• Title/Summary/Keyword: 혈액 질환

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Analysis of neonatal sepsis in one neonatal intensive care unit for 6 years (최근 6년간 단일 신생아중환자실에서 발생한 패혈증 환자의 분석)

  • Chun, Peter;Kong, Seom-Gim;Byun, Shin-Yun;Park, Su-Eun;Lee, Hyung-Du
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.495-502
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : Sepsis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the newborn, particularly in preterm. The objective of this study was to analyze the incidence rate, causative pathogens and clinical features of neonatal sepsis in one neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for 6 years. Methods : This study was retrospectively performed to review the clinical and laboratory characteristics including sex, gestational age, birth weight, Apgar score, length of hospitalization, length of total parenteral nutrition, presence of central venous catheter, underlying diseases, laboratory findings, microorganisms isolated from blood culture, complications and mortality in 175 patients between January 2003 and December 2008. Results : 1) Sepsis was present in 175 of 3,747 infants for 6 years. There were more gram-positive organisms. 2) The gram-negatives were more prevalent in preterm. There were no significant differences of other clinical features between two groups. 3) Underlying diseases were found in 73.7%, and the most common disease was cardiovascular disease. The most common organisms of gram-positives and gram-negatives were methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Serratia marcescens. 4) There was statistically significant difference on platelet counts between two groups (P<0.05). 5) Complications were found in 18.3% and septic shock was the most common. MRSA was the most common pathogen in sepsis with complication. 6) The mortality rate was 7.4%. 7) There were differences in monthly blood stream infection/1,000 patient-days. Conclusion : The studies about the factors that can influence neonatal sepsis will contribute to decrease the infection rates in NICUs.

Comparison of growth and neuropsychological function after treatment for hematologic and oncologic diseases in monozygotic twins (일란성 쌍생아에서 혈액 및 종양 질환 치료 후 성장 및 정신신경학적 발달에 대한 비교연구)

  • Kim, Gi Hwan;Kook, Hoon;Baek, Hee Jo;Han, Dong Kyun;Song, Eun Song;Jo, Young Kook;Choi, Ic Sun;Kim, Young Ok;Kim, Chan Jong;Woo, Young Jong;Yang, Soo Jin;Hwang, Tai Ju
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the growth and neuropsychologic function following treatments for pediatric hematologic and oncologic diseases. Healthy monozygotic twins served as ideal controls for comparison to exclude possible confounding factors. Methods : Seven children treated with various hematologic and oncologic diseases were included in the study: acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL; n=2), Diamond-Blackfan anemia twins (n=2), and aplastic anemia (n=3). The median age at the diagnosis was 5.2 (0.3-15) years. The median duration of follow-up was 7.2 (4.9-10) years. Controls were healthy monozygotic twins. Growth was measured and the percentile channels were evaluated sequentially for patients. The K-WISC III was applied and compared in 5 pairs of patients and controls. Results : Similar growth profiles were noted for the twins. The percentiles at diagnosis was 3-10 in 3, 25-50 in 2, and 50-75 in 2 cases. All patients stayed in their growth percentiles through follow-up, except for 1 patient who became obese. For IQ tests, the mean behavioral, verbal and full scale IQ scores of patients were 88.0, 93.8, and 89.8, respectively, and those from their corresponding controls were 92.2, 97.0, and 91.7 (P>0.05). However, 2 children who were treated for ALL had lower IQ scores. Conclusion : Similar growth profiles were observed in the monozygotic twins in terms of height and weight. The IQ scores of patients were similar to those of monozygotic twins. However, prophylactic CNS-directed therapy for leukemia might adversely affect the IQ scores. A further prospective study on larger number of twins is warranted.

Effect of Internal Organs of Todarodes pacificus Extracts on Blood Rheological Properties and Serum Lipid Concentration (오징어 부산물이 혈액 유동성 및 혈중 지질 농도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Sung-Rim;Lee, Sang-Hyeon;Bae, Song-Ja;Park, Mi-Ra;Park, Joung-Hyun;Kim, Mi-Hyang
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2010
  • Menopause increases the onset of hypertension and heart disease. Whereas it increases the blood LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride and total-cholesterol levels, the HDL-cholesterol concentration is reduced. Accordingly, we examined the effect of internal organs of Todarodes pacificus (IOT) on improvement in blood flow ability and changes in serum lipid content by using ovariectomized rats. For this study, the following four groups of 9-week-old Sprague-Dawley strain female rats were evaluated over 6 weeks: normal rats (SHAM), ovariectomized rats (CON) and ovariectomized rats that were treated with IOT extracts. Ovary removal promoted platelet aggregability. However, IOT administration in the CON group after ovary excision resulted in a hinderance of coherence. The blood vessel passing time of ovariectomized rats was slower than the SHAM group. But the blood flow ability, which was slowed down for ovary removal, was improved by IOT administration. Serum triglyceride levels were significantly reduced by IOT administration. Moreover, blood HDL-cholesterol levels were reduced by ovary removal. However, IOT administration after ovary excision significantly increase HDL-cholesterol levels. The biological activity of IOT could be confirmed from these results. Moreover, IOT can be used in the development of functional foods which are meant to improve blood circulation and anti-platelet aggregation function. According to these results, we could know that IOT improved blood flow and anti-platelet aggregation. Therefore, it is expected that IOT can be used for the development of functional foods.

Influence of Uncertainty and Uncertainty Appraisal on Self-management in Hemodialysis Patients (혈액투석 환자의 불확실성과 불확실성 평가가 자기관리에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Hyung Suk;Lee, Chang Suk;Yang, Young Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.271-279
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was done to examine the relation of uncertainty, uncertainty appraisal, and self-management in patients undergoing hemodialysis, and to identify factors influencing self-management. Methods: A convenience sample of 92 patients receiving hemodialysis was selected. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and medical records. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlations and multiple regression analysis with the SPSS/WIN 20.0 program. Results: The participants showed a moderate level of uncertainty with the highest score being for ambiguity among the four uncertainty subdomains. Scores for uncertainty danger or opportunity appraisals were under the mid points. The participants were found to perform a high level of self-management such as diet control, management of arteriovenous fistula, exercise, medication, physical management, measurements of body weight and blood pressure, and social activity. The self-management of participants undergoing hemodialysis showed a significant relationship with uncertainty and uncertainty appraisal. The significant factors influencing self-management were uncertainty, uncertainty opportunity appraisal, hemodialysis duration, and having a spouse. These variables explained 32.8% of the variance in self-management. Conclusion: The results suggest that intervention programs to reduce the level of uncertainty and to increase the level of uncertainty opportunity appraisal among patients would improve the self-management of hemodialysis patients.

항암약물요법후 골수억제가 수반된 진행암환자에서 rhGM-CSF의 제2상 임상연구: rhGM-CSF의 용량에 대한 효과비교

  • 라선영;이경희;정현철;이혜란;유내춘;김주항;노재경;한지숙;김병수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1994.04a
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    • pp.313-313
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    • 1994
  • 대상환자는 40예중 37예에서 평가가 가능하였고 남녀비는 11:26. 중앙연령 42세 이었으며 대상질환은 위선암 12에, 유방암 10예. 골옥종 5예등 이었다. rhGM-CSF에 의한 부작용은 150.250 $\mu\textrm{g}$/$m^2$/d 용량군에서는 Grade I-II의 전신쇠약감, 근육통.심계항진등이 관찰되었으나 특별한 조치없이 회복되었다. 350$\mu\textrm{g}$/$m^2$/d 용량군에서는 8예에서 WHO grade II-III의 전신쇠약, 전신열감, 흉부압박감, 호흡곤란 등을 호소하였고 1예에서 투여 1일러 WHO gradeIII의 피부반응이 나타났으며, 이 중 2예에서는 rhGM-CSF를 250 $\mu\textrm{g}$/$m^2$/d로 감량투여후 상시 증상이 소실되었다. rhGM-CSF 투여전의 대조기와 투여기의 혈액학적 소견 비교시. 평균 중성구 최저치는 세 용량군에서 모두 관찰기에 비해 시험기어서 증가하였고. 평균 총 백혈군 최저치는 150.350 $\mu\textrm{g}$/$m^2$/d 용량군은 차이가 있었고 250 $\mu\textrm{g}$/$m^2$/d 용량군은 차이가 있었으나 통계적 유의성은 없었다. 비혈구치가 최저치에서 4.000/㎣ 이상으로 회복되는 평균일수와 호중구치가 최저치에서 2.000/㎣ 이상으로 회복되는 평균일수는 세 용량군 모두에서 관찰기어 비해 시험기에서 증가하였다. 고용량 항암약물요법후 중성구 감소에 의한 발열은 rhGM-CSF 비투여기에서 18예. rhGM-CSF 투여기에서 8예 관찰되었다고 발열기간은 각각 5-7일. 2-3일 이었다. 임상 양상은 세 용량군 간 차이가 없었으나, 시험기에서 발열의 발현율이 낮았으며, 발열일 수와 항생제 사용일 수가 짧았다. 결론: 골수억제 조절 효과는 용량에 따른 혈액소견에 미치는 영향, 부작용, 감염의 빈도, 감염발생에 따른 항생제 사용기간 등을 고려하여 그 임상 유효성 평가시, 제 3상 시험에 사용할 권장량 (recommended dose) 은 250 ug/$m^2$/d $\times$ 10d 으로 관찰되었다.

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A Microfluidic Chip-Based Creatinine Filtration Device (마이크로 플루이딕 칩을 기반으로 한 크레아티닌 여과장치)

  • Lee, Sack;Shin, Dong-Gyu;Nguyen, Thanh Qua;Park, Woo-Tae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.39 no.12
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    • pp.921-925
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    • 2015
  • The number of people suffering from renal disease increases every year. One of the most common treatments (clinical care options) for renal diseases is hemodialysis. However it takes a long time and has a high cost. Therefore, the importance of artificial kidney research has risen. Filtering creatinine from blood is one of the prime renal functions. Thus, we designed a novel two channel microfluidic chip focused on that function. In order to bond the individual polydimethylsiloxane layers, we have developed a housing system using acrylic plastic frame. This method has significant advantages in changing filter membranes. We use anodic aluminum oxide for the filter membrane. We analyzed the difference in the absorbance values for various creatinine concentrations using the Jaffe reaction. For the purpose of acquiring a standard equation to quantify the creatinine concentration, we interpolated the measured data and confirmed the concentration of the filtered solution. Through this experiment, we determined how the filtration efficiency depended on the flow rate and creatinine concentration.

Effect of Ethanol Extract from Portulaca oleracea L. on the Lipid Metabolism in Rats fed Hypercholesterol Diet (고콜레스테롤혈증 유발식이에서의 쇠비름 에탄올 추출물이 흰쥐의 지질대사에 미치는 영향)

  • Won, Hyang-Rye;Kim, Soo-Hyun;Rhie, Seung-Gyo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Community Living Science Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.77-77
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    • 2009
  • 쇠비름(Portulaca oleracea L.)은 쇠비름과(Portulacaceae)에 속하는 일년생 초본으로 우리나라 각지에 5~9월에 걸쳐 자생하고 있다. 한국보다는 중국에서 식용으로 애용되고 있으며, 해열, 이뇨, 산혈 등의 효능이 있어 임질, 요도염, 유종, 대하증, 임파선염 등에 약용으로 사용하고 있다. 쇠비름의 성분으로는 vitamin $B_1$ 및 C, saponin, tannin, flavonoid, dopamine, noradrenalin 등이 보고되었다. 쇠비름에 관한 연구로는 항산화효과, 항균효과 및 해독효과가 발표되었으나, 고지혈증에 관한 연구는 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 고콜레스테를 유발식이에서 쇠비름 에탄을 추출물이 혈청 중 지질에 미치는 영향에 대해 검토하고자 하였다. 실험동물은 6주령의 Sprague Dawley 흰쥐 수컷을 각 실험군당 10마리씩, AIN-93M을 기본으로 하여 대조군(고지방식이), 쇠비름 에탄올 추출물 투여군의 3군(고지방식이+25mg/kg, 75mg/kg, 125mg/kg)으로 나누어 4주간 실험 식이를 급여하고 사육기간 중 사료 섭취량, 체중증가율, 식이효율을 측정하였다. 실험 종료 후, 혈액을 채취하여 혈액에서의 total lipid, total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol은 효소법을 이용한 kit(아산제약)을 사용하여 측정하였고, 심혈관계 질환의 위험도에 이용되는 동맥경화지수는(atherogenic index, AI) 계산식을 이용하여 산출하였다. 실험결과, 최종체중, 체중증가율, 식이효율 및 장기무게는 실험군 간의 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 그러나 고지방식이에 쇠비름 에탄올 추출물을 125mg/kg의 농도로 병합 투여했을 때 혈중의 total lipid, total cholesterol 및 triglyceride는 대조군에 비해 유의적으로 감소하였으며, 고지방식이에 의해 증가된 동맥경화지수도 대조군에 비하여 유의적으로 저하되었다. 그리고 고지방식이로 증가된 ALT 및 AST 활성이 쇠비름 에탄올 추출물 투여로 유의적으로 감소하였다. 따라서 쇠비름 에탄올 추출물은 혈청 중 지질 개선 효과와 간 기능 개선효과가 있는 것으로 사료되나, 어떤 성분이 콜레스테롤 저하 효과를 나타내는지 보다 자세한 연구가 요구되어 진다.

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Combination and evaluation to multiplex-biomarkers for check of ovarian cancer (난소암 조기진단을 위한 다중 바이오마커 선택 알고리즘 성능 비교)

  • Choi, Kwang-Won;Kim, Seung-Il;Cho, Sang-Yeun;Song, Hae-Jung;Kim, Jong-Dae;Kim, Yu-Seop;Park, Chan-Young;Kim, Young-Mog;Park, Hyung-Ki;Lee, Eun-Young;Lee, Myung-Sun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2011.06c
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    • pp.176-179
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구에서는 T-Test와 Genetic Algorithm을 사용해 Luminex 사용 환경에서 난소암을 진단할 수 있는 바이오마커의 조합을 찾고 Cancer와 Normal간의 분류 성능을 평가해 보았다. 바이오마커는 혈액, 체액 내의 특정 질환 여부나 상태를 나타내는 단백질, DNA들의 지표 물질이다. 정상인과는 다른 분포를 가진 성분이 환자의 혈액이나 체액에서 발견되면 이를 토대로 질병유무와 상태를 판단할 수 있다. 난소암을 진단할 수 있는 바이오마커 조합을 찾기 위해 T-Test와 Genetic Algorithm를 사용하여 분류성능이 좋은 바이오마커 조합을 각각 선별해 보았고, 선별된 각각의 마커조합을 선형분류기(LDA)를 사용해 평균 민감도, 특이도, 정확도를 비교해 보았다. 실험데이터는 두 곳의 병원에서 제공받은 총 58명(Cancer 27명, Normal 31명)의 혈청에서 21 종류의 바이오마커 데이터를 Luminex-PRA를 통해 얻었다. 본 연구에서는 T-Test로 만들어진 마커조합이 Genetic algorithm으로 만들어진 마커조합 보다 더 좋은 민감도, 특이도, 분류정확도를 보여주었다.


  • Kim, Su-Nam;Lee, Dong-kuen;Lim, Chang-Joon;Yun, Seong-Pill
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.110-116
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    • 1991
  • Fracture site osteomyelitis begins rarely with an acute event but rather has a subacute onset. It develops almost exclusively in the mandibular region. The treatment principles of mandibular fracture site osteomyelitis are complete removal of inflammatory tissue and drainage, rigid fixation with or without autogenous bone bone graft and specific antibiotic therapy. But hyperbaric oxygen used as a modality in the treatment of intractable osteomyelitis. In this paper, we reported that the three patients who have osteomyelitis accompying secondary in fection after mandibular fracture.

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The Effect of Bellydance on the Blood Components, Deoxypyridinoline, Osteocalcin in Middle Age Woman (벨리댄스가 중년여성의 혈액성분, 골밀도, Osteocalcin에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Jeong-Rim;Lee, Hyun-Mi;Jeon, Jae-Young;Baek, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.1739-1743
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a movement program adopted from Bellydance, and to analyze the effects of the Bellydance program on the blood Components and Deoxypyridinoline, Osteocalcin in middle aged women. The Bellydance program was composed of warming-up (10min), main exercise (40min) and cooling-down (10min) parts. The 40 middle-aged women between 40 and 60 year old were divided into two group; the control group (8 women), the Bellydance group (8 women). The Bellydance program was applied three times a 12weeks. The result of this study were as follow. RBC, Hb, WBC, PLT, Osteocalcin was measured in a whole blood. The belly dance group showed WBC was more significantly decreased than control group, but RBC, Hb, PLT were insignificant in other groups. The belly dance group showed Deoxypyridinoline was more significantly increased than control group, but Osteocalcin were insignificant in other groups. Therefore this program can be available in middle aged women.