung (탄광부 진폐증과 용접공 폐증에 있어 흉부-X선 소견과 폐기능의 비교)

  • Park, Dong-Youl;Hwang, Joo-Ho;Kang, Byung-Son;Chung, Chan-Su;Kim, Wha-Jo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.713-722
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    • 1995
  • Background: Chest X-ray of coal workers' pneumoconiosis and shipyard welders' lung show similar and regular opacities mostly, it is very difficult that we distinguish the former from the latter by only chest X-ray. so we performed this study to understand the progression of the disease and to provide the disease by considering pulmonary function and other factors in proportion to the profusion of small regular opacities of chest X-ray in both groups. Method: 430 coal workers' pneumoconiosis were compared with 311 shipyard welders' lung by the number, the age, the duration of dust exposure, %vital capacity(%VC), %FEV1.0, the type of ventilatory impairment, the combined pulmonary disease according to the profusion of small regular opacities on the chest radiographs, which were classified into category 0/1, category 1, and category 2. Result: 1) the percent of category 2 in coal workers' pneumoconiosis was 54.4%. the percent of category 1, and category 2 in welders' lung were 60.0%, 7.4%. the progression to the category 2 was higher in coal workers' pneumoconiosis than in welders' lung 2) The mean age was higher in coal workers' pneumoconiosis than in welders' lung, significantly increased in proportion to the progresion of profusion of small regular opacities in both groups 3) There was no difference in the duration of dust exposure by category 1/0, but the duration of dust exposure by category 1, 2 in coal workers' pneumoconiosis more significantly increased than in welders' lung. the duration in the proportion of category 2 to category 0/1, 1 significantly increased in the proportion to small regular opacities in coal workers' pneumoconiosis. but there was no significant difference in the proportion to small regular opacities in duration of dust exposure in welders' lung. 4) There was no significant difference of mean values of %VC(%vital capacity)in both groups except for category 1. the mean values of %VC had no relationship between the progression of small regular opacities in both groups. 5) The mean values of %FEV1.0 decreased more significantly in coal workers' pneumoconiosis than in welders' lung except for category 0/1. and decreased significantly in proportion to the profusion of small regular opacities in coal workers' pneumoconiosis. there was significant difference of %FEV1.0 in the proportion of category 2 to category 011 in welders' lung. 6) there were no significant difference of %FEV1.0, %VC in smoker and nonsmoker in both groups. 7) With regard to the type of ventilation in both groups in coal workers' pneumoconiosis 21.4 percent of patients belonged to the restrictive type, 11.6 percent to the obstructive type, 5.6 percent to the combined type, but in welders' lung 21.8 percent to the restrictive type, 2.9 percent to the obstructive type, 1.9 percent to the combined type. 8. in the pulmonary disease, the incidence of the pulmonary tuberculosis was the most in both groups, was more in coal workers' pneumoconiosis than welders' lung Conclusion: If we compare coal workers' pneumoconiosis with electric arc welders'lung by considering pulmonary function and other factors in proportion to the profusion of chest X-ray, I think that we will have the better result in understanding the progression of the disease and provision of the disease in both groups.

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Study for Treatment Effects and Prognostic Factors of Bronchial Asthma -Follow Up Over 2 Years- (2년 이상 관찰중인 성안 기관지 천식환자의 치료 효과 및 예후인자에 관한 연구)

  • Choung, Bo-Young;Park, Jung-Won;Kim, Sung-Kyu;Hong, Chein-Soo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.559-573
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    • 1997
  • Background : Asthma causes recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and cough. These symptoms are usually associated with widespread but variable airflow limitation that is partly reversible either spontaneously or with treatment. The inflammation also causes an associated increase in airway responsiveness to a variety of stimuli. Method : Of the 403 adult bronchial asthma patients enrolled from March 1992 to March 1994 in Allergy Clinics of Severance Hospital in Yonsei University, this study reviewed the 97 cases to evaluate the treatment effects and to analyse prognostic factors. The patients were classified to five groups according to treatment responses ; group 1 (non control group) : patients who were not controlled during following up, group 2 (high step treatment group) : patients who were controlled longer than 3 months by step 3 or 4 treatment of "Global initiative for asthma, Global strategy for asthma management and prevention" (NHLBI/WHO) with PFR(%) larger than 80%, group 3 (short term control group) : patients who were controlled less than 1 year by step 1 or 2 treatment of NHLBI/WHO, group 4 (intermediate term control group) : patients who were controlled for more than 1 year but less than 2 years by step 1 or 2 treatment of NHLBI/WHO, group 5 (long term control group) : patients who were controlled for more than 2 years by step 1 or 2 treatment of NHLBI/WHO. Especially the patients who were controlled more than 1 year with negatively converted methacholine test and no eosinophil in sputum were classified to methacholine negative conversion group. We reviewed patients' history, atopy score, total IgE, specific IgE, methacholine PC20 and peripheral blood eosinophil count, pulmonary function test, steroid doses and aggrevation numbers after treatment. Results : On analysis of 98 patients, 20 cases(20.6%) were classified to group 1, 26 cases(26.8%) to group 2, 23 cases(23.7%) to group 3, 15 cases(15.5%) to group 4, and 13 cases(13.4%) to groups 5. There were no differences of sex, asthma type, family history, smoking history, allergic rhinitis and aspirin allergy among the groups. In long term control group, asthma onset age was younger, symptom duration was shorter, and initial pulmonary function was better. The long term control group required lower amounts of oral steroid. had less aggrevation during first 3months after starting treatment and shorter duration from enrollment to control Atopy, allergic skin test, sputum and blood eosinophil, total IgE, nonspecific bronchial responsiveness was not significantly different among the groups. Seven out of 28 patients who were controlled more than 1 years showed negatively converted methachloine test and no eosinophils in the sputum. The mean control duration was $20.3{\pm}9.7$ months and relapse did not occur. Conclusion : Patients who had asthma of onset age younger, shorter symptom duration, better PFT, lower treatment initial steps, lower amounts of steroid needs and less aggravation numbers after starting treatment were classified in the long term control groups compared to the others.

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Preoperative Evaluation for the Prediction of Postoperative Mortality and Morbidity in Lung Cancer Candidates with Impaired Lung Function (폐기능이 저하된 폐암환자에서 폐절제술후 합병증의 예측 인자 평가에 관한 전향적 연구)

  • Perk, Jeong-Woong;Jeong, Sung-Whan;Nam, Gui-Hyun;Suh, Gee-Young;Kim, Ho-Cheol;Chung, Man-Pyo;Kim, Ho-Joong;Kwon, O-Jung;Rhee, Chong-H.
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2000
  • Background: The evaluation of candidates for successful lung resection is important. Our study was conducted to determine the preoperative predictors of postoperative mortality and morbidity in lung cancer patients with impaired lung function. Method; Between October 1, 1995 and August 31, 1997, 36 lung resection candidates for lung cancer with $FEV_1$ of less than 2L or 60% of predicted value were included prospectively. Age, sex, weight loss, hematocrit, serum albumin, EKG and concomitant illness were considered as systemic potential predictors for successful lung resection. Smoking history, presence of pneumonia, dyspnea scale(l to 4), arterial blood gas analysis with room air breathing, routine pulmonary function test were also included for the analysis. In addition, predicted postoperative(ppo) pulmonary factors such as ppo-$FEV_1$ ppo-diffusing capacity(DLco), predicted postoperative product(PPP) of ppo-$FEV_1%{\times}$ppo-DLco% and ppo-maximal $O_2$ uptake($VO_2$max) were also measured. Results: There were 31 men and 5 women with the median age of 65 years(range, 44 to 82) and a mean $FEV_1$ of $1.78{\pm}0.06L$. Pneumonectomy was performed in 14 patients, bilobectomy in 8, lobectomy in 14. Pulmonary complications developed in 10 patients; cardiac complications in 3, other complications(empyema, air leak, bleeding) in 4. Twelve patients were managed in the intensive care unit for more than 48 hours. Two patients died within 30 days after operation. The ppo-$VO_2$max was less than 10 ml/kg/min in these two patients. MVV was the only predictor for the pulmonary complications. However, there was no predictor for the post operative death in this study. Conclusions: Based on the results, MVV was the useful predictor for postoperative pulmonary complications in lung cancer resection candidates with impaired lung function In addition, ppo-$VO_2$max value less than 10 ml/kg/min was associated with postoperative death, so exercise pulmonary function test could be useful as preoperative test. But further studies are needed to validate this result.

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Diagnostic Value of ADA Multiplied by Lymphocyte to Neutrophil Ratio in Tuberculous Pleurisy (결핵성 흉막염에서 ADA 활성도와 림프구/중성구 비의 곱의 진단적 유용성)

  • Jeon, Eun Ju;Kwak, Hee Won;Song, Ju Han;Lee, Young Woo;Jeong, Jae Woo;Choi, Jae Cheol;Shin, Jong Wook;Kim, Jae Yeol;Park, In Won;Choi, Byoung Whui
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.63 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2007
  • Background: Many diagnostic approaches for defining the definitive cause of pleurisy should be included due to the large variety of diseases resulting in pleural effusion. Although ADA is a useful diagnostic tool for making a differential diagnosis of pleural effusion, particularly for tuberculous pleural effusion, a definitive diagnostic cut-off value remains problematic in Korea. It was hypothesized that ADA multiplied by the Lymphocyte/Neutrophil ratio(L/N ratio) might be more powerful for making a differential diagnosis of pleural effusion. Methods: One hundred and ninety patients, who underwent thoracentesis and treatment in Chung-Ang University Hospital from January, 2005 through to February 2006, were evaluated. The clinical characteristics, radiologic data and the examination of the pleural effusion were analyzed retrospectively. Results: 1. Among the 190 patients, 59 patients (31.1%) were diagnosed with tuberculous pleurisy, 45 patients(23.7%) with parapneumonic effusion, 42 patients(22.1%) with malignant effusions, 36 patients(18.9%) with transudate, and 8 patients(4.2%) with empyema. One hundred and twenty one patients were found to have an ADA activity of 1 to 39 IU/L(63.7%). Twenty-nine were found to have an ADA activity of 40 to 75 IU/L(15.3%) and 40 were found to have an ADA activity of 75 IU/L or greater(21.0%). 2. Among the patients with tuberculous pleurisy, 5(8%), 18(30%) and 36 patients(60%) had an ADA activity ranging from 1 to 39 IU/L, 40 to 75 IU/L, and 75 IU/L or greater, respectively. In those with an ADA activitiy 40 to 75 IU/L, 18 patients(62%) had tuberculous pleurisy, 9(31%) had parapneumonic effusion and empyema, and 1(3.4%) had a malignant effusion. 3. In those with an ADA activity of 40 to 75 IU/L, there was no significant difference between tuberculous pleurisy and non-tuberculous pleural effusion(tuberculous pleurisy : 61.3 ${\pm}$ 9.2 IU/L, non-tuberculous pleural effusion : 53.3${\pm}$10.5 IU/L). 4. The mean L/N ratio of those with tuberculous pleurisy was 39.1 ${\pm}$ 44.6, which was significantly higher than nontuberculous pleural effusion patients (p<0.05). The mean ADA x L/N ratio of the tuberculous pleurisy patients was 2,445.7 ${\pm}$ 2,818.5, which was significantly higher than the non-tuberculous pleural effusion patients (level p<0.05). 5. ROC analysis showed that the ADA x L/N ratio had a higher diagnostic value than the ADA alone in the group with an ADA between 40-75 IU/L. Conclusion: The ADA multiplied by the lymphocyte-to-neutrophil ratio might provide a more definitive diagnosis of tuberculous pleurisy.

The Recovery of Left Ventricular Function after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Severe Ischemic Left Ventricular Dysfunction: Off-pump Versus On-pump (심한 허혈성 좌심실 기능부전 환자에서 관상동맥우회술시 체외순환 여부에 따른 좌심실 기능 회복력 비교)

  • Kim Jae Hyun;Kim Gun Gyk;Baek Man Jong;Oh Sam Sae;Kim Chong Whan;Na Chan-Young
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.2 s.247
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2005
  • Background: Adverse effects of cardiopulmonary bypass can be avoided by 'Off-pump' coronary artery bypass (OPCAB) surgery. Recent studies have reported that OPCAB had the most beneficial impact on patients at highest risk by reducing bypass-related complications. The purpose of this study is to compare the outcome of OPCAB and conventional coronary artery bypass grafting (CCAB) in patients with poor left ventricular (LV) function. Material and Method: From March 1997 to February 2004, seventy five patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of $35\%$ or less underwent isolated coronary artery bypass grafting at our institute. Of these patients, 33 patients underwent OPCAB and 42 underwent CCAB. Preoperative risk factors, operative and postoperative outcomes, including LV functional change, were compared and analysed. Result: Patients undergoing CCAB were more likely to have unstable angina, three vessel disease and acute myocardial infarction among the preoperative factors. OPCAB group had significantly lower mean operation time, less numbers of total distal anastomoses per patient and less numbers of distal anastomoses per patient in the circumflex territory than the CCAB group. There was no difference between the groups in regard to in-hospital mortality $(OPCAB\; 9.1\%\;(n=3)\;Vs.\;CCAB\;9.5\%\;(n=4)),$ intubation time, the length of stay in intensive care unit and in hospital postoperatively. Postoperative complication occurred more in CCAB group but did not show statistical difference. On follow-up echocardiography, OPCAB group showed $9.1\%$ improvement in mean LVEF, 4.3 mm decrease in mean left ventricular end-diastolic dimension (LVEDD) and 4.2 mm decrease in mean left ventricular end-systolic dimension (LVESD). CCAB group showed $11.0\%$ improvement in mean LVEF, 5.1 mm decrease in mean LVEDD and 5.5 mm decrease in mean LVESD. But there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: This study showed that LV function improves postoperatively in patients with severe ischemic LV dysfunction, but failed to show any difference in the degree of improvement between OPCAB and CCAB. In terms of operative mortality rate and LV functional recovery, the results of OPCAB were as good as those of CCAB in patients with poor LV function. But, OPCAB procedure was advantageous in shortening of operative time and in decrease of complications. We recommend OPCAB as the first surgical option for patients with severe LV dysfunction.

Efficacy of Interferon-Gamma Treatment in Bronchial Asthma (기관지천식에서 Interferon-Gamma 치료의 효과)

  • Kim, Kwan-Hyoung;Kim, Seok-Chan;Kim, Young-Kyoon;Kwon, Soon-Seog;Kim, Chi-Hong;Moon, Hwa-Sik;Song, Jung-Sup;Park, Sung-Hak;Lee, Choong-Eon;Byun, Kwang-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.822-835
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    • 1997
  • Background : There have been many in vitro evidences that interleukin-4(IL-4) might be the most important cytokine inducing IgE synthesis from B-cells, and interferon-gamma(IFN-$\gamma$) might be a main cytokine antagonizing IL-4-mediated IgE synthesis. Recently some reports demonstrated that IFN-$\gamma$ might be used as a new therapeutic modality in some allergic diseases with high serum IgE level, such as atopic dermatitis or bronchial asthma. To evaluate the in vivo effect of IFN-$\gamma$ in bronchial asthma we tried a clinical study. Methods : Fifty bronchial asthmatics(serum IgE level over 200 IU/ml) who did not respond to inhaled or systemic corticosteroid treatment, and 17 healthy nonsmoking volunteers were included in this study. The CD 23 expressions of peripheral B-cells, the IL-4 activities of peripheral T-cells, the serum soluble CD23(sCD23) levels, and the superoxide anion(${O_2}^-$) generations by peripheral PMN were compared between bronchial asthmatics and normal subjects. The IL-4 activities of peripheral T-cells were analyzed by T-cell supernatant (T-sup)-induced CD23 expression from tonsil B-cells. In bronchial asthmatics the serum IgE levels and histamine $PC_{20}$ in addition to the above parameters were also compared before and after IFN-$\gamma$ treatment. IFN-$\gamma$ was administered subcutaneously with a weekly dose of 30,000 IU per kilogram of body weight for 4 weeks. Results : The ${O_2}^-$ generations by peripheral PMNs in bronchial asthmatics were higher than normal subjects($8.23{\pm}0.94$ vs $5.00{\pm}0.68\;nmol/1{\times}10^6$ cells, P<0.05), and significantly decreased after IFN-$\gamma$ treatment compared to initial values($3.69{\pm}0.88$ vs $8.61{\pm}1.53\;nmol/1{\times}10^6$ cells, P<0.05). CD23 expression of peripheral B-cells in bronchial asthmatics was higher than normal subjects($47.47{\pm}2.96%$, vs $31.62{\pm}1.92%$, P<0.05), but showed no significant change after IFN-$\gamma$ treatment. The serum sCD23 levels in bronchial asthmatics were slightly higher than normal subjects($191.04{\pm}23.3\;U/ml$ vs $162.85{\pm}4.85\;U/ml$), and 11(64.7%) of 17 patients showed a decreasing pattern in their serum sCD23 levels after IFN-$\gamma$ treatment. However the means of serum sCD23 levels were not different before and after IFN-$\gamma$ treatment. The IL-4 activities of peripheral T-cells in bronchial asthmatics were slightly higher than normal subjects($22.48{\pm}6.81%$ vs $18.90{\pm}2.43%$), and slightly increased after IFN-$\gamma$ treatment($27.90{\pm}2.56%$). Nine(60%) of 15 patients showed a decreasing pattern in their serum IgE levels after IFN-$\gamma$ treatment. And the levels of serum IgE were significantly decreased after IFN-$\gamma$ treatment compared to initial values ($658.67{\pm}120.84\;IU/ml$ vs $1394.32{\pm}314.42\;IU/ml$, P<0.05). Ten(83.3%) of 12 patients showed an improving pattern in bronchial hyperresponsiveness after IFN-$\gamma$ treatment, and the means of histamine $PC_{20}$ were significantly increased after IFN-$\gamma$ treatment compared to initial values ($1.22{\pm}0.29mg/ml$ vs $0.69{\pm}0.17mg/ml$, P<0.05). Conclusion : Our results suggest that IFN-$\gamma$ may be useful as well as safety in the treatment of bronchial asthmatics with high serum IgE level and that in vivo effects of IFN-$\gamma$ may be different from its in vitro effects on the regulations of IgE synthesis or the respiratory burst of PMN.

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Diagnostic Approach to the Solitary Pulmonary Nodule : Reappraisal of the Traditional Clinical Parameters for Differentiating Malignant Nodule from Benign Nodule (고립성 폐결절에 대한 진단적 접근 : 악성결절과 양성결절의 감별 지표에 대한 재검토)

  • Kho, Won Jung;Kim, Cheol Hyeon;Jang, Seung Hun;Lee, Jae Ho;Yoo, Chul Gyu;Chung, Hee Soon;Kim, Young Whan;Han, Sung Koo;Shim, Young-Soo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.500-518
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    • 1996
  • Background : The solitary pulmonary nodule(SPN) presents a diagnostic dilemma to the physician and the patient. Many clinical characteristics(i.e. age, smoking history, prior history of malignancy) and radiological characteristics( i.e. size, calcification, growth rate, several findings of computed tomography) have been proposed to help to determine whether the SPN was benign or malignant. However, most of these diagnostic guidelines are based on the data collected before computed tomography(CT) has been introduced and lung cancer was not as common as these days. Moreover, it is not well established whether these guidelines from western populations could be applicable to Korean patients. Methods : We had a retrospective analysis of the case records and radiographic findings in 114 patients presenting with SPN from Jan. 1994 to Feb. 1995 in Seoul National University Hospital, a tertiary referral hospital. Results : We observed the following results ; (1) Out of 113 SPNs, the etiology was documented in 94 SP IS. There were 34 benign SP s and 60 malignant SPNs. Among which, 49 SPNs were primary lung cancers and the most common hi stologic type was adenocarcinoma. (2) The average age of patients with benign and malignant SPNs was $49.7{\pm}12.0$ and $58.1{\pm}10.0$ years, respectively( p=0.0004), and the malignant SPNs had a striking linear propensity to increase with age. (3) No significant difference in the hi story of smoking was noted between the patients with benign SPNs($13.0{\pm}17.6$ pack- year) and those with malignant SPNs($18.6{\pm}25.1$ pack-year) (p=0.2108). (4) 9 out of 10 patients with prior history of malignancy had malignant SPNs. 5 were new primary lung cancers with no relation to prior malignancy. (5) The average size of benign SPNs($3.01{\pm}1.20cm$) and malignant SPNs($2.98{\pm}0.97cm$) was not significantly different(p=0.8937). (6) The volume doubling time could be calculated in 22 SPNs. 9 SPNs had the volume doubling time longer than 400 days. Out of these, 6 were malignant SPNs. (7) The CT findings suggesting malignancy included the lobulated or spiculated border, air- bronchogram, pleural tail, and lymphadenopathy. In contrast, calcification, central low attenuation, cavity with even thickness, well-marginated border, and peri nodular micronodules were more suggestive for benign nodule. (8) The diagnostic yield of percutaneous needle aspiration and biopsy was 57.6%(19/33) of benign SPNs and 81.0%(47/58) of malignant SPNs. The diagnostic value of sputum analysis and bronchoscopic evaluations were relatively very low. (9) 42.3%(11/26) of SPNs of undetermined etiology preoperatively turned out to be malignant after surgical resection. Overall, 75.4%(46/61) of surgically resected SPNs were malignant. Conclusions : We conclude that the likelihood of malignant SPN correlates the age of patient, prior history of malignancy, some CT findings including lobulated or spiculated border, air-bronchogram, pleural tail and lymphadenopathy. However, the history of smoking, the size of the nodule, and the volume doubling time are not helpful to determent whether the SPN is benign or malignant, which have been regarded as valuable clinical parameters previously. We suggest that aggressive diagnostic approach including surgical resection is necessary in patient with SPNs.

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The Role of Tumor Necrosis Factor-$\alpha$ and Interleukin-$1{\beta}$ as Predictable Markers for Development of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Septic Syndrome (패혈증 증후군환자에서 성인성 호흡곤란 증후군 발생의 예측 지표서의 혈중 Tumor Necrosis Factor-$\alpha$와 Interleukin-$1{\beta}$에 관한 연구)

  • Koh, Youn-Suck;Jang, Yun-Hae;Kim, Woo-Sung;Lee, Jae-Dam;Oh, Soon-Hwan;Kim, Won-Dong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.452-461
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    • 1994
  • Background: Tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-$\alpha$ and Interleukin(lL)-$1{\beta}$ are thought to play a major role in the pathogenesis of the septic syndrome, which is frequently associated with adult respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS). In spite of many reports for the role of TNF-$\alpha$ in the pathogenesis of ARDS, including human studies, it has been reported that TNF-$\alpha$ is not sensitive and specific marker for impending ARDS. But there is a possibility that the results were affected by the diversity of pathogenetic mechanisms leading to the ARDS because of various underlying disorders of the study group in the previous reports. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the roles of TNF-$\alpha$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ as a predictable marker for development of ARDS in the patients with septic syndrome, in which the pathogenesis is believed to be mainly cytokine-mediated. Methods: Thirty-six patients of the septic syndrome hospitalized in the intensive care units of the Asan Medical Center were studied. Sixteens suffered from ARDS, whereas the remaining 20 were at the risk of developing ARDS(acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, AHRF). In all patients venous blood samples were collected in heparin-coated tubes at the time of enrollment, at 24 and 72 h thereafter. TNF-$\alpha$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ was measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All data are expressed as median with interquartile range. Results: 1) Plama TNF-$\alpha$ levels: Plasma TNF-$\beta$ levels were less than 10pg/mL, which is lowest detection value of the kit used in this study within the range of the $mean{\pm}2SD$, in all of the normal controls, 8 of 16 subjects of ARDS and in 8 in 20 subjects of AHRF. Plasma TNF-$\alpha$ levels from patients with ARDS were 10.26pg/mL(median; <10-16.99pg/mL, interquartile range) and not different from those of patients at AHRF(10.82, <10-20.38pg/mL). There was also no significant difference between pre-ARDS(<10, <10-15.32pg/mL) and ARDS(<10, <10-10.22pg/mL). TNF-$\alpha$ levels were significantly greater in the patients with shock than the patients without shock(12.53pg/mL vs. <10pg/mL) (p<0.01). There was no statistical significance between survivors(<10, <10-12.92pg/mL) and nonsurvivors(11.80, <10-20.8pg/mL) (P=0.28) in the plasma TNF-$\alpha$ levels. 2) Plasma IL-$1{\beta}$ levels: Plasma IL-$1{\beta}$ levels were less than 0.3ng/mL, which is the lowest detection value of the kit used in this study, in one of each patients group. There was no significant difference in IL-$1{\beta}$ levels of the ARDS(2.22, 1.37-8.01ng/mL) and of the AHRF(2.13, 0.83-5.29ng/mL). There was also no significant difference between pre-ARDS(2.53, <0.3-8.34ngfmL) and ARDS(5.35, 0.66-11.51ng/mL), and between patients with septic shock and patients without shock (2.51, 1.28-8.34 vs 1.46, 0.15-2.13ng/mL). Plasma IL-$1{\beta}$ levels were significantly different between survivors(1.37, 0.4-2.36ng/mL) and nonsurvivors(2.84, 1.46-8.34ng/mL). Conclusion: Plasma TNF-$\alpha$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ level are not a predictable marker for development of ARDS. But TNF-$\alpha$ is a marker for shock in septic syndrome. These result could not exclude a possibility of pathophysiologic roles of TNF-$\alpha$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ in acute lung injury because these cytokine could be locally produced and exert its effects within the lungs.

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Matrix Metalloproteinase in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (특발성 폐섬유화증환자의 기관지폐포세척액 및 폐포대식세포 배양액의 Matrix metalloproteinase의 변화)

  • Park, Joo-Hun;Shim, Tae-Sun;Lim, Chae-Man;Koh, Youn-Suck;Lee, Sang-Do;Kim, Woo-Sung;Kim, Won-Dong;Kim, Dong-Soon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.303-314
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    • 2001
  • Background : Matrix metalioproteinase(MMP)-2 and MMP-9 have been known to play an important role in cell migration and the tissue remodeling process by type IV collagen lysis, a major component of the basement membrane. Intra-alveolar fibrosis, secondary to an injury to the basement membrane of the alveolar epithelial lining, is a major process in the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis(IPF). Therefore, MMP-2 and MMP-9 was hypothesized to play an important role in IPF pathogenesis. As a result, their level may reflect the activity or prognosis. Method : Forty one progressive IPF patients(age $59.82{\pm}1.73$ years, M:F=23:18), 16 patients with stable IPF for more than one year without therapy(age : $63.6{\pm}2.8$ years, M:F=13:3), and 7 normal controls were enrolled in this study. The MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels in the BAL fluid and alveolar macrophage conditioned media(AM-CM) were measured by zymography and the TIMP-1 level was measured by ELISA. Results : 1) The MMP-2 level in BALF was highest in the progressive IPF group ($1.36{\pm}0.28$) followed by the stable group ($0.46{\pm}0.13$) and the controls ($0.08{\pm}0.09$), which was statistically significant. The MMP-9 level of the IPF ($0.31{\pm}0.058$) and the stable group ($0.22{\pm}0.078$) were higher than that of the control group ($0.002{\pm}0.004$). In the AM-CM, only MMP-9 was detected, which was significantly higher in IPF group ($0.80{\pm}0.1O$) than in the control group($0.23{\pm}0.081$). The TIMP-1 level was also higher in both the IPF ($36.34{\pm}8.62\;{\mu}g/ml$) and stable group ($20.83{\pm}8.53\;{\mu}g/ml$) compared to the control group ($2.80{\pm}1.05\;{\mu}g/ml$) (p<0.05). 3) There was a correlation between the MMP-2 level in the BALF with the total cell number(r=0.298) and neutrophils(r=0.357) (p<0.05), and the MMP-9 level with the number of neutrophils (r=0.407) and lymphocytes (r=0.574)(p<0.05). The TIMP-1 level correlated with the total number of cell (r=0.338, p<0.05) and neutrophils(r=0.449, p=0.059). Conclusion : Both MMP and TIMP appear to play an important role in IPF pathogenesis, and their level may reflect the disease activity.

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The Value of Interleukin-12 as an Activity Marker of Pulmonary Sarcoidosis (폐유육종증의 활동성 지표로서 IL-12의 효용성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyung;Jeon, Yong-Gam;Shim, Tae-Sun;Lim, Chae-Man;Koh, Yun-Suck;Lee, Sang-Do;Kim, Woo-Sung;Kim, Won-Dong;Kim, Dong-Soon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.215-228
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    • 1999
  • Background: Sarcoidosis is a chronic granulomatous inflammatory disease of unknown etiology often involving the lungs and intrathoracic lymph nodes. The natural course of sarcoidosis is variable from spontaneous remission to significant morbidity or death. But, the mechanisms causing the variable clinical outcomes or any single parameter to predict the prognosis was not known. In sarcoidosis, the number and the activity of CD4 + lymphocytes are significantly increased at the loci of disease and their oligoclonality suggests that the CD4 + lymphocytes hyperreactivity may be caused by persistent antigenic stimulus. Recently, it has been known that CD4+ lymphocytes can be subdivided into 2 distinct population(Th1 and Th2) defined by the spectrum of cytokines produced by these cells. Th1 cells promote cellular immunity associated with delayed type hypersensitivity reactions by generating IL-2 and IFN-$\gamma$. Th2 cells playa role in allergic responses and immediate hypersensitivity reactions by secreting IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10. CD4+ lymphocytes in pulmonary sarcoidosis were reported to be mainly Th1 cells. IL-12 has been known to play an important role in differentiation of undifferentiated naive T cells to Th1 cells. And, Moller et al. observed increased IL-12 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid(BALF) in patients with sarcoidosis. So it is possible that the elevated level of IL-12 is necessary for the continuous progression of the disease in active sarcoidosis. This study was performed to test the assumption that IL-12 can be a marker of active pulmonary sarcoidosis. Methods: We measured the concentration of IL-12 in BALF and in conditioned medium of alveolar macrophage(AM) using ELISA(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) method in 26 patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis(10 males, 16 females, mean age: $39.8{\pm}2.1$ years) and 11 normal control. Clinically, 14 patients had active sarcoidosis and 12 patients had inactive. Results: Total cells counts, percentage and number of lymhocytes, number of AM and CD4/CD8 lymphocyte ratio in BALF were significantly higher in patients with sarcoidosis than in control group. But none of these parameters could differentiate active sarcoidosis from inactive disease. The concentration of IL-12 in BALF was significantly increased in sarcoidosis patients ($49.3{\pm}9.2$ pg/ml) than in normal control ($2.5{\pm}0.4$ pg/ml) (p<0.001). Moreover it was significantly higher in patients with active sarcoidosis ($70.3{\pm}14.8$ pg/ml) than in inactive disease ($24.8{\pm}3.l$ pg/ml) (p=0.001). Also, the concentration of IL-12 in BALF showed significant correlation with the percentage of AM(p<0.001), percentage(p<0.001) and number of lymphocyte(p<0.001) in BALF, suggesting the close relationship between the level of IL-12 in BALF and the inflammatory cell infiltration in the lungs. Furthermore, we found a significant correlation between the level of IL-12 and the concentration of soluble ICAM-1 : in serum(p<0.001) and BALF (p=0.001), and also between IL-12 level and ICAM-1 expression of AM(p<0.001). The AM from patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis secreted significantly larger amount of IL-12 ($206.2{\pm}61.9$ pg/ml) than those of control ($68.3{\pm}43.7$ pg/ml) (p<0.008), but, there was no difference between inactive and active disease group. Conclusion : Our data suggest that the BALF IL-12 level can be used as a marker of the activity of pulmonary sarcoidosis.

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