• Title/Summary/Keyword: 협력 릴레이 전송

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셀 반경 향상을 위한 사용자 릴레이 협력 통신

  • Jo, Seong-Rae;Choe, Wan
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.28 no.8
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 2011
  • 최근의 스마트폰의 보급으로 높은 전송률의 다양한 멀티미디어 서비스가 요구되는 추세이며, 이러한 사용자 단말의 서비스 품질을 보장하기 위해 작은 셀 반경을 갖는 많은 기지국들이 필요하게 되었다. 작은 셀 반경을 통해 사용자 단말과 송신기 사이의 거리를 줄이려는 노력과 더불어 릴레이협력 통신을 통해 전송률을 높이고 수신 성능을 높이려는 연구가 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 사용자 단말들이 불규칙하게 분포되어 있는 셀룰라네트워크 환경에서 사용자 단말간 협력 통신을 통한 성능 이득을 고찰한다.

A Cooperative Hybrid ARQ Scheme with Adaptive Retransmission (적응 재전송을 적용한 협력 하이브리드 ARQ 기법)

  • Kang, Seong-Kyo;Wang, Jin-Soo;Kim, Yun-Hee;Song, Iick-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.3A
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 2009
  • Cooperative diversity is a promising technique for range extension and diversity increase without the use of multiple transmit antennas at the user equipment. In this paper, we propose a cooperative hybrid automatic repeat request relay method with adaptive retransmission to increase the throughput when the SNR of a source user is low. In the proposed method, the source user transmits the first segment of a codeword to relay users and a base station. If the base station fails to recover the information from the received packet, it requests the source or some relay users to retransmit the packet previously sent. In addition, the retransmission type of a selected user is chosen from repetition or incremental redundancy according to the quality of systematic bits in a turbo codeword. Simulation results show that the proposed method improves the throughput compared to conventional methods, and the improvement is significant when the source user has a low SNR.

Balanced Transmit Scheme in Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Relay Communication (Decode-and-Forward 협력 릴레이 통신에서의 Balanced 전송 기법)

  • Cho, Soo-Bum;Park, Sang-Kyu
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2011
  • Cooperative relay communication for wireless networks has been extensively studied due to its ability to mitigate fading effectively via spatial diversity. In this paper, we propose a balanced transmit scheme in cooperative relay communication with decode-and-forward DF) scheme. The proposed scheme selects the feedback bits to obtain the maximum cooperative diversity gain. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves the bit error rate BER) performance as compare with a conventional scheme.

A Low-Complexity Alamouti Space-Time Transmission Scheme for Asynchronous Cooperative Systems (비동기 협력 통신 시스템을 위한 저복잡도 Alamouti 시공간 전송 기법)

  • Lee, Young-Po;Chong, Da-Hae;Lee, Young-Yoon;Song, Chong-Han;Yoon, Seok-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.5C
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    • pp.479-486
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose a novel low-complexity Alamouti coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) scheme for asynchronous cooperative communications. Exploiting the combination of OFDM symbols at the source node and simple operations including sign change and complex product at the relay node, the proposed scheme can achieve cooperative diversity gain without use of time-reversion and shifting operations that the conventional scheme proposed by Li and Xia needs. In addition, by using the cyclic prefix (CP) removal and insertion operations at the relay node, the proposed scheme does not suffer from a considerable degradation of bit-error-rate (BER) performance even though perfect timing synchronization is not achieved at the relay node. From the simulation results, it is demonstrated that the BER performance of the proposed scheme is much superior to that of the conventional scheme in the presence of timing synchronization error at the relay node. It is also shown that the proposed scheme obtains two times higher diversity gain compared with the conventional scheme at the cost of half reduction in transmission efficiency.

Performance Analysis of Adaptive Cooperation Scheme with Decode-and-Forward (적응형 복호 후 전달 협력 통신의 성능 분석)

  • Vu, Ha Nguyen;Kong, Hyung-Yun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.46 no.12
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 2009
  • An adaptive cooperation system is considered with the cooperation decision strategy based on the differences between instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) S-D and R-D channels. Specifically, if the quality of the direct link (S-D) is better than that of the link from the relay to the destination (R-D), the source will transmit to destination directly with all scheme's transmitted power. Otherwise, the source broadcasts the signal with a lower power in the first time slot. Then, in the second time slot, if the relay decodes its received signal correctly, it re-transmits the re-encoded signal to the destination else the source will transmit again with the remaining power. Firstly, the spectral efficiency is derived by calculating the probabilities of direct transmission and cooperation mode. Subsequently, the BER performance for the adaptive cooperation schemes is analyzed by considering the BER routine of each mode. Finally, the Monte-Carlo simulation results are presented to confirm the performance enhancement offered by the proposed schemes.

Design and Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Hybrid CDD Scheme in OFDMA Up-link Network (OFDMA 상향링크 네트워크에서 협력 하이브리드 기법의 설계 및 성능 평가)

  • Kim, Dae-Hwan;Song, Hyoung-Kyu;Cho, We-Duke
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.36 no.7C
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    • pp.435-442
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    • 2011
  • The MIMO has weak points such as size and cost of systems and the complexity of hardware augment. Thus, the cooperative transmission techniques have been recently discussed briskly and it also solves problems by increase of shadowy area. However, limited cooperation scheme is utilized due to a single-antenna at the destination. The base station is simply equipped with multiple antennas. When the base station has multiple antennas, cooperative diversity and multiplexing schemes can be easily applied in the base station. To guarantee reliability with high throughput, a cooperative hybrid cyclic relay diversity transmission scheme is proposed which can use an arbitrary number of relays without rate loss and a modification of the base station. The presented results show that the proposed schemes can be effectively applied to the existing various MIMO-OFDM communication system.

Beyond 4G 시스템을 위한 다중안테나 무선 릴레이 시스템의 기술 동향 및 전망

  • Song, Chang-Ik;Lee, In-Gyu
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2012
  • 스마트폰의 대중화에 따라 요구되는 데이터 전송 속도와 품질이 증가하면서 4세대 이후의 차세대 통신 (Beyond 4G) 시스템은 기존의 셀 기반의 통신 방식에서 벗어나 협력통신이라는 새로운 패러다임으로의 전환을 요구받고 있다. 본고에서는 협력통신 기법들 중에서 차세대 통신의 핵심 기술로써 주목받고 있는 무선 릴레이 시스템에 대하여 소개하고 현재까지의 학계와 산업계의 기술동향과 앞으로의 전망을 알아본다.

Average Data Rate Analysis for Data Exchanging Nodes via Relay by Concurrent Transmission (데이타 교환 노드의 동시 전송 릴레이 이용을 위한 평균 데이터 전송률 분석)

  • Kwon, Taehoon
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.638-644
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    • 2018
  • Relay systems have recently gained attentions because of its capability of cell coverage extension and the power gain as the one of key technologies for 5G. Relays can be exploited for small-cell base stations and the autonomous network, where communication devices communicate with each other cooperatively. Therefore, the relay technology is expected to enable the low power and large capacity communication. In order to maximize the benefits of using a limited number of relays, the efficient relay selection method is required. Especially, when two nodes exchange their data with each other via relay, the relay selection can maximize the average data rate by the spatial location of the relay. For this purpose, the average data rate is analyzed first according to the relay selection. In this paper, we analyzed the average data rate when two nodes exchange their data via dual-hop decode and forward relaying considering the interference by the concurrent transmission under Nakagami-m fading channel. The correctness of the analysis is verified by the Monte Carlo simulation. The results show that the concurrent transmission is superior to the non-concurrent transmission in the high required data rate region rather than in the low required data rate region.

Relay Selection Schemes Using STBC Technique in OFDM-Based Cooperative Wireless Communications (OFDM 기반의 무선 협력 통신에서 STBC 기술을 적용한 선택적 릴레이 통신 기법)

  • Lee, Je-Yeon;Yang, Mo-Chan;Yoo, Sung-Cheol;Shin, Yo-An
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.36 no.7A
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    • pp.640-648
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    • 2011
  • We propose relay selection schemes using STBC (Space Time Block Coding) technique in OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)-based wireless systems. The proposed schemes select the optimum relay having the maximum instantaneous equivalent channel gain among multiple candidate relays. Also, in order to reduce the system overhead, a symbol grouping method which groups some amount of symbols before selecting the optimum relay is proposed. The simulation results show that the proposed relay selection schemes can obtain more selection diversity gain as the number of selectable relay candidates increases. Furthermore, the proposed scheme with the symbol grouping can reduce system overhead without any degradation of the performance in fading channels with low frequency selectivity.

Cooperative Frame Aggregation in IEEE 802.11n Wireless Networks (IEEE 802.11n 무선 네트워크에서의 협력적 프레임 집약 기법)

  • Song, Tae-Won;Pack, Sang-Heon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.17C no.6
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    • pp.485-490
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    • 2010
  • IEEE 802.11n supports two frame aggregation schemes, aggregation for MAC service data unit (A-MSDU) and aggregation for MAC protocol data unit (A-MPDU), to improve throughput at the MAC layer. In this paper, we propose a cooperative frame aggregation (CoFA), which can recover erroneous frames in a cooperative manner based on A-MPDU. Specifically, CoFA receive multiple frames from direct and relay paths, and combined multiple frames jointly. Numerical results show that CoFA outperforms direct transmission and relay transmission over diverse channel conditions.