• Title/Summary/Keyword: 형상검사

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Noodle- Making Properties of Domestic Wheats Cultivars (국내산 밀의 제면 적성에 관한 연구)

  • 남재경;한영숙;현영희;오지영
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.593-601
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    • 2000
  • Seven domestic wheat cultivars, Suwon 261, Suwon 265, Eunpa, Kobun, Alchan, Olgru, and Kumgang, and a standard wheat, ASW(Australian Standard White Wheat), were compared in noodle-making properties. The ash contents of domestic wheats and flours were 0.1-0.3% higher than that of ASW. Therefore, domestic wheats required the control of ash contents during milling process. The protein contents which suggest the flour gluten content were 10.32, 11.3, and 9.57% in Suwon 261, Suwon 265, and Kumgang cultivars, respectively. Valorimeter values of Eunpa, Olgru, and Kumgang which indicate the dough formation time and stability were similar to that of ASW. Resistance rate of domestic wheats was lower than that of ASW. Maximum viscosity in Amylograph for Eunpa, Olgru, and Kumgang were in the range of 500-800BU, which were suitable for making noodles. Increase in weight and volume of Olgru noodle was negatively correlated with protein content. Turbidity was not positively correlated with weight and volume increase, but domestic cultivars except Suwon 265 and Eunpa showed a similar turbidity with ASW. The mechanical properties of wet and dry noodles were evaluated by TPA test before and after cooking. Springiness and cohesiveness of wet noodles increased by cooking, and the domestic cultivars showed higher values than ASW. Springiness and cohesiveness of dry noodle were not increased by cooking in any cultivars. Gumminess, chewiness and hardness of domestic wheat cultivars showed higher values than that of ASW. In the tensile test, wet noodles showed no difference between domestic cultivars and ASW. But dry noodles of domestic wheat cultivars showed higher values than ASW. In the color test for lightness, redness and yellowness, there were no differences between flour and dough of domestic wheat cultivars and ASW. In the sensory evaluation, Kumgang wheat cultivar was the most preferred among the wet and dry noodles of other domestic wheat cultivars and ASW. These results suggested Kumgang wheat cultivar to be a practical wheat variety for noodle-making.

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Construction and Tests of the Vacuum Pumping System for KSTAR Current Feeder System (KSTAR 전류전송계통 진공배기계 구축 및 시운전)

  • Woo, I.S.;Song, N.H.;Lee, Y.J.;Kwag, S.W.;Bang, E.N.;Lee, K.S.;Kim, J.S.;Jang, Y.B.;Park, H.T.;Hong, Jae-Sik;Park, Y.M.;Kim, Y.S.;Choi, C.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.483-488
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    • 2007
  • Current feeder system (CFS) for Korea superconducting tokamak advanced research(KSTAR) project plays a role to interconnect magnet power supply (MPS) and superconducting (SC) magnets through the normal bus-bar at the room temperature(300 K) environment and the SC bus-line at the low temperature (4.5 K) environment. It is divided by two systems, i.e., toroidal field system which operates at 35 kA DC currents and poloidal field system wherein 20$\sim$26 kA pulsed currents are applied during 350 s transient time. Aside from the vacuum system of main cryostat, an independent vacuum system was constructed for the CFS in which a roughing system is consisted by a rotary and a mechanical booster pump and a high vacuum system is developed by four cryo-pumps with one dry pump as a backing pump. A self interlock and its control system, and a supervisory interlock and its control system are also established for the operational reliability as well. The entire CFS was completely tested including the reliability of local/supervisory control/interlock, helium gas leakage, vacuum pressure, and so on.

A Study on the Identification of Animal Hair in Food (식품 중 동물 털 이물의 판별법 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Hwang;Park, Young-Eun;Lim, Byung-Chul;Kim, Ju-Shin;Choi, Jong-Hyun;Kang, Tae Sun;Lee, Jin-Ha;Kwon, Kisung
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2017
  • Foreign materials with a variety of types and sizes are found in food; thus, extraordinary efforts and various analytical methods are required to identify the types of foreign materials and to find out accurate causes of how they unintentionally enter food. In this study, human, cow, pig, mouse, duck, goose, dog, and cat were chosen as various types of animal hairs because they can be frequently incorporated into food during its production or consumption step. We morphologically analyzed them using stereoscopic, optical, SUMP method, and scanning electron microscopes, showing differences in each type. In addition, X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) was used to analysis chemical compositions ($^{11}Na{\sim}^{92}U$, Mass%) of samples. As a result, we observed that mammalian hairs were mainly composed of sulfur. Organic compounds of samples were further analyzed by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) that can compare spectra of given materials; however, this method did not show significant differences in each sample. In this study, we suggest a rapid method for the identification of the causes and types of foreign materials in food.

The Antioxidant Activity of Yacon (Polymnia sonchifoliaty) and its Application to the Pork Patties as a Natural Antioxidant (야콘 착즙액의 항산화 활성 및 천연 항산화제로서 돈육패티에 이용)

  • Park, Jin-Sun;Kim, Hyeong-Sang;Chin, Koo-Bok
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.190-197
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    • 2012
  • This study was performed to evaluate the extraction method (Yacon ethanol extracts; YEE, Yacon pressed extracts; YPE) and various levels (0.05-1.0%) of Yacon (Polymnia sonchifolia) on antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. In linoleic acid emulsion of YPE, there were higher iron chelation activity and antioxidant activity than those of YEE (p<0.05). A 1,1- diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and reducing power of both extracts showed a higher rate at 0.5% level. Ground pork patties, which contain 0.5% YEE and YPE, were manufactured and BHT (0.01%) was used as a reference. Physicochemical properties and microbial counts of ground pork patties, containing a different type of Yacon, were evaluated during the 14 d of storage at $4^{\circ}C$. A pH level, and lightness (Hunter L), as well as the yellowness (Hunter b) values of treatments were not different from those of the control (p>0.05), but increased during storage, at $4^{\circ}C$. Lightness values of ground pork patties, with Yacon extracts, showed the highest. TBARS value of ground pork patties that contains Yacon increased with increased storage at $4^{\circ}C$ (p<0.05), and pork patties with YPE or YEE retarded the lipid oxidation, during refrigerated storage, as compared to that of the CTL. Thus, YPE could be used as a potential possibility to inhibit the lipid oxidation of processed meats, during the refrigerated storage.